
  Chapter 243 The Infatuated Han Changjiong   " Twenty Spirit Stones? Fellow Daoist Long, The price is too low! At least 50 Spirit Stones."

Han Changming frowned, bargaining.

Photographed in the power of Master Golden Dragon, Han Changming couldn't refuse Long Yaowen's request, but he couldn't agree to it all at once, making Long Yaowen feel that he was a bully.

Second Rank Pill Refinement Master, refining a medicine pill and 20 Spirit Stones? Send a beggar!    Han Changming refines Wuyue Wan by himself. After the success rate is increased, the profit per one is more than 20 yuan, even more how he can now refine middle grade Wuyue Wan.

Want him to be cheap labor? He would not agree.

Wuyue Wan can only make a period of time, and when other forces refine Wuyue Wan, the profit will be less.

"Let’s do it! Fellow Daoist Han, I’ll give you the Pill Recipe for Qingyuesan. It’s a reward, but you have to hand me three hundred Wuyue pills to get the Pill Recipe, of course. For these three hundred black moon pills, I will give you six thousand Spirit Stones, how about?"

Long Yaowen pondered for a moment, and said like this.

Qingyue San is the Second Rank Detoxification Pill medicine, which is sold in many pill stores.

He just saw that Guangyuanju is not sold by Qingyuesan, so he doesn't mind getting a Second Rank Pill Recipe in exchange.

"Three hundred? I will try my best!"

Han Changming hesitated for a while and agreed.

Compared with Spirit Stone, a Second Rank Pill Recipe is more valuable. Qingyue San and Wuyue Pill are both Second Rank Detoxification Pill medicines, but no one dislikes the Second Rank Pill Recipe.

Long Yaowen beamed with joy, and said: "Okay, that's OK. Here are 20 materials. If Fellow Daoist Hu refines the black moon pill, please contact me with the communication tray. I’ll send someone to pick it up, or you can send it to the Golden Dragon Pavilion."

"Okay, no problem."

Han Changming agreed, it’s nothing to him Difficult.

Long Yaowen took out twenty copies of the materials and gave them to Han Changming. After a few small chats, Long Yaowen left.

Han Changming personally sent Long Yaowen out and watched him leave.

"Husband, Fellow Daoist Long is here for Wu Yue Wan!"

Ye Xin asked in a low voice, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Han Changming didn't hide it either, and told the story again.

"Although I gave Qingyuesan as a reward, but 20 Spirit Stone and a black moon pill, doesn't this treat you as a cheap coolie?"

Some Ye Xin Displeased, she also knew that the situation was not as good as others and had to be patient, but she couldn't help fighting the injustice for Han Changming.

Han Changlu lightly sighed and said: "Nine brothers, we can help refine Wuyue pills, but we can't refine too much. No matter how good Pill Recipe is, it can't match your freedom."

"Don't worry! I know it in my heart."

Han Changming really wants the Pill Recipe of Qingyue San, but he will not be crazy to refine Wuyue Wan.

The higher his alchemy level, the easier it is to attract others to watch. After all, Long Yaowen is a descendant of Nascent Soul Cultivator, and Han Changming dare not care.

"Okay, I'll leave the business to you. I'm going to practice pill room pill concocting first."

Han Changming said hello and stepped forward. Lian the pill room and walk away.

In order not to attract Long Yaowen’s attention, Han Changming dilutes the spiritual water at a ratio of one to seven. The diluted spiritual water can assist pill concocting, and the refined medicine pill is better than the ones on the market. The quality of medicine pill is better, not particularly good.

He took out the Vermilion Bird furnace and pinched the secret art, and a large scarlet flame suddenly appeared at the bottom of the Vermilion Bird furnace.

After a while, Han Changming poured spiritual medicine and spiritual water into the Vermilion Bird furnace. The secret art changed and the flames rose.

······   Red algae Sea Territory, Kuixing Market City.

In a secluded courtyard, Han Changjiong is sitting in a stone pavilion, browsing tightly knit, and holding a letter in his hand.

"Hey, Husband, you came back so soon today? What's going on? See you frowning."

Lu Yue asked with concern.

"patriarch asked me to sell the inheritance stone, the Spirit Stone belongs to me, let me remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch."

Han Changjiong lightly sighed, Some said reluctantly.

"Patriarch is also for your good. Since Patriarch has said so, you can sell the inheritance stone! Anyway, you can make a fortune."

Lu Yue persuaded.

"Didn't you persuade me to hunt for treasures before? Why do you agree to sell the inheritance stone now? This is an inheritance stone!"

Han Changjiong sighed with a look of dismay .

"At this time and now, if you don’t listen to patriarch’s words, it won’t sound good to spread out. The patriarch is so old and good, he must have his own considerations. There is an old family, if there is a treasure, I think we still listen Patrarch’s! I heard that evil cultivator likes to set traps to murder other cultivators. It is necessary to guard against others. It’s better to be careful."

Luyue earnest and well-meant advised.

Han Changjiong looked directly at Lu Yue, Lu Yue's expression was as usual, and she was puzzled: "What's the matter? Husband, am I wrong?"

"Nothing, you are right. I'll sell the inheritance stone! It's better to earn a Spirit Stone."

Han Changjiong nodded agreed, took out the communication tray, and contacted the Foundation Establishment cultivator who owns the second inheritance stone.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changjiong appeared in a private room of a tea house.

It didn't take long for a middle-aged man to push the door and walk in.

"How is it? Fellow Daoist Han, after thinking about it for a few months, have you considered it clearly?" middle-aged man frowned said.

"Think clearly, I'll sell it to you! Just as you said, fifty thousand Spirit Stone."

The middle-aged man heard this, frowned, said "Fifty thousand Spirit Stone? How do I know that in the past few months, you have not sent someone to look for the location of the died during meditation Cave Mansion? There is a Cultivation Family behind you."

, Han Changjiong has seen the outline of the entire died during meditation Cave Mansion. Who can guarantee that he did not write down the map? For the Foundation Establishment cultivator, it is not difficult to remember.

"I can assure you that I didn't do this."

"Fifty thousand Spirit Stone is too expensive, twenty thousand is almost the same. If at first, I would still pay Fifty thousand Spirit Stones. After a few months, I can hardly believe that you didn't do anything about it." The middle-aged man bargained.

"One price, 40,000 Spirit Stone, if you don't want to buy it, huh, I spent a lot of Spirit Stone in order to buy this inheritance stone." Han Changjiong said with a cold face. Said.

Had it not been for Han Zhangxiang, he would not want to sell this inheritance stone. Without the help of his family, he would not go hunting for treasures privately. That would be too dangerous.

The two bargained, and finally the middle-aged man bought the inheritance stone from Han Changjiong at a high price of 30,000 Spirit Stone.

The middle-aged man checked carefully and confirmed that there was no problem, then paid the Spirit Stone and left in a hurry.

"You have made a lot of money and you are not at a loss. Madam has worked hard during this time. Buy her two gifts to reward her."

Han Changjiong smiled, he I spent thousands of Spirit Stones to buy inheritance stones, sold them for 30,000, and made a lot of money.

Earning a large amount of Spirit Stone, the first thing he thought of was to buy something for Lu Yue.

He is lustful, but he is sincere to Lu Yue.

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