
  Chapter 510 Qianli Shuangxian (seeking subscription for monthly pass)    A quarter of an hour later, Han Changming three A person appeared at the entrance of a manor that occupies an extremely large area. The plaque at the entrance of the manor reads "Penglaiju" in three golden characters. Penglaiju is the largest Inn in the market city of Penglai.

Han Changming rented an independent courtyard and paid one month's rent.

The yard has about one mu size. On the left hand side is a three-story azure pavilion. Next to it, there is a simple azure stone pavilion and a small garden. There are many exotic flowers and rare herbs in the garden.

The three of them sat down in the stone pavilion, and Ye Xin served Azure Lotus Fairy with tea.

Azure Lotus Fairy is not welcome. I picked up my teacup and drank. After a few chats, Azure Lotus Fairy got to the point and asked: "Fellow Daoist Han, do you still have spiritual water in your hand?" I am willing to change things with you."

She has used a lot of spiritual water pill concocting, and the effect is not as good as Han Changming’s spiritual water. After all, it is the spiritual water obtained from Myriad Demons Island. Demon Palace used to be Eastern Sea number one Great Sect. The spiritual water of Myriad Demons Island is of better quality, which Azure Lotus Fairy can understand.

Han Changming's face was embarrassed and said, "I don’t have much spiritual water in my hand. I take out a hundred catties of third rank spiritual water and exchange it for Healing Medicine Pill or other special medicine pill. How about "

Han Zhangxiang's accident reminded Han Changming that he took out the ordinary medicine pill, and the special medicine pill could not be taken out. Most of the Healing Medicine Pills sold on the market are ordinary goods, really Naturally, the good things in the world will not be sold casually, which is also the origin of the exchange of goods.

The types of medicine pill that a Pill Refinement Master can refine are limited. It is normal to exchange medicine pill with other Pill Refinement Masters.

Han Changming took out a dainty and delicate azure bottle gourd and handed it to Azure Lotus Fairy.

Azure Lotus Fairy peeled off the stopper, and a stream of pure Spiritual Qi surged out, she sniffed a few lightly, and her spirit was shaken, she pondered for a moment, turned her hand and took out two beautiful blue porcelain bottles , Handed it to Han Changming, and said: "This is Azure Lotus jade liquid, refined from 700-year-old Qingyulian as the main material. It can cure hundreds of toxins. It is my newly developed Detoxification Pill. I have tried it. The effect is not bad."

Han Changming took the two blue porcelain bottles and opened the cork. A faint floral fragrance wafted out. He put the mouth of the bottle between his nose and sniffed a few times. There was a satisfied expression on his face.


Han Changming accepted two bottles of Azure Lotus jade liquid, his face was full of joy.

Seven-star Essence Recovering Pill can heal ordinary injuries, like injuries caused by lightning strikes. Injuries can be cured if they are relatively light. If the injury is too severe, Seven-Star Essence Recovering Pill is the same. Han Changming does not have Detoxification Pill. , These two bottles of Azure Lotus Yuye just filled the gap.

The two exchanged their experience of pill concocting. Han Changming and Azure Lotus Fairy asked about Chen Yanchuan.

"Fellow Daoist Chen is a grandson of the Tiansha daoist, but this person has a bad reputation. If it weren't for the Tiansha daoist, he might not be able to enter the Core Formation Stage."

At the end of Azure Lotus Fairy, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Chen Yanchuan is a well-known sex ghost, Azure Lotus Fairy does not have a good impression of Chen Yanchuan.

"Fairy Wang, how long do you plan to stay here? When you go back, how about we go together?"

Ye Xin suggested.

Azure Lotus Fairy's eyes flashed with surprise, curiously asked: "Why? You have grievances with him?"

"Before Core Formation, there were some grudges."

Han Changming said vaguely.

Azure Lotus Fairy pondered for a while, and said: "I will inform you when I leave! Go together, rest assured, he will not dare to mess around on Penglai Island, otherwise his reputation will be stinky, but you too Be careful, this is the site of Penglai Island after all."

Han Changming is a member of the Zhengdao League, Azure Lotus Fairy will naturally not sit idly by, and her personal relationship with Han Changming is also good.

Han Changming and Ye Xin sighed in relief, even claiming to be.

After chatting for a while, Azure Lotus Fairy left.

"Didn't expect to meet Chen Yanchuan here. He is in charge of organizing the auction. It seems to be quite reusable."

Han Changming frowned and said, in contrast, Chen Yanchuan Lin Xuan's threat is even greater, and they will try to avoid activities on Penglai Island as much as possible in the future.

"As long as we leave with Azure Lotus Fairy, there shouldn't be any danger."

Ye Xin said resolutely.

"It's a rare visit, let's go shopping! I hope I can buy a middle grade magic weapon or get some Core Formation spiritual objects."

Han Changming Lu Longing, the main purpose of their trip is to purchase magic weapons, followed by the Core Formation spiritual object. Han Benfu and Ye Xue are estimated to be the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, but Han Changming only has two Core Formation spiritual objects in hand. .

The two left the residence and wandered around.

······In    a secret room, Chen Yanchuan is reporting to a white-faced blue clothes youth. The blue clothes youth is Lu Yunjie, Lu Yunjie, Hidden Dragon descendants of the daoist. Twentieth on the List.

"You did good, but I said a lot of good things for you in front of great-grandfather, so that you can participate in planning the auction. You have to work hard and don't shame me."

Lu Yunjie is instructed in a deep voice, Chen Yanchuan is the disciple of the daoist of the gods, and also the minion of Lu Yunjie.

"Thank Young Master for the cultivation, the subordinates must work hard. By the way, Young Master, the subordinates encountered two cultivators who had grieved in the early years. They have already Core Formation."

Chen Yanchuan said cautiously.

Lu Yunjie suddenly became interested, and asked: "Oh? Who is it? Let’s hear it?"

Chen Yanchuan recounted what happened today, and even talked about it. The story of Han Changming's grievances.

"Are you going to kill him?"

Lu Yunjie narrowed his eyes and asked with a faint smile.

Chen Yanchuan shuddered, and quickly explained: "The subordinates are not so stupid. Murdering to seize the treasures on their own sites are self-defeating, but we can murder a person with a borrowed knife, I I have inquired that this person is the Pill Refinement Master, who can provoke this person to disagree with Zhao Tuozi, and use Zhao Tuozi's hand to kill this person. It is really impossible. You can also divert the contradiction and let his attention be focused on Zhao Tuozi. "

He had a private grievance with Han Changming, but that was decades ago. Chen Yanchuan naturally did not forget, nor was he stupid enough to kill people on the Penglai Island site.

Murdering to seize the treasures is not uncommon in the open sea, but no one is stupid enough to murder to seize the treasures at their own door. The Sanjue daoist holds a treasure appraisal conference, attracting a large number of high-rank cultivators to participate. If news of Chen Yanchuan’s murdering to seize the treasures comes out, the reputation of Sanjue Daoist will be affected to a certain extent.

Chen Yanchuan worked for Lu Yunjie. The evil Foundation Establishment cultivator had no one hundred or eighty. Some cultivators were promoted to the Core Formation Stage. Lu Yunjie was impossible to send someone to kill all of these Core Formation cultivators, which is unrealistic. Lu Yunjie is not so stupid either.

Zhao Tuozi is a third rank Pill Refinement Master. He is the third disciple of Sanjue Daoist. He is good at pill concocting. However, this person’s temperament is withdrawn and seeking revenge for the slightest grievance is difficult to get along with. Most of the cultivators that he is guilty of do not end well.

Penglai Island is not harmonious, but there is competition. Lu Yunjie is at odds with Zhao Tuozi and uses Zhao Tuozi's hand to deal with Han Changming. No matter who wins, Lu Yunjie will not lose.

"What are you going to do? Tell me about your plan."

Lu Yunjie asked.

"I heard that Shuangxian Qianli is looking for someone to refine some kind of partial medicine pill. They have looked for Zhao Tuozi. It seems that Zhao Tuozi's asking price is too high. Shuangxian Qianli is looking for someone else to help pill concocting. , Young Master can come forward and introduce Azure Lotus Fairy to them. If Azure Lotus Fairy cannot be refined, then introduce this Fellow Daoist Han to them. The medicine pill is successfully refined, and Young Master’s recommendation is good, but failure can only be blamed. They are unlucky, and Zhao Tuozi knows the news, he will definitely find trouble with this person and kill three birds with one stone."

Chen Yanchuan said flatly, he admired his wit, and he was able to come up with such a wonderful idea. Idea.

No matter whether the medicine pill can be refined or not, Lu Yunjie has no loss. On the contrary, he can make Qianli Shuangxian owe a personal relationship and make no loss.

Qianli Shuangxian is a relatively well-known Core Formation Stage loose cultivator in the open sea. Both of them are in the later stage of Core Formation, mainly in the three immortal island site activities.

Lu Yunjie satisfied nodded, instructed: "Yes, you can arrange it!"

"Yes, Young Master."

······ In    a hidden underground cave, hundreds of cultivators wearing grimace masks gathered here. The stone wall was engraved with a large number of mysterious runes, faintly discernible, emitting a faintly discernible wave of restraint.

In front of these cultivators, there is a ten zhang or so large bluestone platform, on which an azure robe old man with white hair ruddy complexion stands, and a square azure jade table is placed in front of him , There is an azure porcelain bottle on the jade table.

"Forty-two million Spirit Stone, sold, this bottle of Golden Core jade liquid belongs to this senior."

azure robe old man loudly said.

tone barely fell, a burly man flew to the bluestone platform, paid the Spirit Stone, and put away the bottle of Golden Core jade liquid.

azure robe The old man turned over and took out a palm-sized blue jade box, and opened the jade box, revealing a longan-sized blue round bead. The Spiritual Qi is compelling, which is obviously a magic weapon.

"Middle grade defense magic treasure mysterious water beads, the base price is 200,000 Spirit Stone, and each increase shall not be less than 10,000 Spirit Stone."

"Two hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred and ten thousand!"

"Two hundred and twenty thousand!"

······The   competition is fierce, this one Xuanshuizhu was eventually photographed at a high price of 590,000 yuan.

"This auction is over, everyone will leave one after another, and the mask will be handed back."

With the azure robe old man falling down, numerous cultivators left here one after another.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Debiao walked out of the backyard of a tea house with a faint smile on his face.

He discussed with Leihu and lost to Leihu. This is not surprising. The cultivation bases of the two are very different. Han Debiao and Leihu asked about the underground auction news, and Leihu casually told Han Debiao. In one place, there were five Golden Core jade liquid auctions, and Han Debiao successfully took a Golden Core jade liquid.

There are millions of Spirit Stones in his hand. The auction of Golden Core jade liquid cost 420,000 Spirit Stones and 800,000 Spirit Stones, which is enough to buy a high grade magic weapon.

After Han Debiao Core Formation, Han Changming gave him a lot of middle grade medicine pill for improving mana, and rewarded him. Han Debiao is now photographing a Golden Core jade solution, and intends to give Han Benfu an impact on Core Formation. Stage.

Had it not been for the cultivator that killed the Harmonious Bond Sect to get a large amount of property, Han Debiao would not have been so lavish. Taking a Golden Core jade liquid is a love point, and he can only take a Golden Core. Core jade liquid, he is not selfless enough to take out all the Spirit Stones to buy Golden Core jade liquid.

Han Debiao walked out of the teahouse, and Han Changming’s voice rang in his ears: "Fifth Uncle, are you here for tea?"

He looked along the source of the sound and looked Go to Han Changming and Ye Xin and walk towards him.

When Han Changming and Ye Xin were shopping for goods, they heard that there was an underground auction here, and they rushed to participate immediately.

"Come to buy something, you guys are late, it's over, I got a good thing, it's good for Benfu, let's go back and talk about it."

Han Debiao said with A smile, Han Changming and Ye Xin impossible deliberately ran here to drink tea. Most of them came to participate in the auction, but unfortunately they were late.

Han Changming and Ye Xin nodded, three people go together.

Back at the residence, Han Debiao took out an azure porcelain bottle and handed it to Han Changming, said with a smile: "Changming, I photographed a Golden Core jade liquid, you keep it for Benfu to impact Core Formation Stage! This girl aptitude is good, and the quality of Core Formation It shouldn't be too bad."

Han Changming gave Ye Xin a wink, Ye Xin understood, took out an azure bottle gourd, and pass it To Han Debiao, he smiled and said: "Fifth Uncle, this is a baleful aura from the beast mound. It should be useful for your cultivation."

Han Debiao flashed with surprise in his eyes, and pulled off the plug. An icy chill drifted out, and he couldn't help but shiver.

"Yes, thank you, Changming."

Han Debiao thanked him and accepted the bottle gourd baleful aura. There were not many baleful auras in his hands. A bottle gourd baleful aura is enough for his cultivation to the middle of Core Formation. The divine ability of "Spirit Treasure Code of Spirit Treasure" is relatively large, but it needs a huge amount of baleful aura to support cultivation. It takes thousands of years of evolution to form a baleful aura.

The baleful aura can be used for array formation, refining, pill concocting or talisman making. It has a wide range of uses. Many forces will collect baleful aura.

Han Debiao has been looking for baleful aura for these years, and the family helped to get some, but the quantity is not large. The baleful aura produced by the bottle gourd from the beast mound is indeed good.

Han Changming grinned and said, "My family, what are you polite."

He suddenly remembered something and told them about the process of their antagonism with Chen Yanchuan.

"Fifth Uncle, you have to be careful of this person, to ensure that he will not come to Yin."

Han Changming said solemnly, easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark, he was worried that Chen Yanchuan would come to Yin.

Nodded of Han Debiao looked thoughtful and said: "This person is indeed a trouble. When the time comes and we leave with Azure Lotus Fairy, there should be no problem."

After a while, Han Debiao got up and moved towards the attic, and discussed with Thunder Tiger. He had some experience and planned to cultivation for a few days.

"When you count, there are three Core Formation spiritual objects, which can make the younger sister hit the Core Formation Stage. At this time, there are many high-rank cultivators at the Appreciation Conference. Maybe you can get more points. Core Formation spiritual object."

Ye Xin said with a smile.

Han Changming nodded, said: "Yeah! Wait for me..."

Before he finished his words, a sound transmission talisman flew in and fell. In front of Han Changming.

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, completely confused.

"It shouldn't be Azure Lotus Fairy, she can contact us through the communication board? We don't have many acquaintances in Penglai market city. Is it Fellow Daoist Ye? Or Fellow Daoist Han?"

Ye Xin said curiously.

Han Changming crushed the sound transmission talisman, Jiang Tianhe's voice suddenly sounded: "Fellow Daoist Han, is it convenient for you in Xia Jiang Tianhe? Jiang has something to talk to you."

"Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

Han Changming and Ye Xin looked at each other in blank dismay, the two of them looked at each other in blank dismay, they were confused, they had met Jiang Tianhe several times and couldn't talk about it What kind of friendship, what will Jiang Tianhe have to do with them?

Jiang Tianhe is the dísciple of the daoist after all. Han Changming did not dare to neglect, he and Ye Xin walked out quickly.

They walked out of the residence and saw Jiang Tianhe talking to a man and a woman.

The man wears a strong red outfit, is tall, with good features, and carries three Flying Swords on his back, giving people a sense of calmness and reliability. The woman wears a red skirt with a slender figure and picturesque features. The skin is fat, and they also carry three Flying Swords, both of whom are in the late stage of Core Formation.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Mrs. Han, let me introduce to you, these two are Qianli Shuangxian."

I have bad thoughts, the update is late, sorry            (End of this chapter)

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