
  Chapter 257 Nine Palace Sealing Demon Array

The thunder rhinoceros makes a weird neigh, hard shell pine Open, wings fiercely flapped, flying high, a Dao Infant's silver lightning with thick arms flew out and slashed towards the middle-aged man.

The two heads of Ice Fire Python spray scarlet flame and white Icicle respectively to attack middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was shocked, he absolutely didn't expect, Han Changming actually raised three Second Rank Spirit Insect Spirit Beasts.

He didn't dare to be careless, first took out an azure shield and flew around him unsteadily. With a pinch of secret art, the yellow python got out of the ground and attacked the ice Fire Python.

He took out an azure net bag, which instantly expanded to cover the thunder rhinoceros, and at the same time controlled the azure giant brick to hit Han Changming and Ye Xin.

With a pinch of Ye Xin secret art, a white cold air appeared all over the body. After a blur, it turned into a white ice blade about one chi. There were hundreds of them.


Ye Xin stretched out his hand and gently pointed at the azure giant brick. Hundreds of white ice blades rushed towards the moved towards azure giant brick.

"ding ding ding~!"

A series of muffled noises, hundreds of white ice blades chopped on the azure giant brick, the speed of the azure giant brick slowed down, the surface There is a thin layer of ice.

Suddenly a gust of wind blows, blowing countless yellow gravel, densely packed yellow gravel hits on the azure giant brick, there is a "crackle" muffled sound, the azure giant flies upside down from several feet.

A screaming scream sounded, and the azure giant eagle fell from the sky and fell to the ground. Some brown blood flowed out of its abdomen, which was obviously poisoned.

The two heads of Ice Fire Python sprayed scarlet flames and white cold air respectively, hitting the yellow python. When the yellow python wanted to avoid it, a weird hiss sounded and its speed slowed down.

The white cold air hit the yellow python's head, and the scarlet flame hit the yellow python's tail. The yellow python's head instantly froze, and the tail was drowned in the billowing flames.

Boom! A    huge thunder sound rang, and a silver lightning with Dao Infant's thick arm fell from the sky and struck the head of the yellow python accurately.

middle-aged man turned pale in fright, he didn’t expect Han Changming’s Spirit Insect to be so powerful, the severe expression flashed in his eyes, said solemnly: "You entangle his Spirit Beast Spirit Insect for me , I will deal with them."

Another silver lightning struck Yellow Python's body. The yellow python's breath was sluggish, and the scales fell off a lot, a piece of flesh and blood was blurred, and it gave off a burnt smell. .

Bing Fire Python leaped forward, and the two heads opened, biting the dying yellow python one after another.

With a sound of mournful scream, yellow python's head was bitten by the ice Fire Python. Faced with the attack of three Second Rank Spirit Beasts, yellow python is not an opponent at all.

Three golden lights flew in and turned into three golden-bright and dazzling giant nets, which immediately covered the ice Fire Python and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. The size of the thunder rhinoceros is relatively small. , Easily avoided.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion struggled violently, but the golden giant net bound it, unable to move even a little bit.

The two heads of Bing Fire Python opened their mouths one after another, biting the golden giant net, and tore them hard, but it was useless.

Taking this opportunity, the middle-aged man took out a square azure token with a vivid Blue Flood Dragon pattern engraved on the surface of the token.

He took a deep breath, the mana in his body was like a flood of floods, rushing into the azure token crazily, and the azure token suddenly burst into a dazzling azure light, and the Blue Flood Dragon seemed to come alive, making Wandering on the cards.

A deafening Dragon's roar sounded, and the azure token flew out and turned into a ten zhang or so long Blue Flood Dragon. The body of the Blue Flood Dragon is covered with palm-sized azure scales and wide-mouthed. Teeth, hideous and terrifying.

Look at its breath, this is a Second Rank high grade Flood Dragon.

Azure Dragon order, the azure token seals the spirit of a Second Rank high grade azure light Jiao, which can be transformed into an attack. This is the killing move of a middle-aged man.

"hmph, want to fight with me, go to death! Kill him."

The middle-aged man smiled slyly, and lightly pointed his finger at Han Changming.

The Blue Flood Dragon issued an angry roar and pounced on Han Changming.

At this moment, countless white mist suddenly appeared on the ground, covering the silhouettes of Han Changming and Ye Xin.

Nine Palaces Sealing Demon Formation, this formation is a simplified version of the third rank Formation, obtained from Mu Linger.

When they were in Thousand Poison Island, Han Changming and Ye Xin controlled this formation to trap the third rank Monster Insect for more than ten breaths, and it was more than enough to deal with a Second Rank high grade Spirit Beast.

The Blue Flood Dragon rushed into the white sea of ​​fog, emitting a huge rumbling sound.

The middle-aged man was overjoyed, and he had to increase his efforts. At this moment, the poison mist sprayed by Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion destroyed the golden net, and it opened its mouth and spit out a fishy smell. The taste of purple liquid hits the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man hurriedly backed away, and the purple liquid splashed on the aura of a young woman in a blue dress. The aura of the body dimmed instantly and a blue smoke appeared.

A thick silver lightning struck, the aura of the protective body was instantly shattered, and there was a scream. The young woman in the blue skirt was struck by the silver lightning in her head, breathe one's last.

Boom!    The loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry came from within the valley. The middle-aged man turned his head and saw that Han Debiao smashed the golden robe old man into mud, and the young woman in the green skirt kept fighting with Han Dao. , The situation took a turn for the worse, and if they continued to fight, they would die.

The middle-aged man was full of regret in his heart, and quickly took out a red light volatile talisman, and he was about to pat his body. At this moment, a weird scream sounded, and he felt Sea of Consciousness is about to tear apart, and the pain is unbearable.

There was a loud bang, and densely packed white ice blades flew up. Behind the white ice blades, there was a large yellow sand blade.

The middle-aged man was scared into a cold sweat, and quickly took out a palm-sized blue porcelain bowl, injected with mana, blue light flashed, and a blue light flew out of the blue porcelain bowl and turned into a strip about one zhang size The blue carp of the blue carp, with a mouth of the blue carp, sprayed a blue light, which turned into a blue curtain of water, covering them.

The blue carp's tail flicked, and disappeared under the blue water curtain.

The defensive power of this blue carp bowl is very strong, helping him withstand multiple fatal attacks.

The white ice blade hits the blue water curtain, the blue water curtain ripples, and the white ice blades are bounced out. The densely packed yellow sand blade hits the blue water curtain and flies upside down. Going out, but the twelve golden light suddenly flew out of the yellow sand blade, it was a set of flying needles!

"A complete set of flying needles!"

The middle-aged man cry out in surprise, so scared to soul flew beyond the heaven.

Twelve golden flying needles rushed to hit the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain suddenly sank.

Boom!    A Dao Infant’s thick silver lightning fell from the sky and smashed on the blue water curtain. The blue water curtain suddenly shattered. Twelve golden light penetrated the middle-aged man’s body. His legs became weak and he fell down. On the ground, breathe one's last.

Seeing this scene, another Foundation Establishment cultivator was half to death. He was about to escape, and Bing Fire Python and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion rushed over.


He let out a desperate cry, his body guard shattered, and two ice Fire Python bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl bite Caught his head.

Boom! A    huge rumbling sound sounded, and the young woman in the green skirt was smashed into flesh by a red long stick, and could not die again.

The white chill dissipated, revealing the silhouettes of Han Changming and Ye Xin. Han Changming held an azure token in his hand, and Ye Xin sighed in relief.

This time fighting method, Han Changming's Spirit Beast showed great divine might, especially Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, which easily solved a Second Rank spirit bird and assisted Han Changming in destroying the enemy.

Of course, Mullinger’s Formation is indispensable, otherwise Han Changming and Ye Xin could not stop a Second Rank high grade Flood Dragon.

Han Daoxuan and Han Debiao walked over, their faces showed joy.

"Uncle Daoyun, Fifth Uncle, are you all right!"

Han Daoyun shook the head and said: "We are okay, let's get out of here soon! There are other Foundation Establishment cultivators. It's troublesome to pass by here."

They searched the corpse and burned the corpse.

Han Daoyuan released a yellow flying boat, carrying Han Changming and others, moving towards high altitude, and it didn't take long before they disappeared into the sky.

More than a month later, Han Changming and the four returned to Golden Dragon City. At this time, the Golden Dragon party was also over.

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