
  Chapter 357 ends (seeking subscription for monthly pass)    Wu Xueli sighed in relief, said with a smile: "This is natural. I promise that there will be no next time. You bring as much wealth as possible with Spirit Stone. Don't bring miscellaneous things. I heard from the master that there are abundant resources for cultivation in the sea. As long as there is Spirit Stone, even if It’s the infant spiritual objects that are all auctioned."

Han Changming's eyes flashed astonishment. He was full of curiosity in the outer seas, but he did not expect that the outer sea-connected infant spiritual objects would be auctioned. No wonder Seaheed Pavilion has to recruit so many Foundation Establishments. The cultivator goes to the open sea.

To send Wu Xueli away, Han Daobin called Han Changjiong to ask about the income of the family store.

"Chang Jiong, you can mobilize a Spirit Stone as soon as possible. We will use it outside the sea. By the way, we can secretly disclose the news of our going outside the sea to Dehao."

Han Daobin instructed, Chen Family has been beaten and disabled, Seaheed Pavilion has recruited a Foundation Establishment cultivator. Judging from the current situation of Chen Family, Chen Yuanhua has a lot of power and hopes to become the patriarch of Chen Family.

After this battle, Han Dehao estimates that it will not be reused by Chen Family, but there is no problem in transmitting information.

Even if Han Dehao doesn't say anything, he can still receive news if he wants to come to Chen Family. After all, Seaheed Pavilion has a huge momentum this time, and dozens of Foundation Establishment cultivators have been mobilized. It is difficult for other forces to know.

"No problem, I'll do it now."

Han Changjiong agreed, turned and left.

"Let’s go to the open sea this time. Be careful. The Seaheed Pavilion recruits so many Foundation Establishment cultivators to go to the open sea. It’s not that simple."

Han Daobin’s face is serious, Seaheed Pavilion’s. There are a lot of Foundation Establishment cultivators, but the Foundation Establishment cultivator of the Cultivation Family has to be recruited, which is obviously to reduce risks.

In the great battle ten years ago, Seaheed Pavilion recruited multiple Cultivation Family to participate in the battle. The Cultivation Family suffered heavy losses. Seaheed Pavilion could compensate one Foundation Establishment Pill at most. After a great battle, Seaheed Pavilion’s Foundation Establishment cultivator was killed and injured. Not much.

Going to the open sea this time may be even worse.

Han Changming nodded and said: "Everything has one more mind, let’s keep the same and respond to all changes!"

After a while, Han Changjiong came back and brought back seventy-five thousand Thousands of Spirit Stones were handed over to Han Daobin.

In the morning of the second day, Han Daojing received a call from Wang Yunzhong and went to the exit of Market City to gather.

They came to the exit of Market City and saw dozens of Foundation Establishment cultivators. These cultivators looked different. Some were confused and some were sad.

Many of them don't want to go to the open sea. The Seaheed Pavilion forced them to go to the open sea.

After a while, Lu Yun arrived slowly, her majestic gaze passed over the numerous cultivators, and everyone did not dare to breathe.


Lu Yun sleeved flicked and walked outside the market city, Wu Xueli and Wang Yunzhong followed along, Han Changming and others followed along.

Out of the market city, Lu Yun shot the Spirit Beast Bag, and a white light flew out. It was a ten zhang or so long azure python with a silver crown on the head of the azure python. Look The breath is impressively a third rank Spirit Beast.

Lu Yun jumped up first, and the others followed closely from behind.

The thick tail of azure python slapped into the void, turning into an azure light and pierced through the air.

Han Changming looked at the smaller and smaller Kuixing Market City, took a deep breath, his eyes became firmer and firmer.

This time I traveled far, I don't know when I will come back, and I don't know if I can meet patriarch.

It didn't take long for the azure light to disappear into the sky.

······   Caixia Island, Chamber.

More than a dozen Chen Family elders gathered together. Chen Family has been going downhill over the years. This time has lost three Foundation Establishment cultivators. The strongest Chen Hongming also died.

Since Chen Hongming entered the Foundation Establishment Stage, he has not failed, leading the Chen Family to glory. With Chen Hongming's body dies and Dao disappears, Chen Family has declined.

They are choosing a new patriarch, except for a Foundation Establishment cultivator who has been conscripted. Chen Family currently has four Foundation Establishment cultivators, namely Chen Yuheng, Chen Yuxin, Chen Yuanhua and Chen Yuanjiao.

Chen Yuxin worships in the Seaheed Pavilion, strictly speaking, and Chen Family has only three Foundation Establishment cultivators. Chen Yuanjiao has been in charge of inquiring about intelligence. The candidates for patriarch are Chen Yuheng and Chen Yuanhua.

"Uncle Yuheng, you are old and respected, you should be a patriarch! Lead the family through this level."

Han Desheng said sincerely, Chen Yuheng secluded cultivation all the year round. , He doesn't know how to manage the family at all, Han Desheng is advancing with retreat.

Chen Yuheng is in his early eighties, red light across the whole face, his eyes are piercing, he has the foundation establishment middle stage cultivation base.

Over the years, he has never taken care of things and has been secluded cultivation. Letting him manage the family will only mess up the family.

"The old man is not suitable for being a patriarch, Yuanhua, you have been following the patriarch all these years, let's be the patriarch! Yuanjiao has been in charge of inquiring about intelligence, and she is not suitable, you are the best candidate."

Chen Yuheng said without hesitation, everyone has their own field of specialisation, and Chen Yuanhua is indeed the best candidate.

"Uncle Yu Heng, I have no experience, patriarch left suddenly, I don’t know how to deal with the situation."

Han Desheng’s mouth is bitter, and the two of Chen and Yang fought. Eight Foundation Establishment cultivators were killed in battle. Chen Family has been maimed. However, Yang Family has been able to conserve strength and store up energy over the years, and the losses in many wars have been small. Yang Family’s current strength is stronger than Chen Family. .

"Seaheed Pavilion has already intervened. I don’t want to come to Yang Family too much. I’m afraid that Yang Family and Han Family will unite. That will be the most troublesome."

Chen Yuheng thought about it. Here, I feel a headache. The cultivation world strength is respected. When Chen Hongming died, Chen Family did not pick up. On the other hand, Han Family, after Han Zhangxiang died, Han Family also had Han Changming and Han Debiao.

"Yu Xin aunt works in the Seaheed Pavilion, even if the Han and Yang family work together, it should not be too much."

"Confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth!" Yuanhua, you are patriarch, you can arrange it! The whole family will listen to you."

Chen Yuheng is not good at handling these things. The four Cultivation Family locations of Han, Chen, Yang, and Liu are relatively close. Han Family and Liu Family have been in-laws for many years. Chen Family is now having a bad relationship with Yang Family. It is difficult to find an ally, and it is far from satisfying the thirst.

"Okay, please go down, step up guard, beware of enemy sneak attacks, take out the Foundation Establishment Pill stored in the clan, and train more Foundation Establishment cultivators as soon as possible."

Han Desheng said solemnly, the new official took the post of three fires, waiting for him to secure the position of Chen Family patriarch, there is a chance to convey benefits for Han Family.

······   Bottle Gourd Island, the Chamber.

Han Daojing sits on the main seat, and a gentle azure clothed man sits aside.

The azure clothed man is named Yang Tianle, Foundation Establishment Early Stage, he is the new patriarch selected by Yang Family.

Yang Family also has five Foundation Establishment cultivators, but two Foundation Establishment cultivators are hidden powers, and there are only three Foundation Establishment cultivators left on the surface.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend. Yang Family wants to deepen the relationship with the Han Family and deal with the Chen Family.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, this is the case and we will get married next year."

Han Daoist said with a smile, Yang Tianle came here this time for marriage, Han Daoist’s great-granddaughter Han Benru married Yang Tianle's grandson.

The Han Family will focus on supporting Han Benru’s heirs and let them climb to a high position in the Yang Family in preparation for the Han Family's annexation of the Yang and Chen families in the future.

"Then it's settled, in-laws."

Yang Tianle was full of joy and agreed.

The two Han and Yang families join forces. Chen Family is definitely not an opponent. The Chen and Han families are feuds. If they really fight, Chen Family will definitely target Han Family.

Yang Family will use Han Family’s hand to deal with Chen Family. In return, the two will strengthen cooperation, especially business cooperation, and suppress Chen Family. After all, Seaheed Pavilion is there, and the two dare not Destroyed Chen Family.

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