
  Chapter 702 Fire Rock Beast Small Scale Chopper The   tiger eagle cannot be promoted to the third rank, and the life essence is exhausted. Was buried in Bottle Gourd Island.

Don't look at Golden Eye Fire Sparrow as the third rank middle grade. If you work hard, the average Core Formation late cultivator is not its opponent. The demon fire it spit is too powerful.

With Jintong Fire Sparrow sitting on Bottle Gourd Island, Han Deling and Han Daojing went to the open sea with peace of mind.

"Yes! patriarch, Debiao and the others have been missing for many years. We have been living in the inner sea for many years, and we should go to the sea to share some of the pressure for you."

Han Daojing said with a smile, Han Family's development focus is on the open sea. Thanks to Han Zhangxiang and others working hard in the open sea, they can cultivation in the inner sea with peace of mind, and it is time to go to the open sea.

Han Zhangxiang was pleased and nodded, and asked about the current situation in the clan, and Han Deling reported the truth.

Thanks to the cultivation resources that the family transported back from the open sea, Bottle Gourd Island Han Family's development is getting better and better, the number of immortal cultivators is increasing, and it has become one of the Five Great Influences of the Coral Islands.

Azure Cloud Sect killed and injured many Core Formation cultivators, which are not as good as before, and have declined.

"Since Dao Jing and Deling are here outside the sea, then I will have a trip with Benfu and others!"

Han Zhangxiang said with a smile, Han Deling and Han Dao Jing are here Going to the open sea enhanced the power of the family.

"By the way, patriarch, five brothers and Changming still have no news?"

Han Deling thought of something and asked.

Han Zhangxiang shook the head and said: "No, but their Life Source Soul Lamp has not been extinguished. They are still alive. I just don’t know their movements."

Han Daojing and Han Deling happened to be lightly sighed, disappointed.

The life of the Han Debiao four is unclear, and they have been worried about the accident of the Han Debiao four.

"Well, don't be too sad. If their Life Source Soul Lamp is not off, it means they are okay. Maybe they will be back one day. I believe they will be fine."


Han Zhangxiang comforted.

He explained the affairs of the clan and left Purple Moon Island with Han Benfu and Han Benyong to Haoran City.

······   Haoran City, Golden Gourd Palace.

On the fifth floor, Liu Weiwei is talking to Han Benzhi. Liu Weiwei is already the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, and Han Benzhi is just the Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

"Madam, you can retreat to the Core Formation Stage with peace of mind! I can take care of the business of Golden Gourd Palace."

Han Benzhi's eyes are full of tenderness. He has always been towards cultivation. There is not much interest, his wife and children hot on the bed is the life he wants.

Liu Weiwei's cultivation is much more diligent than Han Benzhi, and can already hit the Core Formation Stage.

Liu Weiwei nodded, her eyes firmly said: "Okay, I will definitely be promoted to the Core Formation Stage."

She had a bad background, and she got the Foundation Establishment Pill when she married Han Family. , Cultivation is very hard, the disadvantage is that there is not much experience in fighting skills.

"Well said, Weiwei, I believe you will be able to enter the Core Formation Stage."

A man with full of breath suddenly sounded, tone barely fell, Han Zhangxiang came up, Han Benyong and Han Benfu followed Han Zhangxiang.

"Patriarch, eldest sister, Third Brother, you are here."

Liu Weiwei saw Han Zhangxiang and the three of them, and was full of joy.

"I heard that Haoran City held a discussion conference, we will come to participate in the discussion conference, and exchange some cultivation resources by the way."

Han Zhangxiang said truthfully, his tone changed and said: "Weiwei, you return to Purple Moon Island to attack the Core Formation Stage! Doo Jing and Deling have already reached the open sea. With them sitting on Purple Moon Island, you can attack the Core Formation Stage with peace of mind."

"Doo Jing Uncle Zeng and Seventh Aunt's mother-in-law came to the sea? Very good."

Liu Weiwei was overjoyed and agreed.

"Benzhi and Weiwei, how much do you know about the Dao Conference? Why do you suddenly hold the Dao Conference?"

Han Zhangxiang asked in confusion.

"I don't know. Suddenly, I only knew that it was Senior Jiang's order. It is estimated that he is going to collect cultivation resources! Speaking of which, Haoran City has not held a large-scale event for many years."

At the end of the talk, Han Benzhi looked a little excited.

Whenever a large-scale event is held, it will attract a large number of cultivators into Haoran City and promote the prosperity of Haoran City. The business of Golden Gourd Palace will definitely be better.

"I have sent someone to pay attention to the news of the Dao Conference. If I find anything, report it to patriarch immediately."

Liu Weiwei is more careful, in addition to taking care of the family's business in Haoran City , She also manages a group of spies.

Han Zhangxiang looked thoughtful of nodded and asked a few questions, Han Benzhi and Liu Weiwei answered truthfully.

"You are free to move you! Benfu, don't leave the market city."

Han Zhangxiang warned repeatedly, they sent people to check the cultivator who is good at cursing, let alone being good at The art of cursing, even a cultivator who knows the art of cursing can't find a few people.

Either their cultivation base is too low, they don't have much information, or the other party's reputation is not obvious.

For the sake of safety, Han Benfu never went out alone after recovering completely and stayed with clansman all the time.

easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark, no one knows where the enemy is hiding.

"I see, patriarch."

Han Benfu agreed to eat and gain wisdom. After the last time, she will not go out alone.

After a few words, Han Zhangxiang left and allowed them to move freely. Liu Weiwei sent back to Purple Moon Island to retreat and attack the Core Formation Stage.

After the news of the convening of the Dao Conference spread, major merchants bought a lot of goods and worked hard to attract customers.

The streets are full of people and traffic, which is quite lively.

"New arrival spirit wines are available from First Rank to third rank spirit wines. Don't miss it when you pass by."

"Good Magical Artifact, good quality and low price , You can accept reservations, come in and have a look."

"The spirit rice just harvested this year is fresh and delicious."

······   Some shops Xiaoer of the shop stood at the door and shouted vigorously to attract customers.

Han Zhangxiang strolled on the street, looking at the shops on both sides of the street moved towards.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Zhangxiang appeared in the square where the loose cultivator was set up. There were many stalls and many types of goods.

Han Zhangxiang walk around, hoping to find out.

When passing a small stall, the Spirit Beast Bag on Han Zhangxiang's waist shook.

He stopped and moved towards the stall and looked.

The stall owner is an old azure robe with a skinny figure. The old azure robe is just Foundation Establishment Middle Stage. There are some minerals, spiritual medicine and monster core on the booth, which are all things used by the Foundation Establishment cultivator. , Han Zhangxiang naturally looks down on it.

A black ore the size of a watermelon caught Han Zhangxiang’s attention. The surface of the black ore is uneven and looks ordinary.

This is the black sand ore of the Second Rank refining material, which needs to be refined, and is usually used to refine the magical artifact of swords.

"How can I sell this black ore?"

Han Zhangxiang picked up the black ore and asked.

He has reduced his breath, and the low-level cultivator can't see it at all.

"Fellow Daoist has good eyesight, this black sand ore is most suitable for refining Magical Artifact, one hundred Spirit Stones."

The old man azure robe said enthusiastically.

Han Zhangxiang did not bargain either, he paid for Spirit Stone and took away this mysterious sand ore.

He turned twice, but found nothing else, and did not buy anything.

Two hours later, when the sky darkened, Han Zhangxiang appeared at the entrance of a golden attic with carved columns and jade.

Xuan brothel, this is a newly opened shop, which mainly sells various raw materials, such as minerals, demonic beast materials, talisman paper, spiritual medicine, monster core, etc. The business is quite good. According to Liu Weiwei, The owner of this shop is from Zhongtian continent.

There are a lot of cultivators coming in and out, it looks very lively.

Han Zhangxiang walked in. The lobby is spacious and bright. Many cultivators are shopping for merchandise. He is familiar with the road and moved towards upstairs.

Coming to the fifth floor, Han Zhangxiang saw a burly azure clothed man with an elegant face and a cultivation base of Core Formation Early-Stage.

"At Xia Xuan brothel shopkeeper Song Qing, I don't know what can help Fellow Daoist."

The azure clothed man said politely.

Han Zhangxiang took out an azure jade slip, handed it to Song Qing, and said: "I want to buy these crafting materials. I wonder if your store has it."

"Millennium fire Limu, the skin of the fourth rank fire carp beast, and Jin Yanjing do not have three materials, but other materials are available."

Song Qing said truthfully.

"Isn’t the owner of your mysterious brothel from Zhongtian continent? You don’t even have these materials?"

Han Zhangxiang frowned and asked, he wanted to refine a high grade Magic weapon, these three materials are necessary things.

"It's not no, we brought it for auction. If Fellow Daoist wants it, he will go to Xuan Brothel the next night to participate in the auction. There are many good things, including a high grade magic weapon of the auxiliary class, and the fourth rank talisman."

Song Qing said with a smile, and the Dao Conference is about to be held. It is a good time to make a fortune. Naturally, Xuan Brothel will not let go of this opportunity.

"auction! fourth rank talisman!"

Han Zhangxiang nodded, agree.

If you can get a fourth rank talisman, it can be used as a killing move, which can play a major role at critical moments.

Song Qing took out a shining disc, entered a secret art, and made gestures.

After a while, an azure clothes attendant came up with an azure storage bag, handed the storage bag to Han Zhangxiang, and left.

"Fellow Daoist, see if it’s what you want."

Song Qing handed over the storage bag to Han Zhangxiang, and Han Zhangxiang checked it carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, he paid happily Spirit Stone, left the mysterious brothel.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Zhangxiang appeared in a quiet small courtyard, which was purchased by the Han Family to give clansman rest and cultivation.

Han Zhangxiang shot the Spirit Beast Bag, and the flaming beast flew out and landed on the ground.

He turned over the palm, a black ore appeared on his hand, his wrist flicked, and the black ore flew out, floating in midair.

roar! The   flaming beast spewed out a thick scarlet flame, hitting the black ore, and the billowing flames enveloped the black ore.

The igneous rock beast is already in the third rank, and the demon fire it exhales is so powerful that it cannot be resisted by the Second Rank ore at all.

Soon, the black ore showed signs of melting. The surface slowly melted and turned into a pool of black iron juice, dripping on the ground, smelting potholes.

As time passed, the black ore became smaller and smaller, exposing a crimson spar with some golden patterns on the surface.

"Jin Yanjing!"

Han Zhangxiang's eyes flashed astonishment. This is the fourth rank refining material. Such a small piece of Spirit Stone is worth tens of thousands of pieces. I couldn't buy it at Xuan brothel, and didn't expect accidentally picked it up and made a small profit.

The volcanic group more than ten thousand years old will have Jin Yan stone as a refining material. The igneous beasts usually live in volcanic areas and are very sensitive to Fire Spiritual Qi.

The flaming beast made a low roar, seeming to be asking for credit.

"Yes, didn't expect that you can find Jin Yanjing in the Spirit Beast Bag."

Han Zhangxiang praised that in order to raise the fire rock beast to the third rank, He smashed into a lot of cultivation resources, nothing in return.

I bought a hundred pieces of black sand ore, and there is a piece of gold Yanjing worth tens of thousands of dollars. It is a big profit. It is not in vain that he normally feeds the fire rock beast with the spirit pill and marvelous medicine of Fire Attribute.

He speculated that when the volcano erupted, a piece of gold smelt crystal was ejected and mixed in the lava. The lava cooled and turned into black sand ore. It was accidentally obtained by the Foundation Establishment cultivator, and after several twists and turns, it fell to Han Zhangxiang On hand.

The igneous rock beast lay on the ground, and Jin Yanjing fell on the ground.

Han Zhangxiang petted its head, took out two red fruits, fed them to the igneous rock beast, and allowed it to move freely in the yard.

······   A secluded manor, Han Benfu is greeting Lingxiao daoist, Azure Lotus Fairy is standing aside.

Shen Qinghuan has successfully entered the Nascent Soul Stage and is currently recuperating.

"Master, I collected a thousand-year-old blue forest flower some time ago. If Master does not dislike it, just accept it!"

Han Benfu took out a blue jade box with both hands Passed it to Ling Xiao daoist.

If it weren't for Ling Xiao daoist, she is already dead, and she never forgets to dig the well when she drinks water. Han Benfu has always been very grateful to Ling Xiao daoist.

Every once in a while, she sends cultivation resources to Lingxiao daoist. Firstly, she is grateful for the life-saving grace of Lingxiao daoist; secondly, she also maintains the relationship between Lingxiao daoist and Han Family, as well as the feelings. Needs maintenance.

Ling Xiao daoist was pleased and nodded, and said kindly: "You this girl is interested, your father's fan Soul Lamp hasn't gone out, right? There is no news from him yet?"

"If you return to Master, Dad's Life Source Soul Lamp has not been extinguished, and there is no news of them yet."

Han Benfu said truthfully.

"Eldest Senior Brother has already given birth. If Junior Brother Han has not disappeared, it is estimated that he will be hitting the Nascent Soul Stage in retreat."

Azure Lotus Fairy used a regretful tone. Said.

"As long as Changming’s Life Source Soul Lamp does not go out, it means he is still alive. I believe he returned safely. Qing'er, Benfu’s alchemy talent is also good. Please point her to her, Benfu, Learn more from your mentor and aunt."

Han Benfu and Azure Lotus Fairy agreed, and they have a good personal relationship.

"Okay, if it's okay, go down! I have something to deal with."

Ling Xiao daoist exhorted a few words and told them to retreat.

Han Benfu and Azure Lotus Fairy complied, turned and left.

Lingxiao Daoist seemed to have sensed something. He took out an azure communication disk and punched in a secret art. A gentle man's voice suddenly sounded: "Fellow Daoist Ling, is it convenient now? If it is convenient, come here. Come to my place and tell you something."

"Convenient, Fellow Daoist Jiang, I'll be there right away."

Lingxiao Daoist agreed without hesitation. Jiang Qingshu is on behalf of Alliance. Leader, Lingxiao Daoist is just one of the senior leaders of the Righteous Dao League, and Jiang Qingshu has a higher status.

Putting away the communication tray, he left the residence.

······   A 5-Layer high azure loft, a guest room.

Han Fairy Maiden Yue is talking to Taoist Zifeng, their faces are solemn.

"I have obtained soul grass for a thousand years, and other adjuvants have been collected. Please ask Fellow Daoist Ling to refine the Divine Pill."

Zifeng Taoist said Solemnly, they were taken away part of the Primordial Spirit by the Divine Transformation Stage Monster Race. If the Primordial Spirit is destroyed, the cultivation base will stagnate in the slightest, and the strength great injury and fall into the Core Formation Stage will be serious.

For this reason, they have been looking for the spirit pill and marvelous medicine to repair Primordial Spirit these years, but medicine pill to repair Primordial Spirit is too rare. They just find the Pill Recipe and materials, and they need to hire someone to pill. concocting.

The Nascent Soul Cultivator with the highest alchemy level in the Righteous League is no better than the Lingxiao Daoist.

They only get of materials, so it is better to ask Lingxiao daoist to do pill concocting.

寒Fairy Maiden Yue 和紫枫道人这条线,应该还有书友记得吧


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