2021-12-09   Chapter 684 infants junction (on)

Look Ouyang Xue's face, this task is clearly not simple.

The two Nascent Soul Cultivators led the team, it is estimated that they are escorting important things.

"Ouyang senior, what exactly do we do?"

Han Debiao asked, since Ouyang Xue has spoken, he naturally has no right to refuse. If he knows what to do, he can do it in advance. Some preparations.

"old man Ouyang Sheng, we are going to escort a batch of goods to a big market city. The journey is far away. Only then will we mobilize some more people. In addition to you, there are more than a dozen Core Formation cultivators. Just be careful. Some, no danger."

The golden robe old man slowly said with a heavy voice. Obviously, this task is not as easy as he said.

"Yes, when will we leave?"

Han Debiao continued to ask.

"Leave the day after tomorrow, you guys are ready to meet here on time the day after tomorrow."

Ouyang Sheng instructed in an unquestionable tone.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan agreed repeatedly. Three days were enough for them to prepare.

Ouyang Sheng exhorted a few words and told them to retreat.

"Ninth Uncle, Shigu, what do you think of these two people? Are there any problems?"

Ouyang Xue asked, she has not appointed Han Debiao and Liang Youshan in recent years The task is mainly to investigate them, their origin is somewhat mysterious.

The Ouyang Family has many enemies. The Ouyang Family had been undercover by spies for many years. When they were discovered, they had already caused heavy losses to the Ouyang Family.

"There is no problem at the moment, this time I went to Wanling Market City to do business, and inspected them by the way. If there are talents available, you can increase your training. Didn't you send someone to find out their details? ."

Ouyang Sheng was puzzled.

Ouyang Xue nodded and said: "I sent a lot of people to investigate their situation. The strange thing is that they seem to appear out of thin air in this area. They came across Chen Ming by accident. It’s not there on purpose."

"It’s just two Core Formation cultivators, you can use it, you can’t use it and don’t face it. Ouyang Family doesn’t lack two Core Formation cultivators, yes, Cher, you have already entered the Core Formation Great Perfection, you can try to hit the Nascent Soul Stage, maybe you can catch up with the Myriad Spirits Great Assembly."

azure robe old woman warned repeatedly, with a loving face .

"Yes, ten aunts, I also plan to retreat and attack the Nascent Soul Stage. I should be able to catch up with the Myriad Spirits Great Assembly. The Myriad Spirits Great Assembly will take a while to hold."

Ouyang Xue agreed, and she looked forward to her beautiful eyes.

Listening to their words, Myriad Spirits Great Assembly seems to be a very important celebration.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan were strolling down the street. There was not much Spirit Stone left on them. This was the first time they went to perform the task, so they still need to make more preparations.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, they appeared in a 5-Layer high azure pavilion.

Qianfu Pavilion, a store that specializes in selling talisman, Han Debiao has already reserved a set of third rank talisman in case of emergency.

The complete set of talisman is more precious. After you use it, you can save your life at the critical moment. You can only book it in advance. Naturally, Han Debiao won't hold back.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan walked in, and they went straight to the fifth floor.

The layout of the fifth floor is classical, with many landscape paintings hanging on the walls.

A graceful young woman in a purple skirt was looking through a thick account book and saw Han Debiao and Liang Youshan. The young woman in purple skirt put down the account book, stood up, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Han , We haven’t seen each other for a while."

"Su shopkeeper, we are here to pick up the goods."

While talking, Han Debiao took out a note and handed it to Zi Young woman in skirt.

The young woman in the purple skirt took the note, took out a sparkling azure disc, nodded, said: "Fellow Daoist Han wait a moment, I will send someone to deliver the goods."

Han Debiao nodded, waiting quietly.

After a while, there was a slight sound of footsteps, and a happy man's voice followed: "Fairy Liang, Fellow Daoist Han, long time no see."

Listen to Liang Youshan To this sound, browse tightly knit.

Han Debiao turned around and saw Wanyun Mountain approaching.

After they joined the Ouyang Family, Wan Yunshan was somewhat restrained, but he was still more enthusiastic about Liang Youshan.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, long time no see."

Han Debiao said politely, his tone was flat, and he looked unwilling to talk to Wan Yunshan.

At this moment, an azure clothes attendant walked up quickly, holding a beautiful azure jade box in his hand, he handed the azure jade box to the young woman in purple skirt and walked back.

The young woman in purple skirt handed the jade box to Han Debiao, Han Debiao opened the jade box, and a dazzling azure light swept out, a total of five azure talisman, each azure talisman is a third rank talisman, The surface is covered with azure rune with large rice grains, which is mysterious and difficult to understand, and emits a strong Wood Spiritual Qi fluctuation.

"Changchun Jiayuan Talisman, this set of talisman's defensive power is not good enough, and the defense effect of Qianguangwei's spirit talisman is better."

Wan Yunshan commented.

Han Debiao ignored Wanyun Mountain and handed the azure jade box to Liang Youshan. Liang Youshan smiled knowingly, accepted it, and the two left together.

After they left, Wan Yunshan asked, "Su shopkeeper, when will Fellow Daoist Han book the Changchun Jiayuan Talisman? I also want to book a set."

The young woman in the skirt chuckled, shook her head and said: "Fellow Daoist Wan wants to order the Changchun Jiayuan Talisman. Naturally, it can be faster. We can get the goods in five years! As for when Fellow Daoist Han orders, this is the privacy of the guests. We can’t Leaked."

Wan Yunshan was nodded, with a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

Back to the residence, Han Debiao and Liang Youshan went to each room to rest. They lived in a small courtyard and did not share the same room.

Han Debiao sits on the azure futon, takes out a red bottle gourd, looks reminiscent, and talks to himself: "I don’t know how patriarch and Changming are doing, waiting for me to enter Nascent Soul Stage, I must find a way to go back."

It has been almost 50 years since he came to Zhongtian continent. After so many years, he doesn't know the situation in the clan.

He put away the red bottle gourd and meditated.

Two days passed quickly.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan came to Ouyang Xue’s residence early, but Ouyang Xue was not there.

Ouyang Sheng and the azure robe old woman were not present, and more than a dozen Core Formation cultivators lined up.

The tallest cultivation base is a big man in golden shirt with his left arm hanging in the air, carrying a long knife, Core Formation Great Perfection, full of baleful aura, and the lowest cultivation base is a tall and thin man. Azure clothed youth, with three bulging leather bags tied around his waist, there seems to be living things in the leather bags, agitated from time to time, this person has a cultivation base in the middle of Core Formation.

Han Debiao knows these people. They are all worshipped by the Ouyang Family. The golden-shirted man is called Zhang Yang, and the azure clothed youth is called Sun Tao. They have joined the Ouyang Family for more than a hundred years, especially Zhang Yang, the ancestor. Three generations have worked for the Ouyang Family and are highly valued by the Ouyang Family.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Liang Fairy, you are here."

Zhang Yang smiled and said hello.

Other cultivators greeted Han Debiao and Liang Youshan one after another. Their strength is not weak, and other cultivators dare not underestimate them.

After a while, Ouyang Sheng and azure robe old woman appeared in front of numerous cultivators. Three men, one woman and four Core Formation cultivators followed them. Judging from their clothes, they were obviously children of the Ouyang Family.

This is also normal. Ouyang Family impossible does not bring the experience of its own children. After all, the worship is worship, or it is more reliable for oneself.

"Subordinates pay tribute to Ouyang senior."

Zhang Yang and others bowed in salute and said in unison.

Ouyang Sheng waved his hand and said: "This mission takes a long time. Everyone listens to our orders. Violators are severely punished. If you make great achievements, the spiritual object will not be a problem. ."

"Yes, Ouyang senior."

Numerous cultivators agreed in unison, most of the cultivators looked excited, and the spiritual object for them was year for something even. things in dreams.

Ouyang Sheng's broad sleeves shook suddenly, a golden light flew out, and it was a brilliant golden flying boat, and into a secret art, the golden flying boat suddenly became bright and his body soared.

The rune flashes on the surface of the golden flying boat, and the Spiritual Qi is amazing. It is obviously a Spirit Treasure.

"Flying Spirit Treasure!"

The numerous cultivators were first taken aback, full of envy.

Han Debiao brows slightly wrinkle, Ouyang Sheng used the Flying Spirit Treasure to drive on the road. It seems that the journey is too long to use Transmission Formation to send to the destination.

Ouyang Sheng and other Ouyang Family cultivators flew to the golden flying boat one after another, and Zhang Yang and others followed.


With a pinch of Ouyang Sheng's secret art, the golden flying boat's spirit soared, and moved towards Silver Spring Valley and flew outside.

After flying out of Silver Spring Valley for hundreds of miles, it moved towards high altitude and disappeared into the sky before long, as if it had never appeared before.

······   clam Islands, clam city.

Sun Ming and Wang Ning are standing outside Qingyun Valley. They have already been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage. All this depends on Han Changming.

Han Changming's alchemy level is relatively high and is respected by many Pill Refinement Masters. He loves Wu and Wu. Sun Ming and Wang Ning work for Han Changming. They bear the Han Changming label. There are many low-level cultivators on their bodies. Hurry to befriend them.

"Wang Fairy, you can't read it wrong! If you interrupt shopkeeper cultivation, then it will be troublesome."

Sun Ming asked nervously, because Han Changming, completely changed The whole family benefited from his destiny.

Now the whole family depends on him for support, and they all count on him to succeed.

"There is nothing wrong, I checked a lot of classics myself, this thing is dedicated to the shopkeeper, it is definitely a great achievement, I am afraid to disturb the shopkeeper cultivation, or we will wait here for a while "

Wang Ning's expression is tense. She was ordered to collect priceless and unique rare treasure. Not long ago, she bought a strange ore in an underground auction. It is probably some kind of strange stone. Pulling up Sun Ming and reporting to Han Changming, I was also worried about admitting wrong.

At this moment, a ray of light flew from a distance, and it was Mu Qianqian.

She hasn't seen Han Changming for more than 40 years and wants to come and visit.

"Junior pays homage to Senior Mu."

Sun Ming and Wang Ning hurriedly saluted with respect.

Mu Qianqian waved his hand and asked, "Fellow Daoist Han hasn't left yet?"

"We dare not disturb shopkeeper cultivation, did Senior Mu come to the shopkeeper? "

Sun Ming curiously asked.

In recent years, many people have asked him about Han Changming's situation, but Sun Ming didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Mu Qianqian nodded, took out a sound transmission talisman, whispered a few words, and threw it into Qingyun Valley

time it takes to drink a cup of tea past, Qingyungu There was no change, thick fog covered the entire valley.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Han is inconvenient, forget it, I will come to him next time!"

Mu Qianqian lightly sighed and moved towards high altitude.

At this moment, countless auras suddenly emerged from the void, multi-colored, and extremely gorgeous, Spiritual Qi moved towards a hundred li in radius gathered here.

Mu Qianqian's body swayed from the left to the right, almost falling from in midair, with a shocked expression on her face.

Sun Ming and Wang Ning looked at each other in blank dismay, the scene before them is beyond their cognition.

A huge group of Spiritual Qi vortex appeared in the sky above Qingyun Valley. The Spiritual Qi vortex at first was only ten zhang or so the size, tumbling violently, and quickly grew to the size of several hundred zhang.

"Natural phenomenon of infant formation!"

Mu Qianqian said in surprise, her expression solemn.

"Natural phenomenon of infant formation?"

Sun Ming and Wang Ning were stunned, and soon they reacted with excitement.

If Han Changming advances to the Nascent Soul Stage, his status will be higher. With this big thick leg, their development prospects will be better.

"The idlers and others will leave Qingyun Valley immediately and must not approach the Qingyun Valley for hundreds of miles. Violators will be severely punished."

A majestic man's voice suddenly sounded.

Tone barely fell, a golden escape light flew from the distant sky and stopped high in the sky.

The light converged, revealing a golden robe old man with a thin face. The golden robe old man was a little hunched and his eyes shone brightly. It was obviously a Nascent Soul Cultivator.

"Senior Zhao!"

Mu Qianqian bowed and left quickly.

Sun Ming and Wang Ning did not dare to stay longer and left here quickly so as not to affect Han Changming's impact on Nascent Soul Stage.

Attacking the Nascent Soul Stage in the market city is permitted. The market city management office will close most of the restrictions and let the cultivator attack the Nascent Soul Stage by itself. At the same time, it will send someone to protect the immortal cultivator from interference. However, it is expressly stipulated that a certain amount of "law protection" fees must be paid afterwards.

If you are promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, this "guardian" fee is nothing. If you fail, you have to pay the debt. Even so, many Core Formation Stage loose cultivators will still hit the market city. Nascent Soul Stage, the risk of hitting Nascent Soul Stage in the wilderness is too high.

To put it simply, money can make the ghosts go ahead.

With Qingyun Valley as the center, multi-colored auras are scattered in the sky over a radius of hundreds of miles. These auras are pure Five Elements Spiritual Qi. The rumbling sound is constant, the wind is raging, and the black clouds are billowing.

Qingyun Valley, an attic built with carved columns and jade.

Han Changming sat cross-legged on a futon with his eyes closed. Two porcelain vases and two jade boxes were placed in front of him. There was a beautiful purple incense burner in the corner with an incense burner inserted in it. A lighted sandalwood has a special fragrance in the air.

After a while, Han Changming opened his eyes suddenly, his expression a little nervous.

Whether you can advance to the Nascent Soul Stage, here is one action.

With a pinch of Han Changming secret art, the Spiritual Qi vortex over Qingyun Valley rolled violently and slowly moved towards Qingyun Valley.

Han Changming's whole body was submerged by the dazzling five-color aura, and his body expanded at a speed visible to naked eye. The whole person was like a huge ball of flesh, and the huge Spiritual Qi seemed to break through his body.

At his dantian, a red and yellow inner core spins quickly, and dense Spiritual Qi floods into the inner core one after another.

The inner core of Han Changming is wrapped in a mini Spiritual Qi vortex, and it rotates quickly, and the volume of the inner core gradually increases.

As time passed, Han Changming gritted his teeth and brow beaded with sweat, his body swelled and contracted from time to time.

The second chapter late            (Chapter End)

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