
  Chapter 303 misfortunes never come alone (subscription required, monthly pass)    underground hundreds zhang or so , Han Changming moved quickly under a yellow light package. Fortunately, his cultivation is Earth Element Cultivation Art. If he changes to a cultivator, I am afraid it will be bode ill rather than well.

He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky and directly teleported to the den of the demonic beast. Fortunately, he ran fast.

Half a quarter of an hour later, there was a muffled noise in front of him, Han Changming frowned, stopped, his face was guarded, his eyes shrank, his body surface rose sharply, moved towards other places, Before long, two yellow pythons caught up.

The two yellow pythons are three feet long, with palm-sized yellow scales all over the body. They are densely packed, wrapping them all over, and looking at their breath, they are obviously Second Rank high grade demonic beasts.

The two yellow pythons have a very sensitive sense of smell. They chased Han Changming and quickly escaped.

Han Changming complained constantly. He had just escaped from the demonic beast lair, and he ran into two Second Rank high grade demonic beasts so quickly. His luck is also too bad!   Cultivation world strength is respected, luck is also a part of strength.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming’s look pale, two Second Rank high grade demonic beasts have a keen sense of smell, and they chase after him fiercely. In the long run, it’s only a matter of time before he is caught up. To get rid of these two Demon Beasts, he must return to the ground.

As soon as his eyes light up, Han Changming returned to the ground and appeared on a vast and boundless green grassland. The ground nearby was pitted and pitted. Dozens of huge red demon cows fell on the ground. With a pungent smell of blood, hundreds of azure demon wolves are eating.

The azure monster wolf is azure. The eyes are all azure. Wolf King is one foot tall and three feet long. This is a Second Rank high grade demonic beast.

They are eating, and Han Changming's appearance interrupted their eating.

Han Changming's mouth twitched, his luck is too bad, right?    "ao wu!"

In a loud howling of wolves, dozens of extremely sharp azure wind blades flew forward, and instantly arrived in front of Han Changming.

Han Changming has been prepared for a long time, and the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor has always been on him.


A series of muffled sounds, Extreme Yang Treasure Armor has dozens of deep cut marks, and Han Changming is intact.

Han Changming's sleeves flicked, five red light glittering talisman shot out, lit up countless red talisman text, turned into hundreds of fist-sized scarlet Fireball, and smashed into the nearby azure Demon wolf.

Boom!    Dozens of azure demon wolves were submerged by the billowing flames, and the lower-level azure demon wolves evaporate directly to the world, disappeared without a trace.

Han Changming's back lit up with an azure light, and a pair of azure wings about the size of one zhang suddenly appeared, exactly the blue wind wings.

azure light flashed, Han Changming turned into a breeze, moved towards high altitude and flew away.

"ao wu!"

Wolf King let out an angry roar, a mouth, a little bit of azure light appeared in the mouth, azure light flashed, a giant wind blade flying with a big door It shot out and instantly arrived in front of Han Changming.

With a muffled sound, the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor tore apart, and Han Changming's vestment lit up with azure light, which turned into a light curtain of azure mist, barely blocking the giant wind blade.

This is not over yet, other monster wolves followed suit and released Azure Wind Blade to attack Han Changming.

Hundreds of extremely sharp azure wind blades went straight to Han Changming, very fast.

Han Changming's sleeves flicked, and a large piece of scarlet gravel flew out and turned into a ten zhang or so high scarlet sand wall. Behind him, Qingfeng wing fiercely flapped, and the speed rose sharply.

Boom! After   a deafening noise, the scarlet sand wall all split up and in pieces, turning into countless scarlet gravel.

violent wind erupted, scarlet grit moved towards Han Changming and flew away, the sleeves that had been submerged in him were gone.

At this time, Han Changming is already at the altitude of hundreds zhang or so high, and Qingfeng Wing is flying Magical Artifact with Second Rank high grade, and the speed is very fast.

"Fortunately, there is a flying Magical Artifact, otherwise I really don't know where to go."

Han Changming wiped the sweat from his face and talked to himself.

Suddenly, there was a harsh eagle cry from high above, and two giant Fireballs with the size of water tanks smashed over.

Han Changming complexion slightly changed, and quickly avoided, two giant Fireballs passed by him and hit the ground.

After the two loud noises, two huge pits with a diameter of ten zhang appeared on the ground, and there was a hot air in the pits.

Two two zhang big red giant eagles appeared high in the sky, their eyes were golden, and their cold eyes were fixed on Han Changming. These are two Second Rank high grade monster birds.

"Old Thief Heaven, you play with me."

Han Changming couldn't help cursed, the azure light skyrocketed, fanning constantly, blowing a gust of wind.

Two red giant eagles circling one, moved towards Han Changming chasing them, they are very fast.

An azure mist talisman flew out of Han Changming's hand and turned into hundreds of about one chi-long azure wind blades, hitting two red giant eagles.

Two red giant eagles flapped their wings and dozens of scarlet Fireballs with fists flew out.

Boom! After    a series of explosions sounded, the fire was everywhere, and the two red giant eagles were intact. At this time, Han Changming was already outside of the thousand zhang, and the two red giant eagles spread their wings and chased after them. .

······   Some desolate narrow valley, from time to time there is a deafening rumbling sound.

Ye Tonghua drove six flying swords with blue light to attack a red centipede ten zhang or so long. The tentacles of the red centipede are two feet long. Under the hard shell is a row of sharp claws. It One after another scarlet flame and one after another scarlet poison mist sprayed out from the mouth. Observing carefully, there were dozens of small cracks in its shell.

"I won’t spend it with you, it’s a waste of time."

Ye Tonghua’s sword art changed, and six blue Flying Swords sounded a clear sword cry one after another, and the blue light burst. Six blue Flying Swords gathered together, circling in the high altitude for a while, and the dense blue sword qi flew out and hit the red centipede below.

The red centipede was chopped into a large piece of meat by the dense blue sword qi, breathe one's last, and even the monster core was chopped to pieces.

"As soon as I entered Secret Realm, I ran into Second Rank high grade Monster Insect. I need to be careful. I don’t know what happened to Junior Sister Sun."

Ye Tonghua said to herself Talk to yourself, put away the Flying Sword, moved towards a cave not far away.

······    A winding narrow mountain within the valley, Weiyuan is standing among a pile of stones, and thousands of red bees attack Weiyuan frantically. Not far away, there is a hole about one zhang in diameter. A queen bee with a big house is hovering high in the sky. This is a Second Rank high grade monster bee.

Wei Yuan released a silver Thunderhawk about one zhang, hundreds of crimson ants, and hundreds of white spirit moths.

With one mouth, a silver Thunderhawk with a thick arm of Dao Infant flew out and hit the red bee. The red bee suddenly volatilized in the world, and hundreds of red ants turned into three feet. The long scarlet flying fork is rampant in the swarm, and the red bee spews flames to attack the scarlet flying fork, which is of no use.

The white spirit moth flapped its wings, and a large expanse of white cold air flew out. As soon as the scarlet wasp touched the white cold air, it instantly froze and fell from the in midair.

The rumbling sound is constant, red, silver, and white spells are blazing together, and scarlet bees fall to the ground.

The queen bee realized that it was not good, and sprayed a giant Fireball the size of a water tank, and smashed it at Wei Yuan. It flapped its wings and moved towards high altitude.

It hasn’t flew far yet. A silver lightning fell from the sky and hit it. Its body was numb. A scarlet flying fork lased and hit the queen bee’s body, and the queen bee fell. When it flew out, it hadn't stood still, hundreds of scarlet ants pounced on it, gnawing its body frantically.

It didn't take long for the queen bee to be eaten by hundreds of scarlet ants, and there was nothing left.

With Spirit Insect and spirit bird in hand, Second Rank high grade Monster Insect is not Weiyuan's opponent either.

He put away the Spirit Insect spirit bird, and moved towards the cave not far away.

······    A tall and strong young man in a golden jersey waved a golden-bright and dazzling giant axe on a somewhat desolate peak, and frantically attacked an about one zhang The black giant bear of high, the body surface of the black giant bear is riddled with scars.

The black giant bear let out an angry roar, and the black light in his hand was released, grabbing the golden giant axe like lightning and preventing it from being smashed.

The corners of the mouth of the young man in the golden shirt were slightly raised, and his figure flickered, turning into an afterimage. A flash appeared behind the giant bear, and his hands did not know when he wore a pair of barbed thorns. The golden glove, with a move of both arms, both fists moved towards the black giant bear and smashed.

With two muffled sounds of "peng peng", the black giant bear flew upside down and fell to the ground. Before it had time to stand up, a golden light giant axe fell from the sky and slashed towards the black giant. bear.

The black giant bear was cut in half by the golden giant axe, and the blood dyed reddened the ground.

"The speed should be faster. If the Ancestor Master is delayed, then it will be troublesome."

The youth in the golden shirt muttered to himself, putting away the black giant bear The corpse and golden giant axe, strode towards the mountain and ran down.

······    Near a turbulent river, Mullinger looked cold and indifferent. A tall and thin azure clothed youth and a short and chubby red clothed youth stood there. The opposite of her.

A three-foot-long black crocodile was lying on the bank of the river, and his head was chopped off by a sharp weapon.

"We don't want to embarrass you. If you are acquainted, leave here immediately."

azure clothed youth said with a sneer, it seems that Mullinger is not in his eyes.

At this moment, there was a muffled noise from the ground. A yellow python with a thick waist suddenly emerged from the ground. The yellow python opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit towards the azure clothed youth. .

The reaction of the azure clothed youth was very quick, and a Wind Control Technique evaded him when he shook his figure.

The sound of breaking through the air was loud, and nine red lights arrived in an instant. There were nine long nails about one chi. The nails were shining with red light.

The azure clothed youth quickly took out an azure shield, and the azure shield stood in front of him.

The azure shield is like paper, torn apart by nine red spikes.

A scream sounded, and the azure clothed youth was pierced by nine red spikes.

The red clothed youth was so scared that he quickly took out an azure talisman and slapped it on his body. At this moment, a red light flashed on top of his head, and a palm-sized red bell suddenly appeared Then, there is a vivid red ape pattern on the surface of the red bell.

A weird beast roar sounded, and Red Bell's size skyrocketed.

When the red clothed youth heard this sound, his eyes were a little dull, and he quickly regained consciousness, but a red sound wave came under his head.

With a scream, the body of the red clothed youth burst open and turned into a rain of blood.

"A Foundation Establishment Late Stage and a Foundation Establishment Middle Stage dare to hit my idea. It's really stupid."

Mu Linger said with a sneer, Take away the property and Magical Artifact from the two of them, move towards the jungle not far away, and disappear into the jungle.

······In    a hidden cave, Han Debiao held a pale-gold pumpkin hammer in his hand, and frantically attacked a golden giant about one zhang high ape, the golden giant ape is covered with golden fluff and grinning. In the upper left corner of the cave, there is a two zhang high golden fruit tree with diamond-shaped leaves and seven palm-size golden peaches. The golden peaches are on the surface. golden texture.

Han Debiao brandished a golden pumpkin hammer. The pumpkin hammer hit the ground, smashing big pits. The golden giant ape held a golden-bright and dazzling iron rod, but it was obviously not Han Debiao's opponent was blood-stained on his body.

This Second Rank middle grade golden-backed great ape is very powerful, but it is still not Han Debiao's opponent.

The golden-backed great ape sensed something wrong and wanted to escape from the ground. There was a muffled noise. Two big yellow hands about one zhang suddenly got out of the ground and grabbed its feet like lightning. , The sound of breaking the wind was loud, and a huge pumpkin hammer flew in and hit the golden-back vigorous ape.

The great golden-backed great ape uttered a painful cry, vomiting blood.

"It is not easy for you to go to this day. Obediently let me plant the restriction, and I can spare your life, otherwise I will kill you immediately."

Han Debiao said Solemnly, if he wanted to kill the Great Ape with the Golden Back, he could kill it just now.

The Golden-backed Great Ape is known for its great power, and Han Debiao wants to use it for his own use, otherwise he would have killed the Golden-backed Great Ape long ago.

The Golden-backed Great Ape didn’t understand Han Debiao’s words, struggling, Han Debiao opened his mouth and spouted a ball of blood essence, secret art was pinched, blood essence turned into dozens of bloody rune, moved towards The Golden-backed Great Ape flew away, it wanted to avoid it, Han Debiao raised high pumpkin hammer, his eyes were full of murderous aura.

There is a touch of fear in its eyes, obediently motionless.

Dozens of blood-colored runes were submerged in the head of the Golden-backed Great Ape, with a bottle gourd pattern on its eyebrows, and then disappeared.

The pumpkin hammer in Han Debiao's hand shrank quickly. With a pinch of his secret art, a yellow giant bear Puppet Beast about one zhang high emerged from the ground.

"The effect of the blood forging pill that Changming gave me is very good, I don't know how he is, I hope he is okay!"

Han Debiao muttered to himself, stepping forward moved towards golden Peach tree walked, he took all the peach trees, even the peach trees dug away, transplanting this peach tree back to Bottle Gourd Island, can enhance the family heritage.

······    A damp and gloomy black jungle, at a glance, there are big black trees of ten zhang or so tall, with lush branches and leaves, covering them. Lots of sunlight.

Han Changming's face is full of horror, looks pale, hundreds of red monster mosquitoes are chasing after each other, the monster mosquitoes have four wings on their backs, and the tail section also has a tail spur. They are of different sizes, and the larger ones have water. The tank is big, and the small one is as big as the palm.

His bad luck is dying. Had it not been for the middle grade medicine pill, he would have died.

As soon as I entered Secret Realm, I appeared in the demonic beast lair, escaped and met the demonic beast, finally returned to the ground, and encountered a group of monster wolves. He escaped with the monster bird and finally escaped. After a catastrophe, he encountered a group of poison insects. He has been in Secret Realm for two days and has been running away. The bad luck can't be worse.

If you change to another Foundation Establishment cultivator, I am afraid it will be dead.

A sound of breaking through the air came from behind, hundreds of scarlet Fireballs of various sizes hit from behind, and an astonishing heat wave came from behind.

Han Changming's body surface is yellow, and a thick yellow soil armor emerges out of thin air, protecting his whole body.

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