2021-12-09   Chapter 340 again called up (seeking monthly subscription required)   Han Changming three slightly surprised a moment, hey Yes, why did Seaheed Pavilion send someone to Bottle Gourd Island again? Is the war unfavorable, and Seaheed Pavilion wants to recruit staff from the Han Family?

This probability is great. If it weren't, why would Seaheed Pavilion send someone to the door!    Han Zhangxiang Core Formation leaked the news, it touches can be removed from requisition, but now red algae Sea Territory outbreak of war, who do not know how long it will play, if let other forces Fire Cloud Sect and other know, maybe immediately Coming to destroy the Han Family, strangling the danger in the cradle.

Fortunately, there are not many people who know Han Zhangxiang Core Formation, even Han Family clansman, at most they know that Han Zhangxiang has attracted Thunder Tribulation, and they don’t know whether Han Zhangxiang has been promoted to the Core Formation Stage.

"Dao Jing, Changming, what do you think?"

Han Zhangxiang looked at Han Dao Jing and Han Changming, he actually had an idea, just wanted to see Han Dao Jing and Han Changming Thoughts.

Han Daojing thought for a while, and said, "The news of the patriarch Core Formation must not be leaked. If it reaches other forces, it may immediately destroy our Han Family. Seaheed Pavilion is impossible for us and other forces. Deadly, if Seaheed Pavilion is to recruit manpower, you can send two people to fight. In short, the news of patriarch Core Formation must not be let outsiders know."

"I suggest patriarch to suspend death, patriarch just Core Formation, There is no cultivation to develop the divine ability. At this time, against other Core Formation cultivators, patriarch is definitely not an opponent. Patriarch’s suspended animation is the best. It’s not too late to announce the news of Core Formation after patriarch cultivation develops the divine ability."

Han Changming suggested that this is the helplessness of the small family. Even if it is Core Formation, it should be kept secret to avoid causing trouble.

"What you said makes sense, I also intend to feign death, please go and receive the Seaheed Pavilion cultivator!"

"Yes, patriarch."

Han Changming and Han Daojing agreed, got up and left.

The Seaheed Pavilion sent Song Zhan, he is the famous Battle Madman of the Seaheed Pavilion, and he has been cultivation to the Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

Song Zhan brought five Qi Refinement Cultivators, who stood on a three-foot-long azure flying boat.

A thick white mist covers Bottle Gourd Island, making it impossible to see what's inside.

After a while, the thick white fog rolled violently, and a white cloud ladder ten zhang or so long flew out and fell in front of them.

The five Song Zhan people stood on the white cloud ladder, and the white cloud ladder swept them into the thick white fog.

They felt saw a flash and suddenly appeared over Bottle Gourd Island. Han Changming and Ye Xin were standing on a huge bottle gourd Magical Artifact. Their faces were full of grief, and they were dressed in linen and filial piety.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what are you guys?"

Song Zhan was taken aback for a while, could it be said that Han Family who is dead?    "Song Fellow in West and East, not long ago we were Fire Cloud Sect attacks, patriarch died, but also dozens of dead and wounded clansman."

Thunder Tribulation the news got out anyway, can explain Is it the Thunder Tribulation introduced by other clansman, or the Thunder Tribulation introduced by the guardian spirit bird, which Cultivation Family has no hidden power? The unknown is the most terrifying. Who will show all the cards?   Han Changming sighed, he knew Song war did not believe, out dozens of pieces Fire Cloud Sect dísciple identity token.

Song Zhan saw dozens of identity tokens, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he was comforted: "Fellow Daoist Han, people cannot come back to life after death, I am ordered by Uncle Liu to come to you Han Family, please Two Foundation Establishment cultivators and ten Qi Refinement Cultivators were sent to join us in the war. The battle has expanded and requires a lot of manpower."

Han Changming and Ye Xin glanced at each other and smiled bitterly. It doesn't matter if Han Family encounters an attack, we still have to recruit manpower from Han Family. Subordinate power is subordinate power, and it depends on the face of others.

Song Zhan suddenly thought of something and added: "I will tell Uncle Liu about the attack on your family, and I will give you a certain amount of compensation. Our Seaheed Pavilion will not treat meritorious officials badly. By the way, I Time it takes to burn a stick of incense for Fellow Daoist Han!"

Han Family was attacked, Song Zhan was not urged too hard, it seemed impersonal.

Han Changming invited the six Song Zhan people to the Spirit Hall. Han Daojing and others were in the Spirit Hall. They cried loudly at an empty coffin, looking sad.

Song Zhan was lightly sighed and gave Han Zhangxiang time it takes to burn a stick of incense, comforted: "Fellow Daoist Han, don’t be too sad, this time, our Seaheed Pavilion has been out a lot dísciple, I can definitely avenge you patriarch."

"Changming, Ye Xin, let’s take a trip with Fellow Daoist Song! Be careful on the road."

Han Daojing instructed, patriarch Can't show up, Han Family can best fight Han Changming, Han Changying, Han Changlu and others are too weak, they are no different from fighting to death.

Han Daojing originally wanted to lead the team himself, but was rejected by Han Changming.

It is not easy for the family to train a Second Rank high grade Array Master. Han Daojing's fighting experience is not as rich as Ye Xue, so it is not suitable for him to go.

"This matter is not in a hurry, you pack it up and leave tomorrow!"

Han Daojing asked Han Changying to arrange accommodation for Song Zhan and others, and temporarily stayed in Bottle Gourd Island. .

"Husband, I will go with you! I also want to share your worries for you."

Ye Xue hesitated again and again, and took the initiative to ask. There was a look of expectation in the beautiful eyes.

Every time the Seaheed Pavilion is called up, Ye Xin accompanies Han Changming to play, and Ye Xue stays in Bottle Gourd Island to take care of his children.

Now that his children have grown up, Ye Xue hopes to stay with Han Changming and fight shoulder to shoulder.

"This time the battle is more dangerous, madam, after you have been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, you rarely fight, a bit rusty, you should stay in Bottle Gourd Island!"

Han Changming hesitated and rejected Ye Xue's proposal.

"Okay! You guys be more careful."

Ye Xue agreed, her eyes were full of disappointment. She has never had any opinion, and everything depends on Han Changming, Han She does what Changming says.

"Husband, this time is a great opportunity to increase the younger sister's fighting experience, or let her go together! It saves her fear."

Ye Xin pleaded for Ye Xue, she It can be seen that Ye Xue really wants to play with Han Changming.

Ye Xue heard this, a look of expectation appeared in his eyes.

"Okay! You just go with us! But you are not allowed to follow me."

Han Changming hesitated for a while and agreed.

Ye Xue has done a lot for him. She wants to play with Han Changming and also wants to help Han Changming. How can Han Changming bear to refuse her plea.

Even if he encounters the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator, he has the power to fight.

"Okay, I won't run around."

Ye Xue smiled happily and agreed.

"Benfu, Benzhi, Benyong, the three of you stay at Bottle Gourd Island, don't run around, we will come back safely."

Han Changming looks at Han The three of Benfu, warned repeatedly.

The three Han Benfu agreed and told Han Changming to be more careful.

On the second day in the morning, the sky was still dark, a huge azure bottle gourd and an azure flying boat flew out of Bottle Gourd Island, and disappeared into the sky before long.

there is a wait for the next chapter, words more            (Chapter End)

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