
  Chapter 363 Chen Yanchuan and the treasure hunt (4D chapter, subscription request for monthly pass)   1 month later, In a vast and endless Sea Territory, the sea water is black.

The wind whistled past, set off dozens of zhang high waves, cloudless.

An azure light appeared in the sky, quickly moved towards here and flew.

Not long after, azure light stopped on a deserted island, azure light was a gleaming flying boat, and twelve Foundation Establishment cultivators including Han Changming stood on it.

"Fellow Daoist Li, is there a sea ape here?"

Han Changming looked at the desert island below and curiously asked.

The island has a radius of less than fifty miles, and there are three unremarkable soil slopes with black trees growing sparsely.

Li Yutang nodded said: "I saw it with my own eyes, but it’s hard to say whether it’s the early bird catches the worm by others."

Sea apes often migrate , He wasn't sure that the sea ape had been here all the time.

"Is there any other cultivator the early bird catches the worm, don’t you know if you check it?"

Du Donglai took a shot of the Spirit Beast Bag and an azure light flew out. It is an azure seagull that is about one zhang big. The wings of the azure seagull are about one zhang the size, the head is very small, and the claws are extremely sharp.

The azure seagull hovered on the beach, making a sharp bird cry, grabbed a piece of sand, hovered one by one, and flew back in front of Du Donglai.

Du Donglai opened his palm, and the azure seagull released his paw, and some brown gravel fell on Du Donglai's hand.

"I have been caught by the early bird catches the worm. My blue gull bird is very sensitive to the smell of blood. Even if the blood is dry for a month, I can't hide it."

Han Changming was a little surprised. It is good to have experienced old dísciple to lead the way.

"Senior Brother Du’s blue gull bird never makes mistakes. The bloodstain should have been left within a month. Either someone was fighting here, or another cultivator caught the sea ape. Let’s go to the island. Check it out, there should be some clues."

A young woman in a blue palace costume explained that she was tall and had a Spirit Beast Bag tied around her waist.

Liu Fei, Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, she and Du Donglai have gone to sea to hunt demonic beasts many times and have rich experience.

Li Yutang secret art pinched, the azure flying boat slowly landed on the beach.

As expected by Du Donglai, they found some obvious footprints on the beach, which were left by the sea apes.

"It seems that there is no sea ape here, where shall we find the demonic beast?"

Han Daobin frowned and said, I thought there would be gains, didn't expect a happy one .

"The outer sea is different from the inner sea. There are many demonic beasts. Now is the season when sea apes are exposed to the sea for mating. If you go to a few more places, you should be able to find some sea apes."

Du Donglai put away the blue gull bird and explained.

"Let's listen to Senior Brother Du, and go to other places."

Li Yutang agreed, pinched the secret art, and the azure flying boat carrying numerous cultivators moved towards high altitude Fly away.

Before they flew far, a deafening blast suddenly sounded, and several rays of light appeared in the sky, moving towards them quickly.

Li Yutang is frowned, who is the most absent from nosy outside the sea, he is not interested in nosy.

He was about to avoid, a woman's voice full of surprises suddenly sounded: "The Fellow Daoist in front, the younger sister is the cultivator of Heavenly Sound Sect, the teacher is Fairy Maiden Thousand Spirit, the cultivator of Penglai Island is now We hope that Fellow Daoist will help, and the younger sister will definitely thank you."

Li Yutang disagrees, but Du Donglai stopped Li Yutang.

"Junior Brother Li, Fairy Maiden Thousand Spirit is quite famous in the open sea. If it is the dísciple of Fairy Maiden Thousand Spirit, it would be nice to have a good relationship."

Li Yutang has just arrived. Du Donglai and Liu Fei have no idea who Fairy Maiden Thousand Spirit is.

Heavenly Sound Sect is an Immortal Sect outside the sea, which belongs to the Righteous League. Fairy Maiden Thousand Spirit is the Sect Master of Heavenly Sound Sect. It has outstanding aptitude and many pursuers.

The Good News has compiled a Hundred Flowers Book, listing hundreds of female cultivators with outstanding beauty and talent. Fairy Maiden Thousand Spirit is ranked ninth in the Hundred Flowers Book. It is rumored that she has a great chance of getting promoted. Enter the Nascent Soul Stage.

At this time, more than a dozen lights came to the front, a light azure leaf Magical Artifact flew quickly, and an apricot face, peach-faced, pretty blue skirt girl stood on top of the leaf Magical Artifact, she His look flustered.

Behind her, there are several young and beautiful female cultivators.

A jet-black flying boat followed. Eight Foundation Establishment cultivators stood on the flying boat. The leader was a tall, middle-aged man, middle-aged. There is a mole as big as a soybean at the corner of man's mouth, which is particularly conspicuous.

"Chen Yanchuan, it's you."

Du Donglai saw the middle-aged man, complexion sank, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Chen Yanchuan is quite famous in the open sea, but he is notorious. This person is extremely lustful. He has killed many female cultivators and is hated by the majority of female cultivators.

Chen Yanchuan's strength is not weak. He has the cultivation base of Foundation Establishment Late Stage. The most important point is that he is an apprentice of both Yin and Yang.

Yin and Yang Shuangsha is the general term for two Nascent Soul Stage cultivators. They are fierce and domineering. If it weren't for the name of Yin and Yang Shuangsha, Chen Yanchuan would have died.

Du Donglai fought against Chen Yanchuan in his early years and suffered a big loss. His Dao Companion also fell into the hands of Chen Yanchuan, whereabouts unknown and most likely had been killed.

"I said who dared to be nosy, it turned out to be you, a trash, you escaped last time, you won't leave your female companion and run away this time! Haha."

Chen Yanchuan narrowed his eyes when seeing Du Donglai, his face full of disdain.

Du Donglai was half-dead with anger, and his face flushed red. In order to cover him, his Dao Companion was left behind and he didn’t know his life or death. This matter is the eternal pain in his heart. He can’t wait to dismember Chen Yanchuan. by Five Horses, but he knows very well that he is not Chen Yanchuan’s opponent at all.

"Junior Brother Li, Fellow Daoist Han, this person is Chen Yanchuan, the grandson of Yin and Yang Shuangsha, Yin and Yang Shuangsha is the demonic path cultivator of Penglai Island."

Liu Philip sound transmission explained, her face solemn.

Regardless of their crowds, Chen Yanchuan is after all the disciple of both evil and yin and yang. He must have a huge might treasure on him. If they really fight, they are not necessarily Chen Yanchuan's opponent.

Chen Yanchuan's gaze flicked over Li Yutang and Han Changming, and a look of dreading flickered in his eyes. There were so many people on the other side. Here is the territory of the Righteous Alliance, which has never been at peace with Penglai Island. With the existence of Monster Race, Two Great Influences remain restrained, but there are many small-scale battles.

"Chen Fairy, next time if fated will meet again, we will always have the opportunity to be a loving couple."

Chen Yanchuan said with a smile obscenely, his obscene eyes turned green The skirt girl passed by, and the secret art was pinched. The black flying boat suddenly burst out with a dazzling black light and flew along the way.

It didn't take long for Chen Yanchuan and others to disappear into the sky.

Liu Fei and Du Donglai sighed in relief at the same time. Li Yutang and others came here for the first time. They didn’t know Chen Yanchuan’s terrifying. They had fought against Chen Yanchuan and suffered a big loss.

"Little sister Chen Qianqian, many thanks Fellow Daoist life-saving grace, if I have time in the future, the little sister will definitely come to visit, be careful, not respectful."

The girl reported her home, took out a heavy azure storage bag, and threw it to Li Yutang.

As long as the female cultivator fell into Chen Yanchuan's hands, they did not leave alive. If they hadn't met Li Yutang and others, they would definitely not be able to escape Chen Yanchuan's clutches.

Li Yutang returned the storage bag to Chen Qianqian, said with a smile: "Chen Fairy is polite, no effort at all, no need to hang on."

Look at Fairy Maiden Thousand For Spirit's sake, Li Yutang confiscated Chen Qianqian's property, after all, they did nothing.

"This can't be done. If it weren't for your help, we would probably be dead. Fellow Daoist looked down on us?" Chen Qianqian frowned.

Li Yutang can do it or not, she has to give it.

Li Yutang declined but accepted the storage bag and declared himself his family.

"Fellow Daoist Li, you are going to hunt the demonic beast! The little girl encountered some sea apes while escaping, you can try one's luck."

Chen Qianqian Tell Li Yutang where she found the sea ape, not very far from here, less than a thousand miles away.

"Many thanks, Fairy Chen."

Li Yutang was overjoyed and grateful.

"We still have something to do. Let's say goodbye. You'd better rush to catch the sea ape later. Maybe Chen Yanchuan hasn't left yet."

Chen Qianqian exhorted. , The secret art pinched, the leaf Magical Artifact under the foot rose up, moved towards high altitude, and soon disappeared into the sky.

"Let’s set off too! Take the sea ape away, do it quickly."

After Li Yutang said this, the azure flying boat rose sharply, moved towards high altitude .

Less than one hour, they rushed to their destination.

Han Changming narrowed his eyes, moving towards the island below.

The area of ​​the island is not large, with a dozen or more li in radius. The island is covered with ash-gray stones. A dozen coconut trees are scattered all over the island. The terrain is flat and the sea water. At high tide, the island is estimated to be submerged by the sea.

Li Yutang controlled the azure flying boat and slowly landed on the beach. They checked carefully and found the footprints of some apes demonic beasts.

They deployed Formation, cast a spell and hid it.

One day passed quickly. On the second day, the morning sun began to rise, golden sunlight poured on the desert island, a salty sea breeze came, and countless yellow sands were blown away.

More than a dozen heads surfaced one after another. It was a sea ape that was half zhang high. The sea ape was covered with blue hair and grinned. They moved towards the beach one after another.

The intelligence of sea apes is low. Most of these sea apes are First Rank, and their intelligence is equivalent to two or three-year-old children. They are easy to catch, easy to tame, and sell well.

They play on the beach, or lie on the beach to soak in the sun, or moved towards the coconut tree.

At this moment, a man’s voice suddenly sounded: "Do it."

The tone barely fell, nine white radiances flew out from the ground, gathered together, and turned into one The large white light curtain of zhang or so covers a dozen sea apes inside.

A large amount of white mist gushes out of the white light curtain, the temperature drops sharply, the ground freezes quickly, and a large number of snowflakes fall from the sky.

More than a dozen sea apes panicked suddenly, they moved towards the sea and rushed towards the sea, but hit the white light curtain, and heard the muffled sound of peng peng.

They shook their fists and hit the white light curtain, which was completely motionless.

They opened their mouths one after another, spouting blue water arrows, hitting the white light curtain, which was still completely motionless.

They either release the Water Arrow Technique or hit with a fist, which is useless.

The temperature inside the white light curtain is getting lower and lower, the resistance of sea monkeys is getting smaller and smaller, and the snow on the ground is about one chi thick.

After a while, all a dozen sea apes were frozen into ice sculptures.

Li Yutang removed the Formation, took out Spirit Beast Bag, and took away the sea apes.

"Finally, some gains are made. It is worthwhile for us to come here all the way."

Li Yutang is happy, and a First Rank sea ape can sell hundreds of Spirit Stones. , Second Rank Sea Ape can sell at a higher price.

Du Donglai said with a smile: "The demonic beasts in the open sea are rich in resources. If you come out, you must hunt more demonic beasts. If you go to sea for a few years, if you have good luck, you can earn the next ten. Years of expenditure, but the risk is also very high. If you encounter the third rank demonic beast, it will be troublesome."

Liu Fei nodded said: "Everything is risky, and cultivation will also cultivation deviation! No! It’s absolutely safe."

"We’re here for the first time, and there are many things we don’t understand. Please also Senior Brother Du and Senior Sister Liu for advice."

Li Yutang said sincerely, Du Donglai has rich experience in hunting monsters, so he still needs to listen to Du Donglai's opinions.

"It's still early, let's go on! Hunt for more demonic beasts, and then secluded cultivation for a few years."

Li Yutang took out azure flying boat, carrying everyone moved towards flying high in the sky.

······   One year later, at noon, the scorching sun is clear and there is no cloud.

calm and tranquil, a gust of wind blows, the sea water hits the reef, splashing ten zhang or so high waves.

On an island made up of more than a dozen huge reefs, two huge turtles surfaced.

They have sturdy limbs and a dark green turtle shell. Their heads are red. Look at their breath. They are two Second Rank high grade demonic beasts, which are equivalent to Foundation Establishment Late Stage. immortal cultivator.

The value of pan tortoise is not lower than that of sea ape. This kind of demonic beast is huge in size, and the tortoise shell is the best material for refining defensive magical artifacts.

They slowly moved towards a black reef and crawled away. After getting ashore, they lie down comfortably on the reef. The golden sunlight falls on them, bringing them a touch of warmth.

At this moment, dozens of white lights suddenly flew out from near the reef and turned into a huge white light curtain, enveloping them.

The two turtles noticed something wrong, and quickly moved towards the sea to flee, but bumped their heads on the white light curtain, which was completely motionless.

They opened their mouths one after another, spraying out the scarlet flame of the thickness of the bowl, and hitting the white light curtain, which is still completely motionless.

Two huge blue sea mussels emerged from the sea. Twelve immortal cultivators of Han Changming and others stood inside the blue sea mussels. Enter a secret art.

The two pan turtles wanted to retract their heads into the turtle shells. At this moment, divine light flashed, two gleaming blue iron chains fell from the sky, locking Pan turtles' heads, preventing it from The head retracted into the tortoise shell.

Pan tortoise struggled violently, spraying flames and attacking the big white hand.

In the violent wind, countless snowflakes gathered together, turned into hundreds of white ice needles, and hit the heads of two rock turtles.

The dense white ice needles hit Pangui's head, and there was a muffled noise, and some light azure liquid came out.

A burst of strange cold air emerged from the ground, covering the heads of the two rock tortoises, and their heads quickly froze.

The snowflakes fluttered in the wind, turning into a white ice blade that took about one chi and slashed to the heads of two rock turtles.

Boom! After   a deafening rumbling sound rang, the heads of the two rock turtles were chopped off.

They are very precise in their grasp of the fighter plane. The turtle shell of Pangui is not seriously damaged and can be sold for a good price.

Everyone was elated, and their faces were overflowing with joy.

Han Changming was lightly sighed in relief. It has been more than a year to go to sea. They have hunted a lot of demonic beasts and a dozen of Second Rank high grade demonic beasts. The demon hunting team he belongs to is strong. Strong, hunted a lot of demonic beasts, other demon hunters encountered them and avoided them far.

They removed the Formation and dealt with the demonic beast corpse. The Foundation Establishment Middle Stage cultivator such as Han Daobin dealt with the corpse. Han Changming and Li Yutang chatted.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I got two Second Rank monster cores this time, you can give us some black pill!"

We have been together for half a year, Li Yutang and Han Changming is familiar with many people.

For their hunter team, Han Changming is the only Second Rank Pill Refinement Master. This is not surprising. The Second Rank Pill Refinement Master of the Seaheed Pavilion does not need to take risks, just stay on the golden haze island pill concocting. No need to go out to hunt and kill demonic beasts at all.

Every time when the Second Rank demonic beast is hunted and the property is distributed, Han Changming will take away the monster core, but he will give out some medicine pills to other people.

Wuyue Pills can detoxify, and the effect is better than that of Detoxification Pill on the market. They have already personally experienced this.

"No problem, according to what we said, fifteen black moon pills."

Han Changming readily agreed. He found that the prices outside the sea were high, especially Healing Medicine Pill, the price is much higher than Inland Sea.

This is also normal. Immortal cultivators in the offshore often fight with the demonic beasts. The income is relatively high and the chance of injury is high. The price of Healing Medicine Pill is naturally high, and the demonic beast resources in the inland sea are relatively small. Unless a war breaks out, under normal circumstances, the price of Healing Medicine Pill will not be too high.

The most valuable thing about the tortoise demonic beast is the tortoise shell and the monster core, especially the tortoise shell, which is the best material for refining defensive magical artifacts.

In the Red Algae Sea Territory, it is not easy to find a Second Rank high grade demonic beast. They have killed more than a dozen Second Rank high grade demonic beasts in succession. It is no wonder that many immortal cultivators think of offshore development. .

Han Changming took this opportunity to collect a lot of Second Rank monster cores. Unfortunately, they are all Five Elements monster cores without Thunder Attribute monster cores.

"Hey, what is this? Magical Artifact?"

Han Daobin took out an egg-sized milk-white ball from the body of a rock tortoise, round The shining bead is obviously a Magical Artifact.

According to the regulations, the property obtained by the hunting monster is distributed face to face. The more you contribute, the more distribution.

"Let me see."

Du Donglai took the white ball and tried to inject mana.

Countless runes suddenly emerged from the white beads. These runes suddenly flew out, gathered together in midair and turned into a Terrain Map.

Terrain Map is an island, with mountains and water, and a golden light spot somewhere.

"This is the inheritance magic bead!"

Li Yutang was taken aback for a moment, his expression extremely excited.

Han Changming's face is a little weird. When he was at Qi Refinement Stage, he bought an inheritance magic bead at the stall. It turned out to be a trap set by an evil cultivator. If he hadn't told the elders, he had died. Now, this made him somewhat doubt the authenticity of the inheritance magic beads.

Du Donglai and Liu Fei looked at each other, and the two of them looked a little surprised. To be honest, they found that the inheritance bead was a good thing, but they couldn't believe it.

Du Donglai has spent five years outside the sea, but he has only heard of the inheritance magic beads, but never really saw it.

They went to sea for more than a year, and they got the inheritance magic beads, this luck is very good.

"Fellow Daoist Li, it may be a trap. Be cautious. I think I should hand in the inheritance magic beads!" Han Changming suggested that he was afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years. Jing Sheng, if Han Zhangxiang is by his side, Han Changming would rather take a trip.

"What if it is a chance? How can there be so many traps? Who knows that the inheritance magic beads will be obtained by who? I think it is our chance. There are twelve of us, as long as we don’t encounter Core Formation There is still no problem with cultivator."

Li Yutang disagrees. Opportunities and risks have always coexisted. You can’t deny all opportunities just because an evil cultivator sets traps!    "Let's go back to Golden Haze Island first! From a long-term perspective, Cave Mansion can't run anyway."

Du Donglai suggested.

"Senior Brother Du, what if someone catches the worm the early bird?"

A Seaheed Pavilion dísciple spoke of the confusion in his mind, and there were twelve The Foundation Establishment cultivator saw the Terrain Map. For the Foundation Establishment cultivator, it is easy to redraw a Terrain Map. If someone leaves the Golden Haze Island midway, find the location of the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion and take away the failed during meditation Cave The things in Mansion, aren’t the others at a loss?

The heart is separated by the belly. If you want to avoid leaking the news, the twelve of them must stay together, and they must not be in contact with outsiders to prevent leakage of the news.

If it is reported, the Core Formation cultivator is also impossible to go to treasure hunting in person. At most, Direct Disciple will be sent to collect the treasures. You can never find the so-called failed during meditation Cave Mansion. The Core Formation cultivator should search for treasures by yourself!    "I have a chart with me. Let's check it carefully. If we find the location of the map, we will go hunting for treasure. If not, we will return to Golden Haze Island and report it. Even if there is a treasure, let's twelve. Individuals, how much can each person score?"

Li Yutang's tone is sincere. If he reports to the sect, the reward will be given to the twelve Foundation Establishment cultivators, and Li Yutang can't score much.

Li Yutang has stepped into the cultivation world for so many years. He has never encountered an evil cultivator trap, nor has he discovered the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. This time he discovered the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. He thought it was his chance. Maybe he can take this opportunity to Core Formation and produce high grade Golden Core.

He is not delusional. As far as he knows, the set up Sect Ancestor Master of Seaheed Pavilion is to obtain ancient cultivator inheritance, cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, and then establish the sect.

Cultivation world There are countless legends about this kind of opportunity, and it is rare to be encountered by himself, and Li Yutang naturally has to grasp it.

Most people are tempted, Han Changming brows tightly knit, the minority obeys the majority, if he refuses, then there is no way to stay in this small circle.

"The evil cultivator has this idea to set up a trap, so he simply murdered to seize the treasures. He can't guarantee that the inheritance magic beads will fall in the hands of the Foundation Establishment cultivator! Let's go to sea this time and hunt one after another. Killed more than a dozen Second Rank high grade demonic beasts, and encountered gregarious demonic beasts, but they were not intact. I don’t think we should be suspicious. The two words "Chance" are extremely mysterious and abstruse."

Li Yutang said Persuaded, his eyes fell on Han Changming's body.

Han Changming has the cultivation base of Foundation Establishment Late Stage. He is also the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master. His attitude is very important.

"Changming, Fellow Daoist Li said that we have been going to sea for more than a year and hunted more than a dozen Second Rank high grade demonic beasts. This is enough to show that the offshore cultivation resources are rich and there are ancient cultivator caves. Mansion is not surprising."

Han Delei persuaded that they hunted down a large number of Second Rank demonic beasts, and he got a lot of belongings.

If he wants to hit the Core Formation Stage, he needs more money.

Han Daobin deeply agrees. The twelve of them have teamed up to kill so many Second Rank demonic beasts. They have always been smoothly, and now they have inheritance magic beads,    "Okay! If the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion is not in a remote place, but we can take a trip."

Han Changming hesitated for a while and agreed.

Everyone took out sea charts and looked for related islands.

"I found it, at the junction of the forces of the Righteous League and the Three Immortal Islands."

Han Delei said excitedly, pointing to a place on the chart.

Looking along the place he pointed, you can see a small island, the shape of the island is similar to the record of the inheritance magic beads.

The three immortal islands are bordered by the forces of the Righteous Alliance. Their current location is not very far from the island recorded by the inheritance magic beads, and they can be reached in less than a month.

Du Donglai took a closer look at the location of the islands. Nodded said: "There are many islands with weak Spiritual Qi, but they are not large in size and economical. The demonic beast resources are few and very There are few immortal cultivator where to go. Immortal cultivator chooses where to die during meditation, but it makes sense."

"It’s not too late, let’s go right away! After this matter is over, we can return to golden haze Island, concentrate on cultivation for a while."

Li Yutang said with some excitement, took out azure flying boat, and carried everyone moved towards high altitude.

After half a month, they arrived at their destination.

This island has a radius of one hundred li or so, and the terrain is high in the east and low in the west. The ancient cultivator Cave Mansion is located in the mountain range to the east. The ash-gray stones can be seen everywhere. The vegetation is sparse and looks a bit desolate.

They released Divine Consciousness one after another, scanned the island several times, and confirmed that there was no abnormality before Li Yutang landed on the ground.

"Everyone be careful, the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion may have severe restrictions."

Li Yutang warned repeatedly with a solemn expression. At this time, they have to be more careful.

The twelve of them dispersed, Han Changming walked at the back, his gently clapped Spirit Beast Bag, a yellow light flew out, and disappeared into the ground in a flash.

Li Yutang and others slowly moved towards the mountain range and walked deep, they looked at everything around them vigilantly.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, they stopped outside a long and narrow valley. A mountain stream passed through the valley. There was the sound of gurgling water, and a lot of ash- scattered on the ground. gray stone.

Li Yutang held a light azure animal skin in his hand, and they drew the map recorded in the inheritance magic beads.

"It should be here, there is nothing wrong."

Li Yutang put away the Terrain Map, said solemnly, his eyes a little fiery.

Liu Fei patted the Spirit Beast Bag, and a blue light flew out. It was a half zhang high sea ape.

This sea ape is no more than First Rank middle grade, but rough skin and thick flesh, it is the most suitable way to explore.

Under the command of Liu Fei, the sea monkey strode towards the valley.

Li Yutang and others looked at the sea ape one after another, but they did not dare to breathe.

Han Changming is standing at the back, his eyes passing by golden light for a while, it is the true pupil of golden eyes.

Han Changming has rarely used it since he cultivated golden eyes with true pupils. This time he used it for treasure hunting.

He can clearly see that within the valley is shrouded in a white light, which is obviously forbidden.

He moved towards other places and looked around, and found no abnormalities.

When the sea ape walked into the valley, a large white mist suddenly appeared, covering the sea ape, and the sea ape suddenly disappeared.

Li Yutang frowned, looking at Liu Fei.

"The sea monkey is not dead, it should be a imaginary formation. Let's take action together. It is not difficult to break the formation."

Liu Fei said solemnly, the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion usually Imaginary formation in the peripheral layout is normal.

They took out Magical Artifact one after another and attacked the white mist.

Boom!    A deafening blast sounded, the multi-colored spell aura burst within the valley, the white mist suddenly dissipated, and the sea ape's gaze was frightened, standing on the open space.

With its spiritual wisdom, naturally I don’t know that I am trapped by the imaginary formation.

Du Donglai also released a sea ape and walked into the valley.

The two sea apes were walking around within the valley, and no other restrictions were triggered. Everyone released Divine Consciousness and carefully explored the valley, but found no abnormalities.

"Junior Brother Li, Fellow Daoist Han, let’s go in first and have a look. If you stay outside, if there is anything, you can pick us up."

Du Dong came with them He said hello, took the initiative to invite Ying, and walked into the valley with five Foundation Establishment cultivators, Han Delei was also inside.

At this time, they are still very careful, Han Changming deeply agrees.

Not long after, there was a muffled sound of metal collision within the valley. The hearts of the six Han Changming sank and their faces became serious. Soon, Du Donglai's joyous voice suddenly sounded: " Junior Brother Li and Fellow Daoist Han, we have discovered the entrance of the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion."

After hearing this, Han Changming and Li Yutang sighed in relief.

Li Yutang was overjoyed and was about to walk into the valley. Han Changming pulled him back and said, "With the abilities of Fellow Daoist Du, it is not difficult to break the restriction, wait a minute! Don't worry for a while."

Li Yutang felt that what Han Changming said made sense, so he stayed where he was.

Within the valley, Du Donglai and six people stand in front of a steep stone wall. There is an earth-yellow light curtain on the stone wall, which is faintly discernible.

More than a dozen pieces of brilliant Magical Artifact hit the earth-yellow light curtain, and there was a muffled crackle.

Boom! After    a huge explosion sounded, the

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