
  Chapter 677 Liang Youshan is in distress, Han Debiao asks for help (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

In the depths of the Qingling mountain range, From time to time, a crackling sound resounded through the sky from a dense bamboo forest, and the fire blazed into the sky.

An open field, a large number of azure bamboos broke down.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan are standing next to each other. Their faces are slightly pale, and there are many brown blood stains on their clothes.

Three men and one woman surrounded them, led by a tall and thin elder azure robe, azure robe old man with good features, long beards, and late Core Formation.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I said, your people in Qingxia Valley were killed by the cultivator of the Golden Wolf Society, and it has nothing to do with us."

Han Debiao frowned said, The tone is heavy.

He and Liang Youshan organized a demon hunting team to hunt and kill demonic beasts for a living. Life is still good, but after a long time, it is inevitable that there will be frictions with other hunting demon teams. When it happened, without the backing of Nascent Soul Cultivator, Han Debiao could only try to avoid conflicts with other demon teams.

His idea is very good, but other demon teams do not think so, conflicts happen from time to time.

Not long ago, Han Debiao led the demon hunting team to hunt and kill the demonic beast. He encountered the Golden Wolf club’s cultivator and killed the Qingxia Valley cultivator. He ignored the principle that one less thing is worse than more. The people of Xiagu thought that they had teamed up with the cultivator of the Golden Wolf Club to destroy the Qingxiagu cultivator.

Han Debiao thinks they have been wronged, but Qingxia Valley cultivator doesn't believe it.

"It has nothing to do? Since it has nothing to do, what are you running? Honestly follow us to see the Valley Master and let him decide."

The old man azure robe said with a cold face, Qingxiagu There will be frequent frictions with Golden Wolf. This is not the first time, but this time Qingxiagu suffered a relatively large loss, losing eight Core Formation cultivators.

"Fellow Daoist Han, don't explain to them, kill it! I don't want to give my life to others."

Liang Youshan gave Han Debiao sound transmission, wanting to inflict crimes Why is there no reason? If Qingxiagu wants to take the opportunity to get rid of them!

The friend of the enemy is also an enemy. Qingxiagu and Golden Wolf will both send people to draw them in. They will not be able to draw on them. They are worried that they will take refuge in their enemies, and it is entirely possible that they will kill them.

Han Debiao also understands this, nodded and said: "It seems that Silver Spring Valley can't stay, do it, and kill it."

Han Debiao's broken spirit stick emerged dazzlingly The aura swept across, the void oscillated and twisted, and there was a piercing sound of piercing the air, heavy stick shadows swept out, like a hill, hitting the azure robe old man.

azure robe The old man felt a strong wind facing his face mask and it became difficult to breathe. He quickly took out a azure light sparkling flag, and shook it lightly, releasing a burst of azure mist. The gusty wind greeted it.

The azure wind was like paper paste, torn apart by heavy stick shadows, the air wave rolled, heavy stick shadows hit the ground, the ground burst suddenly, and dozens of thick and long cracks appeared.

azure robe The old man just stood firm, a harsh sword cry sounded, countless white snowflakes fell from the sky, the temperature plummeted, Liang Youshan took action.

"Do it, execute without any mercy."

The azure robe old man said solemnly and killed Han Debiao and Liang Youshan. They can also deal with Valley Master. Since they did it, naturally there is no Need to keep your hands.

A gust of wind blew by, and the dense white snowflakes turned into a dense white sword qi, and went straight to the azure robe old man.

"I'll stop Fellow Daoist Han, you go and deal with her."

A tall and strong black-shirted man said solemnly, the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand burst out dazzling The black light, moved towards Han Debiao, a piercing air-splitting sound arose. The void oscillated and twisted, and dense gray light blades shot out, like a large net of death, covering Han Debiao.

The dense gray light blades are not yet close, violent wind erupted, a lot of flying sand running stone    Han Debiao is lightly snorted, the broken spirit stick in his hand is like a white dragon in the waves, with a wave of crushing The powerful imposing manner of dry weeds and smashing rotten wood greeted them.

Boom! The    broken spirit stick smashed the dense gray light blades, and the powerful air wave broke a large number of bamboos at the waist, and smoke filled the sky.

The black-shirted man and Han Debiao fought close to each other, the three-pointed two-edged sword kept colliding with the broken spirit stick, bursting out one after another powerful wave of air, sparks splashing everywhere.

"Be careful, Fellow Daoist Wang."

A hurried man's voice suddenly sounded.

A white giant sword that exudes a chilly chill fell from the sky, like a white full moon descending on the world, moved towards the black-shirted man.

The black-shirted man complexion changed, and quickly swung a three-pointed two-edged sword to greet him, and at the same time, a billowing black air emerged from his body, turning into a thick black curtain of light. A small silver lock on his chest suddenly burst into a dazzling aura, and a silver light curtain emerged, one silver and one black with two defenses.

clang! The    three-pointed two-edged sword collided with the giant sword, and a powerful wave broke out. The ground was shattered, and a hundred zhang or so long crack appeared, smoke and dust All over the sky.

A powerful gang wind is oncoming, and the black-shirted man’s hair flies in the wind, and countless sands and stones are blown away.

He looked up, Han Debiao did not know when he took out a gleaming small axe and moved towards him.

A trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and the white giant sword sword light soared. He quickly injected mana into the three-pointed two-edged sword to resist the white giant sword.

A small axe with gleaming aura fell from the sky and slashed on the black light curtain.

The two black and silver light curtains were like paper paste, and they were chopped to pieces by a small axe. The big man in black shirt was also chopped in half by the small axe, and the blood flowed to the ground.

Liang Youshan's beautiful eyes showed a deep joy. At this moment, Han Debiao's hasty voice suddenly sounded: "Liang Fairy, be careful."

A black bead Thinking of Liang Youshan flying, the rune flashed on the surface of the bead, exuding a violent breath.

Before Liang Youshan had time to avoid it, the black ball burst suddenly.

Just listen to a deafening rumbling sound, and a group of dazzling black lightning lights up, covering several li, with waves of air like waves.

Hundreds of Azure Bamboo were broken by a powerful air wave, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.

azure robe The old man's eyes were gloomy, he seemed to perceive something, waving the azure flag in his hand, hundreds of wind blades of azure mist shot out and hit the ground one after another.

After the loud noise of "Rumble", the Dali Golden-backed Ape broke out of the ground and kicked its legs to the ground, like a sharp sword from the string, and came straight to the azure robe old man.

azure robe The old man reacted quickly, his figure shook, and he suddenly appeared a few ten zhang away.

He just stood firm, a miserable woman's voice sounded, he complexion changed, moved towards the source of the sound, Han Debiao was holding a gleaming small axe with blood stained on its blade, A woman fell in a pool of blood, and her body separated.

Han Debiao, like a humanoid beast, rushed towards the short and squat youth in yellow shirt.

The young man in the yellow shirt was frightened. The yellow little mirror in his hand showed dazzling aura, and countless yellow runes appeared on the mirror. One after another yellow Thunder Fire flew out and hit Han Debiao.

Han Debiao waved a small axe, and smashed one after another yellow Thunder Fire, and the waves rolled.

The youth in the yellow shirt turned over and took out a scarlet gold ball. Judging from the violent aura of the scarlet gold ball, it was obviously a low grade magic weapon.

The one-time magic treasure, Jin Yanzhu, is made from golden glass stone as the main material and collected from Heavenly Fire. It is comparable to the full strength attack of the late Core Formation cultivator.

He threw Jin Yanzhu out and instantly appeared in front of Han Debiao.

Han Debiao's small axe in his hand smashed the golden bead, a dazzling golden light rises, a large golden flame enveloped Han Debiao, the fire blazed into the sky, and the ground was burned to black.

At this moment, one silhouette rushed out of the golden fire sea without warning. It was Han Debiao.

Han Debiao wears a thick black Battle Armor on his body. The black Battle Armor protects his body. His body is red, and his skin feels like a tingling tear.

"Flying Magical Treasure!"

The yellow shirt youth noticed that Han Debiao's boots were shining with dazzling aura. It was obviously a Flying Magical Treasure. No wonder Han Debiao moved so fast quick.

The yellow little mirror in his hand burst out with a dazzling yellow light, and a thick yellow Thunder Fire flew out and went straight to Han Debiao, in a posture that he was going to kill Han Debiao.

Han Debiao snorted lightly, the seven-star spirit cutting axe in his hand showed dazzling aura, moved towards the front of him.

The yellow Thunder Fire was chopped in half by the Seven-Star Spirit Chopping Axe, and the Seven-Star Spirit Chopping Axe went straight to the youth in the yellow shirt.


A miserable man's scream sounded, and the Seven Stars Spirit Cutter cut the yellow shirt youth in half.

With the Huoyun flying boots in hand, Han Debiao can easily get close to other Core Formation cultivators. When he gets close by the Core Formation Stage body cultivator, he will only end up with death.

azure robe The old man flew beyond the heaven to soul flew beyond the heaven, turned into an azure light, immersed in the azure flag, a piercing whistle sounded, and his whole person turned into a wind of azure mist, moved Fleeing in the distance.

A white giant sword came oncoming, blocking the path of the azure wind.

clang! With   a muffled sound, the white giant sword was blown out, but the azure wind stopped.

There was a piercing sound from behind, and dense red fist shadows swept over, hitting the azure wind one after another.

After the rumbling noise, the azure wind was smashed by the dense scarlet fist and shadow, and the azure robe old man fell from a high altitude, looking pale, and there was a lot of blood on his shirt.

Before he landed, a white changhong fell from the sky, piercing him into a cold, and turning him into a rain of blood, die without a whole corpse.

Han Debiao is lightly sighed in relief. Fortunately, he has been hiding himself. No one knows that he has a high-grade Flying Magical Treasure, otherwise the outcome will be unpredictable.

At this time, the black lightning dissipated, and Liang Youshan sat paralyzed in a huge pit, look pale, her breath languishing, her tall chest undulating, and her breathing fast.

Han Debiao hurriedly flew over and asked nervously: "Fairy Liang, how are you doing?"

"Fellow Daoist Han, hurry up... "

After Liang Youshan said this, she passed out, and the white giant sword fell from the sky.

Han Debiao checked carefully and found that Liang Youshan seemed to be poisoned.

Some one-time magic weapons will be cultivated with some poisons to strengthen the attack, but there is no Core Formation Stage body cultivator, but for other Core Formation cultivators, it is still very troublesome.

He quickly put away the things on the ground, fed Liang Youshan a Detoxification Pill, held Liang Youshan in his waist, moved high in the sky, and followed closely from behind.

Three days later, Han Debiao returned to Yinquan Valley. Liang Youshan’s lips were white, her body was trembling, and she was brow beaded with sweat. Obviously, she was poisoned by some kind of strange poison, and ordinary Detoxification Pill medicines could not detoxify at all. .

Han Debiao's heart is heavy. He originally wanted to leave the Qingling mountain range directly, but found that Liang Youshan's condition deteriorated midway.

If you don't get timely treatment, Liang Youshan may be dead.

Han Debiao returned to Silver Spring Valley after careful consideration. No matter how powerful Qingxia Valley is, he would not dare to do anything against him in the market city.

Han Debiao hugged Liang Youshan and quickly attracted the attention of other cultivators.

He ignored the strange eyes of others and came to the Silver Spring Tower.

Silver Spring Tower is the same as before, with many cultivators coming in and out, which is very lively.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Han, what's the matter?"

Chen Ming walked out of the Silver Spring Tower and saw Han Debiao holding the unconscious Liang Youshan, a little surprised .

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I met you very good, please contact Ouyang Fairy, I'm looking for her in a hurry."

Han Debiao's tone was quick.

Chen Ming glanced at Liang Youshan, who was ailing, nodded, said: "Fellow Daoist Han, please come with me."

Half a quarter of an hour later, they appeared in a very wide area. At the entrance of the manor, this street is sparsely populated.

Chen Ming sent a sound transmission talisman. After a while, the courtyard gate opened and Ouyang Xue came out.

"Ouyang Fairy, my friend has been poisoned. Please help. This Han is very grateful."

Han Debiao said sincerely, he is in the Zhongtian continent I don't know who, only Ouyang Xue can be found.

Ouyang Xue took out an azure porcelain bottle, poured out an emerald green pill, stuffed it into Liang Youshan's mouth, and poured water.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you send Liang Fairy to my place, Chen Ming, you go and invite Seventh Uncle to come over."

Han Debiao complied, holding Liang Youshan and walking After entering, Chen Ming led the way.

After a while, they appeared in a three-story azure loft. Liang Youshan was lying on an antique azure wooden bed, her eyes closed, her face turned black, and her breath felt like nothing. .

"Fellow Daoist Han, what the hell is going on? Tell me clearly, I can find a way to save Fairy Liang."

Ouyang Xue asked.

Han Debiao hesitated for a while and told the story again.

"Qingxia Valley? If I didn't guess wrong, that person should have used Xuan Lei Zi. This insidious magic weapon is refined with many poisons, and ordinary Detoxification Pill medicines are useless."

Ouyang Xue frowned and said.

Han Debiao's heart sank, and he asked: "Ouyang Fairy, with the strength of your Ouyang Family, there should be a good antidote medicine!"

"Of course we have, but we It won't be sold to outsiders, and it won't be easy to sell."

A man with full of breath suddenly sounded.

Tone barely fell, a golden robe old man with a hunchback came in, the old golden robe had a round face, big eyes, a fair complexion, and his eyes were piercing. Looking at the strong spiritual pressure on his body, it was obviously Nascent Soul Cultivator.

"Seventh Uncle, please show Liang Fairy first! It's important to save people."

Ouyang Xue urged.

golden robe old man nodded, step forward to check.

"Yes, it is indeed Xuan Leizi. This poison can only be solved by our Ouyang Family's antidote holy medicine Qianling Miao Xin Pill."

golden robe said solemnly.

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