
  Chapter 294 Mrs. Golden Sun    They opened a store in Golden Dragon City to do business. To be honest, the profit is only There are too many Foundation Establishment cultivators for their expenses. There are too many Foundation Establishment cultivators. One small shop supports eight Foundation Establishment cultivators, which is really difficult.

Han Changming knows the weight of his burden. He carries 500,000 Spirit Stone with him. This huge sum of money is the family's savings for decades, so he dare not sloppy.

The wealth is moving. The Golden Dragon Sea domain is rather chaotic. Murdering to seize the treasures is endless. If you take a copy of the Golden Core jade liquid, how to safely transport the Golden Core jade liquid back to Han Family? This is an issue that must be paid attention to.

"Fifth brother and Changying have not yet left the customs, are you not waiting for them?"

Han Delei frowned said, if they leave them alone, once they have an accident, he can Sorry.

That's it for Han Changying, Han Debiao is more impulsive, no one looks at him, maybe he will cause something.

"They have been in retreat for more than a year, and they should be out soon. It will not affect our actions. I have planned. Yi Rong will participate in the underground auction this time. If you buy a Golden Core jade, Liquid, just be careful, it shouldn’t be discovered."

Han Changming is ready to go to the auction, but can Yi Rong be able to stop the Core Formation cultivator’s exploration, It's really hard to say, so he must plan to deal with all possible situations.

"Yong Rong goes to the auction? This is a good idea."

They discussed various possible situations repeatedly.

Ye Xin remained silent and changed three pots of spirit tea.

Three hours later, when they finished their discussion, Han Daoxuan and the three got up and left.

"Husband, if we photograph Golden Core jade liquid, Fifth Uncle and they have not yet been released, what shall we do?"

Ye Xin raised the question in his mind, they discussed How to transport Golden Core Yuye back to Han Family, but they did not consider the issue of Han Debiao and Han Changying still in retreat.

"It depends on the situation! It really doesn't work, I stay and wait for them. Fifth Uncle is more impulsive. If I'm away, I don't know what trouble he will cause."

Han Debiao sent a sound transmission talisman, asking him to leave the customs and return to Han Family, he may not be obedient.

Ye Xin nodded, did not say anything.

Han Changming walked out of the bamboo building. Two larvae of the colorful phoenix butterfly were lying on the trunk of the mulberry tree, gnawing on the tender leaves.

After they hatch, they basically stay on the mulberry tree. They eat and eat every day, and they grow up. Their body is about two feet long, with five-colored spots on the body, and the body is bloated, like Like a huge five-color caterpillar.

The larvae are already the First Rank middle grade, and their growth speed is not fast by only eating mulberry leaves.

Han Changming stretched out his right hand with the palm facing up. The two larvae seemed to be aware. They spit out slender silk threads, wrapped around the trunk, and fell from the trunk. The silk thread was pulled in the mouth and fell. In the palm of Han Changming.

There was a muffled noise in the spirit farm, and suddenly two small soil bags bulged up. Two yellow earthworms about five feet long came out from the ground. They were spirit-eating earthworms.

They grow up a lot, and like the larvae of the colorful phoenix butterfly, they are First Rank middle grade.

They have been with Han Changming for more than eight years, and they are still in the First Rank middle grade. To be honest, the speed of advancement is not fast, mainly because Han Changming is mostly secluded cultivation, and they don't care about them.

Two Spirit Devouring Earthworms crawled under Han Changming's feet. Their thick bodies swayed left and right, seeming to beg Han Changming for food.

Ye Xin took out five egg-sized azure fruits and threw them on the ground. Two spirit devouring earthworms immediately climbed onto the azure fruits, biting them, and there was no stone left.

During Han Changming's retreat, Ye Xin regularly feeds Spirit Insect.

The eating habits of spirit-eaters are very mixed. They eat spiritual medicine, Spirit Fruit, demonic beast corpses, and even spirit earth. They don’t eat metal ores. Colorful phoenix butterflies are relatively picky. They eat spiritual honey and mulberry. Leaf, drink spiritual spring water, Spirit Fruit eats too, they are not interested in demonic beast corpses or metal ores.

"The name speaks for itself, except for metal minerals, many things can be uttered, but their size is too small, and the rank is too low. It is good to reclaim the spirit farm. Choosing, the colorful phoenix butterfly is still small, and a lot of cultivation resources need to be invested in cultivation."

Ye Xin said with a smile, took out a yellow lotus leaf, and threw it on the ground.

Two spirit-eating earthworms climbed onto the lotus leaf and quickly ate the lotus leaf.

"They can't eat spiritual medicine or Spirit Valley in the spirit farm! Have this happened."

"Not at the moment, I can't control them, so I have to regularly Feed them, Husband, you are their master, they It shouldn't be defying your orders."

Han Changming thoughts move, give them the order to eat Spirit Valley, and their bodies surge A burst of yellow light went into the ground and disappeared.

Before long, two Spirit Valleys covered with rice ears fell down, and the two Spirit Valleys disappeared at a speed visible to naked eyes.

Han Changming hurriedly told them to stop and return to his side.

Seeing the two Spirit Devouring Earthworms burrowing out of the ground, Han Changming smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing them, he couldn't help but think of the two snapping turtle beasts that died on the enemy's hands. The spirit devourers are the strange insects on the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List. They grow up, divine ability They are certainly not weak. In the short term, they are certainly not very helpful, and a lot of cultivation resources need to be injected, but Han Changming does not care, he does not lack that little cultivation resources.

"Madam, I will refine a few medicine pills. When the auction is held, if I haven't come out yet, you remember to send me a sound transmission talisman."

He and Ye Xin said hello, and took the larvae of the Spirit Devouring Earthworm and the Colorful Phoenix Spirit Butterfly back to the Spirit Beast Bag, then turned around and returned to the secret room.

He took out two palm-sized azure porcelain bowls, filled the porcelain bowls with spiritual water, and put the two larvae of spirit-eating earthworms and colorful phoenix butterfly larvae into a porcelain bowl respectively.

They were a little uncomfortable at first and wanted to leave the porcelain bowl, but soon after they drank a little spiritual water, they were reluctant to leave the porcelain bowl.

It didn't take long before they drank the spiritual water in the porcelain bowl.

Han Changming took out four pale-yellow pills, each of which had several pill patterns on the surface of the monster core. This is a middle grade feeding Spirit Pill.

The medicine efficacy of middle grade medicine pill is very good. I don’t know if they can enter the Second Rank.

The larvae of the Spirit Devouring Earthworm and the Colorful Papilio Butterfly each ate a middle grade and fed the Spirit Pill and immediately became drowsy. No matter how Han Changming communicated, they did not respond, as if they had fainted. generally.

Han Changming took them back into the Spirit Beast Bag and took out a scarlet pill with the size of a nail. It exuded a pungent blood smell. It is made of blood refinement, which has the effect of strengthening the fleshy body.

He took a deep breath and put the scarlet pill in his mouth.

medicine pill melts in the mouth, a warm air rises in the abdomen, moved towards the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

It didn’t take long for Han Changming to be frowned. He suddenly found that his whole body was itchy and unbearable, as if there were thousands of ants crawling around on him. He couldn’t help but tickling. Scratching the more itchy, if you don't scratch, it will be unbearable.

After a quarter of an hour, he felt that he was in the volcano, his whole body seemed to be burning, and an unbearable flow of heat covered his whole body.

His skin turned into a scarlet at the speed that naked eye can see, and his veins were exposed. He felt full of power throughout his body, and he wished to fight with others immediately.

He moved towards the ground with both fists, making a muffled sound of "peng peng", some black impurities drilled out along his pores, exuding an extremely foul smell.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming drenched with blood with both hands, and the slate on the ground was smashed to pieces.

A sense of powerlessness struck, Han Changming was about to fall down once his body became soft.

He pressed one hand on the ground, not letting himself fall, and with the other hand took out an azure porcelain bottle, poured out a middle grade Essence Replenishment Pill, and swallowed it down.

The effect of the blood forging pills is a bit overbearing. The first time he took it, some couldn't stand it. This is the blood forging pills made by ordinary demonic beast refined blood refinement. If it is made by third rank Flood Dragon refined blood refinement Forging the blood pill, I am afraid it will directly burst his body.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Changming returned to normal. He touched the black impurities on his arm, feeling slimy and extremely disgusting.

He took off his clothes, pinched the secret art, and water vapor appeared on his body surface, which turned into a large swath of water, washed away the black impurities on the body surface, and changed into clean clothes.

After changing clothes, Han Changming only feels refreshed.

He can clearly feel that his strength seems to have increased a lot.

He turned over the palm, golden light flashed, a watermelon-sized metal ball appeared in his hand, and the metal ball was all over the mysterious rune.

After a slight organ sound rang, the rune on the surface of the metal sphere suddenly brightened and turned into a golden giant ape about one zhang high. The golden light on the body surface was shining, and the eyes were dull, obviously Puppet Beast.

He thoughts move, his right fist moved towards golden giant ape, and the golden giant ape waved his left fist to greet him.


With a muffled noise, Han Changming felt a huge force hit, and took five steps backwards, golden giant ape completely motionless.

His eyes flashed with surprise, he smiled bitterly, and said to himself: "Taking a blood forging pill, the effect is not significant. I don’t know if it’s made by taking the third rank Flood Dragon refined blood refinement. What will be the effect of the blood forging pill? It will definitely be very strong."

With his current fleshy body, the blood forging pill made by taking the third rank Flood Dragon blood refinement cannot withstand the violent power. , Han Debiao may be able to bear it, but he has not yet left the customs, and Han Changming has no chance to give Han Debiao the blood forging pill.

He put away the Puppet Beast, sit cross-legged, took out the pill concocting material, and continued to refine the forging blood pill.

Before long, a pungent smell of blood wafted out of the room.

At Seaheed Tower, Lu Yang was talking to a young woman in a red dress with a jewel and jade.

"Senior Brother Lu, the auction held by the Chamber of Commerce has made it well known. What do you mean by Jin Family? If you want to gain a foothold, you shouldn’t fight with the local forces of Golden Dragon City. Ah!"

The young woman in the red dress was confused.

"Where there is an immortal cultivator, there will be competition. The Jin Family has a big business and is backed by a number of Nascent Soul Cultivators. The Golden Dragon Master also don't dare provoke the Jin Family. As for fighting with local forces , I think Jin Family is supported by the local forces. Who can't tell me specifically, I am curious that there are several Golden Core jade liquid auctions. If we can auction and buy two Golden Core jade liquids, it would be great, listen. It is said that there will be a magic weapon auction, and I don't know whether it is true or false."

Lu Yang slowly said, his eyes solemn.

The auction held by the Chamber of Commerce is too grand. It is said that it is an underground auction. In fact, it can be said to be known to everyone known to everyone.

The young woman in the red dress disagreed, and said: "Even if there is a magic weapon auction, it is no ordinary magic weapon. It is nowhere comparable to the large-scale auction held by the Eastern Sea Great Sect. Even the ancient treasure is auctioned."

After all, Eastern Sea is the world of Ten Great Sects. No matter how strong the Jin Family is in the Southern Sea cultivation world, without the support of local forces, Jin Family is also hard to support.

"That is, it is not Southern Sea here. If it is Southern Sea, the scale of the auction will be larger. Now the old man is looking forward to this auction more and more."

Lu Yang face He showed an expression of interest. In the beast tide more than a year ago, he went to the front line to fight with the demonic beast and was seriously injured. The Master Golden Dragon gave some compensation, but his injury has not been completely recovered. He wants to recover completely. Let alone rest for more than ten years, if you can take a bottle of Healing Medicine Pill, then you don’t need to rest for more than ten years.

In a majestic palace with golden bricks and glazed tiles, a lacquered plaque with three silver characters "Golden Crow Palace" is shining and very conspicuous.

This is the shop opened by Chamber of Commerce, selling Southern Sea cultivation world's unique cultivation resources. There are a large number of immortal cultivators coming in and out, which is very lively.

In a secret room, a beautiful young woman in a golden skirt is reporting to a kind-eyed golden robe old woman. The golden robe old woman does not have the slightest mana fluctuation on her body, as if she were a mortal.

"Grandma, everything is ready. I just have to host the auction cultivator. Do you think GF or Guangyang is the right one?"

The young woman in the golden skirt said cautiously, with a respectful look.

The golden robe old woman is Nascent Soul Cultivator, and her nickname is Mrs. Golden Sun. It is precisely because of her existence that Jin Family can develop so smoothly in the Eastern Sea cultivation world.

Don't look at Southern Sea cultivation world and Eastern Sea cultivation world, both of which are the forces of Human Race, and there is a lot of competition and exclusion between them.

For hundreds of years, Jin Family’s caravan has entered the Eastern Sea cultivation world several times, and they have all returned in low spirits after failing. Only this time, under the leadership of Mrs. Golden Sun, Jin Family has direct jurisdiction The Chamber of Commerce Golden Crow Chamber of Commerce successfully took root in the Golden Dragon Sea domain. The Jin Family should consolidate the Golden Dragon City stronghold, and then moved towards the Eastern Sea cultivation world. The various Sea Territories spread and expand their influence.

"Auction lacks Young Master holders? Let Ruoshui this girl be one of the moderators! Women can also hold up the sky, you have to hold a bowl of water level when you do things, don't always think about promotion Male clansman, fortunately, you are also a woman. Our Jin Family women are very capable and no worse than men."

Mrs. Golden Sun’s tone was indifferent, but the reproach in the words was undoubtedly evident.

The young woman in the golden skirt was frightened and hurriedly said yes.

At this moment, a tall girl in a golden skirt walked up.

The girl in the golden skirt has gorgeous features, white skin, and a hot body, giving people the feeling of a little girl next door.

"The granddaughter visits the great grandmother and the nine aunts."

The girl in the golden skirt greeted the two of them and said with a smile.

Mrs. Golden Sun waved her hand, and said in a pleasant tone: "Ruoshui, good boy, coming to great-grandmother soon, great-grandmother arranged an errand for you."

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