
  Chapter 298 Han Debiao and Han Changying leave customs

​​One month’s time, soon passed .

Early this morning, Han Changming strolled on the street. Ye Xin and others had already sent away from Golden Dragon City in batches, waiting for him at the Fire Lion Sea Territory, Han Changming this half a month Have been wandering around, confusing the enemy.

The Fire Lion Sea Territory is next to the Golden Dragon Sea domain, and is named after the large number of Fire Lion beasts.

The stalker's method is more brilliant, if it weren't for the reminder of Han Daoxuan and others, Han Changming would not have found so many stalkers.

Han Changming has changed his face again. He is now a fat yellow shirt youth. Even Ye Xin, who gets along day and night, can’t recognize Han Changming. Even so, he still can’t get behind him. stalker.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Changming appeared in a teahouse. He sat down by the side of the street and drank tea quietly.

"Have you heard? The Great Influence of the Fire Lion Sea Territory started fighting, and the fight was dim, and many immortal cultivators were killed and injured."

I also heard that it is said that Sect Master of Heavenly Yang Sect died during meditation. Others fought for the position of Sect Master. Other forces took the opportunity to attack Heavenly Yang Sect. The whole fire lion Sea Territory became a mess. I don’t know if the war will happen. Expand."

"Who knows! Hope not to expand! Great Influence battle, the unfortunate thing is our loose cultivator, I heard that Heavenly Yang Sect forcibly recruited a part of loose cultivator to resist the enemy."

The speaker has no intention and the listener has the heart. Han Changming was surprised. Ye Xin and others are currently in the Fire Lion Sea Territory. The Fire Lion Sea Territory actually broke out in a war. I hope they will not be involved in the war.

He has to rendezvous with Ye Xin and others as soon as possible. In case the Golden Core is lost, it will be troublesome.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Changming appeared at the entrance of a magnificent palace in an imposing manner. On a lacquered plaque, the three characters "Golden Dragon Palace" were written. The Golden Dragon Palace was the location of the external Transmission Formation. , Has several large-scale Transmission Formation, can be transmitted to other Sea Territory.

The gate of Golden Dragon Palace is closed tightly, and there are two guards from the Foundation Establishment Stage at the gate.

"Two Fellow Daoists, what is going on? Transmission Formation is closed?"

Han Changming stepped forward and asked politely.

"Transmission Formation is temporarily closed. We don’t know the specific circumstances. As for when it will reopen, please wait for notification!"

Han Changming frowned, when it rains, it pours , Transmission Formation is closed. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the outbreak of the Fire Lion Sea Territory. Will the war spread to the Golden Dragon Sea domain?

He thought for a while, quickened his pace, and returned to his residence.

Closing the door, Han Changming took out the communication tray and contacted Han Changshuo.

"Second brother, is something wrong with the Fire Lion Sea Territory?"

Han Changming's tone was heavy.

"Yes! I heard from Martial Uncle Lu that the fire lion Sea Territory broke out, and many Great Influences have ended. The fire is likely to spread to the Golden Dragon Sea domain. Brother Nine, you are near It’s better not to leave Golden Dragon City. When the war is settled down, it’s not too late to leave. If you have to leave Golden Dragon City, it’s best to wait for Fifth Uncle to leave the customs. Don’t leave the market city alone."

Han Changshuo sincerely suggested.

Han Changming frowned, why didn't he know the truth, but if the war spreads, even if they are in Golden Dragon City, they will definitely be able to avoid the war?

When the tide of beasts struck, the Master of Golden Dragon directly recruited loose cultivator to rush to the front line. Although Master of Golden Dragon issued compensation for cultivation resources, the problem is that only the living cultivator can get it. Han Changshuo belongs to the Seaheed Pavilion. dísciple, something really happened, and there was also Lu Yang on top.

If the war spreads to Golden Dragon City, and the master of Golden Dragon recruits loose cultivator to fight, Han Changming can only brace oneself, pick the persimmons and squeeze them softly. It really has reached that point. Han Changming even has the right to refuse. no.

The most troublesome thing is that now someone is following Han Changming, he dare not leave the market city without authorization.

Han Changshuo is the dísciple of the Seaheed Pavilion. Without sect's order, he would not leave Golden Dragon City. He is not strong. Han Changshuo and Han Changming act together. Not only can it not help, but instead Will become a burden.

"I see, second brother, you should be more careful!"

Han Changming agreed and put away the communication tray.

He thought about it, and planned to stay in Golden Dragon City first. If Han Debiao and Han Changying were not in retreat, he would leave Golden Dragon City, otherwise they would become cannon fodder when the war broke out. .

In the next few days, Han Changming wandered on the street and he found that the prices in Golden Dragon City had started to rise, and the prices of medicine pill and spiritual medicine had risen. This is not a good sign. .

On this day, he came to the square where the loose cultivator was set up and wandered around.

"You are too dark! A Second Rank Thunder Attribute monster core needs to be replaced with a middle grade medicine pill. The medicine pill is a finished product, and the monster core is just a material."

"I love to buy or not, grandma doesn't wait, I want to ask for a bargain, and go to other places."

A fierce quarrel came from the stall in front, and Han Changming moved towards curiously and walked forward.

In front of a booth, Mu Linger was sitting behind the booth, and a middle-aged man with strong features was standing in front of the booth.

There are many people around the booth. There are some demonic beast materials on the booth. What is eye-catching is a palm-sized wooden box with a silver white monster core inside, and a trace of it appears on the surface. silver lightning arc.

"The Thunder Attribute monster core of the Second Rank middle grade!"

Han Changming's eyes flashed by surprise. The thunder rhinoceros is not interested in ordinary things, Thunder Attribute monster core It is one of the few things that interests him.

"This Fairy, I will use a middle grade Heyuan Dan to change it for you, how about it?"

A familiar man's voice suddenly sounded, and Han Changming followed the source of the voice. Looking around, I saw Wei Yuan.

"With my cultivation base, do I still need Heyuan Pill? I want to detoxify or heal the middle grade medicine pill. At least two. The monster core's demon power is well preserved. For the Thunder Attribute Spirit Beast spirit For birds, it is an item of great nourishment, and I want to take advantage of it and find someone else to go."

Mu Linger said unceremoniously.

Wei Yuan frowned, two middle grade medicine pills for detoxification or healing, which is not something anyone can get.

"Mu Fairy, long time no see, I have what you want. I wonder if it is convenient for you to move and discuss it?"

Han Changming lowered his voice and used a The hoarse voice sound transmission said.

Mu Linger looked at Han Changming up and down, her eyes a little confused. It was the first time she saw each other, and the other party actually knew her last name was Mu, which is strange.

"We have seen before, there is a teahouse nearby, waiting for you there, I promise to not let you down."

Han Changming sound transmission said, turning and leaving.

Mu Ling'er looked at Wei Yuan and asked: "Can you get the medicine pill I want? In addition to Thunder Attribute monster core, you can also give you other things, and you won't suffer."

Wei Yuan smiled bitterly, and shook his head and said, "No."

Don't say he doesn't have one, he really has one, and he won't exchange it, what a joke, two middle grade The medicine pill exchanges for a Second Rank middle grade monster core, he will only do this kind of transaction if he has a problem with his brain.

Mu Linger was a little disappointed, so he closed the stall and left, and quickly moved towards Han Changming to catch up.

Wei Yuan looked at the back of Mu Linger's departure, with a strange look on his face, and other onlookers left one after another.

"Wei Senior Brother, what's wrong? Does she have a problem?"

Lin Wan'er curiously asked.

"Junior Sister Lin, looking at her attitude, it seems that she wants to trade with other people. Who is so interested in the monster core of Thunder Attribute? Can you get a middle grade medicine pill."

Wei Yuan said with some confusion, more than a year ago, after the auction was over, Guangyuanju was closed, and Han Changming and others were all missing.

The last time he wanted to exchange Thunder Attribute spiritual grass with Cheng Guangbei, he was cut off by Han Changming, and this time he was cut off again.

"Pill Refinement Master is most likely to be trading with her, and the alchemy level is not bad. It is not surprising that Pill Refinement Master is interested in the monster core of Thunder Attribute. Senior Brother, you suspect Fellow Daoist Hu Didn't see him! It's because you think too much!"

Han Changming is the Pill Refinement Master and also raises Thunder Attribute Spirit Insect. Weiyuan suspects that he is not surprised.

"Who knows! Follow will know."

Wei Yuan sound transmission said, followed along, and Lin Wan'er followed.

In the private room, Han Changming recovered his true appearance and ordered a pot of spirit tea.

Not long after, Mu Linger walked in.

"Hey, it's you, you are still alive!"

Mu Linger recognized Han Changming at a glance, and said in surprise.

"Mu Fairy has a good memory, it's right here."

Mu Linger laughed and said: "There are not many people who work with me. My memory is not bad, yes, You exchange it with me and take out the medicine pill! There are no two middle grade medicine pill, and I won’t exchange it with you."

"There is indeed a middle grade medicine pill underneath, but it’s hard to get down. I just exchanged it with someone else, I..."

Before Han Changming finished his words, he was interrupted by Mullinger: "Don’t be circumspect, just say so. You are willing to exchange!"

"I was targeted by a group of evil cultivators, so I didn’t dare to leave here alone, so be it! You accompany me to leave Golden Dragon City and get to a safe place. Give you medicine pill."

Han Changming said sincerely, Mu Linger's strength is stronger than him, and with her help, Han Changming is a little more sure.

"Evil cultivator? How many people are there? What cultivation base?"

Mullinger frowned said, knowing the enemy, can then emerge victorious in every battle.

"I don't know, if I do, I won't have to worry so much."

Han Changming said with a bitter smile, how could he know the cultivation base and number of the culprits.

"How do I know if you are lying to me? What if you are the evil cultivator you are talking about?"

Mu Ling'er raised her worries, she and Han Changming She didn't have much friendship, just had a cooperation, and she didn't see him for more than ten years, so she wouldn't believe Han Changming even more.

"This...I have no way to prove that I am willing to give you a middle grade Ozuki pill as a deposit first. If it weren't for them, I don't want to be like this."

Han Changming said with a bitter smile, take out an azure wooden box, and hand it to Mu Ling'er.

Judging from the last contact, Mu Linger kept his promise, and even more how a few middle grade medicine pills are willing to distribute to him.

After Mullinger confirmed that he was correct, he turned his beautiful eyes and said: "Who knows how many evil cultivators are? I don't know what you said is true or false. If you give me another middle Grade Wu Yue Wan, I can think about it."

"I don’t have so many middle grade Wu Yue Wan, let’s do it! I got a Divine Consciousness Essence in my early years, and Divine Divine Jade liquid has the same effect, but the effect is a little bit worse. If you want, I will give it to you."

Han Changming took out an azure porcelain bottle and handed it to Mu Linger.

The porcelain bottle is filled with divine jade liquid. He has not taken Divine Jade, but the divine jade liquid is of no use to him. If you keep it, you can keep it and give it away. good.

Mullinger opened the azure porcelain bottle, put it between his nose and sniffed it a few times, then he indulged for a moment, and said, "Let’s do it! I’ll take things first. Let’s see how many evil cultivators follow you. If I can cooperate, I will cooperate with you. If not, I will return the things to you."

"Okay, it's a deal."

Han Changming agreed. He secretly nodded, Mu Linger was cautious and kept his promises, his judgment was correct, and it was a wise move to cooperate with Mu Linger.

After a few small chats, Mu Linger left, and Han Changming turned into a fatty, and then left.

When he came to the lobby, Han Changming glanced casually, and was surprised to find that Wei Yuan and Lin Wan'er were sitting in the lobby drinking tea.

He looked as usual and walked out.

Han Changming was very good at covering up, but when he saw Wei Yuan, his expression still changed subtlely, and Wei Yuan saw all of this.

"Junior Sister Lin, I didn't guess wrong, it was him."

Wei Yuan sound transmission said, and a murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

Han Changming competed with him for the monster core spiritual grass of Thunder Attribute, as well as middle grade medicine pill, and most importantly, Han Changming and Thunder Attribute Spirit Insect, which made him murderous.

It doesn't work out, it can only be dark.

In the next few days, Han Changming wandered on the street. Perhaps affected by the fire lion Sea Territory war, the atmosphere in the market city became tense. There were immortal cultivators on the streets and alleys to discuss fire. In the battle of the Lion Sea Territory, many loose cultivators left the market city for fear of being caught by the master of Golden Dragon.

In the evening of this day, Han Changming returned to his residence. He suddenly took out the communication disk and entered a secret art. Han Debiao's voice suddenly sounded: "Changming, are you still in market city?"

"Here! Fifth Uncle, are you out of customs?"

Han Changming is happy, and Han Debiao is out of customs. It is safer to leave with a partner.

"Thanks to the third rank Flood Dragon blood essence that you extracted, I have been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, haha, I have read the sound transmission talisman you sent, and if it’s correct, Changying will also publish it. It’s closed."

"Very good, Fifth Uncle, Fire Lion Sea Territory has a big battle, I just want to leave Golden Dragon City, so as not to be called up by the Master of Golden Dragon, many loose cultivators have left Golden Dragon. City."

Han Changming told what happened without omission and in detail. If you don't leave Golden Dragon City, I'm afraid you will be called up by the Master of Golden Dragon.

"If this is the case, then you can contact that Mu Fairy, let's leave together! Multiple people and multiple escorts, it's really not good, the three of us leave together, I have advanced to the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, as long as If you don’t meet the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, you’re not afraid.”

Han Debiao said confidently, even if he was against the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, he would dare to fight. Moreover, Han Changming’s strength It's not weak. If there is a Foundation Establishment Stage evil cultivator who really hits their minds, they must be called back and forth.

"Okay, I will contact Mu Fairy now."

Han Changming agreed and contacted Mu Linger using the subpoena.

"I checked. There are indeed a lot of people following you. Now the battle is tight. Maybe the Master Golden Dragon will be recruited at any time. Let's take advantage of the night and leave! Let's change your appearance! ."

"Well, I have two companions who will leave the market city, so I will be more certain."

"Okay! I also have a companion, when the time Comes let's leave together!"

Putting away the communication tray, Han Changming took out a set of light azure dresses and put it on, and took a Yixing pill.

There was a muffled crackle in his body, and his body shrank quickly, turning into a beautiful girl in a blue skirt with a flat chest.

Yixingwan can change his appearance to make him look like a woman, Golden Dragon City crouching tiger hidden dragon, who can guarantee that the evil cultivator is weaker than him? Han Changming also had no choice. In order to be able to return home safely, he had no choice but to do so.

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