
  Chapter 637 Jinyunzi Jinyan Mountain Flying Snow Valley

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan stroll on the street, the street The upper crowd is surging, the traffic is busy, and it is very lively.

"New tea leaves, passing by, come over and take a look."

"Three-headed python, Spirit Beast with a high chance of mutation, come and take a look."

"Millennium old   store , medicine pill quality is guaranteed, come and have a look."

······The shouting keeps on, and the shops are full of strength Attract customers, hoping to earn more Spirit Stone.

Han Debiao suddenly said: "Liang Fairy, I ordered the vestments at Yunshang Building, let’s go and get them!" Various styles of vestments are a three-thousand-year-old shop. Yunshang Building has branches in several market cities in the Zhongtian continent.

The vestments are very popular with the Zhongtian continent cultivator. The vestiges have comprehensive defenses and many functions. However, the vestments are difficult to refine and expensive, and they are not easy to repair. They are easy to suffer in battle. When it comes to serious destruction, each has its own pros and cons!

Liang Youshan, nodded, agreed.

Half a quarter of an hour later, they appeared at the entrance of an azure attic with carved and jade columns. On a golden light plaque, the three silver characters "Yunshang Tower" were written.

There are many cultivators coming in and out, and most of these cultivators bring female companions.

Entering the Yunshang Building, oncoming is a spacious and bright hall. The ground is paved with some kind of white bricks. On the left is a ten zhang or so high azure jade wall. Above is a picture of a lady, each lady is wearing an exquisite vestment, with two golden characters "Yunshang" engraved next to it.

azure Yubi was facing a wooden staircase and came to the second floor. On the wall of the second floor, there were hundreds of vestments of different styles, and hundreds of cultivators were choosing vestments.

The vestments on the second floor are all Magical Artifact level, and most of the guests on the second floor are Foundation Establishment Stage.

A middle-aged man in his early forties walked over and said politely: "Senior Han, you haven’t come to our Yunshang Building for a long time. A new batch of goods has arrived, and the quality is pretty good. Yes, would you like to take a look?"

Han Debiao is also considered a small reputation in Yinquan Valley. In addition to buying Body Refinement Pill medicine, vestments are his second most expensive spend.

"No, I booked a vestment, is Su shopkeeper?"

Han Debiao asked casually.

"The shopkeeper is here! Senior Han, Senior Liang, please go upstairs."

The middle-aged man quickly nodded and made a please gesture.

Coming to the fifth floor, the layout of the fifth floor is simple, with dozens of scrolls hung on the walls. On the scrolls are men, women, young and old, and they all wear exquisite vestments.

There is a gleaming white light door on the stairs leading to the sixth floor, and you can't see the situation behind.

A dozen azure wooden chairs and tea tables are placed on the fifth floor. A tall young man in a golden shirt sits on an azure wooden chair.

The young man in a golden shirt has handsome features. He wears a golden jade crown on his head and a sapphire belt around his waist. The tight golden outfit perfectly highlights his sturdy body. There is a golden wolf-shaped golden jade pendant around his waist. A young girl in a green dress sits on his left side. The girl in the green dress has a round face and big eyes. The baby's fat face reveals a pair of cute dimples. She looks particularly pure. She has a red dress with delicate features and a plump body. The girl sits on the right, with apricot eyes and water waves, and Miylow's tube top reveals a deep gully, mature and charming.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Liang Fairy, what a coincidence! Are you also here to buy vestments?"

The young man in golden shirt smiled and said hello, his voice full of magnetism, his eyes fixed on With Han Debiao.

Jin Yunzi, the young president of the Golden Wolf Club, Core Formation Great Perfection, and his grandfather Golden Wolf master is Nascent Soul Cultivator.

Jin Yunzi has discussed with Han Debiao, and he has the upper hand with many high grade magic weapons.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, long time no see."

Han Debiao smiled and said hello. He and Jin Yunzi are both body cultivators, but Jin Yunzi has a higher cultivation base than him. Let’s learn from each other. Han Debiao didn't take advantage.

This is just a discussion. Life and Death Battle is hard to say.

"Fellow Daoist Han, if we have time, let's find a place to discuss it?"

Jin Yunzi said with some excitement, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

He directly ignored Liang Youshan. In his opinion, female sex is just an embellishment, and men still depend on their strength.

"No, we still have something to do. We have some time someday, this Han will definitely ask Fellow Daoist Jin for advice."

Han Debiao tactfully refused, the body he knew In the cultivator, none of them are combative, including himself.

Jin Yunzi was a little disappointed, her eyes fell on Liang Youshan, and she suddenly realized, laughed, and said nothing.

An angry middle-aged man walked through the White Light Sect and walked down from the sixth floor.

The middle-aged man wears a blue Confucian shirt, tall and thin, giving people an approachable impression.

Su Chenguang, the shopkeeper of Yunshang Building.

Su Family inheritance was more than 4,000 years ago, and it only took off more than 3,000 years ago. Su Family is good at refining vestments. Su Family's vestments are well-known in the Zhongtian continent, and they are deeply loved by Great Cultivator.

"Sorry, let Fellow Daoist Jin wait a long time to deal with some personal matters."

Su Chenguang said cup one fist in the other hand, apologetic.

"It's okay, I heard that you have a new batch of goods. I want to buy a few sets for my two concubines."

Jin Yunzi lightly said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, please upstairs, Fellow Daoist Han, Liang Fairy, you guys sit down for a while, little six, come to tea to entertain Fellow Daoist Han and Liang Fairy."

Su Chenguang invited the three Jin Yunzi upstairs, and asked clansman to entertain Han Debiao and Liang Youshan.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan waited while drinking tea.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Su Chenguang and the four walked downstairs. Jin Yunzi's two concubines smiled, obviously they bought their favorite vestments.

"Fellow Daoist Han, see you another day."

Jin Yunzi greeted her and left with her arms around her two concubines.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Liang Fairy, please go upstairs."

Su Chenguang made a please gesture, and Han Debiao and Liang Youshan walked upstairs.

They walked through the White Light Sect very easily. The layout on the sixth floor is more elegant, with a few wooden chairs and a tea table made of red sandalwood, on which a set of exquisite tea sets are placed. There was a purple incense burner in the corner, and wisps of blue smoke floated out, and a faint smell filled the air.

Liang Youshan smelled the strange scent, and felt an indescribable indulgence throughout her body.

Su Chenguang greeted the two of them to sit down and make tea again.

"Su shopkeeper, tea can be drunk later, the vest I ordered is refined! I'm here to get the goods."

Han Debiao straight to the point said, Take out a piece of paper.

Su Chenguang is nodded, turned over the palm, golden light flashed, and has an exquisite golden jade box in his hand, with a few golden lotus carved on the surface.

The golden jade box is half a foot long and wide, not big.

He opened the box lid, and a burst of dazzling red light swept out. He took out a red square from it and unfolded it. It was obviously a red light flowing long skirt with a dark golden pattern on it. Embroidered with dozens of butterfly patterns of different colors, rune flashes, Spiritual Qi circulating non-stop, as thin as cicada wing.

"Fellow Daoist Han, this is the butterfly skirt you ordered at our Yunshang Building. It took three years to refine the low-grade vest. The defense effect is excellent."

Su Chenguang talked about introduced.

Liang Youshan was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted, with a blush on her face, and her heart was as sweet as she was drinking.

No matter how stupid she is, she can tell that Han Debiao bought it for her.

Han Debiao smiled and said: "Fairy Liang, do you like this butterfly dress? I don't know what style you like. Seeing you have a group of spiritual butterflies, I booked one A butterfly skirt."

He and Liang Youshan are in a foreign land. The two have a lot of topics in common. After getting along for a long time, Han Debiao's affection for Liang Youshan has greatly increased.

If you like it, then go after it bravely. Han Debiao is not the kind of ink-stained person.

"Like it, it cost you money."

The roots of Liang Youshan's ears are red, and the sound is like a mosquito.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Han was bought by Fairy Liang. I said how would Fellow Daoist Han invite the best Artifact Refinement Master in Yunshang Building to sell."

Su Chenguang's The tone is warm.

Han Debiao's eyes showed admiration, he is indeed a businessman, with good eyesight.

"As long as you like it, Su shopkeeper, this is the third rank high grade Gold Jade silkworm silk you want, enough for the end!"

Han Debiao took out a large bundle of golden Handed the silk to Su Chenguang.

"Enough, enough, Fellow Daoist Han is good, Gold Jade silkworm is very difficult to catch, its silk can wear golden travertine, the magic weapon is hard to damage, it is the best material for refining vestments."

Su Chenguang's eyes were bright, and his eyes were full of joy.

"We still have things to do, so we won't stay any longer and leave."

Han Debiao took a sip of tea and got up to say goodbye.

Liang Youshan put away her vestments and left with Han Debiao.

The two of them were hanging out on the street, Han Debiao's expression remained as usual, and Liang Youshan's face was filled with a thick smile.

The sky slowly dimmed, and a soft white light was emitted on the floor, illuminating the entire Silver Spring Valley.

White light is released by a material called phosphor. Zhongtian continent has a strange insect called light bug, which can grow to the third rank in adulthood. The offensive of this Spirit Insect is not strong. A kind of special spar called fluorite will be born in the lighting bugs of the third rank and above, which will be ground into powder and applied on the building. When the sun is full, the phosphor will absorb the sunlight. When the sky is dark, when the sun is scarce, it will be Release a soft white light.

Apart from this, some Formation or special Magical Artifact can also emit light, but the application range of phosphors is wider.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan appeared at the entrance of an azure palace thirty zhang or so high. The three words "Tahao Palace" are clearly visible on the plaque.

There was a long line at the gate of Tahoe Palace, and two Foundation Establishment cultivators were maintaining order.

After paying the entrance fee of two hundred Spirit Stones, Han Debiao and Liang Youshan walked smoothly into the Palace of Tahoe.

As soon as I walked into the Tahoe Palace, oncoming was a square screen. On the screen was an endless sea. The sea was rolling wildly and huge waves were surging into the sky.

A young maid wearing a blue long gown walked over quickly and led Han Debiao and Liang Youshan.

Walking through a long corridor, they came to the auction field, a great hall of ten acres. In the center of the great hall is a huge zhang or so big blue lotus seat, and the lotus seat all around is A piece of azure wooden chairs.

Han Debiao's eyes were swept away, thousands of cultivators participated, most of them Foundation Establishment cultivators, men and women of all ages, and the cultivation base ranges from Qi Refinement to Core Formation.

They found a forward position and sat down.

"Fairy Liang, Fellow Daoist Han, what a coincidence!"

A warm man's voice suddenly sounded, and Liang Youshan willow brows slightly wrinkle, as if she didn't want to see this person.

A young man with silver clothes with red lips and white teeth came over. It was Wanyun Mountain.

When Han Debiao and Liang Youshan first arrived at Silver Spring Valley, they wandered around the Silver Spring Tower and met Wanyun Mountain.

After they settled down in Silver Spring Valley, they had a clear understanding of Jinyan Mountain where Wanyun Mountain was born.

Jinyan Mountain has more than three thousand years of inheritance, and has a profound background. There are as many as seven Nascent Soul Cultivator. This is the Nascent Soul Cultivator that has already appeared. Jinyan Mountain is hundreds of millions of miles away from Silver Spring Valley. Far away.

Wan Yunshan showed good wishes to Liang Youshan over and over again and invited Liang Youshan to enjoy tea and flowers, but Liang Youshan tactfully refused.

"long time no see, Fellow Daoist Wan."

Han Debiao politely said, he doesn’t like Wanyun Mountain, but they can’t afford to offend Wanjia. To do.

Liang Youshan smiled nodded as a response, unwilling to pay attention to Wanyun Mountain.

If Wan Yunshan didn’t see him, he sat down in the seat next to Liang Youshan and said in a warm tone: "Leung Fairy, one year later is my father’s six hundred years old birthday. If you don’t dislike it, you can come We have a few drinks at Wanjia, we have invited many guests, and Ouyang Family will send people there."

"Many thanks Fellow Daoist Wan's kindness, if we have time, we will definitely come to visit."

Liang Youshan's tone is calm, if it were not for fear of the forces of the Wanjia, she would not want to take care of Wanyun Mountain.

Wan Yunshan kept talking to Liang Youshan, but Liang Youshan didn't talk to him much. Basically, Wan Yunshan said five things before Liang Youshan answered.

"tsk tsk, isn't this Wan Eldest Young Master? Didn't you see Liang Fairy not willing to pay attention to you? Just put a hot face on someone's cold ass, are Wan's children so unbearable?"

A woman's voice full of sarcasm suddenly sounded.

Wan Yunshan frowned, turned his head moved towards and looked behind him, a young girl in a red dress sitting behind him, with picturesque facial features, snow-skinned skin, slender body, and an embroidered sleeve on her sleeve The pattern of white valleys.

The girl in the red skirt is called Zhao Hongling. She comes from Feixue Valley and Feixue Valley inheritance for more than two thousand years. She is about the same strength as Jinyan Mountain. It is strictly speaking of which, Jinyan Mountain and Feixue Valley are neighbors. The territories of the two forces were close to each other, and there were a lot of private fights, but both sides maintained restraint and did not fight.

"Mother, mind your own business, I am not sticking to your cold ass, are your female disciples in Feixue Valley as mediocre as you? A smell of mother's milk not yet The dried yellow hair girl also wants to point fingers at me, wait until you grow up!” Wan Yunshan said at the end, he glanced casually at Zhao Hongling’s flat chest.


Zhao Hongling's face was flushed, and his palm burst out with dazzling red light.

At this moment, a slender jade hand was placed on Zhao Hongling's shoulder, and a clear and sweet woman's voice suddenly sounded: "Junior Sister Zhao, don't care about him, business matters."


A slender white clothed woman is standing behind Zhao Hongling. The white clothed woman does not apply powder, willow leaf eyebrows, cherry mouth, and her eyes are cold. An azure ribbon binds her waist like a water snake, with her heels curled up. There is a clear contrast between the hips.

Looking at the powerful aura exuding from his body, it is obviously a Nascent Soul Cultivator.

The white clothed woman, whose surname is Ximen, is named Xue, the new Nascent Soul Cultivator of Feixue Valley, and the Senior Sister of Zhao Hongling. Both of them worshipped the master of Feixue.

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