2021-12-09   241 Chapter human face spider message   back to the residence, Han Changming continue refining the Ukrainian-month pill .

With the previous experience, the success rate of his refining Wu Yue Wan is higher, but he cannot refine the middle grade Wu Yue Wan.

Han Changming put a Wuyue pill into the Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd. This incident gave him a reminder that he must get a batch of middle grade medicine pills, which are used at critical moments. Above, the medicine efficacy of ordinary medicine pill is not very good. If the poisoning is too long, ordinary Detoxification Pill medicine will not work at all.

Five days passed quickly. Han Changming has been staying in the pill room for pill concocting. Ye Xin sent someone to purchase materials for Han Changming to pill concocting.

Han Changming sat cross-legged on a green futon, staring at the Vermilion Bird stove in front of him, his expression was a bit tired, the raging fire flooded the Vermilion Bird stove, the Vermilion Bird on the surface of the Vermilion Bird stove It seems to have come alive, flying around, as if flying out of the Vermilion Bird furnace at any time.

After a while, a strong fragrance of medicine floated out of the Vermilion Bird furnace.

As soon as Han Changming secret art was collected, the flame went out instantly. He walked forward quickly and opened the top cover to take a look. There were three black moon pills lying inside, and each black moon pill had a red pattern. , Three middle grade Wuyue pills.

"Finally refined a middle grade medicine pill."

Han Changming gently put out a breath, a touch of relief appeared on his tired face, he the past few days day and night Sleepless, I concentrated on refining Wuyue Pills and finally refined the middle grade Wuyue Pills. From this point, it can be seen that Han Changming's algorithm level is actually not low. What is missing is the number of Pill Recipe and pile concocting.

There is a Pill Recipe, as long as he works hard to pill concocting and refining middle grade medicine pill, it is only a matter of time.

He put away the three middle grade Kurzuki Pills and Vermilion Bird stove, and ignoring the rest, went straight to the residence of the elder.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Changming came to the Inn, and Han Debiao stayed at the Inn. The injuries of the two clan elders were almost healed.

The two clan elders are Han Daoxiu and Han Daoxiu.

"Uncle Daoyun and Dao Xiu, how do you feel? Isn’t it better?"

Han Changming asked with concern, his uncle also died in that scene. In the midst of the catastrophe, I don't know whether it was real death or fake death.

"It’s much better. After taking a good care of it for a while, it should be able to recover completely, Changming, this time. Thanks to you, we bought the Detoxification Pill on the market, but it didn’t work. What you gave us was What medicine pill? The effect is so good?"

Han Daoyuan asked feebly. He has been poisoned for too long, and ordinary Detoxification Pill medicines are useless at all.

"This is Ozuki Wan, a Pill Recipe provided to us by a loose cultivator. By the way, two uncles, I asked someone to help get two middle grade Ozuki Wan, you hurry up Take it to completely dissolve the residual poison in the body and don't drop the root of the disease."

Han Changming took out two middle grade Wuyue pills and handed them to the two uncles to take them.

Han Zhangxiang was too poisoned that year to eliminate the residual poison in time, and the cultivation base stagnated. Fortunately, with the help of Han Changming and others, Han Zhangxiang then eliminated the residual poison.

Within five days, he refined three middle grade Karasuki pills, which was sensational, so he had to find an excuse.

You know, he got the Pill Recipe, and it took him less than six days to refine the middle grade Wu Yue Wan. Without the aid of spiritual water, he could not produce the middle grade Wu Yue. pill.

Han Dao-hyun and Han Dao-xiu have no doubt, Han Changming is the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master, and the chance of getting a middle grade medicine pill is still relatively high.

Not long after taking middle grade Wuyuewan, their complexion became flushed, and they opened their mouths to spew out a big stinking black blood. They exhaled for a long time, and their pale complexion slowly appeared rosy. , Obviously better.

"Uncle Daoyuan, what the hell is going on! What poison have you encountered?"

Han Changming asked with some interest, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, please Eating other poison insects, if they can swallow other poison insects, it will greatly benefit its advancement.

Han Daoxian took a lot of Detoxification Pill, but they failed to detoxify. Obviously, they were not ordinary poisons.

"We came across a group of human face spiders. They are too poisonous. They guard dozens of hundreds of years of soul-breaking flowers. Their toxicity is stronger than that written in ancient records. Cha, suffered a big loss, and luckily broke through. He was also deeply poisoned and almost lost his life."

At the end of the talk, Han Daoxuan showed a lingering expression on his face.

"Human face spider? Where is it?"

Han Changming suddenly became interested. Human face spider is a very toxic poison insect. No wonder Han Dao feels they suffer.

"Out of the Golden Dragon City, to a deserted island three ten thousand li beyond west, we accidentally discovered where there is a soul-breaking flower."

Han Daoxiu said in detail. Once again, the face spiders were in an underground cave. They usually did not show up. They were all Second Rank middle grade face spiders.

The Flower of Broken Soul is one of the main medicines for refining a variety of Detoxification Pill medicines, and the market is very good.

"Ten Fifth Uncle, don't the family grant you regular funding? Why do you still go to sea to hunt demonic beasts?" Han Debiao asked a little puzzled.

Han Daoyan gave a wry smile, and said: "The Spirit Stone allocated by the family is only enough for us to maintain our cultivation. If we want to go further, we need more cultivation resources. The family is not rich either, the price of Golden Dragon City. It’s relatively high and can’t bear flowers at all. The most important thing is that we encountered bottleneck on Taoist cultivation. We plan to go out to hunt demonic beasts to see if we can resolve bottleneck."

The family distributes to the Foundation Establishment cultivator every year. It ranges from 2,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan. The higher the cultivation base, the more salaries will be paid.

Han Daoxiu is the Foundation Establishment Early Stage, and Han Daoxiu is the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage. The Spirit Stone issued by the family is only enough for them to maintain the cultivation, and they must have other income. In this way, they naturally choose to hunt. Kill the demonic beast. After all, the demonic beast of the Golden Dragon Sea domain is rich in resources, and the third rank demonic beast has appeared, let alone the Second Rank demonic beast.

"Human face spider? Let's run another day to solve the human face spider and get the soul-breaking flower."

Han Changming said with a smile, with him With current strength, I am not afraid of Second Rank middle grade demonic beast.

"Changming, your strength is good, but still don't provoke the face spider, if you have an accident, we can't explain to patriarch."

Han Daoyun kindly persuaded. They have suffered from human face spiders and don't want Han Changming to follow suit.

"Uncle Daohuan, don't worry! I have a sense of measure. I will not act without authorization. I will talk about it when your injury recovers."

Han Changming is not stunned. Of course he would not go to trouble with the Human Face Spider alone, and it would not be too late for them to kill the Human Face Spider after Han Daoxuan recovered.

"Ten Fifth Uncle, Changming is smart! He won't mess around, I will watch him."

Han Debiao said with a smile, Han Changming is The most outstanding younger of Han Family, before setting off, Han Zhangxiang repeatedly urged Han Debiao to obey Han Changming's orders while watching Han Changming to prevent him from greed for gaining merit and suffering a great loss.

"Uncle Daohuan and Dao Xiu, you guys have a good rest, and I will see you in a few days."

Han Changming got up and left. He practiced medicine pill for five consecutive days. , Lethargy, need a good rest.

brothers , nursed back to health a few days, I Hu Hansan back       (Chapter End)

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