
  728 Cap Han Debiao duress, Han Changming exit, virtual Advanced Element insect    Han Debiao gasping for breath, looking at the blue sky, he couldn't tell the ease, but soon, he thought of Liang Youshan, and his heart sank.

With loud rumbling noise, the ice wall shattered, a huge White Grand Beast came out, and Liang Youshan stood on the head of the giant beast.

"Rank 5 Monster Beast!"

Han Debiao felt the horrible spiritual pressure emitted by the giant beast, turned pale in fright, cry out in surprise.

"I'm sleeping, and you bothered me to sleep and ate my fruit. How do you calculate this bill?"

White Grand Beast speak human's words , The tone is cold.

Han Debiao's face turned ugly, and he didn't know how to answer.

Don't say he is weak now, even at the peak period, he is also impossible to escape from under the nose of Rank 5 Monster Beast.

"Senior atonement, we didn’t know it was the senior’s Cave Mansion, which disturbed the senior’s cleaning up."

Han Debiao hurriedly begged for mercy, if it wasn’t for a coincidence to break into this place, he wanted The knot baby still doesn't know how long to wait.

"hmph, just one sentence of atonement? You regard this as your Cave Mansion? You can only live between the two, you can choose yourself!"

White Grand Beast With a lightly shake of his head, Liang Youshan fell off its head.

"Senior, kill me! Release Brother Biao."

Liang Youshan said resolutely.

"Sister Shan, you go! I will stay."

Han Debiao rejected Liang Youshan's proposal, how could he leave Liang Youshan to die together.

He walked to Liang Youshan's side and held Liang Youshan's palm tightly.

"To die together, you kill us!"

Liang Youshan has a determined expression on his face. They are now the fish on the chopping board, letting each other kill.

"A good pair of foolish men and women, then I will fulfill you."

White Grand Beast opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and a gust of wind swept out.

Han Debiao hugged Liang Youshan tightly, and was swept into the mouth of White Grand Beast by the wind.

After a while, Liang Youshan and Han Debiao were surprised to find that White Grand Beast vomited them out.

"Senior has any orders, we must follow them."

Han Debiao's face is calm. If White Grand Beast wanted to kill him, he would have killed him a long time ago. There is no need to wait. Long.

"If she stays, you go to find the high grade Body Transformation Pill, find the high grade Body Transformation Pill, she can live, if you can't find it, it will be dead end."

The tone of White Grand Beast is cold, the demonic beast wants to transform, or the bloodline is pure, with a bloodline of some kind of strong Great Demon beast, such as Flood Dragon ice phoenix, but this situation is relatively rare, most demonic beasts want to transform Form, either cultivation to a high enough realm, or taking spirit pill and marvelous medicine.

"Body Transformation Pill! This is Grade 5 Medicine Pill, but also a high grade Body Transformation Pill?"

Han Debiao's face has become ugly, Body Transformation Pill is only right Demonic beast is useful and can assist demonic beast transformation.

Don't talk about the high grade Body Transformation Pill, even if it is an ordinary Body Transformation Pill, he may not get it.

"Yes, if you can't get it back, you will die too."

After White Grand Beast said this, he opened his mouth and spouted two dazzling white light, immersed in Han Debiao and Han Debiao. Liang Youshan's body.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan shuddered at the same time, feeling that something got inside.

Both Han Debiao and Liang Youshan have a white plum blossom mark on their arms, which seems to represent something.

"This is my exclusive door restriction. Even if you find the Divine Transformation cultivator, it will be difficult to lift. No matter what method you use, within a hundred years, I must get me a high grade Body Transformation Pill. Otherwise you will all be dead."

White Grand Beast's tone was cold.

Han Debiao's face is gloomy and uncertain. Want to get a high grade Body Transformation Pill within a hundred years? This is an impossible thing.

"Junior is ignorant, I wonder if senior can give some pointers to Junior, where to get the high grade body Transformation Pill?"

Han Debiao brace oneself asked.

"In several decades, Myriad Spirits Great Assembly will be held. When the time comes, go to Wanling market city. You may have a chance to get the high grade Body Transformation Pill. Don’t worry, since I let If you go to perform this task, you will naturally prepare something for you to trade. What you have to do is run a trip for me and get the high grade Body Transformation Pill back."

White Grand Beast explained .

"Why did the senior choose me? With the strength of the senior, it is not difficult to capture a Nascent Soul Cultivator to perform this task!"

Han Debiao asked in confusion, Rank 5 It is not difficult for Monster Beast to capture Nascent Soul Cultivator.

"This girl said that you are the worship of the Ouyang Family. You are more likely to get the high grade Body Transformation Pill. As for other Nascent Soul Cultivators, they do not have this background and may not be able to do this."

This explanation can be justified.

"Junior is willing to mention senior looking for high grade Body Transformation Pill, but I have just given birth and I am still very weak. I am on the road at this time. I am afraid I will die on the road before I reach Wanling market city."

Han Debiao said with a distressed expression that there is a fourth rank demonic beast in the wild of Zhongtian continent.

"Don't worry, I didn't let you go on the road right away. You stay here for cultivation for a while. When the Myriad Spirits Great Assembly is about to convene, I will let you go. By the way, you and this girl will go down with each other. Simultaneous curse, if you dare to fight with me, I will kill her immediately, and you will die with it."

White Grand Beast instructed.

How dare Han Debiao and Liang Youshan disobey, they can only do so.

"Well, you guys live here first, and slowly cultivation for a period of time. When you leave, I will inform you. Don’t even think about running away. You are under my exclusive door control. You will end up cultivating. Die."

After saying this, countless white snow fell down and suddenly turned into a huge white snow hole, covering them.

The White Grand Beast spouted a white light and sank into the snow wall. The snow wall was frozen at a speed visible to naked eye and turned into a huge ice cave.

"Senior, the ice wind mountain range should have Ice-Fiend Qi! Can I refine some refine for me? The stronger my strength, the more Ouyang Family will pay more attention to it, and I will get high grade Body Transformation Pill is more convenient."

Han Debiao cautiously asked, looking forward to it.

Since you can't run, you should enhance your strength as much as possible.

Rank 5 Monster Beast will still use him. In a short time, he will not be killed.

"Ice-Fiend Qi?"

White Grand Beast's head shook, and a white light flew out from its neck. It was a white porcelain bottle that fell on In front of Han Debiao.

"It's okay. Don't disturb me. I will stay here."

After saying this, White Grand Beast lit up with a dazzling white light and got in. The ice wall is gone.

Han Debiao sighed in relief. In the short term, they have no life worry.

Liang Youshan has a sad face. It is difficult to get the high grade Body Transformation Pill. Even if Han Debiao gets the high grade Body Transformation Pill, Rank 5 Monster Beast may not let them go.

"Mei Shan, rest assured! When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through, you will be fine with me."

Han Debiao patted Chest, promised.

Liang Youshan nodded, leaning against Han Debiao’s arms, said softly: "I don’t know how our family is going."

"Changming and patriarch are here, our family should have no problem As for your family, with Senior Liang sitting in the town, there will be no major event!"

Han Debiao comforted, they have been in the Zhongtian continent for almost a hundred years, and they are indeed homesick.

"Brother Biao, you just had a baby, so let's heal your injuries first!"

Liang Youshan urged me to think of something.

Han Debiao nodded, walk to the corner and sit cross-legged.

Not long after, a dazzling black glow appeared on Han Debiao's body, covering his whole body.

······   clam Islands, clam city.

In a secret room, Han Changming sat cross-legged on an azure futon, his eyes closed tightly, his mouth and nose slowly Breathing Technique, a large patch of red yellow light floating in the room.

It can be clearly seen that wisps of milk-white gas with the thickness of fingers enters his body along his mouth and nose. The nearby Spiritual Qi seems to be attracted by him, forming a naked eye. the dense,   After a child, Han Changming opened his eyes, naked eyes shot touch, a long spit one mouthful of impure air.

He has been practicing asceticism for more than 30 years this time, and has improved his cultivation base a lot, and has thoroughly mastered the two Great Divine Ability.

After 30 years of penance, Han Changming is still Nascent Soul Early Stage, but his aura is much stronger than before.

"Unconsciously, it’s been almost a hundred years since I came to Zhongtian continent. Patriarch must be in a hurry. If I have to find a way to inform the family, I will be in the Zhongtian continent. Otherwise, patriarch and Benfu don’t know that they are in a hurry. What is it like?"

Han Changming said to himself, with his current cultivation base, it is very difficult to return to the open sea. If there is no news to return to the family, patriarch and Han Benfu are sure In a hurry, Ling Xiao daoist and Azure Lotus Fairy must also worry about his safety.

He doesn't have many acquaintances in the Zhongtian continent. He has the ability to return to the open sea and meet him again. He immediately thinks of Nangong Family.

The Clam Islands are very far away from the Kingdee Valley where the Nangong Family is located. Even if Han Changming finds the door, Nangong Family may not be willing to speak for him. Strength is the fundamental.

After all, his friendship with Nangong Family is average, and they have no common interests. Nangong Family impossible acts as a megaphone for him. People are realistic. If you want others to help you, it depends on what you can do for others. No one owes you what to bring.

Cultivation is not only about retreat and cultivation, but also about human affection and sophistication.

Han Changming thinks very clearly, to improve his alchemy level as much as possible, it is best to show up in Myriad Spirits Great Assembly, then ask Nangong Family to help, Nangong Family should be willing to help.

He took out the communication disk and typed in a secret art. Soon, Sun Ming’s voice sounded from the communication disk: "shopkeeper's, you are out of customs."

"I this The retreat has been a long time. What major events have happened in the cultivation world over the years?" Han Changming asked casually.

"Large animal tides erupted in many places. Human and demon races fought frequently, with countless casualties. The price of medicine pill rose steadily. Two Nascent Soul Cultivators died during meditation Cave Mansion in the Blue Clam Islands. I found out, many cultivators fought, Jin'e Fairy fell in this battle, Xuanli Island Sun Family and Feihe Island Zhao Family broke out, the two sides dispatched thousands of cultivators, and finally ended with Zhao Family's victory... ··"

Sun Ming said slowly, he recounted all the major events that have occurred in the past thirty years.

"Beast tide!"

Han Changming frowned, which reminded him of encountering beast tide in the open sea, wondering if the open sea was affected.

"By the way, from the shopkeeper, Senior Li from Ziyun Tower has been sending you a sound transmission talisman recently, saying that there is something important, please help, you see?"

Han Changming hesitated for a moment, instructed: "You go to Ziyun Tower immediately and invite her to come over."

With his current alchemy level, he sent someone to notify Li Yunlan and let Li Yunlan come in person. Li Yunlan will not refuse. There are not many fourth-rank Pill Refinement Masters in Green Clam City that can refine high-grade pills, and Han Changming is one of them.

He didn't want to do this, mainly because his roots are relatively shallow, and there is no backing in Green Clam City. The other fourth rank Pill Refinement Masters are backed by Great Influence, and they are hopelessly muddled with many local forces.

To put it simply, Han Changming is just an individual, there is no need to put on airs. Others are an interest group and can put on airs.

"Yes, shopkeeper, I'll go over and ask Senior Li to come over."

Sun Ming agreed.

Han Changming put away the communication tray, got up and walked out.

When I came outside, the spirit flowers in the courtyard bloomed, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers.

Passing through a circular arch, Han Changming came to a rockery group.

A yellow boulder suddenly moved, lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and turned into a stoneman with a dull expression and rough features.

After decades of recuperation, Stoneman has refining a piece of golden crystal, which has been completely recovered.

"Yes, it looks like you have already recovered completely, continue to stay here! I will find a way to help you advance to the fourth rank."

Han Changming instructed, Stoneman's divine ability is relatively strong, if he is promoted to the fourth rank, it is definitely a big help.

The yellow light on Stoneman's body dimmed and turned into a yellow stone with uneven surface, no different from other stones.

Han Changming seemed to perceive something, a shot of the Spirit Beast Bag, a golden light flew out, it was the Void Insect.

The size of the virtual element insect has doubled compared to before, and it has been promoted to the third rank middle grade.

It previously swallowed the inner core of two phoenix beasts. The phoenix beast is a demonic beast with the Heavenly Phoenix bloodline, which is rare now.

The virtual element insects are promoted to the third rank middle grade, and I don’t know how long the opened space can last.

Han Changming moved in his heart and gave orders to the Xuanyuan Worm.

The Void Insect uttered a low neighing sound, and opened its mouth to spout a golden light, hitting the void, and the void suddenly rippled like water ripples, twisting and deforming.

Its sickle-like forelegs swept into the void, and the void tore apart, and there appeared a big hole about one zhang.

Han Changming got in with the Void Insect, the cavity healed and disappeared.

The space opened by the Void Insect is much larger than before, which obviously has something to do with its advanced level.

After one hour, with space fluctuations, Han Changming and the Void Insect fell out of the void.

"One hour, yes, if you are promoted to the fourth rank, the time should be longer."

Han Changming praised, full of joy.

The divine ability of the Void Insect to cut a small space has saved his life many times. He attaches great importance to the Void Insect, but compared to the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, the Void Insect is still inferior. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion has helped Han Changming to kill powerful enemies many times. It is Han Changming's most powerful Spirit Insect at present.

"Since you are awake, free to move around in the manor! Don't run too far."

Han Changming instructed.

The Void Insect seemed to understand Han Changming's words, flapped its wings lightly, moved towards the distance and flew away.

"Calculate the time, Madam Li should have arrived."

Han Changming muttered to himself, moved towards and walked outside.

Family cultivation is different from the previous cultivation articles. The previous cultivation articles were mainly about pig’s feet. The family cultivation article is a family. Naturally impossible will come to the end. Some people will die during meditation, and some will dead,       (chapter End)

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