2021-12-09   Chapter 664 destroy the enemy    too toxic pulp of a million drug, even if it is of Nascent Soul Cultivator The fleshy body touched Ten Thousand Poison Syrup and was instantly destroyed.

If it were at the peak period, two drops of Poisonous Poison would not hurt Li Hong at all, but he now has a strength great injury, and his mana loss is severe, so naturally he can't stop Poisonous Poisonous Poison.

As soon as the Mini Nascent Soul was separated from the body, a strong gravitational force suddenly appeared on the ground, and it could not be moved towards high altitude.

A gleaming yellow jade bottle suddenly drilled out of the ground. The jade bottle's aura flashed constantly, obviously it was a magic weapon. The yellow jade bottle sprayed out a yellow mist and took the mini Nascent Soul in. .

Zheng Ru saw this scene, and Yurong changed drastically.

She hurriedly waved the blue flag, and a large swath of sea water swept out, turning into a blue giant palm of several hundred zhang, moved towards the ground and patted it.

Boom!   A deafening rumbling sound sounded, the ground all split up and in pieces, and the dust was flying.

Taking this opportunity, Zheng Ru is about to flee from here. Seven rays of silver light flashes out from the ground without warning, and instantly flies high into the sky, turning into a silver screen of light. , Cover her inside.

Two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions flew over, and they made a noisy neighing sound and looked irritable.

There was a ripple on the surface of the silver light curtain, and a gap of several feet suddenly appeared.

The two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions smelled the aura of ten thousand poisonous plasma, turned into two purple lights and flew into the silver light curtain, and the silver light curtain healed.

Zheng Ru was so scared that soul flew beyond the heaven, and the secret art pinched, the blue jade bottle suddenly spewed out a large amount of blue sea water, forming a blue water curtain, covering the whole body.

The two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions each sprayed out a thick purple lightning, hitting the blue water curtain, and the surface of the blue water curtain was rippling.

Zheng Ru’s secret art changed, he entered secret art into the blue flag, opened his mouth and spouted a big mouthful of blood essence, sank into the blue flag, the flag suddenly brightened, and circled her Unsteady, a large amount of blue sea water rushed out of the flag and kept spinning around her. There was a muffled sound of "weng weng" in the void, and the sound of the tsunami was loud.

The two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions either sprayed purple lightning or sprayed purple poisonous fire, hitting the blue water curtain, bursts of blue smoke.

Zheng Ru secret art pinched, the sea water violently surging, suddenly turned into two ten zhang or so big blue giant palms, shot at two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

The reaction of the two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions was very quick. With a light flap of their wings, they suddenly disappeared from the same place.

Next moment, they appeared on top of Zheng Ru's head, each spewing out a thick purple lightning, slashing towards Zheng Ru.

"Wind Escape Technique! Mutated Spirit Insect!"

Zheng Ru was surprised, not daring to be careless, when the secret art changed, the blue water curtain rose suddenly, blocking the two purples lightning.

Heavy water curtains protected Zheng Ru, and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion couldn't help Zheng Ru for a while.

Zheng Ru did not dare to delay, the secret art changed, and numerous fist-thick blue water ropes flew out of the blue water curtain. There were too many blue water ropes, two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion couldn't avoid it and was tied up by more than a dozen blue water ropes.

A huge blue hand slapped it with a huge zhang or so big blue hand, and they each sprayed a purple lightning, smashing the blue big hand blow into countless blue water vapor, and the blue water vapor became blurred and suddenly turned into A huge blue water polo wraps two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions inside.

Zheng Ru right hand turns, white light flashed, a white light glittering jade ruler appeared on her hand, and a white lotus flower was engraved on the front of the jade ruler. Her wrist lightly swayed, and countless white cold air It rushed out wildly and plunged into the blue water ball. The blue water ball froze at a speed visible to naked eye and turned into a huge white ice ball.

With the muffled sound of "ka-cha", small cracks appeared on the surface of the white hockey puck. It didn't take long for the white hockey puck to all split up and in pieces, and the two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions escaped.

General ice attribute spells can’t catch them. Fourth rank high grade Monster Insect is not so easy to deal with.

A smoky blue talisman lased and came to them in an instant.

With a muffled sound of "pu chi", the blue talisman burst suddenly, turning into a hundred zhang or so large blue light ball, covering the two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, the surface of the blue light ball A pattern of a blue tortoise, the blue tortoise swims on the surface of the blue photosphere.

The fourth rank talisman spirit talisman, even Nascent Soul Cultivator, is impossible to get out of trouble in a short time.

Two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions made sharp neighing noises, and sprayed purple poison mist and purple lightning from their mouths. They struck the blue light ball. The blue turtle on the surface of the blue light ball made a deep roar. The surface of the photosphere swims quickly.

Zheng Ru took a deep breath and kept pinching secret art. Blue water spears about one zhang long flew out one after another, hitting the silver light curtain one after another.

The muffled sound of "peng peng", the silver light curtain is completely motionless.

Zheng Ru glanced at the dim blue light ball, with severe expression flashed in his eyes, and raised his hands high in an embrace.

The rumbling tsunami sounded, and the sea around Zheng Ru suddenly rolled violently, forming a thick blue water column into the sky.

The blue water jet hit the silver light curtain, the silver light curtain was distorted, and the ground shook slightly.

Zheng Ru browses tightly knit. She looks at the blue ball of light and is surprised to find that the aura of the blue ball of light has dimmed and is faintly discernible. Obviously, it will not last long.

Her face flushed red, and she opened her mouth to spit out a big mouthful of blood essence, which was submerged in the blue flag. The blue flag suddenly burst into dazzling blue light, and after a round, the blue flag fell into the blue. In the water column.

The volume of the blue water column skyrocketed, and after a blur, it turned into a huge blue Flood Dragon with dense scales and wide-mouthed fangs.

roar!   blue water dragon shaking its head and wagging its tail, heading straight for the silver light curtain.

After the rumbling noise, the silver light curtain bulged up a big chunk, and it seemed to be broken.

Countless mysterious runes suddenly appeared on the surface of the silver light curtain, and the aura rose sharply and became thicker and thicker.

"Break for me."

Zheng Ru a light shout, the blue Flood Dragon burst out with dazzling blue light, and his body soared.

Boom!    After the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the silver light curtain was violently distorted and the aura dimmed. With a light touch with her two fingers, the blue giant brick slammed into the silver light curtain, and the silver light curtain no longer supported it. Unstoppable, like a crack, inch by inch broke apart.

At this moment, the ground also exploded, and countless yellow gravel flew up in the wind, ticking around, and the dense yellow gravel turned into thousands of about one chi-long yellow arrows. , Went straight to Zheng Ru.

Zheng Ru's secret art changed and the blue giant greeted him.

The sound of "knock" metal collision sounded, and dense yellow arrows hit the blue giant bricks one after another. They suddenly shattered and turned into a large piece of yellow gravel. These yellow gravels are gleaming, and obviously they are not ordinary things. .

The blue giant brick suddenly moved towards the ground, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the ground was torn apart, dozens of thick and long cracks appeared, and the dust was flying.

Zheng Ru put away the magic weapon, planning to escape from here.

The dense yellow gravel suddenly merged into one, turning into a ten zhang or so tall yellow giant, with large hands and feet, obvious outlines, and a lack of vision. It is the Geoman, this is not magical. Shape, but a magic weapon, formidable power is a lot.

As soon as the yellow giant appeared, his right foot stomped fiercely to the ground, and the ground shook violently. Hundreds of fist-thick yellow soil ropes broke out of the ground and were woven into a sheet of several hundred zhang big yellow big The net covered Zheng Ru, and a strong gravitational force suddenly appeared, and Zheng Ru felt a little uncomfortable.

The ground around Wuli suddenly exploded, smoke and dust billowed, and yellow sand walls emerged out of thin air, surrounding Wuli.

Zheng Ruliu frowned, and with a pinch of secret art, the dense blue water arrows flew out and hit the big yellow net.

With a loud rumbling noise, the big yellow net was moved by the dense blue water arrows, and the dust was flying.

The yellow giant rushed towards Zheng Ru with a shining right fist. The fist was thunderous and ear-piercing.

Zheng Ru's secret art changed, and dense blue water arrows shot out, hitting the yellow Stoneman one after another. There was a muffled noise and sparks splashed everywhere.

A huge blue water bird rushed over and hit the yellow Stoneman's body. The yellow Stoneman flew upside down in an instant.

Two weird hissing sounds sounded, two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is out of trouble.

Zheng Ru was taken aback, and was about to manipulate magic weapons to attack them.

Two thick yellow lights broke through the ground without warning, and came straight to Zheng Ru.

blue Flood Dragon shaking its head and wagging its tail, facing two yellow lights, with its huge size, it is not afraid of two yellow lights at all.

Two rays of yellow light hit the blue water bird accurately, and an astonishing scene appeared. The blue water bird petrified at the speed visible by naked eye.

"Petrochemical divine ability!"

Zheng Ru was dumbfounded.

Yellow Stoneman's right fist smashed over, Zheng Ru's secret art changed, and the blue water curtain in front of him suddenly burst into blue light.

With a loud rumbling, the yellow giant’s fist hits the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain suddenly burst and turned into countless blue water vapor. An azure jade bottle flew out and appeared in Zheng Ru head.

With a muffled sound of "Pa", the azure jade bottle burst open without warning. Some pungent golden liquid splashed out and fell on Zheng Ru’s body protector, suddenly appearing With a burst of green smoke, her body protector's aura suddenly dimmed.

A fishy wind blew by, and a Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion suddenly appeared on top of Zheng Ru's head.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion opened a mouth and spouted a thick purple lightning, which instantly shredded her body aura.

A miserable cry of a woman rang, and Zheng Ru was overwhelmed by the silhouette of purple lightning.

The tail thorn of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion flicked and turned into a afterimage, submerged in the purple lightning.

A black corpse quickly moved towards the ground, and Zheng Ru lost his breath. The fourth rank high grade Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion was extremely poisonous.

divine light flashed, a mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body. Just after leaving the corpse, two purple lights broke out of the ground and hit the mini Nascent Soul accurately. The mini Nascent Soul was visible at the speed of naked eye Petrochemical.

On the other side, another Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion appeared next to the yellow giant, spraying a purple lightning, and struck the yellow giant.

After a loud noise, the yellow giant exploded and turned into countless yellow gravels, which were gleaming and scattered on the ground.

Two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions hovered high in the sky. Suddenly, they squeaked in excitement, and moved towards the inbound and outbound flying at extremely fast speed.

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