2021-12-09   Chapter 533 Seaheed Pavilion proposal (seeking monthly subscription required)    "Dad, Mum, I'm Jin I have entered the Core Formation Stage, and I will be the Core Formation cultivator from now on."

Han Benfu was overjoyed and said excitedly. She has been growing up under the protection of her elders. The high-rank cultivator in the clan cares about her. The safety is precisely because she is the future Core Formation cultivator.

She is now in the Core Formation Stage and can go out freely. It is her turn to shelter the juniors.

"Benfu, what quality Golden Core do you produce?"

Han Changming asked a little expectantly, Han Benfu has four Core Formation spiritual objects, three of them are It is a middle grade, and Han Changming hopes that Han Benfu can produce Top Grade Golden Core. Now it seems that he has failed to do so.

Top Grade Golden Core will have natural phenomenon, Han Benfu Core Formation does not appear natural phenomenon, most of it is high grade Golden Core.

"High grade Golden Core, I was thinking of hitting Top Grade Golden Core."

Han Benfu said in a disappointed tone, Han Zhangxiang and others all told her With high hopes, she failed to produce Top Grade Golden Core.

"Yes, you have to work harder in cultivation in the future, but you can't slack off, Immortal Path is long."

Han Changming's expression is solemn, and his heart is a little disappointed.

Han Benfu produced a high grade Golden Core, which proved Han Changming’s previous conjecture that the quality of Golden Core is only related to the quantity and quality of the Core Formation spiritual object, not the decisive relationship. From this point of view, The cultivators that can produce Top Grade Golden Core are Heaven's Chosen Child.

"Yes! Benfu, you can produce high grade Golden Core, it's already very good, I only low grade Golden Core."

Han Daojing smiled and comforted.

Han Changming knows well that if it weren't for Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd, Han Daojing and Han Deling would not be able to enter the Core Formation Stage, and the quality of Golden Core of Han Changming and others would also be affected.

He exhorted a few words and returned to the residence with Ye Xue.

"Madam, you have just entered the Core Formation Stage. First cultivation and consolidate the cultivation base. After a while, let’s go to Jinjiao Island to celebrate the birthday of Fellow Daoist Han. You use this snow glass bead first. In the future, if I have the opportunity, I will give you a better magic weapon to be the Life-Source Magical Treasure."

Han Changming said softly, and after all, it’s almost the birthday of Han Family patriarch on Jinjiao Island. If you go on the road for a while, you should be able to make it in time.

Xuelizhu is an Ice Attribute magic weapon, a low grade magic weapon.

The grade of Life-Source Magical Treasure is related to the upper limit of the future. At least it must be a middle grade magic weapon. The middle grade magic weapon sold on the market is expensive and the quality is not very good. They can only rely on Han Zhangxiang refines Life-Source Magical Treasure. Life-Source Magical Treasure is particularly important. The family has a third rank Artifact Refinement Master, so it is naturally better to ask Han Zhangxiang to refine it.

Whether it is Pill Refinement Technique or refining technique, the improvement is not so easy. Han Changming uses Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd to purify the medicine pill quality to obtain the middle grade medicine pill, and Han Zhangxiang can refine the middle grade. Magic weapon, but not very proficient, he needs to spend more time refining to improve the level of refining.

Neither Han Changming nor Ye Xin has Life-Source Magical Treasure. The main reason is that they have too high expectations. At present, only Han Zhangxiang in the clan has a high-grade magic weapon as Life-Source Magical Treasure.

Ye Xue thanked him, with a happy expression on his face, took the Xuelizhu, and went back to the secret room to refining the Xuelizhu.

A rush of footsteps sounded, and Han Duanrong walked in. She bowed to Han Changming and said, "The granddaughter visits my grandfather. Is it the second grandmother Core Formation?"

"Well, why did you come back so early today?"

Han Changming said with a smile, he is very optimistic about Han Duanrong, this little granddaughter. Although Han Duanrong is a daughter, she has a stronger personality than a boy. Under the supervision of the elders, she will do her homework and increase cultivation.

"Today, my grandmother tested and identified spiritual medicine, I made a mistake about the medicine efficacy of two spiritual medicines, and I came back to copy the "Thousand Herbs Record"."

Han Duanrong said truthfully, Liu Weiwei and Han Benzhi Most of the time, Liu Weiwei pays attention to every assessment in the clan. Every time Liu Weiwei returns to Purple Moon Island, she immediately checks Han Duanrong's homework and tells Han Duanrong to study hard.

"Seven hundred kinds of wrong two kinds? Which two kinds of spiritual medicine are they?"

Han Changming and Yan Yueshen asked.

"I remembered the medicine efficacy of purple black flower and golden sun grass incorrectly. Their appearance resembles purple golden flower and golden sun grass, which can only be distinguished by the smell."

Han Duanrong said honestly.

Han Changming smiled and comforted: "Grandfather, at your age, would also confuse these two spiritual medicines. Duan Rong, you are already very difficult to deal with, so be careful. Grandfather believes in you. I won’t be wrong again next time."

Educating younger generations should not blindly punish severely. Sometimes appropriate encouragement is needed.

Han Duanrong is less than eleven years old. Liu Weiwei trains her as a Pill Refinement Master. She hopes that she will become a Pill Refinement Master. The requirements are stricter. Han Changming will appropriately encourage Han Duanrong.

Han Duanrong nodded, said: "Well, my granddaughter will go back and copy the "Thousand Grass Records" first. After a while, my mother will be back. She will definitely check it."

Han Changming smiled nodded and let Han Duanrong go back.

He plans to go to the Earth Fire Hall and give pointers to the younger generations of pill concocting.

Just as he walked out of the residence, a familiar man's voice suddenly sounded: "Father."

Han Changming looked along the source of the sound and saw Han Benyong walking towards him , Han Benyong is already Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

"Yong'er, why did you come here."

Han Changming was a little surprised. Han Benyong had been staying in the Inland Sea for cultivation, why suddenly he ran over.

"The child is already Foundation Establishment Late Stage. It’s too boring to stay in the Inland Sea. This time I was ordered by Seventh Aunt’s grandmother to escort a batch of supplies over. Come and see my parents and Big sister, didn't expect that I just came over and received news from Big Sister Core Formation.” Han Benyong said excitedly, most of the family’s experts went to the open sea to develop, and Han Benyong stayed in the inner sea to hunt and kill demonic beasts and was responsible. Leading clansman to hunt and kill demonic beast, the more experience in fighting style, you can be alone.

If you stay in the inner sea, it is very difficult for Han Benyong to obtain a Core Formation spiritual object, but the outer sea is different, and the family develops very well in the outer sea.

"Your mother is also Core Formation, but she wants to secluded cultivation to consolidate realm, don't disturb your mother's cultivation, first live in Purple Moon Island!"

Han Changming warned Repeatedly, Han Benyong's heart to Dao is much stronger than Han Benzhi, and he has not married yet.

As the youngest son of Han Changming, Han Changming will naturally prepare a Core Formation spiritual object, child debt, for him, there is no way.

"Yes, father."

Han Benyong honestly agreed.

Han Changming asked about Bottle Gourd Island, Han Benyong answered truthfully, the inland sea is calm and tranquil, and there is no major event. The Han Family develops smoothly in the open sea and regularly transports supplies back to the inland sea. Other forces learned that the Han Family has Many Core Formation cultivators are more and more afraid of Han Family.

A ray of light flew from a distance, and it didn't take long before it fell in front of Han Changming.

The light converged, revealing the silhouette of Han Changshuo. Han Changshuo has been cultivation to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

Seaheed Pavilion watched the Han Family's Core Formation cultivator increase in number and became more and more enthusiastic. In the end, it deployed more staff and leased a middle grade spirit vein island development. There are three Core Formation cultivators sitting in the town. Lu Yun, Wu Xueli, and Shen Tianming have forty Foundation Establishment cultivators under their jurisdiction.

Wu Xueli and Shen Tianming are both Core Formation Early-Stage, and Lu Yun is the late-stage Core Formation.

The Xuanyun Island leased by the Seaheed Pavilion is seven hundred thousand li from Purple Moon Island. In terms of the speed of the Core Formation cultivator, it is not far, but for the Foundation Establishment cultivator, the distance is not short. .

"Second brother, why did you come back by yourself?"

Han Changming was surprised that the Foundation Establishment cultivator is not safe to travel alone. Han Changshuo’s lack of experience in fighting methods is pitiful, if he is If you encounter danger, you may not be able to deal with it.

"I came here with Martial Uncle Wu, she is outside now."

Han Changshuo said truthfully, he came back this time, hoping that the family can help himself to the Core Formation Stage As the number of Core Formation cultivators in the family is increasing, all fools can see that Han Family has a great opportunity.

"Second Uncle, long time no see, my nephew wants to ask Second Uncle about something."

Han Benyong said wittily.

"Second brother. You talk to Ben Yong for a while, I will entertain Fellow Daoist Wu."

Han Changming said hello, moved towards and flew outside.

Outside Purple Moon Island, Wu Xueli is standing on a pure white as jade flying boat with a complicated look. Behind her, there are more than a dozen dísciples.

As soon as she arrived at Purple Moon Island, she saw two groups of thunder clouds that were about to disperse, and she naturally knew that this was Core Formation Thunder Tribulation.

She is more and more sure that Han Family must be the inheritance of the fourth rank Pill Refinement Master, otherwise Han Changming's algorithm level will not increase so fast, and Han Family is also impossible to have so many Core Formation cultivators.

A yellow escape light flew out from Purple Moon Island and stopped in front of Wu Xueli for a moment.

"Fairy Wu, long time no see, it's good these days."

Han Changming cup one fist in the other hand said, with a warm tone.

"It's okay, the little girl is ordered by her teacher to talk to Fellow Daoist Han, which is also a good thing for your Han Family."

Wu Xueli said sincerely .

Han Changming made a please gesture and invited Wu Xueli and others to Purple Moon Island.

Han Changming took Wu Xueli to the chamber, and Han Daojing was also there. He sent someone to entertain the dísciple of the Seaheed Pavilion, without any negligence.

Han Family currently has eight Core Formation cultivators. In terms of the number of Core Formation cultivators, Han Family has surpassed Seaheed Pavilion.

After a few simple greetings, Wu Xueli talked about the business: "Fellow Daoist Han, my teacher hopes that we can cooperate to open a pill store and expand the scale, so that we can better attract business. How?"

Seaheed Pavilion has a pill store in Haoran City, which is not large. If it is merged with Han Family's pill store, it can expand its scale and attract more customers. Secondly, two Pill stores. Refinement Masters can communicate together to improve their respective alchemy levels; thirdly, the relationship between the two can be further strengthened, which is also a test of the Han Family.

Han Family is now strong and strong, is it going to part ways with Seaheed Pavilion?   opportunity is amazing stuff, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, come down to get loose cultivator great opportunity, to become one of the Great Cultivator were moving in a hundred years, this rare example, but not without , Little Sect got a great opportunity to become a Super Big Sect for hundreds of years. This situation has also happened before, but it is especially true.

Lu Yun is sure that Han Family will get a great opportunity. The rise of Han Family is unstoppable. She plans to strengthen the cooperation between the two and hopes to gain the blessing of Han Family.

"Cooperate to open a pill store?"

Han Daojing is a little excited, this proposal is good, if Han Family and Seaheed Pavilion are combined, the store can be expanded a lot, whether it is collecting materials or selling medicine Pill will be more convenient and can save manpower and material resources. Apart from this, the two companies will strengthen cooperation, and the development of Han Family in the inland sea will be smoother.

"I don't know how to divide the profit? How to divide the manpower?"

Han Changming asked. The proposal of Seaheed Pavilion has gone to his heart. The family's Pill Refinement Master is still too Less, the store is not big enough.

Lu Yun previously suggested that Seaheed Pavilion and Han Family should lease island development together. Han Changming had too many scruples, so she refused. There is no problem with opening a store together. Seaheed Pavilion relies on medicine pill in the inland sea and is well-known in the cultivation world. Not to mention, Han Family currently has three Second Rank Pill Refinement Masters, while Seaheed Pavilion has a dozen Second Rank Pill Refinement Masters. This is the gap.

"Whoever refines the medicine pill, who owns the Spirit Stone that is sold, and who owns the sold Spirit Stone. In short, our cooperation belongs to cooperation. Finance and personnel are separated, but we can integrate our two The flow of passengers can also save part of the manpower and material resources. This is a win-win situation."

Wu Xueli said sincerely that this can maintain the independence of the two companies to the maximum.

Han Changming and Han Daojing looked at each other, nodded to each other.

"No problem, cooperation is good for both of us. For specific matters, just leave it to the people below."

Han Daojing agreed with a smile on his face.

Wu Xueli beamed with joy, and chatted with Han Changming about making Pill Recipe noodles. Han Daojing couldn't intervene and listened to their small talk.

"Ling Xiao daoist points you to pill concocting! Fellow Daoist Han, you are so lucky."

Wu Xueli said in an enviable tone.

Han Changming showed a triumphant expression on his face, and said: "Yes! If you can get some advice from his old man, that would be fine."

He just told other Cores Formation cultivator, Lingxiao daoist pointed out his Alchemy Technique, and did not dare to do things that would damage the reputation of Lingxiao daoist under the banner of Lingxiao daoist.

He is taking advantage of the situation, and Ling Xiao Daoist must be able to see it, but for the sake of the thousand-year spiritual medicine, it is not broken.

"The little girl doesn't have this blessing, she can get the guidance of Lingxiao daoist."

Wu Xueli sighed, full of envy, she suddenly remembered something, and said:" By the way, Junior Brother Shen has been promoted to the Core Formation Stage. One year later, we are going to hold a Core Formation ceremony for him. If Fellow Daoist Han is free, he might as well go to Xuanyun Island for a glass of water and wine."

Han Changming looked embarrassed, pondered for a moment, and said, "This Han is going to participate in the Han Family patriarch's birthday on Jinjiao Island. He agreed to go to the appointment before. I am afraid that he will not be able to attend Fellow Daoist Shen's Core Formation ceremony. We will send someone to participate. "

Wu Xueli was a little surprised, and his expression became more and more weird. Han Changming has such a wide network of contacts? Can actually participate in the big birthday of Jinjiao Island Han Family patriarch.

"It's okay, the same goes for other Fellow Daoist."

Wu Xueli said with a faint smile.

After chatting for a while, Wu Xueli said goodbye and left.

To send Wu Xueli away, Han Changming and Han Daojing called Han Changshuo to ask him about his current situation.

"Uncle Dao Jing, Brother Nine, I plan to hit the Core Formation Stage, is there any extra Core Formation spiritual object in the family? I borrowed it."

Han Changshuo said nervously After he visited the Seaheed Pavilion, he rarely returned to the clan, and did not provide much help to the family. It was not that he didn't want to, because he had insufficient energy.

"Core Formation spiritual object! There are not many families, but Changshuo is not easy for you. After all, you are a child of our Han Family. The clan will give you a Golden Core jade liquid. Can you enter Core Formation Stage, it’s up to you."

Han Daojing said slowly, now there are more than ten Golden Core jade liquids in the clan, only this Core Formation spiritual object, which is already very good.

Today is gone, save points manuscript, Wan still owe two more, this week is also a first

      (Chapter End)

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