
  Chapter 559 Han Fairy Maiden Yue and fourth rank talisman (seeking subscription for monthly pass)    Han Debiao take out black bottle gourd, muttering to himself: "Changming's face is so great. If it weren't for his face, Tan Mingyu would not be so easy to give Xuanbing to me."

He can use baleful aura tempering The fleshy body can also release baleful aura to hurt the enemy. There are advantages and disadvantages. The baleful aura will continue to destroy his fleshy body. The longer the time, the greater the damage, and he can still bear the pain of baleful aura body tempering.

He peeled off the cork, a biting baleful aura surged out, and the temperature in the room dropped sharply.

Han Debiao runs the cultivation technique, and when he is cultivated, Xuanbing Zhensha seems to be guided by some kind of guidance, moving towards Han Debiao.

As soon as Xuan Bing entered the body, Han Debiao shivered, and some thin ice chips appeared on the body.

He felt that he had fallen into the cold pool, and the blood in his body was about to be frozen.

Han Debiao hurriedly performed exercises, and his body surface became black and light, which made it better.

······    Hanyue Building, on the fifth floor, a burly middle-aged man is talking to Lin Xuan. The middle-aged man is wearing a golden daoist robe with his head Wearing a golden jade crown, the eyes are piercing and energetic, giving people an impression of not being angry or presumptuous.

Master golden light, under the tutelage of Fairy Maiden Yue.

"What? There is news about the fourth rank Flood Dragon? Seriously!"

The master golden light was surprised and excited.

Zhengdao League acquired materials such as fourth rank Flood Dragon spirit, fourth rank monster core, and Dragon Transformation grass at a high price. This is a mission issued by Fairy Maiden Yue. She raised a piece of third rank high grade ice. Feng Jiao, want it to be promoted to the fourth rank, need these materials.

"Naturally, it is true. These are the places that the fourth rank Flood Dragon frequently visits. Fellow Daoist Sun can send someone to investigate, but don't disturb the fourth rank Flood Dragon."


Lin Xuan took out an azure jade slip and handed it to Master Golden Light. By chance, Lin Xuan found a trace of a fourth rank Flood Dragon, and he immediately contacted Master Golden Light.

Han Changming is on the list of Lingxiao daoist, Lin Xuan naturally also has to look for a backer, Han Fairy Maiden Yue became famous earlier than Lingxiao daoist, but it is not as famous as Lingxiao daoist, but Han Fairy Maiden Yue is There are many vassals in the senior level of Zhengdao League genuine.

The golden light master took the jade slip, and the Divine Consciousness swept away, with a smile of approval, and said: "I will report to the master, Fellow Daoist Lin, after the incident, the master will definitely not treat you badly. But I hope that this news won’t be known to too many people, you know what I mean?"

Flood Dragon Race is one of the leaders of the Sea Demon Race. It’s not a small trouble to kill the fourth rank Flood Dragon. It will definitely cause Flood Dragon Race's revenge. This is not something that Master Golden Light has to worry about.

"This is natural, I won't talk nonsense."

Lin Xuan promised, he knew the seriousness of the problem, it was not a small thing to leak out. Trouble.

Nodded, said to the satisfaction of the master of golden light: "I will hold a trade fair the night after tomorrow. There are many Core Formation cultivators to participate. If you are interested, you can participate. I will introduce a few It's a Fellow Daoist."

Lin Xuan promised, he would not make much contact with some Core Formation cultivators, especially the Pill Refinement Master.

In recent years, Han Changming's reputation has become more and more popular, and Lin Xuan has become more and more afraid of Han Changming.

After a few small chats, Lin Xuan said goodbye and left.

The master golden light left Hanyue Tower, came to the door of a quiet blue tile small courtyard, and sent a sound transmission talisman.

It didn't take long for the courtyard door to open, and the golden light master strode in. There were many exotic flowers and rare herbs in the courtyard.

As soon as he walked in, he heard a cheerful sound of piano.

After passing through two other courtyards, a small lake of three acres appeared in front of him. There was an azure stone pavilion in the middle of the lake. In the middle, there is a white ancient zither in front of him.

The middle-aged beautiful woman has a thin body, wearing a white palace dress, her skin is snowy, and her eyebrows have a half-moon pattern, which is the Fairy Maiden Yue and Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

The master of golden light stood aside, with a respectful look.

After a while, Han's Fairy Maiden Yue stopped and the sound of the piano disappeared.

"Have you got the spirit or monster core of the fourth rank Flood Dragon?"

Han Fairy Maiden Yue asked casually.

"Master, good news, I found a trace of the fourth rank Flood Dragon."

As the master golden light said, he handed an azure jade slip to Fairy Maiden Yue. .

Cold Fairy Maiden Yue Divine Consciousness swept away, his eyes lit up, frowned, and said: "The fourth rank Flood Dragon of Ice Attribute! But at the junction of the righteous alliance's control turf, I want to kill this demon, A few more Fellow Daoists have to be called up."

"The news is released that the fourth rank Flood Dragon has frequently attacked the Human Race cultivator and swallowed a lot of immortal cultivators."

Han Fairy Maiden Yue instructed, first put a hat on Monster Race for crippling Human Race, and then together with other Nascent Soul Cultivators kill the fourth rank Flood Dragon. In this way, even if Monster Race retaliates, no one will blame Fairy Maiden Yue. On the head.

There are many examples of demonic beasts attacking immortal cultivator. If a Flood Dragon grows to the fourth rank, it is impossible to say that it has not swallowed the Human Race cultivator. Human and demon races are dead enemies. There are not many blood debts, but a lot less blood debts.

"Yes, master."

Master golden light agreed.

Two hours later, news of the fourth rank Flood Dragon's frequent attacks on immortal cultivator spread in Haoran City. For a while, people were alarmed, and Master Golden Light expressed his opinion when chatting with friends. If this is true, You must report to Fairy Maiden Yue and ask Fairy Maiden Yue to get rid of this demon.

Two days passed quickly, Han Debiao walked out of the residence, eyes full of joy.

Xuan Bing Zhensha's body tempering is very effective. If it weren't for participating in the trade fair, Han Debiao wouldn't want to leave the customs so quickly.

Just as he walked out, Liu Weiwei came to face her.

"Fifth Uncle, I thought you forgot, come here to call you."

Liu Weiwei said with a smile.

Han Debiao nodded, said: "I did not forget, the time is almost there, ready to pass."

"By the way, Fifth Uncle, there is a major event, there is a fourth The rank Flood Dragon appeared and attacked the immortal cultivator everywhere. I heard that the fourth rank Flood Dragon killed many high-rank cultivators."

"The fourth rank Flood Dragon killed the immortal cultivator? Where did the news come from?"

Han Debiao asked with a frown, if the general fourth rank demonic beast attacked the immortal cultivator, he would not be surprised. The fourth rank Flood Dragon is different. Last time, the third rank high grade poison Jiao made chaos in the righteous alliance, and was killed by the high-rank cultivator of the righteous alliance. Now a fourth rank Flood Dragon has emerged to attack the immortal cultivator. Isn't the Flood Dragon afraid of death? So courageous? Run into the chaos of Human Race?

Liu Weiwei shook the head and said: "I don’t know, it spread suddenly two days ago. The Master Golden Light stated that if this matter is true, she must report to Fairy Maiden Yue and ask Fairy Maiden Yue to take action. Get rid of this demon."

"I see, go ahead!"

Han Debiao nodded, strode out.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the city was brightly lit, as bright as daylight, and the streets were full of people.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, Fellow Daoist Yang, long time no see, have you heard that? The fourth rank Flood Dragon attacked the immortal cultivator. I heard that many Core Formation cultivators were killed."

"I've heard about it a long time ago, but I heard that Nascent Soul Cultivator was killed."

"What does this have to do with us? We are just Foundation Establishment Stage, at worst, we won't go out during this time Hunting the demonic beast."

"You can't say that. If Han Fairy Maiden Yue kills the fourth rank Flood Dragon, Flood Dragon Race retaliates, Human Race must suffer heavy losses, and Healing Medicine Pill must rise. Prepare more medicine pill, you can sell it at a high price if you don’t need it."

   ································································································································································································································· Cultivator, it seems that this news is true, he has to be careful on the way back.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Debiao appeared at the entrance of Hanyue Tower, with two Foundation Establishment cultivators guarding the entrance.

He showed the invitation card and it was released soon.

Han Debiao walked into Hanyue Tower, and immediately there was a young and beautiful maid in azure clothes walking over and respectfully said: "senior, please come with me."

Han Debiao followed azure clothes The maid came to the fourth floor. The five cultivators including the golden light master were just chatting, and Lin Xuan was also inside.

Seeing Lin Xuan, Han Debiao smiled and said hello: "Fellow Daoist Lin, long time no see."

It is not surprising that Lin Xuan is still Core Formation Early-Stage. Had it not taken Vajra Bone Tempering Pill, Blood Origin Fruit and other third-rank medicine pill, with the assistance of baleful aura, Han Debiao would not have advanced to the middle stage of Core Formation so quickly. Han Debiao's cultivation speed is relatively fast.

He knows the grudge between Han Changming and Lin Xuan, but he still has to do superficial work.

"long time no see, Fellow Daoist Han."

Lin Xuan saw Han Debiao, smiled nodded, and was shocked. The last time he saw Han Debiao, Han Debiao is Core Formation Early-Stage. Decades have passed. Han Debiao has entered the middle stage of Core Formation. Isn’t Han Changming’s cultivation base higher?

The master of golden light was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and asked: "What? Fellow Daoist Lin, do you know each other?"

Because of Han Changming's relationship with Purple Moon Island, he The Core Formation cultivator knew a little bit more, he didn't know that Lin Xuan knew Han Debiao.

"We have known each other for many years and have fought together."

Han Debiao explained.

The Master Golden Light didn’t think too much, said with a smile: "so that's how it is, by the way, why is it only Fellow Daoist Han? Is your nephew not out yet?"

He originally wanted to invite Han Changming to participate in the trade fair in order to exchange some middle grade medicine pill, but it seems that he has not been able to do so.

"Changming is still in retreat. I didn't leave it so soon."

After listening to this explanation, Master Golden Light didn't say anything, and started chatting.

As time passed a little bit, Core Formation cultivator came up one after another, Baisha Sanren and Lu Yunhai were also inside.

"Fellow Daoist Han, long time no see."

Baisha Sanren smiled and greeted Han Debiao.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, the people are almost there! Let’s start when they are there!"

A white robed old man with a moustache urged, white robed old man has wrinkles, square face and small eyes, it looks a bit tart and mean.

The Master Golden Light was not angry, and said: "There are still a few Fellow Daoists who have not come, let's wait!"

A rush of footsteps sounded, Free and Unfettered Powder people and Hongyue scattered people came up one after another.

"I'm really sorry, I talked a few more words when I met acquaintances, so everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Hongyue Sanren said in an apologetic tone.

Han Debiao saw the Free and Unfettered Powder people with a surprised look in his eyes. When they first arrived at Purple Moon Island, the Free and Unfettered Powder people were in the earth fire room of Purple Moon Island.

The Free and Unfettered Powder people have not appeared in several decades, and Han Debiao did not expect to meet the Free and Unfettered Powder people here.

"Okay, all the people are here, let's start the exchange now! This Sun comes first."

The master of golden light is the host, the first exchange.

He took out more than a dozen materials, most of which were demonic beast materials, but also magic weapons and high-year spiritual medicine.

"These materials are exchanged for the pill concocting materials of Metal Attribute, and the concocting materials are given priority."

Han Debiao glanced at him, and did not see what he needed or what the family needed. , Did not speak.

Many Core Formation cultivators communicated with the golden light master sound transmission, and exchanged magic weapons and demonic beast materials.

After the exchange of golden light, the Master sat down with a smile of joy. The other cultivators took turns to show the materials and say what they wanted to exchange.

Most of the things they brought out were demonic beast materials, the things they wanted to exchange, myriad, special spirit woods, some kind of demonic beast skins, and some even wanted to exchange the shells of third-rank golden glazed turtles, but The exchange failed.

Han Debiao took a fancy to a few things that the family wanted to collect, but the other party's asking price was too high for the exchange to succeed.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Lin Xuan stood up and took out ten kinds of materials, including demonic beast materials, as well as high-age spiritual medicine and spiritual wood.

"These materials are exchanged for the inner core or poison sac of high-end poison insects, rare and highly poisonous spiritual grass, and the age should not be too low."

Lin Xuan raised Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion has not yet been promoted to the third rank. He is not a Pill Refinement Master. In order to earn cultivation resources, he can only follow Qingyan Daoist to hunt and kill demonic beasts. It’s not bad that he can maintain his cultivation. There are not many resources on Flying Scorpion.

More than a dozen Core Formation cultivators such as Free and Unfettered Powder gave Lin Xuan a sound transmission. Lin Xuan exchanged a few materials. His expression remained as usual, but from his delightful tone, Han Debiao listened It was concluded that Lin Xuan should have exchanged the inner core of poisonous weeds or poisonous beasts.

After Lin Xuan exchanged, Han Debiao stood up and took out a dozen materials, most of which were demonic beast materials, but also medicine pill.

"Exchange baleful aura, Body Refinement spirit pill and marvelous medicine, third rank golden eyes beast inner core or high-year spiritual medicine."

Free and Unfettered Powder Holding a white jade box, curiously asked: "Fellow Daoist Han, what is inside it."

"Middle grade medicine pill Snow Pill Spirit Pill, which can heal injuries caused by lightning strikes, the other two A wooden box contains Seven Star Essence Recovering Pill and Ziyang Pill. Both are middle grade medicine pill. Seven Star Essence Recovering Pill is Healing Medicine Pill. Ziyang Pill can improve mana and is suitable for cultivation Fire Attribute magic cultivator. This is my nephew. It is made by Changming, but the quality is not good."

Han Debiao said proudly. He knew very well that if you want to exchange for good things, you still have to take out the medicine pill.

The middle grade medicine pill that other Core Formation cultivator desires, Han Debiao can take out three at once. Whoever makes Han Changming be able to refine the middle grade medicine pill, as long as the materials are collected, Han Changming can do it Refined.

As soon as these words fell, numerous cultivators sent Han Debiao sound transmissions one after another, took out treasures and showed them to Han Debiao for viewing, and the master of golden light was no exception.

He is a dísciple of Fairy Maiden Yue, and occasionally he can get a few middle grade medicine pills, but not many.

"Fellow Daoist Han, how about I use this fourth rank talisman seven-star Space Escape Talisman for your three middle grade medicine pill? This talisman can hide the body, and Nascent Soul Cultivator is also difficult to find."

Free and Unfettered Powder The person gave Han Debiao sound transmission, took out a beautiful azure wooden box, and handed it to Han Debiao.

"Fourth rank talisman!"

Han Debiao was a little moved. They were hunting treasures on immortal island last time, and the Space Divine Ability of the Xuanyuan Worm made Han Debiao envious.

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