
  Chapter 393 Han Debiao Revises the Cultivation Technique (Request subscription for monthly pass)   Red Algae Sea Territory, Bottle Gourd Island.

In a secret room, Han Debiao sat cross-legged on a red futon, his both eyes slightly closed, his whole body muscles knotted, full of wild breath.

Accompanied by his swallowing and breathing, his muscles swelled, the green veins were exposed, the blood vessels under the skin were faintly visible, and the "crackle" skull sound came from the body.

After a while, Han Debiao opened his eyes, his eyes shot a gleam of light, he felt the powerful breath he exudes, and his face was joyful.

After more than ten years of penance, Han Debiao successfully stepped into the Foundation Establishment Late Stage. He can cultivation to the Foundation Establishment Late Stage so quickly that he cannot do without the property he looted during the war.

People are not rich without windfall, and horses are not fat without night and grass.

If he has been in Bottle Gourd Island cultivation, he may not be able to enter the Foundation Establishment Late Stage even for 30 years.

Han Debiao took a shot of the Spirit Beast Bag, and a golden light flew out. It was a golden ape with a sharp-billed monkey gill, a second Rank middle grade vigorous golden-backed ape, it was strong as an ox, and it was Han Debiao. Spirit Beast subdued by Vermilion Bird Secret Realm.

The Dali Golden-backed Ape let out a low roar, clenched his right paw into a fist, and smashed it at Han Debiao.

Han Debiao's right fist gushed out a large flame, greeted him.

With a muffled sound of "peng", Han Debiao completely motionless, and Dali Jin-backed ape withdrew five steps before it stopped.

"Haha, good, good, good."

Han Debiao smiled boldly and looked excited.

The effect of the forging blood pill is good. His current punch is powerful. The higher his realm, the stronger the punch.

The vigorous golden-backed ape uttered a strange roar. It scratched its head and opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, revealing a row of snow-white teeth. It seemed to be hungry.

Han Debiao opened the door of the secret room and walked out, Dali Jinbei followed closely from behind.

Walking out of the residence, a large lake about one mu appeared in front of him. There were hundreds of golden thorny spirit fish on the back swimming around in the lake, and the calm lake surface appeared for a while. ripple.

Beside the lake, there are more than a dozen golden moon peach trees as high as two zhangs. Each golden moon peach tree is hung with dozens of fist-sized golden peaches.

Golden spine mackerel, this kind of spirit fish has a faster reproductive ability and is usually used to feed Spirit Beast.

During the period of Han Debiao secluded cultivation, clansman regularly came to feed the golden spine mackerel. The golden spine mackerel in the lake is relatively large and the fish is plump.

"Go! Enjoy your food."

Han Debiao waved his hand, and the vigorous golden-backed ape roared in excitement. The furry palm slapped his chest and jumped into it. Into the lake.

It grabs a golden spinefish, opens its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, bites the golden spinefish’s abdomen, pulls hard, and removes a large piece of bloody fish, drenched with blood, The golden spinefish struggled fiercely, but the vigorous golden-backed ape caught its body, forcibly tore off the bloody fish, and swallowed it.

Han Debiao stood by, watching the Dali Golden-backed Ape eat.

It has a large appetite, a golden spine. Soon it was eaten by it, and its right hand brightened the starting point of the golden light, turning it into a golden lance about one zhang long.

With a sound of "sou", golden lance flew out, and instantly penetrated the body of a golden spinefish. Golden lance stuck in the bottom of the lake. The golden lance struggling violently, its tail slapped the lake water, splashing a lot of waves. , The Dali Golden-backed Ape rushed over, grabbing the golden spine mackerel with his furry palm, and tore a large piece of bloody fish from its abdomen.

The sharp stabs on the back of the golden spurs hit Dali Golden-backed Ape’s body, just like tickling it, not to mention the sharp stabs of the golden spine, even if it is a Magical Artifact, it’s not that easy to hurt the back of Dali’s golden back. ape.

A large number of scales were scattered in the lake, and the blood water stained a large area of ​​water.

After eating the five golden thorns, the vigorous golden-backed ape climbed ashore, scratching his head and making ears. It was taller, so he picked off a golden moon peach and put it in his mouth with a happy face. expression.

It climbed onto a golden moon peach tree, jumped onto another golden moon peach tree, and let out a roar of excitement.

During Han Debiao's retreat, the Dali Golden-backed Ape stayed in the Spirit Beast Bag, but it was boring.

Han Debiao ignored the vigorous golden-backed monkey, took out the communication tray and contacted patriarch. The communication tray did not respond. He contacted Han Changming, and the communication tray did not respond.

He contacted Han Daojing, and the communication panel responded.

"Debiao, are you out of customs?"

Han Daojing's joyous voice came from the communication tray.

"Uncle Dao Jing, is the clan okay? Is patriarch still in retreat?" Han Debiao asked casually.

"patriarch they left the Red Algae Sea Territory and went to the open sea, Changming they also went, you come to my residence, I will tell you slowly!"

Han Debiao Somewhat surprised, he did not expect that such a big change had taken place in his family during his retreat.

The cultivation resources of the offshore are rich, attracting many forces to develop offshore. Han Zhangxiang took people to the open sea for development, which really went beyond Han Debiao's expectation.

"Understood, Uncle Dao Jing, I will go over."

Han Debiao put away the communication tray, walked out of the residence, Yu Qi moved towards Han Dao Jing's residence and flew away.

At this moment, a happy man's voice suddenly sounded: "Fifth Uncle, are you out?"

Han Debiao looked along the source of the sound and saw a The white light flew towards him.

It didn’t take long for him to see the true face of the white light. It was a huge white giant eagle. Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue were sitting on the back of the white giant eagle. .

They rushed back to Bottle Gourd Island as quickly as possible. As soon as they returned to Bottle Gourd Island, Han Changming saw Han Debiao.

"Hey, Changming, didn't you go to the open sea? Why did you come back?"

Han Debiao said a little surprised, confused.

"This is a long story, Fifth Uncle, where are you going?"

Han Changming curiously asked.

"Uncle Dao Jing asked me to come over, come here together! I also want to know the situation outside the sea."

Han Changming nodded, Ye Xin took a photo of the ice below him sculpture, ice sculpture followed along.

It didn't take long for the four of them to appear in a secluded manor. Han Daojing had already made tea and was waiting for them.

"Changming, Ye Xue, Ye Xin, how did you come back? How about patriarch?"

Han Daojing asked nervously. Han Zhangxiang and others have been away for several years. I don't know how they are developing outside the sea.

Han Changming briefly introduced the situation of the family outside the sea. He just said that he came back to hit the Core Formation Stage. He did not say how many Core Formation spiritual objects he had.

The forces behind the market city will not easily let the immortal cultivator impact the great realm in the market city, because it will affect the cultivation of other high-rank cultivators. If a high-rank cultivator is cultivating, suddenly there will be Thunder Tribulation appears, it is easy to interrupt his cultivation.

In this way, Han Changming will either look for an uninhabited island to retreat and hit the Core Formation Stage, or return to Bottle Gourd Island to hit the Core Formation Stage. To be fair, of course, it is safer to return to Bottle Gourd Island.

"Patriarch's consideration is right. The offshore is more dangerous, Changming, you can rest assured to hit the Core Formation Stage on Bottle Gourd Island! We will protect you and hope your ancestors will bless you to enter the Core Formation Stage."

At the end of this story, Han Daojing looked very excited.

Han Family already has a Core Formation cultivator. If there is another Core Formation cultivator, the development of the family will be better.

"Yes! Changming, your peace of mind cultivation is that I will not leave Bottle Gourd Island before you leave the customs."

Han Debiao patted his chest and agreed. , He remembered something, and asked expectantly: "Changming, do you still have blood forging pills on your body? How many pills for me?"

Ye Xin took out two light azure porcelain bottles and handed them to Han Debiao said: "Fifth Uncle, we have collected some third rank demonic beast blood essence in the open sea. Husband has refined two bottles of forging blood pill, I hope it will be useful to you."

Ye Xue took out one. Black jade slip, hand it to Han Debiao, said with a smile: "Fifth Uncle, we got a Body Refinement Cultivation Art. Divine ability is even more powerful than your current cultivation cultivation technique. See if you can use it."

The jade slip records the "Spirit Treasure Code of Heavenly Evil Town", this cultivation technique has a Twelfth Layer, which can be cultivation to Nascent Soul Late Stage.

Generally speaking, the Core Formation Stage can create a cultivation technique, but the divine ability is not large. The higher the cultivation base of the immortal cultivator, the larger the created cultivation technique divine ability, but a new cultivation technique is created. The technique takes a long time and requires future generations to spend a lot of time to perfect it.

The law of wealth, the law refers to the cultivation technique, a good cultivation technique can make the immortal cultivator go further.

Small families or small Sects cannot develop and grow. In addition to the limitation of cultivation resources, it also has a certain relationship with the cultivation technique.

A set of cultivation techniques from Nascent Soul Stage to Nascent Soul Stage is a very powerful foundation, Good Fortune Bandai.

Han Family currently has three sets of cultivation techniques that can be cultivated to the Nascent Soul Stage, "Ten Thousand Fire", "Treasures of Ten Thousand Trees", "Treasure of Spirit Treasure", and the cultivation of Han Changming and his wife. The technique is only able to cultivation to the Core Formation Stage. Fortunately, Han Changming heard about Qianyang Zhenjun. I don’t know if "Extreme Earth True Yang Art" has anything to do with Qianyang Zhenjun.

The creator of this "Spirit Treasure Classic" at least has the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Stage. This cultivation technique comes with several powerful divine abilities, which is better than Han Changming cultivation’s "Extreme Earth". "True Yang Art" is a bit more powerful, but "Spirit Treasure" in "Tiansha Town Spirit Treasure" uses a baleful aura tempering body, the process is extremely painful and requires medicine pill to assist in cultivation.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. The risk of "Spirit Treasure" is relatively high. If the baleful aura is too heavy, it is easy to be eroded by the baleful aura and Divine Consciousness will become a monster who only knows to kill. , "Extreme Earth True Yang Art" early divine ability is not big, after Core Formation, divine ability will be more powerful.

"Body Refinement Cultivation Art?"

Han Debiao took the black jade slip, Divine Consciousness swept away, sucked in a cold breath, face revealed a pondering look, this set of cultivation technique The attached divine ability is indeed very powerful, and he is a little tempted.

Han Changming's retreat hits the Core Formation Stage, ranging from a few years to more than ten years. During this period, even if Han Debiao has been secluded cultivation, he is also impossible to advance to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection and revamp the cultivation technique. good.

"Did you get a baleful aura? This cultivation technique requires baleful aura support, but also requires the support of Sharon Dan to cultivate. With my current Fleshy body, the first fourth layer does not need the support of medicine pill. "

Han Debiao asked, confident.

Han Changming slightly smiled, took out two black porcelain vases, and said: "These are the two bottles of Zhen Sha Dan obtained with the cultivation technique. It should be enough for Fifth Uncle cultivation to reach the Fourth Layer. This cultivation technique is included. The divine ability is relatively large, but the defects are not small. You should consider it carefully."

Refining Zhensha Pill requires a certain kind of inner core of demonic beast as the main medicine. The higher the cultivation level, the higher the level of demonic beast. It must be higher.

If there is no anti-shadow pill, a treasure that suppresses a baleful aura is fine, but this kind of treasure is even rarer than a lock of peace.

Han Debiao smiled boldly, and said: "Everything is risky. As for this set of cultivation technique, the divine ability is relatively large, so I plan to cultivation this set of cultivation technique."

A set of Body Refinement cultivation technique that can be cultivated to Nascent Soul Stage, Han Debiao can't refuse, Body Refinement cultivation technique is rare, even more how it can be cultivated to Nascent Soul Stage.

Han Changming smiled and nodded, he took out a lot of materials, cultivation technique, demonic beast materials, low-level spiritual medicine, etc., and handed them over to the family.

According to the family rules, the clansman who turned in the cultivation technique can check the cultivation technique he turned in for free throughout his life. That is to say, Han Changming can check the cultivation technique he turned in at any time at no cost. A contribution point can also get a large amount of contribution points, which can be used to exchange for cultivation resources.

After chatting for a big one hour, Han Changming and the three of them left and returned to their residence.

Han Benzhi and Han Benyong were dispatched to Kuixing Market City. They did not know that the three of Han Changming and his wife were back.

In fact, the news that the three of Han Changming came back to Bottle Gourd Island was also strictly blocked, for fear that the news would reach the ears of the Seaheed Pavilion executives.

Without Seaheed Pavilion's permission, they ran back privately, which was tantamount to disobedience, and passed it out. The face of Seaheed Pavilion was not good.

"Madam, I will leave it to you in the clan. I may have been in retreat this time for a long time."

Han Changming's expression is solemn, he used the thousand-year spiritual peach to advance in Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, although the Millennium Spirit Peach has no side effects, Han Changming intends to spend more time purifying mana, and Han Zhangxiang also persuades him to spend more time purifying mana.

"Husband, don't worry about retreating! We will protect you, and I will arrange a few more sets of Formation with Uncle Dao Jing to help you hit the Core Formation Stage."

Ye Xin patted his chest and agreed, with a confident look.

"I can also make a talisman to help the Husband hit the Core Formation Stage."

Ye Xue agreed with a smile, his eyes firm.

Han Changming hugged the two sweet wives, and said tenderly: "If you have a wife like this, what can your husband ask for? When I get my Core Formation, I will definitely help you Core Formation."

After a few small chats, Han Changming walked into the closed room, sat cross-legged, and meditated for cultivation.

Before long, a little yellow light appeared all over his body, covering him.

······In   another secret room, Han Debiao sat cross-legged on a futon, with several porcelain vases in front of him, looking excited.

""Spirit Treasure", hehe, maybe I will become the first Nascent Soul Cultivator of my clan."

Han Debiao said with some excitement, he took a deep Breath, calm down the excitement, take out a black porcelain bottle, peel off the cork, a light black baleful aura surges out,

the baleful aura mentioned in "Spirit Treasure" , Strictly speaking is Earth Fiendish Qi, Earth Fiendish Qi is a kind of refining and formation material, Han Family inherits the family with the refining technique, and also collected some baleful aura.

Han Debiao secret art pinch, mutter incantations in the mouth, a faint black light emerges from the body surface, baleful aura seems to be guided by some kind, moved towards Han Debiao, baleful aura follows Han Debiao His nose, nose and pores did not penetrate into his body.

When baleful aura entered the body, he felt like he was in the ice cellar, involuntarily shuddering.

Han Debiao is lightly snorted and runs the cultivation formula of the First Layer of "Spirit Treasure Code of Tiansha Town" and cultivated it.

If Han Changming saw this scene, he would definitely startled. Han Debiao said that if he revamped the cultivation technique, he would revise the cultivation technique immediately, without being muddled and decisive.

The black light on Han Debiao's body surface gradually brightened, and his body shivered from time to time, as if he were in an underground ice cellar in a thousand-year-old ice cellar.

There is a "crackle" skeleton sound from his body, the green veins are exposed, the blood vessels under the skin are clearly visible, and the browses are slightly wrinkle. With his current fleshy body, the impact of some baleful aura into his body Not big.

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