
  Chapter 738 Settlement of disputes, Old Man Xuanya ’s proposal

"It’s pretty good here, just here. Please trouble Fellow Daoist Yang."

Han Changming said sincerely.

"No trouble, no effort at all. If you have any needs, please give me an order and let the people below do it for you." After Yang Yuanheng said this, he turned and left. .

Sun Ming and the trio’s faces were excited, Han Changming shined brightly, Yang Family patriarch personally arranged the accommodation, which represents the importance of Yang Family to Han Changming. The greater the ability of Han Changming, the more they can follow.

He Yang and Chen Yao's expressions are complicated. If they are from Han Changming, they don't need to be afraid of the old man Xuanya.

The manor has seven independent courtyards. Han Changming lives in the main courtyard and Sun Ming lives in the courtyard next to the main courtyard.

Closing the door, Han Changming flicked his wrist, and a white light flew out of the storage ring. It was a white inner armor with a lot of pale white scales on it, the rune flashed, Spiritual Qi is amazing.

The fire-preventing armor is refined with the silk of the fourth rank blue-eyed cold silkworm as the main material. It is a high-grade defense magic weapon.

Han Changming's palm was placed on top of the fire-preparing armor, and he felt a chill.

Yang Family is well-known for its refining technique in the Clam Islands. The defensive ability of this fire-preparing armor is much better than the defensive magic weapons on the market.

Han Changming threw the fire-preparing treasure to in midair, hit several secret art on it, and began to refining this treasure.

······    A secluded manor, an azure stone pavilion on the lake, Yang Qinglong, Wang Changyang, and Yang Yunqing are drinking tea and chatting.

"Old Ancestor, in this way, this person is like a dísciple sent out by Great Influence to experience."

Yang Yunqing has a looked thoughtful expression on his face, able to defeat the king The Wufeng of Changyang and the soul bird of Han Changming are extraordinary.

"Changyang, you are experienced and knowledgeable, can you guess his origin?"

Yang Qinglong looked at Wang Changyang and asked.

"As far as I know, the guardian spirit bird of Qianqianmen is a Golden Crow Bloodline with Golden Crow Bloodline, but I haven't seen it. This Fellow Daoist Han may be related The relationship, of course, does not rule out his good luck, obtained from a certain site or forbidden place, but no matter what, this person’s alchemy level is not low and it is worth making good friends."

Wang Changyang said solemnly, Cultivation world strength is respected, and Han Changming's alchemy level alone is worthy of deep friendship.

"It's a pity that Lu Fellow Daoist didn't come, otherwise I really want to make friends. With Lu Fellow Daoist's alchemy level, I will definitely go to the Myriad Spirits Great Assembly."

Wang Changyang said in a regretful tone, full of regret.

"It's okay, you stay in the Green Clam Islands for a while. Once Lu Fellow Daoist leaves customs, I will introduce you to you."

Yang Qinglong’s tone is warm, and Wang Changyang has been growing up since he was a child. Follow the elders to visit the Great Influence, there are not many cultivators that can see him. As Lu Feng is the fourth rank Pill Refinement Master in the Green Clam Islands, Wang Changyang really wants to make friends. If it weren’t for getting to know Lu Feng, Wang Changyang would have left. Up.

"No, my father asked me to go back to deal with an urgent matter. After a while, I will personally come to welcome my relatives."

Wang Changyang said solemnly.

Yang Qinglong did not reluctantly, he did not understand the internal situation of Wang Family, Cultivation Family is not a group of harmony, there will also be contradictions.

······   One night's time passed quickly.

Early in the morning of the second day, Sun Ming, Sun Sisi, and Wang Ning appeared at the gate of the main courtyard and said nothing.

There is a three-story azure attic in the main courtyard, and there is an azure stone pavilion next to the attic, and an azure stone table and several azure stone benches are placed in the pavilion.

The door of the room opened and Han Changming walked out with a thick smile on his face.

He got a fourth rank Puppet Beast and a high grade defensive weapon, and he was in a good mood.

"Sun Ming, you go call He Yang and his wife, I have something to tell them."

Han Changming instructed, walked into the azure stone pavilion.

Sun Ming complied, turned and left, Sun Sisi and Wang Ning walked in and took out the tea set, tea, and tea.

Soon, a pot of fragrant tea was ready, and Sun Sisi poured a cup of steaming spirit tea for Han Changming. The tea was azure.

Han Changming picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

He Yang and Chen Yao walked in, they bowed to salute, and said in unison: "Farewell to Senior Han."

"Fellow Daoist Yang is also on Jade Cauldron Island, I Contact him later to help you resolve your grievances."

Han Changming said.

He Yang and Chen Yao were overjoyed and quickly thanked them.

"Senior is great, Junior has nothing to do with it. If senior does not dislike it, our couple would like to do the same for senior."

He Yang said gratefully, he had already taken refuge in the first place. Heart, but there is no chance. This time is a great opportunity. I don’t know if Han Changming is willing to accept them.

Before the old man black crow established the sect, he received a lot of disciplines and subordinates, and slowly grew.

"Oh, do you want to be in my sect?"

Han Changming pretended to be surprised. He is currently short of manpower. The cultivation base of Sun Ming's trio is too low and their abilities are limited. At a high level, rare resources cannot be collected.

He took the initiative to let He Yang and his wife join him, which is different from He Yang himself.

"Exactly, I hope Senior Han will do it."

He Yang said sincerely, looking forward to it.

Sun Ming walked in and said respectfully: "shopkeeper, Senior Yang from Xuanyamen is here, do you think?"

He Yang and Chen Yao's expressions tightened, they A look of horror appeared in his eyes.

"Invite them in!"

Han Changming instructed, he looked at He Yang and Chen Yao, instructed: "You guys get up first! Will you accept your performance? , I will talk with Fellow Daoist Yang to see what his attitude is, what shouldn’t be said, don’t say it."

He Yang understood that Han Changming was referring to inheritance stone, so he agreed.

He Yang and Chen Yao stood up and stood behind Han Changming.

Before long, Sun Ming walked in with seven cultivators.

"Fellow Daoist Han, long time no see."

Old Black Crow slightly smiled, said cup one fist in the other hand.

"I'm just going to visit Fellow Daoist Yang, didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yang to come first, Fellow Daoist Yang, Mrs Yang, please sit down."

Han Changming is polite Said, greeting the old man Xuanya and Chen Yingying to sit down.

"It's all the same, it's all the same."

The old man Xuanya said with a smile, looking at He Yang and Chen Yao.

"Fellow Daoist Han, our Direct Disciple clashed with someone. I heard that the person is in your residence. We brought him here this time, so everyone can make it clear."

Chen Yingying said with a smile.

A black robe fatty with a big belly took a step forward and said respectfully: "Junior Li Xuan saw Senior Han. Junior found an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. His strength was too weak and he returned to sect to report the letter. The early bird catches the worm and was injured by the other party."

"He Yang, is there such a thing?"

Han Changming solemnly asked.

He Yang took a step forward and nodded said: "We found an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion by mistake. Fellow Daoist Li suddenly appeared and said that he discovered the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. We naturally didn’t believe it and argued. I hit Fellow Daoist Li, but we were also injured."

"hmph, how did I normally teach you? You have to think twice before doing things, why are you so impulsive?"

Han Changming reprimanded unceremoniously, listening to his words, He Yang and his wife were his.

He Yang gave a wry smile and said: "I am impulsive, and I hope the shopkeeper will punish me."

The old man Xuanya showed a surprised expression on his face and asked: "They are Fellow People from Daoist Han? This is flooding the dragon king's temple."

"I asked them to help collect cultivation resources. I didn’t want them to sway the market under my banner, so they didn’t tell others. Anyway, They shouldn't hurt Fellow Daoist Yang's dísciple."

Han Changming's tone is heavy, as if he and his wife He Yang are to be severely punished.

The old man Xuan Crow laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist Han, since they are your people, then forget it, out of blows friendship grows, there is no need to affect our relationship because of junior disputes, you say Yeah!"

From the very beginning, he didn’t intend to pursue it. Han Changming put on the appearance that He Yang would be severely punished, which gave the old man Xuanya a lot of face. The investigation continues.

The same is true for Han Changming. He was just acting. He gave the old man Xuanya a lot of face, and the reaction of the old man Xuanya was in his expectation.

"What Fellow Daoist Yang said is, out of blows friendship grows. After you drink this cup of tea, your previous grievances have been wiped out."

Han Changming poured two cups of tea, said solemnly.

He Yang and Li Xuan complied, took a step forward, picked up the tea cup, and drank the tea.

"Fellow Daoist Han, the old man wants to talk to you about some personal matters, do you think?"

The old man Xuanya pretends to be mysterious.

Han Changming waved his hand, and He Yang and others left one after another. Only Han Changming, the old man Xuanya and Chen Yingying remained in the azure stone pavilion.

Chen Yingying lifted her right hand, and an azure light sparkling ball flew out and entered a secret art. The azure ball slid around and released a thick azure light curtain, covering the whole Block azure stone pavilion.

Han Changming frowned, Divine Consciousness touched the azure light curtain and was blocked. Obviously, the old man Xuanya had something important to discuss with him.

"Fellow Daoist Han, that piece of inheritance stone must be in your hand!"

asked the old man black crow straight to the point.


Han Changming honestly admitted that the old man Xuanya should have known about the existence of the inheritance stone. It is estimated that this trip is for the inheritance stone.

Anyway, the content of the inheritance stone was written down by him, so it doesn't hurt to sell it to the old man Xuan Crow.

"So, Fellow Daoist Han should know the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion!"

The old man Xuanya asked meaningfully.

"Ancient cultivator Cave Mansion? What ancient cultivator Cave Mansion?"

Han Changming pretended to be ignorant.

The old man black crow took out a pale-gold jade slip, handed it to Han Changming, and said: "This jade slip was obtained from Golden Sun’s died during meditation Cave Mansion, which mentioned ancient The cultivator Cave Mansion and the prohibition, but did not mention the location of the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion."

Han Changming frowned, he did not expect that Golden Sun still has this skill.

He picked up the jade slip, and Divine Consciousness plunged into it.

After a while, he withdrew from Divine Consciousness with a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

Judging from the contents of the jade slip, what the old man Xuan Crow said is true, but he is not sure whether the old man Xuan Crow cheated him or not. After all, he did not look for the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. I don’t know. The situation of prohibition.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, what do you want to do?"

Han Changming pondered for a moment, then asked.

"Let’s work together to get treasures, treasures are born, and those who see you have a share, you say!"

The old man Xuan Crow faintly smiled and said, if you didn’t know that Golden Sun had found one In Chugu cultivator Cave Mansion, he would not send people to hunt down He Yang.

If Han Changming wants to eat alone, Elder Black Crow will naturally not agree, at worst spread the news, if Han Changming is interested, cooperate with him to collect treasures.

If you want one more enemy, one more treasure.

"I know the location of the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion, but how can I be sure that you know the prohibition of the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion? How do I know if you are cheating me?"

Han Changming frowned, speak out the confusion in your heart.

"The old man's sentence is true, Fellow Daoist Han does not believe it, but the news spreads that you can't eat alone, cooperate with other people to get treasures, and get even less. A friend of old man has a Spirit Beast The divine ability can break the restriction. The three of us broke the restriction together. You are 40%, and the two of us are 30%. How about?"

The old man Xuanya said sincerely.

Han Changming has a thoughtful expression on his face. If Elder Xuan Crow spreads the news, some people must believe that it will not be easy for him to get the treasure by then.

If you go on a treasure hunt with Old Black Crow, who knows if they will turn their faces afterwards?   He is now in a dilemma, don't agree! There will be some trouble, and there will be more enemies like Old Man Black Crow, if you agree! It is hard to guarantee that the old man Xuan Crow will not murder to seize the treasures.

"Fellow Daoist Han, the old man knows what you are worried about, you can invite a Fellow Daoist, and the four of us are looking for treasure, you get one more, we have one less, how about it?"

The old man Xuanya suggested, thinking from another position, if he was Han Changming, he would not easily agree, the deal was too bad.

"Let me think about it, and give you an answer before leaving Jade Cauldron Island, how about it?"

Han Changming pondered for a moment, and said like this.

He knows a lot of Nascent Soul Cultivators, but not many trusted Nascent Soul Cultivators. Treasure hunts are full of unknowns. Fortune and misfortune are interdependent. In the face of huge interests, no one can guarantee.

Last time, a Divine Transformation cultivator Profound Light died during meditation Cave Mansion was discovered. Numerous Nascent Soul Cultivators fought, and even the Heaven and Earth Treasure of Spirit Fire appeared.

"No problem, it's a deal."

The old man Xuanya agreed, he didn't worry about Han Changming's cooperation with Yang Family.

Han Changming is a foreign cultivator. If he cooperates with Yang Family, he might be eaten up by Yang Family.

Chen Yingying's secret art changed, the aura of the azure ball dimmed, and the azure light curtain disappeared.

The three of them sipped tea and chatted, and started chatting.

The old man black crow knocked on the side and asked about the origin of Han Changming, but Han Changming was blocked by him.

Sun Ming walked in, his expression anxious, he stopped talking.

"Sun Ming, what's the matter?"

Han Changming asked.

"Shopkeeper's, Senior Wang and Senior Yang are visiting."

Sun Ming said truthfully, Wang Changyang and Yang Yunqing came to visit in person, which is really rare.

"Fellow Daoist Han, we still have something to do. Let's say goodbye first."

The old man Xuanya was very witty, got up to leave, and left with Chen Yingying.

Han Changming did not dare to neglect and went out to meet him in person.

Yang Yunqing and Wang Changyang stood at the door and saw Han Changming. Wang Changyang smiled and said hello, "Fellow Daoist Han, I didn’t bother you!"

"No, you guys If you don't come, I will visit you later."

Han Changming said politely and invited them in.

The three of them came to the azure stone pavilion, and Sun Sisi had changed a set of tea sets and made a new pot of spirit tea.

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