
  Chapter 586 Hua Yaofu and Han morning sun

"Fellow Daoist Han, the Spirit I have on hand Stone is not enough, can you lend me 400,000 Spirit Stone?"

Han Wenbin gave Han Changming sound transmission, with a sincere tone.

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, and nodded agreed. He didn't have so many Spirit Stones on him. He talked to Han Debiao and Han Zhangxiang.

"Fellow Daoist Han has a life-saving grace for our family. This favor should help."

Han Zhangxiang readily agreed, and their three people collected 400,000 Spirit Stones and handed in Give it to Han Wenbin.

Han Wenbin flew to the bluestone high platform, paid off the Spirit Stone, and returned to his seat with the three spirits Puppet Beast.

"Many thanks, Fellow Daoist Han, after a while, we can return this Spirit Stone."

Han Wenbin said gratefully.

"No effort at all, didn't expect Fellow Daoist Han is interested in Puppet Beast."

Han Changming disagrees, lightly said with a smile.

"I'm not interested in Puppet Beast, but Puppet Beast from the Wang Family of Golden Dragon Mountain. The Puppet Beast refined by Wang Family is very popular in the Zhongtian continent. It is said that as long as you can afford it , The fourth rank Puppet Beast is also on sale."

At the end of the talk, Han Wenbin showed a look of longing.

Han Changming smiled nodded and said nothing.

Jin Fugui turned over the palm, with a light blue jade box in his hand, he opened the jade box, and took out two talisman with different colors, an azure talisman with a bird pattern on the surface, A blue talisman with a blue whale pattern on the surface.

Judging from the amazing Spiritual Qi exuded by the two talisman, it is obviously the fourth rank talisman.

"Fourth rank talisman demon charm! An iron-winged wind eagle that can be transformed into a fourth rank low grade, and a sea whale that can be transformed into a fourth rank low grade. It can be used multiple times. When it is exhausted, it is scrapped. The immortal cultivator can temporarily transform into a demonic beast form by using the demon talisman, and display the demonic beast divine ability. This is a secret talisman refined by the Talisman Master of the Nangong Family."

Qian Da opened his mouth to explain.

"Human Demon Talisman!"

Han Changming is a little interested. With this talisman in hand, doesn't it mean that he can have a few tricks with Nascent Soul Cultivator? Nangong Family can even refine this kind of secret talisman. It seems that the strength of Nangong Family is greater than Han Changming had imagined.

"Two demon charms will be auctioned separately. The reserve price is 300,000 Spirit Stone, and each increase shall not be less than 50,000."

"Three hundred thousand!"

"Three hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Four hundred thousand!"

······    The Demon Talisman can make the Core Formation cultivator temporarily possess Nascent Soul Based on the divine ability of Stage, many cultivators open bidding.

At a high price of 750,000 yuan, Han Changming photographed a demon charm, which can be turned into a fourth rank low grade iron-winged wind eagle.

He doesn't have so many Spirit Stones, so he can only use medicine pill as a mortgage.

"Fellow Daoist Qian, I used ten middle grade Jin Lu Dan for the price, how about? Jin Lu Dan is Healing Medicine Pill, I made it by myself."

Han Changming gave the money There is a sound transmission and an azure porcelain bottle is handed to Qian.

"Middle grade Healing Medicine Pill! Wait a moment, Fellow Daoist Han, I want to verify it."

Qian Dao was taken aback for a while, he took the azure porcelain bottle, body The watch lit up with a dazzling golden light, covering his whole body.

After a while, the golden light dissipated and Qian Dayou looked respectful.

"Fellow Daoist Han, this demon talisman is yours."

Han Changming puts away the demon talisman and returns to his own under the gaze of many cultivators seat.

He knew that someone would be jealous when he got this demon talisman, but with a demon talisman in his hand, he had an extra hole card.

Jin Fugui turned over the palm, golden light flashed, and a golden disc with flashing aura appeared in his hand. The surface of the disc was engraved with countless mysterious runes, emitting a faint space fluctuation.

"Transportation compass!"

Han Changming recognized the origin of the golden disc. This teleportation compass is about the same size as the teleportation compass photographed by Han Debiao, and it exudes spirituality. Qi fluctuates strongly.

"Magical Treasure Level other teleportation compass, Nascent Soul Cultivator's full drive, can teleport up to tens of thousands of miles, the longer the teleportation time, the longer it takes, it can only be teleported to the approximate location, unable to Transmission is at the designated location, there is a lot of uncertainty."

Qian Da has slowly introduced.

"Transport thousands of miles!"

There was a commotion in the cultivator, and many cultivators saw the teleportation compass for the first time.

The transmission compass is similar to the Transmission Formation, but the Transmission Formation is more stable and the transmission time is very fast, but it needs the Array Master to be deployed, and the mana is sufficient to use the transmission compass.

"The highest can send tens of thousands of miles? Really?"

A plump-bodied young woman in a blue dress is full of doubts. If it is true, wouldn't she be at any time Can teleport thousands of miles? This is faster than the flying Transcending Spirit Treasure!

The young woman in the blue skirt is tall and has beautiful features. She exudes a burst of strong spiritual pressure. She is obviously a Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivator.

Li Luoshui, she is the sect master of Mysterious Water Sect, Mysterious Water Sect is a Great Sect under the jurisdiction of the three immortal islands, and Nascent Soul Cultivator has as many as three.

"old man Nangong Haoran, this teleportation compass was brought out by our Nangong Family. The quality will not be a problem. Fellow Daoist wants to teleport tens of thousands of miles. The casting time will take a quarter of an hour. The greater the mana, The shorter the casting time, it is not suitable for treasure hunting or fighting, and it is better to hurry."

An azure robe old man from ruddy complexion explained with a confident face.

"If I want to send ten people, it will be a quarter of an hour?"

Li Luoshui asked, curious.

"Of course not, the longer the teleportation distance, the more the number of people, the longer it takes. With the cultivation base of Fellow Daoist, with ten people teleporting ten thousand miles will drain your mana, teleport five People are better."

Nangong Haoran explained.

Li Luoshui was nodded and said nothing.

"This thing is good, but unfortunately there is only one, the one with the higher price will get it, Madam Li."

Ling Xiao daoist said with a smile.

"The Magical Treasure Level other teleportation compass, with this treasure, equivalent to carry a Transmission Formation with you, with a base price of 300,000 Spirit Stone, and each additional price must not be less than 50,000."

"Three hundred thousand!"

"Three hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Four hundred thousand!"

······    This teleportation compass caused a lot of bids from Nascent Soul Cultivator, and was finally taken by Ling Xiao daoist at a high price of 1.3 million.

Jin Fugui took out two golden porcelain bottles and said: "Grade 4 Medicine Pill Xuanyang Pill, each bottle has ten pills. This is the unique medicine pill of the Nangong Family. It can speed up the recovery of immortal cultivator. Bottles of Xuanyang Pill will be auctioned separately, with a reserve price of 300,000 Spirit Stone, and each increase shall not be less than 50,000."

"Grade 4 Medicine Pill!"

Han Changming's face was exposed. The expression of looked thoughtful, the reserve price is 300,000 Spirit Stone, and the transaction price must be no less than one million.

The eyes of Taoist Zifeng light up. He participated in this auction just for Healing Medicine Pill.

Similar to Han Changming's guess, two bottles of Xuanyang Pill were sold for 1.4 million Spirit Stone and 1.5 million Spirit Stone respectively, and Taoist Zifeng and Li Ruoshui each sold one bottle.

Counting up, a fourth-rank Healing Medicine Pill costs more than 100,000 Spirit Stones, which is still an ordinary medicine pill. If it is an incoming medicine pill, the price is higher, and a third-rank Healing Medicine Pill It costs tens of thousands of Spirit Stones, and the price of Grade 4 Medicine Pill is several times that of third rank medicine pill. The land of wealth is the four major elements of cultivation, so it's no wonder that wealth is in the first place.

Jin Fugui took out an exquisite blue brocade box, opened the brocade box, and placed five smoky flags inside, with the small characters "Dang Hai" written on the flagpole.

"A set of magic weapons!"

There was a commotion at the cultivator, and Han Changming narrowed his eyes.

This is a magic weapon for a set of Water Attribute, each of which is middle grade, and the price must exceed one million.

"The complete set of magic weapons to swing the sea flag, each of which is a middle grade magic weapon. There are five sides in total. The base price is 500,000 Spirit Stone, and each additional price shall not be less than 50,000."

"Five hundred thousand!"

"Five hundred thousand and fifty thousand!"

"Six hundred thousand!"

······The   competition is fierce, and there are some high-rank cultivators specifically for this set of magic weapons.

After a period of fierce competition, this set of Danghaiqi was sold at a sky-high price of 1,6 million and was sold by Li Luoshui at a high price, rich and imposing.

Jin Fugui flipped over and took out an azure jade bottle, his eyes were a bit fiery.

"A bottle of baby water can assist the immortal cultivator to hit the Nascent Soul Stage. This item is not for sale. Let me change the news. Who knows the whereabouts of this thing? Whose bottle of baby water belongs to? If you lie If you do, don’t blame Senior Nangong. You’re welcome."

Qian Dayou took out a piece of letter paper with a golden jade box pattern drawn on it.

Numerous cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay, they all wanted this bottle of baby water, but no one knew the whereabouts of the golden jade box.

For a while, the auction scene was quiet and scary, and the needles dropped.

There was no response from the cultivator for a long time, Qian Dao opened his mouth and said: "Since there is no Fellow Daoist knowing the whereabouts of this thing, then exchange materials of equal value, Heaven and Earth Treasure will do."

Nangong Family has no shortage of 1.8 million Spirit Stones. The spiritual object is not a rarity in the Zhongtian continent, but it is a rarity in the open sea.

Tone barely fell, dozens of Core Formation cultivators flew up to the bluestone plateau, they gave a lot of money and sound transmission, and took out various things for money to check.

Han Changming turned his gaze, his eyes turned into golden, which are the true pupils of golden eyes.

He wanted to see if Xiaocheng's golden eyes could see through those utensils. Most cultivator's eyes fell on the bluestone platform, and few people noticed Han Changming's abnormality.

After a while, Han Changming's eyes brightened, and his eyes fell on a kind-faced white robed old man, white robed old man white hair ruddy complexion, full of energy, a little fat, his body The watch is wrapped in a soft white light, holding an azure jade box and a golden jade box in the hand, the jade box contains a thousand-year spiritual medicine, and the jade box contains a pale-gold inner core.

Other cultivators can't see through white light. Han Changming has golden eyes and real pupils. He can easily see through white robed old man.

"Thousand-year golden grass! This is one of the adjuvants for refining baby water."

Han Changming secretly said in one's heart, with a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

He has the refinement method of Huaying Shui, and the main medicine Nascent Spirit fruit, so you can refine Huaying Shui with the remaining auxiliary medicine.

Qian Dayou finally chose to exchange with Li Luoshui. Most cultivators don’t know what Li Luoshui took out, but Han Changming can see clearly that Li Luoshui took out a light blue spar and a red monster core.

Han Wenbin looked at the numerous cultivators on the bluestone platform with a looked thoughtful expression on his face. He seemed to have thought of something. He turned to look at Han Changming, about to say something to Han Changming, he saw Han Changming's eyes returned to normal from golden, quickly, but Han Wenbin still saw it.

"pupil technique!"

This word came to Han Wenbin's mind. He absolutely didn't expect, and Han Changming actually mastered a pupil technique. Does Han Changming own Some kind of spiritual pupil? There    are not many cultivation methods for pupil technique, and the cultivation pupil technique needs to meet some very demanding conditions. It consumes too many cultivation resources and takes too long, and it is difficult to cultivation to Great Accomplishment.

Lingtong also belongs to a kind of Spirit Physique. It is definitely not a joke to have Spirit Physique's cultivator hundred in ten-thousand does not have one.

If Han Changming has some kind of spiritual pupil, it is only a matter of time before he enters the Nascent Soul Stage, and Han Wenbin has to befriend Han Changming even more.

Jin Fugui took out 9 by 9, 81 with a steamy blue formation flag and a few blue shining nine-corner array disks. Judging from the Spiritual Qi fluctuations emitted by the formation flag, it is obviously Rank 4 Array. .

"Fourth rank middle grade Formation The nine palaces turn the sea formation, both offensive and defensive, whether it is used to protect the island or protect the Cave Mansion, it is the best choice, the reserve price is 500,000 Spirit Stone, Each price increase shall not be less than one hundred thousand."

"Formation of the fourth rank middle grade!"

Han Zhangxiang is a little tempted, but only tempted, a set of third rank Formation is worth Millions of Spirit Stones, let alone Rank 4 Array.

"Come early is not as good as a coincidence. The old man came just at the right time. I want this set of Jiugong Turning the Sea Array."

A man with full of breath suddenly sounded.

Han Changming looked along the source of the sound, and a tall and thin red robed old man walked towards him.

The red robed old man has a square-faced, white face without need, giving people a kind of approachable feeling.

"Old Ancestor, why are you here."

Han Wenbin and Han Wenyue stood up quickly, and the two were pleasantly surprised.

The red robed old man is not someone else, it is the highest cultivator in Jinjiao Island Han Family cultivation base, Han morning sun, Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

"I went to the Zhengdao League to do something, didn't expect to catch up with the auction."

Han morning sun said, his eyes fell on the Lingxiao Daoist, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Ling, long time no see."

"Fellow Daoist Han, we haven't seen you in decades."

Ling Xiao daoist smiled greet.

"The two Fellow Daoists have something to say, wait until the auction is over!" Li Luoshui's tone was indifferent.

"The old man gave out one million."

Han morning sun opened a bid.

"One hundred and ten."

"One hundred and two!"

"One hundred and three!"

··· ···   Digital Nascent Soul Cultivator bid, Li Luoshui and Han Morning Sun both opened bids.

This set of Formation was photographed by Han Morning Sun for a high price of 1.9 million.

"This auction is over, thank you seniors for coming to this auction."

Qian Dayou said with some excitement.

Only commissions, he can get hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stone, this auction turned over.

Numerous cultivators left the auction field one after another, Han Changming returned to Jinhu Pavilion, Han Wenbin and Han Wenyue followed Han Morning Sun to leave.

On the third floor of Jinhu Pavilion, Han Changming, Han Zhangxiang and Han Debiao were drinking tea and chatting.

"Changming, you get a magic charm, this is a hole card, you use it carefully, do not go out alone, Pill Refinement Master is respected by other cultivators, but Pill Refinement Master is also easy to be evil The cultivator is watching."

Han Zhangxiang warned repeatedly with a solemn expression.

Han Changming nodded: "Don't worry, patriarch, I know it."

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