
  Chapter 524 Nascent Soul Cultivator shot   A wide river runs through the entire valley, and the water is clear end.

Within the valley, there is a manor house that collapsed mostly. The spirit farm in the manor was empty, and there was no spiritual medicine.

Cheng Guangbei is nothing but Core Formation Early-Stage, he is not the opponent of the two Harmonious Bond Sect cultivators at all.

A light blue bead hovered above his head, and a blue light curtain covered Cheng Guangbei's body.

Look at its Spiritual Qi fluctuations, this is a middle grade defensive magic weapon.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I found the control array of flying immortal island. They want to occupy the control array. If they are allowed to control the control array, we may stay in flying immortal island forever."

When Cheng Guangbei saw Han Changming, his face was happy, and he hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Han Changming.

Han Changming's personal relationship with Cheng Guangbei is pretty good. He didn't intend to stand by. He knew that there was a control array here, and he would not give in.

"Let’s do it together, do it quickly, and solve them."

Han Changming said solemnly, took out the wishful gourd, and entered the technique.

The Ruyi gourd shook violently, the wind was blowing, and countless yellow gravels flew out and turned into a ten zhang or so big yellow giant fist, which smashed into the azure clothes man with the force of thunder. .

"It's you! I just let you go. Since you are courting death, then it will fulfill you."

azure clothes The big guy said, his sleeves flicked and counted azure light Flying out, the right hand of the young woman in the red dress flicked upward, and several red lights flew out.

Han Changming's heart inwardly shouted bad. If he didn't guess wrong, the other party should have issued a warning symbol. You know, Nascent Soul Cultivator is flying on the immortal island.

It seems that the enemy is still more cautious, knowing that Sect Elder is issued a warning sign immediately.

Once the people of Harmonious Bond Sect control here, it will be difficult for them to leave here.

At this moment, an air-splitting sound that pierced the eardrums started, and a large shadow of a stick fell from the sky, hitting several azure light and several red light.

The muffled sound of "peng peng" hit azure light and red light with heavy stick shadows, turning into azure flame and red flame.

Han Changming took a shot of the Spirit Beast Bag, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Scorpion flew out, and they went straight to the red dressed woman.

azure clothes The big man took out a shield with azure light glittering in front of him.

With a muffled sound, the yellow giant boxing on the azure shield, turned into countless yellow gravel, scattered on the ground.

There was a sudden gust of wind on the ground, and the yellow gravel flew in the wind and turned into a three-foot yellow sledgehammer. The ground shook violently, like an earthquake. There was a loud noise. zhang or so The tall yellow giant drilled out from the ground. The yellow giant had thick hands and feet. It picked up the yellow giant hammer and strode towards azure clothes. The big man walked away.

At the same time, the ground shook violently, and hundreds of yellow earth arrows about one chi long broke out of the ground and went straight to the azure clothes man.

azure clothes azure clothes secret art pinch, the azure shield rotates around them non-stop, only listening to the muffled sound of "peng peng", the yellow soil arrows hit all the azure shields, and the slightest trace on the surface of the azure shield No, azure light is constantly circulating.

Thunder Rhinoceros and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion spray out silver lightning and purple poison fire respectively, attacking red dressed woman.

The red dressed woman didn't rush, waved the red flag in her hand, and a little scarlet fire appeared in the void, which turned into a red wall of zhang high and stood in front of her.

Silver lightning and purple poisonous fire fell into the scarlet wall of fire and disappeared.

She took out a dainty and delicate red small mirror, and a red light flashed on the mirror surface, and a red glow flew out, covering Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Scorpion.

Thunder Rhinoceros and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion can't evade and are occupied by the red colorful shield. They seem to be frozen, motionless floating in midair.

azure clothes The big man took out an azure light sparkling flag, waving it crazy, violent wind erupted.

After a burst of "chi chi" air-splitting sound, hundreds of wind blades of azure mist shot out, hitting Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Scorpion.

The metal collision sound of "Keng Keng" sounded, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and the Thunder Scorpion flew out upside down. There were some faint cut marks on their backs, which was not a big problem.

At this time, the yellow giant has already arrived in front of the azure clothed man. It brandished the yellow sledgehammer and smashed it at the azure clothed man.

The azure clothed man naturally did not dare to hard-wire, and was about to avoid it, but he was horrified to find that the ground suddenly produced an unstoppable force of gravity.

His legs are as heavy as lead water, unable to move even a little bit.

He had no choice but to wave the azure flag and release a hurricane of azure mist to hit the yellow giant.

Boom! With    a loud noise, the yellow giant hammer in the hands of the yellow giant smashed the azure hurricane to pieces, and the azure hurricane was turned into hundreds of azure wind blades, which successively hit the yellow giant's body.

The muffled "ding-ding" kept on, and the yellow Stoneman's body surface was cratered, and it seemed to be torn apart at any time.

But soon, yellow Stoneman's body surface lit up with a yellow light, and the wound healed quickly.

The ground shook violently, and another yellow giant, ten zhang or so high, emerged from the ground. Its eyes kept turning, like a living creature.

azure clothes The big man stretched out his right index finger and tapped lightly at the two yellow Stoneman, azure light flashed, two azure lights shot out, and hit the two yellow giants one after another.

With a muffled sound of "peng", a yellow giant human body appeared a thick finger groove, but after yellow Stoneman's body surface lit up for a while, the groove disappeared, and another The yellow Stoneman was hit by the azure light, but there was a muffled noise, and the yellow giant was safe and sound.

azure clothes Dahan complexion changed, complexion turned cold, he opened a mouth, and an azure light sparkling ball flew out. The ball was no more than the size of a longan core, and the rune flashed on the surface, exuding a wave of violence Breath.

He broke into a secret art, the azure bead slid around in midair, and there was a little azure fire light. Soon, a huge zhang or so big azure fire sea appeared out of thin air, emitting There was an amazing heat wave, and the weeds around the hundred zhang burned spontaneously without wind, and there was no burning residue left.

The azure fire sea rolled violently, divided into two, and turned into two ten zhang or so long azure fire pythons, pounced on two yellow giants.

Two azure pythons hit two yellow giants respectively, and suddenly burst open, and a large azure flame enveloped their bodies.

A yellow giant suddenly turned into a sky full of yellow gravel, and the other yellow giant was no different.

Two yellow lights flew out of the azure fire sea suddenly, hit the azure shield, and a muffled sound of "peng peng" came out. The azure shield petrified at the speed visible by naked eye and turned into yellow shield.

Two blue throwing knives lashed out and hit the azure shield.

The azure shield is like a crack, all broken.

The azure clothes big guy was so scared that soul flew beyond the heaven, and he waved the azure flag quickly, released a gust of azure mist, and blew two azure flying knives out.

The void above his head fluctuates together, and a big yellow hand with the size of several feet emerges out of thin air and quickly takes a photo.

azure clothes The big man waved the azure flag, released a large azure wind blade, and smashed the yellow with a big hand, and the dust was flying in the sky.

The red light flashed, a long cone of scarlet gold suddenly appeared in the void above the azure clothes man's head. It was the Thunder Fire cone.

After a huge thunder sound rang, countless golden lightning arcs emerged from the Thunder Fire cone, slashing towards the azure clothes man.

The rumbling blast sounded, the dazzling golden lightning flooded the azure clothes man, the azure clothes man let out a painful scream.

Han Changming flicked his sleeves, and a faintly discernible green light flew out and went straight to the azure clothes man.

azure clothes The big guy noticed something flying towards him, so naturally he didn't dare to hard-wire it. Two yellow beams of light flew out of the azure fire sea.

azure clothes The secret art of azure clothes changed, the azure ball appeared countless azure flame, azure flame tumbling violently, turning into a ten zhang or so high azure fire wall, standing in front of you.

Two yellow lights collided with the azure fire wall, and the azure fire wall petrified at a speed visible to naked eye and turned into a yellow earth wall.

Taking this opportunity, the azure clothes big man's body surface was azure light, and at this moment, a weird neigh suddenly sounded.

His head is dizzy and he can't stand still.

Countless scarlet runes emerged from the Thunder Fire cone. A large scarlet flame swept out and hit the azure clothes man. The azure clothes man was drowned by the scarlet flame, and a painful scream came out. Voice.

A faintly discernible green light immersed in the scarlet flame, and the azure clothed man suddenly fell down, his eyes wide open, his face full of incredible color.

He still has many methods that are useless, but there is no chance to use them.

On the other side, the red dressed woman faced the attack of Han Debiao and Cheng Guangbei, feeling very strenuous. Cheng Guangbei's strength was not strong, and the trouble was Han Debiao.

Han Debiao waved the broken spirit stick, transformed into heavy stick shadows, and smashed it at the red dressed woman with the force of thunder.

The red dressed woman shook her body and appeared a few ten zhang away. The ground she was standing on was crushed and dusty.

A painful scream sounded, and the red dressed woman subconsciously moved towards her companion looked at it. She was horrified to find that her companion was dead.

She suddenly had no fighting intents, and the enemy's strength was stronger than she thought.

The red mirror in her hand sprayed out a large red glow, covering the rushing Han Debiao, Han Debiao raised high broken spirit stick, motionless, like a sculpture.

The red dressed woman flicked two fingers, a red light flew out, and went straight to Han Debiao. At the same time, she right hand moved towards Cheng Guangbei Xukong.

The red light flashed, a red giant palm with the size of several feet flew out, and the heat wave rolled.

Cheng Guangbei did not dare to be careless, and quickly cast a spell to resist.

The red dressed woman turns over and takes out a red light circulating talisman. There is a Fireball pattern on the surface of the talisman.

She tossed the red talisman seal forward. The red light flashed and the red talisman seal burst open, turning into dozens of huge Fireballs the size of a water tank, and smashing them at the Han Changming three.

After doing all this, she turned into a red light and walked away.

Han Debiao motionless, he watched a red light fly over, his eyes full of horror.

At this moment, a yellow earth wall ten zhang or so high suddenly stood up and stood in front of him.

Boom!    A deafening rumbling sound rang, and the red light burst and turned into a billowing flame, covering the area of ​​several hundred zhang. The amazing heat wave caused a large river to volatilize and the fire blazed into the sky.

The red dressed woman hasn't flew far yet, a weird neighing sound rang, her speed suddenly slowed down, there was a wave of ripples in the void above her head, and a yellow hand with the size of several feet emerged out of thin air , Quickly photographed.

A groaning sound rang, and the red dressed woman fell from in midair. Before she landed, a yellow giant fist with the size of several feet flew in with a powerful thunder.

The red dressed woman quickly moved the red mirror in her hand towards the yellow giant fist. The red light flashed, and a cloud of red light flew out, covering the yellow giant fist and yellow giant fist. It seems to be frozen, unable to move even a little bit.

The ground shook violently, and countless rubbles flew up and smashed from all directions.

A red dressed woman has a mouthful of apricots, sprays a crimson jade ruler, and drops it on her hand. The red jade ruler shook lightly, and the light of ignition emerged out of thin air, and a red light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering it Her whole body.

The dense firelights gathered together and turned into one after another scarlet Fireball, facing the attacking gravel.

Boom!   A huge rumbling sound rang, the dust was flying, and the flames splashed everywhere.

A thick silver lightning fell from the sky and struck the red light curtain, which was completely motionless.

The red light flashed, the Thunder Fire cone suddenly appeared on top of the red dressed woman's head, a huge thunder sound rang out, a large golden lightning arc swept out, covering the red dressed woman, and a painful tragedy came out Scream.

A faintly discernible green light flew in and fell into the golden lightning.

After a while, the golden lightning dissipated, and the red dressed woman fell to the ground, with a pinhole-sized blood spot on the center of her eyebrows, her eyes widened wide, and she looked like she was dead.

The valley is cratered, and there are dozens of large pits on the ground, and there are billowing flames in the pits.

Stoneman stood in front of Han Debiao, his body surface pitted and black.

Han Debiao's clothes are ragged, his skin is dark, his eyebrows are all burned, and there is a burning pain all over his body. If Stoneman hadn't stood in front of him and blocked most of the damage for him, he would not be dead. , Will also strengthen great injury.

Han Changming walked over, holding two storage bags in his hands. These were the storage bags on the enemy.

He threw two magic weapons to Cheng Guangbei, and said: "Cheng Fellow Daoist, this is your share."

This is a division of the spoils, and Han Changming has not yet become frantic. Kill Cheng Guangbei, if it weren't for Cheng Guangbei, he wouldn't be able to enter the immortal island to hunt for treasure.

"Many thanks, Fellow Daoist Han, I got a few spiritual medicines, I don’t need them, give them to you!"

Cheng Guangbei took out five azure wooden boxes , Throw it to Han Changming.

Han Changming's strength is beyond his expectation. He took out some spiritual medicine to save his life.

Han Changming is not welcome. He took five azure wooden boxes and opened them. There are five strains of spiritual medicine that are more than 800 years old.

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave this quickly... No, Nascent Soul Cultivator is here, hurry up."

Han Changming complexion greatly changed, lost his voice Said.

After hearing the words "Nascent Soul Cultivator", Cheng Guangbei and Han Debiao complexion greatly changed, and they moved towards the river together.

"Want to go? Leave your life." A cold and indifferent man's voice suddenly sounded.

Han Changming's head was filled with ripples in the void, and a big red hand with a size of ten zhang or so suddenly emerged and quickly patted Han Changming.

Han Changming's body surface is full of yellow light, and the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor emerges next to his body, covering his whole body.

Red slapped Han Changming with a big hand, and Han Changming fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

A dazzling yellow light shines on his body, and he moved towards the ground to escape.

At the same time, Han Debiao and Cheng Guangbei also jumped into the river and escaped separately.

A golden light gleaming small print flew from the sky, its body instantly soared, it grew to the size of a hill, and hit the ground.

Boom!    With the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the ground tore apart, a dozen huge cracks appeared, and countless broken stones were shaken away.

A ray of light pierced the sky, and after a few flashes, it fell on the valley above the valley. It was Liu Huan.

His face was killing intent, and there was a Core Formation cultivator entering the flying immortal island. This is not a good thing. He still wants to occupy the entire flying immortal island!   (End of this chapter)

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