
  Chapter 713 makes a small profit and prepares for war   . Put down a large azure light curtain to cover them.

The dense azure feathers hit the azure light curtain, and there was a muffled sound of rain hitting the fence, and the azure light curtain did not move.

A sharp bird's cry sounded, two azure giant eagles with wings spread out and three feet in size flew over. The azure giant eagle has azure feathers all over its body, and its claws are sharp as knives, and the eyes flash with cold. light.

They haven’t gotten close yet, two wings fiercely, each with hundreds of azure mists flying out of the wind blades. These wind blades gather together to form two hundreds of zhang or so high azures. The whirlwind, moved towards they swept towards them.

Where the two azure whirlwinds pass, towering old trees are twisted into a large piece of debris, the soil is cracked, the smoke is billowing, and each wind blade is as sharp as a sword, pierce gold and split stone.

The speed of the two azure whirlwinds was extremely fast, and they hit the azure light curtain one after another, and there was a muffled sound of fried beans.

A series of azure wind blades slashed on the azure light curtain, as if they were slashed on the Copper Wall Iron Bastion, the azure light curtain remained intact, protecting the three Han Benyong.

Two azure giant eagles pounced, their sharp claw hits on the azure light curtain, there was a muffled noise, and the azure light curtain sank, but it quickly returned to normal.

Han Benyong was snorted lightly, secret art was urged, the red ball suddenly burst into dazzling fire, bursting into flames, and hit two azure giant eagles.

They reacted very quickly, their wings suddenly fluttered and flew up, avoiding the billowing flames.

Han Benyong’s secret art pinch, the billowing flames tumbling violently like tidal water, turning into a group of several hundred zhang big scarlet fire clouds, exuding a violent breath.

The scarlet fire cloud rolled violently, divided into two, and went straight to the two azure giant eagles.

Han Changwu flipped over and took out a shiny yellow talisman, the rune flashed and threw it to the ground.

The ground shook slightly, suddenly generating a strong gravitational force.

The speed of the two azure giant eagles slowed down, their bodies moved towards the ground uncontrollably, and they flapped their wings vigorously, but it was of little use. The body was still moved towards the ground uncontrollably. go with.

The two scarlet fire clouds accurately hit their bodies, burst apart, and turned into billowing flames covering the bodies of two azure giant eagles.

Two sharp bird cries sounded, a gust of wind blew in the flames, and the flames suddenly extinguished, as if they had never appeared before.

The two azure giant eagles have obvious burn marks on their bodies. Many feathers have been burned, and they look ugly.

A ten zhang or so big white crane flew over. The white crane was not close yet, and a biting chill came to his face.

Before the two azure giant eagles had time to avoid them, the body of the white giant crane burst open suddenly, turning into a large piece of icy white chill, enveloping the two azure giant eagles.

The bodies of two azure giant eagles freeze at a speed visible to naked eyes and become ice sculptures.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a red sledgehammer suddenly appeared on top of their heads and hit them head-on.

A loud noise, The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

When the red sledgehammer flew off the ground, there was a huge pit on the ground, and there was a pile of minced meat in the pit.

Their three people teamed up, Han Changwu mainly assisted, Han Changying and Han Benyong controlled magic weapons or used divine ability to kill demon birds. The three people cooperated skillfully, thanks to Han Zhangxiang's years of training. They often let them join forces to kill the demonic beast, otherwise their cooperation would not be so skillful.

Boom! After    a deafening blast sounded, a cloud of scarlet mushrooms with a diameter of ten thousand zhang rose in the center of the island, flooding a large area, the fire was blazing, and a large number of buildings raze to the ground, and dozens of hills burst directly. , Turned into dust filling the sky.

Han Changying and the three of them were shocked and moved towards the center of the island and looked at them.

More than ten escape lights flew out from the scarlet mushroom cloud, moved towards different directions, and flew very fast.

Han Linsheng and others did not chase, the rabbit will bite people even more how demon.

The half-demon who was stationed on the island escaped, and the loss on Human Race was not small. Three Core Formation cultivators were damaged. The two were seriously injured and drove away the half-demon. The property on the island belongs to them. Up.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Sun, Mrs. Chen, the four of you are going to find Transmission Formation or other arrays and destroy them. Others will join me in the array. As for the things on the island After establishing the Formation, we will discuss how to distribute it. Prior to this, no one is allowed to embezzle treasure, and offenders are severely punished."

The enslaved Human Race, as for other things, others can only turn a blind eye privately.

Ma Wuye is not fat. If you want them to work hard, you must give them enough benefits.

As the team leader, Han Linsheng can naturally get more property.

Han Changwu and the others agreed and got busy.

After more than an hour, they gathered in a spacious and bright hall.

"There are five arrays on the island, two of which are Transmission Formation. All of them are destroyed. We have checked carefully and there is no other Formation on the island."

Han Benyong stood up Said.

"We have set up a large array to protect the island on the island, two sets of Defensive Great Array and one set of Transmission Formation, which can be sent to Jinchan Island."

Report truthfully in Korean. Their main task is to establish Transmission Formation, which connects the islands together for easy defense.

"I have already calculated that there are 750 acres of spiritual farm on the island, where a large amount of spiritual medicine has been planted for more than 500 years. There is no one thousand years of spiritual medicine, apart from this, and there are more than 1,000 Zhu Tiemu, the oldest one has reached more than 800 years, is more than enough to refine third-rank puppets."

Qi Yunjiao stood up and reported.

Other Core Formation cultivators stood up one after another to report the property on the island, and then distributed.

Of course they have embezzled all impossible, and they must hand in a part to it.

Han Changying was assigned a batch of 500-year-old iron woods, enough for her to refine the third rank Puppet Beast hundreds of times. Of course, iron woods are only the main material, and they also need beast souls, blood stones, etc. other materials.

Han Changwu was assigned a batch of animal skins and animal bones from the third rank demonic beast, which can be used to refine talisman.

Han Benyong was divided into five hundred spiritual medicines. The years ranged from 300 to 700. Everyone had their own income. Everyone made a fortune. As for the three Core Formation cultivators who died in the war. , Will also get a pension.

There are many enslaved Human Races on the island. They are mainly responsible for looking after the spiritual medicine Spirit Fruit Tree. Most of them are Foundation Establishment Stage, with average aptitude, and no aptitude particularly good cultivator.

"I have sent someone back to notify Old Ancestor, what we have to do now is to defend the Ironwood Island."

Han Linsheng is instructed, and a lot of ironwood is planted on the island. , Hence the name Temudao.

Monster Race will also crop spirit medicine and spirit wood when occupying islands, but most of them are under the care of Human Race.

Han Benyong and the others agreed unanimously to make a small profit, and they worked harder.

······    Jumbang Island is more than 2,000 miles long from east to west, and more than 1,000 miles wide from north to south. There is a huge lake covering an area of ​​100,000 acres on the island. Sea mussels.

The sea mussels are all treasures, the mussel beads can be formed, the mussel shells can be refined, the mussel meat can be eaten, and the monster core can be pill concocting.

The island was full of flames, a large number of buildings collapsed, and a team of cultivators were sweeping the battlefield.

In the northwest corner of the island, there is a majestic mountain peak with a golden palace of gold and jade in glorious splendor.

The door of the temple is open, the great hall is spacious and bright, and the main seat is a huge golden clam shell with gleaming aura.

Zhao Qiankun sat in the clam shell, his eyes dignified.

Liang Zhange and other digital Nascent Soul Cultivator stood aside, looking respectful.

"Senior Zhao, according to your plan, we have already won 109 islands and the number is still increasing. However, our line of defense is too long. We rely on our current manpower alone. Once Monster Race counterattack, definitely can't defend it."

Liang Zhange truthfully replied.

The battle between the two races is not trivial. Monster Race will never give up easily. They can capture so many islands so quickly. Apart from Monster Race’s lack of defense, Monster Race is also trying to preserve its strength and give up a batch of islands. Give them turf and Monster Race will counterattack sooner or later. By that time, Human Race will lose a lot.

Zhao Qiankun naturally thought of this, and said; "Reinforcements are already on the way. What you have to do is to defend the islands you have taken, abandon some remote islands or islands of little value, and strengthen Our defense, before Monster Race counterattacks, strengthen the defense and prepare for war."

"Yes, Senior Zhao."

Liang Zhanse and others agreed in unison, with respectful expressions.

Soon, Human Race cultivator stopped its expansion, abandoned some unimportant islands, strengthened defense, established Transmission Formation for the occupied islands, and linked them to facilitate support.

Monster Race also reacted quickly, voluntarily abandoning a batch of sites, withdrawing manpower, and preserving its vitality.

Both sides are very clear that Monster Race counterattack is only a matter of time.


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