
  Chapter 385 Azure Lotus Fairy (for subscription and monthly pass)    "Husband, I will protect you, You guys are busy!"

Ye Xin took out dozens of yellow formation flags. With a flick of his wrist, the yellow formation flag turned into dozens of yellow lights and disappeared in the stone wall.

Han Changming nodded, took out three shiny yellow flying knives, hacked on the stone wall, opened up a simple stone chamber, and walked in.

He sit cross-legged and took out the Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd, showing a touch of ecstasy on his face.

The evil cultivator's possessions add up to more than 500,000, with an average of more than 40,000 Spirit Stones per capita. In addition to the talisman treasure, there is also a Subduing Dust Pill.

Subduing Dust Pill is a third rank medicine pill, which can assist the immortal cultivator to hit the Core Formation Stage. With the addition of Fu Jin Guo and Golden Berries, Han Changming already has three Core Formation spiritual objects, and he plans to make more of them. Two copies of the Core Formation spiritual object, striving to produce a high grade Golden Core.

The greater the number of Core Formation spiritual objects, the more likely it is to produce a high grade Golden Core, which does not mean absoluteness.

Murder and set fire to the golden belt, Han Changming went to the open sea to kill a number of evil cultivators, with more than one million possessions, the most valuable is the third rank Puppet Beast, but his Divine Consciousness unable to urge The third rank Puppet Beast needs to be driven by the third rank talisman divine talisman. The seven-star divine talisman has been used up and there is no second one.

In addition to talisman treasure and Subduing Dust Pill, there are many Second Rank monster cores. The most precious are the two third rank Pill recipes.

Seven-star forged Divine Pill, Divine Consciousness skyrocketed in a short period of time after taking it. Afterwards, it needs to be recuperated for a period of time, and Divine Consciousness will return to its original level.

Jade Rhinoceros Pill, Healing Medicine Pill, speeds up the recovery of users, and has a good effect on internal injuries.

These two third-rank medicine pills are made from third-rank monster core plus more than four hundred years of spiritual medicine, especially the seven-star forged Divine Pill, which requires a third-rank crying animal Inner core refining requires 400 years of nourishing grass.

With his current cultivation base and alchemy level, he can't refine the third rank medicine pill even if he has all the materials.

Han Changming put away the Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd and meditated for cultivation.

Two days later, Han Changming and his wife walked out of the cave.

Han Changming took out Fei Lingsuo, and jumped up first, Ye Xin and Ye Xue follow closely from behind,    He entered a secret art, Fei Lingsuo lit up a soft blue light, Turned into a thick blue water curtain covering their three people.

At this moment, there was a muffled noise from the ground, and a small dirt bag suddenly bulged on the ground. The dirt bag moved quickly, and it seemed that something was hiding under the ground.

"Not good, be careful."

Han Changming complexion changed and quickly reminded him.

Tone barely fell, the soil bag burst open suddenly, and a large piece of rubble moved towards the three of them and the couple smashed over.

Ye Xue quickly took out the Han Moon Wheel and broke into a secret art. The Han Moon Wheel bloomed with a dazzling white light. His body soared, he stood in front of him and turned quickly.

The dense gravel hit the cold Moon Wheel, and there was a muffled sound of "kengkeng". The gravel was all frozen by the ice and fell to the ground.

The three of Han Changming and his wife dispersed quickly, their faces all guarded.

Han Changming rolls up his sleeves, and eleven white light sparkling flags fly out. There is a chill on the surface of the flag, and the ice flag. This is a set of Magical Artifact, obtained from the evil cultivator .

Most of the dry earth real sun sand was taken away by Chen Yanchuan's companions, and he couldn't exert too much formidable power, so it happened to get this set of ice spirit flag.

With the cultivation base of his Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, all the formidable power of the Ice Soul Banner can be used.

Han Changming secret art pinched, the eleventh ice flag suddenly dissipated, and it flew around him uncertainly. The big white snowflakes fluttered out, turning into one in a gust of wind. The white Icicle, which is about one chi long, went straight to the earth.

Ye Xue secret art changed, Han Moon Wheel sprayed a thick white beam of light, hitting the dirt bag.

Ye Xin took out dozens of yellow formation flags and each entered a secret art. Dozens of yellow formation flags were scattered and disappeared under the ground. She punched a secret art into the formation. , An earth-yellow light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering the three of them.

Boom!   A thick yellow tail emerged from the ground, and patted the white Icicle in a harsh whistling sound.

A huge explosion sounded, the white Icicle was smashed by the yellow tail and turned into countless white icicles. The white beam of light hit the soil bag, and the soil bag suddenly became frozen. The area is frozen.

A dirt bag swelled on the ground again, and moved towards Han Changming and others moved over.

Before the soil bag got close, the thick yellow tail smashed over.

Boom! The    yellow tail hit the earth-yellow light curtain. The earth-yellow light curtain made a muffled noise, and the ground shook for a while, and a small crack appeared in the array on Ye Xin's hand.

"Not good, it may be the third rank demonic beast, Second Rank demonic beast impossible one hit to damage the thick soil imperial demon formation!"

Ye Xin said in surprise, his face becoming more solemn.

Ye Xue flipped his hand to take out two red light shining talisman, moved towards the soil bag and lost it.

The red light flashed, and the two red talisman seals burst open immediately, turning into two ten zhang or so long scarlet Fire Python, scarlet Fire Python shaking its head and wagging its tail, hitting the soil Bag above.

The rumbling sound of explosion sounded, and the two scarlet Fire Python burst apart and turned into a ball of flames, covering the area around the hundred zhang.

A roar of "jiji" sounded, and a thick yellow tail flew out of the fire sea and patted the yellow light curtain.

"Not good, Husband, avoid it."

Ye Xin reminded loudly, but it was too late.

With a muffled sound of "peng", the earth-yellow light curtain shattered, and the array in Ye Xin's hand shattered. The thick and long earth-yellow tail patted Han Changming.

Han Changming was taken aback. He did not expect that there would be a third rank demonic beast on the island.

After a dazzling yellow light appeared on his body surface, a thick earth-yellow armor appeared on the body surface. It was the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor. At the same time, he opened his arms and blocked Ye Xin and Ye. Xue.

With a muffled sound of "Pa", Han Changming flew upside down like a broken kite, spit out a mouthful of blood, looked pale down, Ye Xin and Ye Xue also flew upside down. But they were thrown out by Han Changming's arm, only to scratch the watch.

A soil bag flew out of the fire sea quickly, moved towards them.

Han Changming's eyes flashed with fright. Facing a third-rank Earth Element demonic beast, his strength was mostly weakened. He could only rely on Magical Artifact and talisman, and Stoneman could not stop it.

Han Changming secret art With a pinch, the eleven-stroke ice flag spins quickly, and a large white snowflake flies out. After one blur, it becomes a white Icicle about one chi long, moved towards the earth The package lasses away.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and white Icicles hit the ground, emitting a biting chill, but this did not stop it. Soil bag.

Ye Xue flipped his hand to take out a shiny yellow talisman, moved towards the ground and threw it away.

a yellow light flashed, the yellow talisman sank into the ground and disappeared.

Next moment, the ground shook violently, and dozens of huge cracks appeared, like an earthquake.

Boom!   A huge monster broke out of the ground, smoke and dust billowed, and countless rubble splashed around.

This is a demonic beast that resembles Pangolin. The tail is extremely long, the body surface is riddled with scars, and the blood flow is endless. Obviously there is injury to the body. Look at its breath. This is a third rank middle grade demonic. beast, the immortal cultivator in the equivalent to Core Formation mid-term, if it hadn't been seriously injured, Han Changming and the three would have died.

"Hey, Earth Armor Dragon, how come there is such a demonic beast here."

Han Changming was a little surprised and said that Earth Armor Dragon is a relatively rare Earth Element demonic The beast usually lives deep underground, has a keen sense of smell, has a strong defensive power, and is good at finding spiritual medicine. He keeps a lot of Spirit Insects and is familiar with some of the more powerful Spirit Beast birds.

There are very few Earth Attribute demonic beasts in the open sea, let alone the third rank Earth Armor Dragon.

"Evil creature, still want to hurt people? Hurry up obediently surrender?"

A cold woman's voice suddenly sounded, tone barely fell, and the calm sea suddenly burst open , A beautiful shadow flew out of the seabed, and it was a young girl with a beautiful face.

A girl with a graceful appearance, long hair shawl, wearing an azure lotus dress, with an azure lotus mark on her eyebrows, carrying three azure Flying Swords on her back, showing a bit of heroism between her brows.

The sword art of the girl in the blue skirt is pinched, the sword roars loudly, and three Flying Swords fly out of the sheath. After one blur, hundreds of azure Flying Swords are transformed into the Earth Armor Dragon. Away.

Earth Armor Dragon has a look of fear in its eyes, a yellow light emerges from its body surface, and a thick soil armor appears on its body surface. It is about to burrow back into the ground. Coming, hit the top of its left leg, and its left leg quickly became icy and slowed down.

Just listen to the sound of "knock" metal collision, the dense azure Flying Sword hit the Earth Armor Dragon, the earth armor on the Earth Armor Dragon body suddenly collapsed, and some azure Flying Sword pierced through. After the Earth Armor Dragon's body, it suddenly bleeds.

The jade hand of the girl in the blue skirt turned over, and three golden light shining spikes appeared on her hand. With a light shake, three golden spikes flew out and sank into the ground near the Earth Armor Dragon. It's gone.

There was a burst of dazzling golden light on the ground, and the ground quickly became golden-bright and dazzling, like a huge piece of gold. The Earth Armor Dragon couldn't penetrate the ground and let out a painful roar.

"If you don't want to die, let me plant a restriction, and I can also give you a Heavenly Beast pill to heal your wounds."

The tone of the girl in the green skirt is full of temptation, take it out An azure wooden box with an azure pill the size of a pigeon egg.

Earth Armor Dragon did not understand what the girl in the blue skirt said, but it probably understood what the other person meant. The girl in the blue skirt has a big stick in one hand and a sweet jujube in the other, so it naturally knows how to choose.

Earth Armor Dragon let out a low roar, fell on the ground, lowered its head, as if to indicate acknowledge allegiance.

The girl in the blue skirt has an apricot mouth, sprays a burst of blood essence, and penetrates into a secret art. The blood essence turns into three blood lotus flowers, which disappeared into the head of the Earth Armor Dragon.

Her jade hand shook, and Heavenly Beast Maru flew out and disappeared into the mouth of Earth Armor Dragon.

Earth Armor Dragon took Heavenly Beast pill and let out a cheerful roar.

The girl in the blue skirt patted the Spirit Beast Bag, and the Earth Armor Dragon turned into a yellow light and flew into the Spirit Beast Bag and disappeared.

She looked at the three Han Changming and said in a warm voice: "You can help me hold this evil creature for a while, it is also considered meritorious, this medicine pill will heal you!"

With a flick of her sleeve, a palm-sized azure porcelain bottle flew out and landed firmly in front of Han Changming. With a pinch of sword art, three azure Flying Swords flew back into the scabbard.

"Junior thanks Senior for giving me medicine, I don't know the name of senior Gao, Junior will be rewarded in the future, anyway, if it weren't for senior's help, the three of us would die in the hands of Earth Armor Dragon. "

Han Changming stood up, cup one fist in the other hand said, with a respectful look.

It stands to reason that even if the other party does not give him Healing Medicine Pill, it is nothing, but the other party still gives Han Changming Healing Medicine Pill, which shows that the senior's conduct is good.

Young skirt girls have the Core Formation Stage cultivation base, and they took out the third rank medicine pill Heavenly Beast pills, which is definitely not an ordinary Core Formation cultivator, mostly Pill Refinement Master.

"Strangers coming together by chance, the name is just a code name, others call me Azure Lotus Fairy, if fated will meet again, you guys can do it yourself."

These words turned into an azure rainbow light and walked away, and a few flashes disappeared into the sky.

"Azure Lotus Fairy! If I remember correctly, this women's volleyball team is ranked tenth in the Baihua Pu, and is the little dísciple of Lingxiao Daoist. It is said that she has a high chance of entering the Nascent Soul Stage."

Ye Xue said in surprise, full of envy.

She often communicates with other Talisman Masters and heard people mention Azure Lotus Fairy.

"Husband, heal first! When Husband's injury is healed, let's go on the road again!"

Ye Xin is not interested in Azure Lotus Fairy, she is more concerned about Han Changming's injury.

The two women helped Han Changming moved towards the cave and returned to the Cave Mansion they opened temporarily. Ye Xue continued to make the charms. Han Changming took out the azure porcelain bottle given by Azure Lotus Fairy and poured out one from it. He hesitated for a while and didn't take the light azure pill. Instead, he took out a middle grade Qi Repairing Pill and swallowed it down.

Azure Lotus Fairy It shouldn't be harmful to him, but he also has Healing Medicine Pill, or middle grade medicine pill. It is better to take Qi Repairing Pill made by yourself, so you can eat it without worry.

Medicine pill melts in the mouth, a huge medicinal power scurrying around in Han Changming's body.

He quickly refining this huge medicinal power, and a dazzling yellow light appeared all over his body.

······On    a desert island with a radius of hundreds of miles, a red light flew from a distance and landed on the desert island. The light converged, revealing a huge scarlet Bottle gourd, Han Zhangxiang and others are standing on top of scarlet bottle gourd.

Han Zhangxiang glanced at the deserted island, browsing slightly wrinkle.

The terrain of this deserted island is high in the south and low in the north. There are more than a dozen tall peaks in the south. Dozens of small trees are scattered on the desert island. There are no animals or demonic beast.

"Zhu Xiaoyou, this is what you said?"

Han Zhangxiang asked Zhu Mingming, there are countless such deserted islands outside the sea.

They rushed for more than a month. During the period, they encountered the third rank demon bird. Fortunately, they avoided it. They finally arrived here.

"Yes, Third Uncle saw it with our own eyes. When the time comes, we set the Formation. We will leave the rest to Senior Han. The animal is only the third rank low grade, so it shouldn't be yours. Opponent."

Zhu Mingming pointed at a high mountain and said respectfully.

Zhu Family revealed to Han Family the news of the third-rank blue-eyed golden lizard, and it also meant to test the strength of Han Family Core Formation cultivator. The stronger Han Family’s Core Formation cultivator is, the closer Zhu Family is to Han Family. , Cultivation world strength is respected.

Han Zhangxiang nodded, instructed: "You can control Formation and Puppet Beast, and leave the rest to the old man."

He has been out to sea for several years, and occasionally talks to others The Core Formation cultivator went to sea to hunt the third rank demonic beast. The fighting experience continued to improve. With the cooperation of Han Benfu and others, he had no problem destroying a third rank low grade blue-eyed golden lizard.

Under the leadership of Zhu Mingming, the eight people of Han Zhangxiang moved towards a high mountain.

Han Benfu's vigilant gaze quickly passed over everything nearby, and Divine Consciousness opened wide.

Han Changming told her that when going out to hunt monsters, you can't put all your hopes on others, you have to pay more attention.

After a while, they stopped, and in front of them was a hundred zhang or so high barren mountain. The vegetation on the mountain was sparse and looked a little desolate.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a hole with a diameter of about one zhang. You can't see the situation inside.

Han Benfu is watching everything cautiously in case there is any accident.

"It was here that we found the third-rank blue-eyed golden lizard. We prepared some female beast's urine to attract this beast. If it is still on the island, it will definitely be It appeared."

Zhu Mingming took out a pale-yellow porcelain bottle, moved towards the ground and threw it away.

With a sound of "Pa", the yellow porcelain bottle shattered, a large piece of yellow liquid splashed on the ground, and the yellow liquid emitted an unbearable stench.

Han Benfu showed a disgusting expression on his face and covered his nose, as did the others, Han Zhangxiang didn't care.

Zhu Mingming and his clan uncle got busy and arranged the Formation.

With the yellow liquid as the center, it is covered by Formation in a radius of ten miles. Once the blue-eyed golden lizard appears, it will definitely not run.

Han Zhangxiang and others looked for a place to hide, waiting for the blue-eyed golden lizard to show up.

Three days have passed, the green-eyed golden lizard has not appeared, as if it does not exist.

Zhu Mingming is a little anxious. As far as he knows, the blue-eyed golden lizard he encountered is a male animal. As long as he smells the female animal’s urine, the male animal will definitely appear. The sky has passed, and the blue-eyed golden lizard has not shown up yet. Could it be that the blue-eyed golden lizard has left this deserted island? Or is someone the early bird catches the worm? It's all possible.

Han Zhangxiang looks as usual, a peaceful look.

He glanced at Zhu Mingming without saying anything.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu, apart from the female animal's urine, what is the blue-eyed golden lizard interested in?"

Han Benfu asked in a low voice.

"Poisonous weeds or poisons, the green-eyed golden lizard itself is highly poisonous, but the poisonous weeds that are too young are not good."

Zhu Mingming said truthfully, since the release of Azure Lotus Fairy After searching for the inner core of the third-rank blue-eyed golden lizard, the poisonous weeds of the high years were quickly sold out. There were not many poisonous weeds in the high years. Zhu Family wanted to collect the poisonous weeds of the high years, but it was a pity that they only collected one hundred years old. A copy of Heartbroken Grass is useless.

"Poisonous weed? I happen to have a 400-year-old mandala flower, brought from Thousand Poison Island. I originally wanted to give it to my father."

Han Benfu took out an azure wooden box and a small light purple flower with round petals.

Han Changming raised poison insects and sent clansman to collect poisonous weeds. When Han Benfu was in the inland sea, he exchanged a 400-year-old mandala flower with other Foundation Establishment cultivators. She was originally If you want to give it to Han Changming, it would be the best if it can come in handy.

She cautiously took out the mandala flower, dug a soil hole in the center of the Formation, and buried the mandala flower in it.

Two days have passed, and there is still no demonic beast showing up.

Zhu Mingming is anxious, Han Benfu browses tightly knit, and Han Zhangxiang has a calm face.


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