
  Chapter 273 Third rank Flood Dragon   Han Changming and Ye Xin observe the topography of the deserted island and find a suitable one Location of the ambush.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Hongchen Fairy and Bitong Sea Ape returned to the ground, her face was full of joy.

"There is a group of silver carp fish monsters nearby. There are a lot of them. The golden dolphin should stay here for a while. We can set up an ambush here."

Hong Chen Fairy is a little excited Said, this time they went to sea to hunt demonic beasts. They lost their troops and lost their generals. After returning to the market city, they had to repair for a while, and they would not be able to go to sea again in the short term.

If they can hunt down these golden dolphin beasts, they can make a fortune, and it won’t matter if they can repair them for a period of time.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, you set up the Formation! Our couple dived into the ground to dig a hole in case of accidents."

Han Changming greeted Han Daoist and brought Ye Xin in Ground.

Han Daoyuan calls himself Liu, on the surface, he has nothing to do with Han Changming.

Han Changming and Ye Xin dived into the hundred zhang underground, and they slowly dug an underground cave as large as 40 zhangs.

His sleeves flicked, and the yellow formation flag with dozens of slaps flew out, and a large number of yellow runes were faintly visible on the flag surface.


Han Changming pinched a weird seal, the yellow formation flag flew out in an instant, and disappeared from the stone wall.

a yellow light flashed, there is a faint yellow light on the surface of the stone wall.

When they returned to the ground, Han Daoyun and others had already arranged the Formation, and they waited for the Golden Dolphin Beast to show up.

"The golden dolphin has a sensitive sense of smell, let's stay away!"

Hong Chen Fairy suggested.

Chen Hai frowned: "Our concealed Formation is ruined and has not been repaired. If it is an ordinary spell, it may not be able to hide the golden dolphin beast."

With a simple concealment technique, they may not be able to conceal the golden dolphin beast. More importantly, if a third rank demon bird passes by, it is very likely that they will be spotted. By then, they will be miserable.

"We have a set of Concealment Array, which we bought from Qinghe Pavilion, and the concealment effect is not bad."

Han Changming took out the Formation-Arrangement Tools of the Seven Star Concealed Spirit Array , They walked to a clearing and set up a seven-star Concealed Spirit Array.

After a piece of silver haze lit up, the five of Han Changming disappeared.

Silver light flashed, they appeared in shape.

The five members of Red Fairy were a little surprised. The Formation small reputation of Qinghe Pavilion. The Formation in their hands was also purchased from Qinghe Pavilion, but the effect of concealment was not so good.

"Fellow Daoist Hu, the concealment effect of your Formation is pretty good! It's much better than ours."

Hong Chen Fairy's tone was envied.

Han Changming will naturally not tell Fairy Hong Chen, this is the latest Formation researched by Zheng Guangyao.

"Okay, let's hide now! Waiting for the golden dolphin beast to come ashore."

The ten of them gathered together, and after a piece of silver glow was rolled up, they disappeared.

Three days have passed, but the golden dolphin still hasn't shown up.

"What's going on? Hong Chen Fairy, are you sure that the golden dolphin is in the vicinity?"

Han Daoyun frowned said that if there are really golden dolphin nearby, they should go ashore to play .

"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes. Could it be that they left this Sea Territory?"

Hongchen Fairy's eyes are full of confusion. Logically speaking, the nearby Sea Territory The food is sufficient, and the golden dolphin will not leave so soon.

If the golden dolphin beast leaves this Sea Territory, there is nothing, everything will have an accident, who can guarantee that the golden dolphin beast will come ashore, the hunting demon must be patient.

"Wait another day! If the golden dolphin hasn't shown up yet, then look for the golden dolphin. There are many Low Rank Monster Beasts in this Sea Territory, and the golden dolphin should stay for a while, etc. Wait and see!"

Han Changming said, they have encountered this situation before, no matter how good the plan is, they can't keep up with the changes.

Send someone to sneak into the seabed to explore. If you encounter the golden dolphin herd, it will be troublesome.

Hongchen Fairy raised a Second Rank blue-eyed sea ape. He was seriously injured by the demonic beast after diving into the seabed and nearly died.

After a while, a shocking Dragon's roar came from the Sea Territory in the distance.

"Flood Dragon?"

Han Changming and others looked at each other in blank dismay, and everyone looked very nervous.

It’s fine if you encounter other demonic beasts. If you encounter a third rank Flood Dragon, once discovered, they will definitely die without a burial site.

"Sneak into the ground quickly and avoid the wind."

Han Changming made a decisive decision and led everyone into the ground.

A loud rumbling noise came from the ground, and the simple cave where they hid was shaking. If it hadn't been reinforced by Han Changming with Formation, it would have collapsed long ago.

Over the desert island, a thirty zhang or so scarlet Flood Dragon fell on the desert island. Several low slopes were smashed to pieces, large tracts of ancient trees collapsed, and dust was flying in the sky.

scarlet dragon scales scarlet dragon scales, with wide-mouthed fangs, there is a huge bloodstain of five feet long on its abdomen, white bones are faintly visible, many scales on the body have fallen off, and the breath is wilted.

More than a dozen lights flew in. It didn't take long for the lights to converge, revealing more than a dozen immortal cultivators with Flying Swords on their backs, led by a red light across the whole face. The robed old man and a young woman in a blue skirt with jewels and jade. The red robed old man has piercing eyes and an imposing manner that exudes an imposing manner.

Both the red robed old man and the young woman in the blue skirt have the cultivation base of the late Core Formation, and the scarlet Flood Dragon is the third rank middle grade, equivalent to the immortal cultivator of the middle of Core Formation.

If it weren't for the powerful fleshy body of Flood Dragon, it would have died long ago.

Ye Tonghua is also inside, following the red robed old man.

"Seven Stars Sword Array."

red robed old man shouting loudly, Ye Tonghua and more than a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators took out Flying Sword one after another, dozens of brilliant Flying Swords Sword gathered together, flying bricks in the high altitude, and the sword cry was loud and loud.

"Seven Stars Sword Array, get on."

Ye Tonghua is shouting loudly, secret art changed, dozens of Flying Swords burst into rays of light, and at the same time issued a harsh sword cry The sound echoes in the distance.

The divine light flashed, densely packed sword qi fell from the sky, like a sword rain from high above.

The sound of breaking through the air continued, densely packed sword qi shot down, broken wood pierced through the rocks, old trees were chopped into debris by the dense sword qi, and blocks of huge stones turned into powder.

The densely packed sword qi hits the scarlet dragon dragon body, making a muffled sound, and some scarlet scales fall off.

The scarlet Flood Dragon let out a stern roar, opened its mouth and spouted billowing flames, and went straight to the red robed old man and others.

Before the flames got close, a monstrous heat wave rushed in.

The red robed old man sneered, his sleeves flicked, and a two-foot-long red Flying Sword appeared in his hand, moved towards the void.

The red light flashed, a scarlet sword light of hundreds zhang or so long shot out.

The young woman in the blue skirt took out a blue Flying Sword, also moved towards the void, a hundred zhang or so long blue sword light flew out.

The two sword lights staggered together and went straight to the flames.

Boom! The flames were smashed by two giant sword lights. The two sword lights slashed on the back of the scarlet Flood Dragon one after another. A large scale was chopped and fell down.

With a mouth of the scarlet Flood Dragon, a scarlet ball the size of an egg flew out, and the scarlet ball was wrapped in a ball of scarlet flame.

The scarlet sphere is blurred and turned into a scarlet Fireball with a diameter of ten zhang. It smashes against the red robed old man and others with a monstrous heat wave.

"Not good, this beast is desperate, and actually took out the monster core."

said red robed old man frowned, the secret art changed, and the red Flying Sword in his hand flew Shot out and greeted him.

scarlet red light A blur, turned into hundreds of scarlet Flying Swords, cut to the giant Fireball.

The secret art of the young woman in the blue skirt changed, a large piece of blue sword light flew out from the blue Flying Sword, turned into a huge blue sword light, and slashed towards the giant Fireball.

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