2021-12-09   697 Chapter mysterious crow elderly    Cultivation of knowledge available in the market are mostly based on books or characters autobiography In this small place, Clam City, 90% of cultivators may not have heard of cultivation stars, let alone sell classics about cultivation stars.

Han Changming suddenly realized that what Liu Hong said makes sense. The classics collected by Great Influence, no matter their authenticity and scope, are not comparable to the classics on the market, even more how Green Clam City is in Xuanyang Star. There is no ranking among market city.

He thought that Green Clam City was already big enough, didn’t expect Green Clam City would not be ranked in the top 30 market city of Xuanyang Star. After that, there are mountains outside the mountain. There is a building outside the building.

The cultivation world is vast, much larger than Han Changming imagined.

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Liu, did your Alliance Leader take you away from Xuanyang Star?"

Han Changming asked curiously.

Liu Hong's statement overturned Han Changming's view of the world. He absolutely did not expect that they had been living on a spherical object, and this spherical object was Xuanyang star.

"No, it seems that certain conditions must be met to leave Xuanyang Star. I don’t know the specifics. Fellow Daoist Han wants to find out, when the time comes to participate in the Myriad Spirits Great Assembly, Maybe it’s clear."

Liu Hong said vaguely. He didn’t know much about the cultivation star. He only knew that they were in Xuanyang Star, which belongs to the Chiyang Star Region, and Chiyang Star. There are 36 cultivation stars in the domain, nothing more.

"Yes! Maybe we can see the real cultivation world when we reach the Divine Transformation Stage."

Li Chenguang agrees deeply and looks forward to it.

"Divine Transformation Stage!"

Han Changming looked thoughtful nodded, he has just given birth, and Divine Transformation Stage is too far away from him.

After chatting for more than an hour, Han Changming has gained a lot and has a deeper understanding of the cultivation world.

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Liu, I won’t bother you, and I’ll come to see you another day."

Han Changming got up and left. Li Chenguang and Liu Hong personally sent him away from Baidu. In the beast building, this scene was seen by other cultivators.

Han Changming walked on the street, his mind was full of what Liu Hong said. Sun Ming and Sun Sisi followed Han Changming without saying a word.

"Senior Han, I can count as seeing you."

A gentle man's voice suddenly sounded, and a tall azure clothed youth blocked Han Changming's path.

The facial features of azure clothed youth are correct, the skin is fair, and the look is respectful.

"Are you?"

Han Changming was confused.

"Junior Song Qingyun, I sent you a sound transmission talisman before. My teacher wants to meet Senior Han. I wonder if Senior Han is convenient?"

The look of azure clothed youth is tense Who doesn’t want to befriend a fourth rank Pill Refinement Master, especially a cultivator from a non-Great Influence background, who hunts demonic beasts or fights against others, there is more demand for medicine pill.

Lu Feng and other veteran fourth rank Pill Refinement Masters offer relatively high prices, and rarely help people with pill concocting. Han Changming has just entered the Nascent Soul Stage. At this time, it is easier to make good Han Changming. Ten years, I want to make friends with Han Changming again, and ask Han Changming to help pill concocting, I am afraid it will not be easy.

"Who is your Master?"

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment. During this time, too many people sent him sound transmission talisman, and he was going to take the time to visit those Nascent Souls. Cultivator.

"Old man Xuanya, Senior Han should have heard that the teacher is in the teahouse in front."

Song Qingyun pointed to a teahouse not far away and said.

"Old Black Crow?"

Han Changming has heard of this person. The old Black Crow was born as a loose cultivator and has cultivated for hundreds of years. He finally stepped into the Nascent Soul Stage and established the sect, establish the Black Crow Gate, and become a force on its own.

"I have long wanted to meet Fellow Daoist Yang, you can lead the way!"

Han Changming agreed, instructed.

Song Qingyun sighed in relief lightly and quickly led the way.

The whole teahouse was covered by the old black crow. Two Foundation Establishment cultivators guarded the door. They had a lifelike crow pattern on their sleeves, which was the mark of the black crow gate.

The lobby was empty. On the second floor, Han Changming saw a man and a woman.

The man is over seventy years old, red light across the whole face, with a strand of goatee, wearing an azure daoist robe, and two bulging Spirit Beast Bags tied around his waist. Look at its mana Fluctuation, impressively Nascent Soul Middle Stage cultivator, is the old man Xuan Crow.

The woman is wearing a blue skirt and is dressed up as a woman. She has a hot body, and most of her breasts seem to be rips out, squeezing out a deep gully, which is intriguing. A pair of peachy eyes turn endlessly. Seductive, this woman is just the late stage of Core Formation.

"Under Han Changming, I have seen Fellow Daoist Yang."

Han Changming rushed to azure robe, a cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile.

"The old man has long heard that Fellow Daoist Han is proficient in Alchemy Technique, and I have long wanted to get acquainted with Daoist. I finally met Daoist, Fellow Daoist Han, this is the Dao Companion of old man."

azure robe The old man quickly stood up and introduced himself.

"Chen Yingying, my concubine, has met Senior Han. It is better to see Senior Han for a long time. Senior Han is really a talent."

The young woman in blue skirt said politely.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, Mrs Yang, you are overpraised, this Han is not as powerful as you said."

Han Changming modestly said, sat down opposite them.

The old man Xuanya waved his hand, Song Qingyun bowed and retired, Sun Ming and Sun Sisi also retired, leaving their three people alone.

The old man Xuan Crow winked at Chen Yingying. Chen Yingying understood, took out a beautiful azure jade box, handed it to Han Changming, and said: "Congratulations to Senior Han for entering the Nascent Soul Stage. This is our couple. I hope Senior Han will not dislike it."

Han Changming opened the box lid and saw that there was a pale-gold spar inside. The surface was smooth, bumpy, and glowing with faint auras. .

"Jin Gang Jing!"

Han Changming was surprised that Jin Gang jade is a kind of precious fourth rank refining material, usually used for refining defense magic weapons, large gold Gang jade veins may be produced Cash Gang Jing, and Jin Gang Jing can be used to refine Spirit Treasure.

Stone Spirit has swallowed Jin Gang Jing. The golden Gang Jing in front of me is not small. Stone Spirit definitely likes it. It is helpful to its injury.

Chen Yingying was nodded and asked with a smile, "I wonder if Senior Han likes it?"

They inquired beforehand that Han Changming was sending someone to collect rare refining materials, this golden crystal Can sell more than 200,000 Spirit Stones. Regardless of value, Jin Gangjing is a relatively rare refining material.

They did not have any contact before, nor did they have any exchanges. The gifts they gave were too expensive, and the meaning of courting was too obvious. Han Changming might not accept them. The gifts were too light, I am afraid that Han Changming would not Happy.

This piece of gold crystal is worth more than two hundred thousand Spirit Stone. It is not expensive nor cheap, so it is just a gift.

"No merit is not rewarded, Fellow Daoist Yang, Mrs Yang, I understand your kindness."

Han Changming tactfully refused, pushing the jade box back to Chen Yingying’s before.

Eating people's mouths makes people feel softer. Li Chenguang gave Han Changming a gift. At least Fang Yufei's kindness is present. Han Changming also helped the Beasts Tower to do some things, not for nothing.

"Fellow Daoist Han is so polite. It's just a piece of ore. It's not worth a lot of money. Fellow Daoist Han will accept it! The old man wants nothing, just want to make a friend."

The old man Xuanya's tone is very warm, he doesn't know much about Han Changming, so naturally he asked Han Changming to help him pill concocting as soon as he came up, he should understand Han Changming's character and alchemy level, and confirm that there is no problem. After that, we will have deep friendship.

"Our Black Crow Gate is considered a small reputation in the Green Clam Islands. If it is useful to go to our Black Crow Gate, Fellow Daoist Han will speak."

The tone is enthusiastic. Judging from the information he has, Han Changming has something to do with Chamber of Commerce, but even a powerful dragon cannot repress a local snake, Xuanyamen still has some weight in the Clam Islands.

"In that case, this Han is disrespectful, many thanks, Fellow Daoist Yang."

Han Changming groaned a little, and accepted the golden crystal.

The old man Xuanya and Chen Yingying were happy, and Han Changming accepted the gift. They were friends with Han Changming.

The three of them chatted, covering a wide range, talking and laughing, and getting along more harmoniously.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, I heard that some time ago, Profound Light's died during meditation Cave Mansion appeared, do you have any gossip? For example, the treasure in Profound Light's Cave Mansion?"


Han Changming asked casually.

"Hehe, let’s not hide from Fellow Daoist Han, there are really some gossips. It is said that there is a Transcending Spirit Treasure, apart from this, and a group of spiritual flames. I don’t know who got these two things. "

The old man Xuanya laughed with envy on his face.

Today did not, early tomorrow,

      (Chapter End)

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