
  Chapter 741 Treasure Hunting   If you hadn’t got a fourth-rank Puppet Beast, Han Changming would not agree Hunt for treasure with the old man Xuan Crow.

It is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself. You are your biggest backer.

He is credible but other Nascent Soul Cultivator, Bottle Gourd Island Han Family is famous for Puppet Beast coral Sea Territory, before Han Changming Core Formation, the frequency of using Puppet Beast is still relatively high.

The method of driving the fourth rank Puppet Beast is the same as the low-level Puppet Beast, the difference is that driving the fourth rank Puppet Beast requires more Divine Consciousness.

Han Changming threw the metal ball forward and hit several secret art.

The spiritual patterns on the surface of the metal sphere are all bright, and in the sound of an organ, it turns into a golden giant eagle with ten zhang or so wings spread out. The whole body of the golden giant eagle reflects metallic luster. The target is golden.

Han Changming secret art With a pinch, the golden giant eagle's wings spread out, and with a light flap, a gust of wind blew up and flew high.

The divine ability of Puppet Beast depends on the refiner. Puppet Beast is refined, and the divine ability is fixed and will not change. Spirit Beast is different, even if it is the same kind of Spirit Beast, if it swallows Heaven and Earth Treasure or spirit pill and marvelous medicine, it is possible to mutate and master other divine abilities.

The Han Changming secret art has changed, and the golden eagle Puppet Beast has hundreds of slender golden lights blooming on its body, covering the area around the thousand zhang.

He took out an azure flying knife and went straight to the golden eagle Puppet Beast.

As soon as the azure flying knife touched the golden light, it seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and stopped in midair.

Han Changming secret art changed, the golden eagle Puppet Beast made a sharp neighing sound, two wings fiercely, violent wind erupted, hundreds of golden wind blades swept out, turning into a golden mist The hurricane hit the stone wall, and there was a muffled noise, sparks splashing everywhere.

Han Changming nodded, the secret art has changed again. He wants to see the divine ability of the fourth rank Puppet Beast and get familiar with it.

······    golden haze daoist is a native of the green clam archipelago. The nine generations of ancestors are Qi Refinement Cultivator. For the sake of his way, his parents went to sea to hunt demonic beasts. , Died in the mouth of a demonic beast.

Golden haze daoist served as a guide in Green Clam City when he was a teenager. At that time, there were still a lot of green clams, and there were a lot of people. They could only maintain the daily cultivation. It was still very difficult to want Foundation Establishment. .

He is an outgoing man and has a wide range of friends.

By chance, golden haze daoist got to know Qixia Chamber of Commerce’s purchasing deacon and often gave them some benefits. The golden haze Chamber of Commerce urgently needed a batch of third-rank green clam skins. Please golden for purchasing the deacon. Haze daoist helped, and gave golden haze daoist a reward afterwards. This is his first pot of gold.

golden haze daoist also took this opportunity to be promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage. By virtue of his relationship with Qixia Chamber of Commerce deacon, his life was very moist. Later, Qixia Chamber of Commerce closed down, golden haze Daoist did business on his own and lost a lot of his savings. In desperation, he could only hunt and kill the demonic beast.

By chance, the golden haze daoist surrendered a golden haze beast. His divine ability was not small and he saved his life many times.

After the golden haze daoist gave birth, he occupied the Golden Shrimp Island cultivation and received a few dísciples. He walked closer to the old man Xuanya.

On this day, the golden haze daoist was in the secret room cultivation, and the whole body was occupied by a golden colorful shield.

After a while, a sound transmission talisman flew in, and the golden haze daoist seemed to sense something. The golden haze on the body surface dissipated and opened his eyes.

He grabbed the sound transmission talisman with one hand, and after crushing it, a respectful man's voice suddenly sounded: "Master, Senior Yang from Xuanyamen sent someone over, saying that he would ask you to run a green clam. City."

golden haze daoist frowned, got up and went out.

Walking out of the residence, a tall and thin azure clothed youth stood at the door with a respectful look.

"Don't you know someone here?"

Golden haze daoist frowned and asked. He had a lot of contacts with the old man Xuan Crow, and his respective disciplines were relatively familiar.

"I don't know him, his name is He Yang. According to him, Senior Han sent him over. He has Senior Yang's token and sound transmission talisman. I will place them in the chamber."

azure clothed youth said the truth.

"Senior Han?"

Golden haze daoist is confused, he does not know the Nascent Soul Cultivator with the surname Han.

"Go to the Chamber and have a look, have you heard of this Fellow Daoist Han?"

golden haze daoist asked as he walked.

"I have heard that this person is proficient in Pill Refinement Technique, but he is very simple, and I haven't heard of any friendship between him and Senior Yang." azure clothed youth said honestly, Han Changming is The newly promoted fourth rank Pill Refinement Master of Clam City is a simple one, and the well-informed forces know the existence of Han Changming.

golden haze daoist nodded, with a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

Not long after, the golden haze daoist came to the chamber, He Yang and Chen Yao quickly got up and saluted.

"Junior He Yang (Chen Yao), ordered by shopkeeper, give Senior Yang's token and sound transmission talisman to Senior Li."

He Yang took out the token and sound transmission Talisman, hands both hands to the golden haze daoist.

The golden haze daoist checked carefully and confirmed that it was the stuff of the old man Xuan Crow, and the content of the sound transmission talisman was nothing unusual.

"For no reason, why did you call the old man to the green clam city?"

Golden haze daoist asked in doubt, even if there is something to discuss, the old man Xuan Crow should invite him there. Black Crow Gate.

"We are only ordered to deliver the letter, and we don't know anything else, but it should be a good thing, otherwise Senior Yang will not invite you to the Green Clam City."

He Yang said politely.

"I see, you go back first!"

The golden haze daoist waved his hand and motioned He Yang and Chen Yao to leave, a sound transmission talisman and a token Let him go to the appointment? Don't take him seriously! A few dísciples are the least helpful!

He Yang and Chen Yao were embarrassed. It seemed that the golden haze daoist did not intend to go to the appointment. This was the first task given to them by Han Changming.

"Senior Li, did you know the Golden Dragon Mountain Wang Family?"

He Yang hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously.

"Naturally know, what does this have to do with your shopkeeper?"

The golden haze daoist was slightly taken aback, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Our shopkeeper participated in the birthday of Senior Yang on jade cauldron island not long ago. The only son of Golden Dragon Mountain patriarch, Wang Changyang, also showed up. He will marry Yuwei Fairy. Senior Wang also personally visited our shopkeeper and shopkeeper. There may be a major event with Senior Yang to invite you to meet, maybe to discuss business with you, our shopkeeper is proficient in Pill Refinement Technique, and gave Senior Yang more than ten high-grade pills as birthday gifts."

He Yang Slowly said, Han Changming's deeds on Jade Cauldron Island have not been spread, and the golden haze daoist may not regard Han Changming as the same thing.

golden haze daoist has some accidents, He Yang should not dare to lie to him, he thought about it carefully, the old man Xuanya might really have a major event to discuss with him, because of some special reasons, it is inconvenient to send someone here .

"Okay! I'm leaving now, I want to see, what kind of medicine is bought in the bottle gourd of Fellow Daoist Yang and Fellow Daoist Han."

golden haze daoist agreed. , He confessed a few words and left Golden Shrimp Island with He Yang and Chen Yao.

······In    a secret room, Han Changming is sitting on a yellow futon, with the blue flames in front of him, the bottom is submerged by the billowing flames, the interior Permeated with a strong fragrance of medicine.

After a while, when the Han Changming secret art was collected, the flame suddenly collapsed, and a secret art was penetrated. The cauldron lid automatically flew up and slowly fell.

Han Changming stepped forward and took a look. There were seventeen purple Hao Dan inside, all of which were middle grade medicine pill.

He is currently unable to refine the high-grade pill taken by Nascent Soul Cultivator, he can only refine the middle grade medicine pill, and then refine it with Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd.

Han Changming put away the seventeen purple Hao Dan, intending to continue the pill concocting. He seemed to notice something, took out a light azure disc, entered a secret art, He Yang's voice suddenly sounded: "Shopkeeper, we have invited the golden haze daoist."

"You bring him in! I will go out immediately."

Han Changming put away the blue flame burning furnace and the pill Concocting the materials, contact Sun Ming and ask him to inform the old man Xuanya.

After doing all this, Han Changming went out.

He just came to Shiting to sit down, and the old man Xuanya, Chen Yingying and golden haze daoist walked in one after another.

"Go down! I personally entertain Fellow Daoist Li and Fellow Daoist Yang."

Han Changming waved his hand and motioned Sun Ming and others to leave.

Han Changming, golden haze daoist, old man Xuanya and Chen Yingying sat down, Han Changming took out the tea set and tea.

Soon, a pot of fragrant spirit tea is ready.

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Yang, Mrs Yang, please use tea."

Han Changming poured them a cup of spirit tea and said politely.

The old man Xuanya and Chen Yingying picked up the tea cups and took a sip. The golden haze daoist did not mean to drink tea.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, Fellow Daoist Han, you invite me here, what's the important thing?"

asked golden haze daoist straight to the point.

"We found an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. The ban is too strong. Fellow Daoist Li, your golden haze beast's divine ability can be broken. The old man wants to invite you to break the ban and get treasure."

The old man Xuanya said softly, eyes full of expectation.

If the golden haze daoist refuses, they will naturally not get much benefit.

"Ancient cultivator Cave Mansion? Do you know which cultivator is? How is the cultivation base? How did you find it? Where is the location?"

The golden haze daoist throws a bunch of questions, if yes He might refuse the invitation of others, but he has a good relationship with the old man Xuanya, so he can consider it.

Han Changming briefly talked about what happened, so that the golden haze daoist can feel at ease.

"I can go with you, but the ugly thing is ahead. Whoever contributes the most and scores more is no problem!"

The golden haze daoist's expression is solemn, since it is still I don't know the location of the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion, it should not be a trap, you can go there.

Han Changming nodded, said: "I think so too. To be cautious, let's not take other people, just the four of us, how about?"

The more people we bring , The easier it is to leak news.

Both the old man Xuanya and the golden haze daoist have no objection, so they agree.

An agreement was reached, Han Changming and the four left the residence and went straight to the outside of Green Clam City.

Not long after, Han Changming and the four left Green Clam City, turned into four escape lights, moved towards high altitude, and disappeared into the sky.

······   Green Clam City, a secluded courtyard.

A tall and thin azure robe old man is talking to a graceful young woman in a red dress, both of whom have a Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base.

The young woman in the red dress willow brows wrinkle, said: "Fellow Daoist Han and the old man Xuanya got together, will they cooperate in treasure hunting?"

"Isn't this a good thing? Save trouble, but regardless of success or failure, after finishing this vote, we have to leave here, we can not commit more than three crimes in one place."

The old man said solemnly azure robe with solemn eyes.

"This is natural. If Fellow Daoist Han also goes to hunt for treasure, do you want to kill him? He can refine high-grade pill medicine."


"When the time comes, look at his performance, Shunchang will die."

The azure robe old man said with a sneer, his eyes are full of murderous aura.

He seemed to perceive something, took out an azure light gleaming compass, entered a secret art, and a respectful man's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Li, they have left Green Clam City."

"I see, you continue to stay in the market city. When the matter is done, we will release you Dao Companion."

The azure robe old man finished saying this and put away the communication compass.

"Idiot, I really thought we would let her go? The dead can keep her secret."

The young woman in the red skirt was snered with a look of disdain.

"I originally wanted to absorb him into the gang. This person is too emotional and not suitable for our business. After finishing this vote, I will push him out as a ghost!"

azure Robe said with a cold face.

"By the way, you send someone to stare at him, don't let him have the opportunity to confide in the news, don't be afraid of ten thousand just in case, it will be bad if our major event is broken."

The young woman in the red dress seemed to think of something, warned repeatedly.

"Don’t worry, I sent two Core Formation cultivators to follow him personally. He didn’t have a chance to inform him. He dared to make any changes. He immediately urged the ban and killed him, Fellow Daoist Han. We have set off now, we should also set off. I hope that this ticket will earn more. The five Nascent Soul Cultivators didn’t have much money last time."

The old man azure robe finished saying this and talked to the young lady in the red skirt. Left here.

······    3 months later, in a vast and boundless blue Sea Territory, a group of blue seagulls flew over from high altitude at extremely fast speed.

The four escape lights appeared high in the sky, and it didn't take long before the four escape lights stopped on a desert island with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The light converged, revealing the silhouettes of the Han Changming four.

There are many islands in the Clam Islands. According to Wang Ning’s analysis, Han Changming set the survey target on the south-facing islands. Unfortunately, no similar islands were found.

They adjusted their thinking, looking for islands in the south-east direction and Southwest direction, and checked dozens of islands.

"This island looks different from the map. Did you find the wrong place again?" Chen Yingying frowned.

"In the past so many years, the island impossible has not changed. I can only find it in the dumbest way."

There is a white crow engraved on the back of the mirror. This is a middle grade magic weapon white crow mirror. You can find traces of prohibition. If it is too high level, naturally there is no way to find it.

A crow called "gu gu" sounded, and the white mirror sprayed out a white cloud light, covering a soil slope on the island.

The white cloud light moved slowly, checking every inch of land on the island.

Han Changming urges the golden eyes to move the true pupils, moving towards looking down.

His eyes shrank, his gaze fell in a long narrow valley, he vaguely saw a faint yellow light.

When the white cloud passed through the valley, no abnormalities were found.

"It doesn't seem to be here, let's change to another place!"

The old man Xuanya sighed, disappointed.

"Wait, let's search carefully. Your magic weapon is only a middle grade magic weapon. The restriction placed by the Divine Transformation cultivator may not be discovered."

Han Changming suggested. He didn't tell them that he had discovered the prohibition, and left everything alone.

According to their past practice, after the White Raven Mirror did not respond, they would search the island again to make sure nothing went wrong.

"Fellow Daoist Han is right. We are each responsible for an area, hoping to find something."

golden haze daoist deeply agrees, if the white crow mirror is of high quality Some, maybe it doesn't need to be so troublesome, but then again, if the white crow mirror's rank is higher, the old man black crow would have been looking for the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion long ago, and there is no need to cooperate with them.

The four of them scattered and searched carefully on the island.

Prohibited in the area that Han Changming is in charge of, Han Changming only needs to behave.

More than an hour later, with a loud noise, the complexion of the three old men of Xuan Crow was slightly changed, and they moved towards Han Changming's location and flew.

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