
  Chapter 691 Qing Gang Yu Yin Li Yunlan and Hua Jiao Dan

"Subordinates pay respects to shopkeeper, congratulations to shopkeeper Enter the Nascent Soul Stage."

Sun Ming and Wang Ning bowed at the same time, their expressions respectful.

If it weren't for Han Changming, they would have had difficulty in Foundation Establishment in this life. Now Han Changming has entered the Nascent Soul Stage and has a higher status, and they dare not neglect.

Because of Han Changming, they not only entered the Foundation Establishment Stage, but their family also had a good life.

Han Changming is their noble person, and also their chance, they must take good advantage of it.

Han Changming looked at Sun Ming and Wang Ning, nodded, said: "You have entered the Foundation Establishment Stage, yes, what happened to the cultivation world during my retreat?"

The relatives are not around, Han Changming can only take in a few of his men to help him with some chores and inquire about news.

Sun Ming was in charge of inquiring about the news, and he hurriedly recounted the news he had collected.

There is no major event in cultivation world. There have been more cases of High Rank Monster Beast attacking immortal cultivator. Many Nascent Soul Cultivators have been killed. This indirectly affected the price of medicine pill in Green Clam City. few.

"Shopkeeper, Fairy Wang has gained something. She got a strange stone, but she is not sure."

Sun Ming remembered something and added.

"Strange Stone!"

Han Changming showed an interesting expression on his face, looking at Wang Ning.

Wang Ning quickly took out an exquisite azure jade box, handed it to Han Changming, and said: "shopkeeper, I bought it at the underground auction."

Han Changming opened When I look at the jade box, there is a piece of light azure ore inside, glowing with faint auras, and there are some silver spots on the surface, crystal clear and near-transparent.

"Cyan Gang Jade Silver!"

Han Changming's eyes flashed with surprise. This is a fourth rank refiner material, usually used to refine the core of the fourth rank Puppet Beast Location.

This piece of green jade silver is not the size of an egg, but it's a bit smaller. It is indeed a good material for refining.

Wang Ning has been looking for a variety of rare refining materials, hoping to find rare and exotic stones for Han Changming.

Han Changming showed his approval and said: "You did good, how much Spirit Stone did you spend?"

"Fifty thousand, I borrowed a sum from fellow Fellow Daoist Spirit Stone."

Wang Ning said truthfully.

"Do you think this is normal? Qinggang jade silver is a fourth-rank refining material. It was auctioned and photographed by you."

Han Changming solemnly asked, Wang Ning's cultivation base is too low. It's really strange that she can buy Qinggang jade silver at auction.

With the rareness of Qinggang jade silver, other cultivator is impossible to be indifferent. The only explanation is that it was arranged by someone and Wang Ning specially asked Wang Ning to take this piece of Qinggang jade silver.

"The auction was driven by a few friends, and there happened to be Qinggang jade silver, and they generously lent me Spirit Stone. Obviously it was a game. Their real purpose was shopkeeper, and asked for directions. That's all."

Wang Ning slowly said, she is not stupid. With her Foundation Establishment Stage's cultivation base, being able to buy a piece of green jade silver on auction is really unreasonable.

"After I entered the Nascent Soul Stage, someone should have contacted you! Guess who is behind the scenes?"

Han Changming asked, he has been promoted to Nascent Soul Stage is not what it used to be, and you can freely interact with other Nascent Soul Cultivator.

"It's Shopkeeper Qin from Ziyun Tower. She does all this. She said that the owner of Ziyun Tower wants to meet the shopkeeper. Look?"

Wang Ning cautiously Asked.

"What promise does Shopkeeper Qin have for you?"

Han Changming asked, with a severe tone.

Wang Ning's face tightened, and quickly said: "Shopkeeper Qin said, if shopkeeper is willing to meet, she will give me five thousand Spirit Stones and a few bottles of medicine pill for improving mana, but the subordinates are not I contacted shopkeeper for these things. Qinggang jade silver is indeed a good refining material. Please shopkeeper clearly."

Han Changming nodded, looked at Sun Ming, and asked: "How about you! Is there anyone? I will ask you about my situation."

"If you return to shopkeeper, many seniors will ask about your situation, but I don’t know if my subordinates can have today, they are all given by shopkeeper, subordinates. absolutely don't dare to eat inside and out."

Sun Mingcheng is frightened. If he loses Han Changming's trust, his life will not be easy.

"I swear by Heart Demon, I have never done anything to eat inside and out. Without shopkeeper, I can't even enter the Foundation Establishment Stage."

Wang Ning quickly showed his loyalty and expression. nervous.

Han Changming's expression eased, and he said, "You can understand this, that's the best thing. Do things for me. I will not treat you badly. If you make great contributions, I can give you Core Formation spiritual. An object, even a spiritual object, if you eat inside and outside, then don't blame me for being impolite."

At the end, Han Changming solemn killing aura.

Wang Ning and Sun Ming shuddered, and said quickly: "shopkeeper rest assured, we know how to do it."

Han Changming satisfied nodded, instructed: "You will contact me immediately Shopkeeper Qin, let her boss come here! I also want to see the boss of Ziyun Tower."

Wang Ning complied, immediately took out the communication tray and contacted Qin Wanru.

"Shopkeeper Qin, our shopkeeper promised to meet the owner of Ziyun Tower, let him come to Qingyun Valley!"

"Okay, Xiaoyou Wang, you are doing well, I Whatever promises you, it will be done."

A happy woman's voice came from the communication tray.

"No, Shopkeeper Qin, I'm doing things for our shopkeeper, not for your benefit."

Wang Ning declined gently.

"Okay! Let's pass now."

Qin Wanru's voice came from the communication tray.

Wang Ning put away the communication tray, looking nervous.

Han Changming took out two azure storage bags and distributed them to Sun Ming and Wang Ning, and said, "You have worked hard. These cultivation resources are given to you. Remember, you are working for me, don’t do it. Things to eat inside and out."

Sun Ming and Wang Ninglian claimed to be, and agreed.

Han Changming came to Shiting and sat down, Wang Ning took out the tea and tea, and Sun Ming stood aside.

Half a quarter of an hour later, a sound transmission talisman flew in and landed in front of Han Changming.

Han Changming crushed the sound transmission talisman, Qin Wanru's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Han, we are here."

"Sun Ming, you go and invite them in!"


Han Changming instructed.

Sun Ming complied and left.

It didn't take long for Sun Ming to come back, Qin Wanru and an azure robe old woman with full of energy followed behind.

azure robe old woman is tall and thin, with muddy eyes, holding a white horned dragon stick, and watching its mana fluctuations, she is obviously a Nascent Soul Middle Stage cultivator.

"Old man Li Yunlan, I have heard that Fellow Daoist Han is a talented person, and I finally saw Daoist." azure robe old woman said politely.

"Madam Li is polite, Madam Li wants to see me, there is no need to make such trouble, just come to the door."

Han Changming said meaningfully, he doesn't like being plotted against.

"What Fellow Daoist Han said is that there will be no next time."

Li Yunlan readily agreed, and his eyes fell on Sun Ming and Wang Ning.

Han Changming understood what she meant, waved his hand, Sun Ming and Wang Ning stepped back with interest, and Qin Wanru stepped back, leaving Han Changming and Li Yunlan alone.

"Fellow Daoist Han, frankly, the old man came to visit this time. I would like to ask you to refine a high-grade pill. The salary is absolutely satisfactory to Fellow Daoist Han."

Li Yunlan said sincerely, the sleeves flicked, a golden jade slip flew out, and moved towards Han Changming flew away.

Han Changming's sleeves flicked, the golden jade slip floated in front of him, and Divine Consciousness plunged into it.

"Hua Jiao Pill!"

Han Changming's eyes flashed with surprise. This medicine pill is given to the Python Spirit Beast with Flood Dragon bloodline, which can improve their transformation into The odds of Flood Dragon.

"Yes, the old man has prepared three materials. Fellow Daoist Han only needs to refine five high-grade flood pills."

Li Yunlan's eyes showed some expectation. The color.

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