
  Chapter 744   See the truth in adversity , join forces to destroy the enemy golden haze daoist breaks the ban and talks to Han Changming Convergence, Han Changming's pressure is greatly reduced.

"Fellow Daoist Han, we are trapped by the Rank 5 Array. It is very difficult to break the formation unless we kill them."

The golden haze daoist said truthfully, looking anxious.

After he said this, he manipulated the golden giant wheel to move towards Taoist Green Bee. The golden haze beast let out an angry roar, released the golden light on its body, and rushed towards Taoist Green Bee.

"Rank 5 Array!"

Han Changming's complexion became ugly. No wonder Golden Fire Eyes can't find out. It seems that he can't keep his hands anymore. He must be killed as soon as possible. A strong enemy will do.

Han Changming's right hand lifted, and an azure light flew out. It was an azure disc with sparkling azure light. The rune flashed on the surface, and some flying knife patterns could be seen.

The high grade magic weapon hundred-edged disc.

Han Changming secret art is urged, the hundred-blade disc bursts out with a dazzling azure light, the rune is bright, countless mysterious runes flew out, slid around, turned into an azure flying knife with flashing aura , Went straight to the azure robe old man.

At the same time, the blue-light of the Pinghai Brick was released and hit the azure robe old man.

Chen Yingying shook her wrist lightly, and the white short ruler suddenly burst into a dazzling white light, and countless white cold air surged out, turning into white Icicles, hitting the azure robe old man.

She released Xuanshui Ape, Xuanshui Ape let out a loud beast roar, her furry arms slapped her chest, and rushed towards the azure robe old man.

Golden haze daoist and Chen Yingying joined the battle group, and Han Changming had the upper hand.

The Green Thunder Bee is entangled by the golden eagle Puppet Beast and cannot get away.

The azure robe old man took out a small azure shield with a big palm on his face, and he broke into a secret art. The azure small shield suddenly released the azure light, and instantly expanded, spinning around the azure robe old man.

Dozens of azure throwing knives slashed on the azure shield, and a muffled sound came out, and the surface of the azure shield was not scratched at all.

When the flat sea bricks are hit, the azure robe old man is about to be smashed into fleshy mud, and the azure robe old man quickly took out a blue shining talisman, and the talisman burst open and turned into a dazzling ball. The blue Xiaguang covered the Pinghai bricks.

Pinghai Brick came into contact with the blue Xiaguang, and stopped moving immediately, as if set in the void.

The fourth rank talisman determines the spirit talisman, which can fix an area.

The green bee Taoist complexion sank, first took out a small azure mist umbrella, propped on top of the head, the umbrella surface has a few azure carp patterns, he entered a secret art, several azure carps seem to be alive Come here and walk around on the umbrella surface.

The high grade defensive magic weapon, the blue carp umbrella, is refined from the skin, bones and spirit of the fourth rank blue carp beast. It has strong defensive power.

The green carp umbrella turned slightly, and dropped a piece of azure glow to protect itself.

As soon as the Green Bee Taoist lifted his right hand, a golden light flew out. It was a golden net bag full of hooks, and the rune flashed, which was obviously a high grade magic weapon.

Dry gold lock spirit pocket, trap the enemy treasure, use fourth rank Gold Jade silk spit as the main material, add dry jade crystal and other fourth rank materials to refine, even if it is a fourth rank Flood Dragon is trapped, and it is difficult to get out of it for a while.

They murdered to seize the treasures for many years, and they have a lot of treasures.

As soon as the Ganjin Suo Lingpo left his hand, Rune brightened, his body soaring, and suddenly covered the golden haze beast that was coming.

The hook on the surface of the dry gold lock pocket stabbed the golden haze beast, and quickly contracted, binding the golden haze beast.

The destructive power of the fourth rank high grade Spirit Beast is amazing, but I am trapped by the golden locks and cannot get out of it in a short time.

The golden haze beast uttered an angry roar, struggling violently, so that the hook on the golden haze pocket pierced the epidermis and plunged into its body.

The golden wheel hit the azure light curtain that was lowered by the blue carp umbrella, and there was a muffled sound of "ding", azure light completely motionless.

golden haze daoist frowned, he was born as a loose cultivator, and treasure is not as much as an evil cultivator.

"Senior Li, I have a Jin Geng thunder bead, and I will help you kill this person."

Chen Yingying's voice rang in the ears of the golden haze daoist, and the old man Xuan Crow made his fortune Earlier than the golden haze daoist, it is more convenient to create the Black Crow Gate and collect cultivation resources.

Jin Geng thunder bead is a one-time treasure, equivalent to Nascent Soul Cultivator full strength attack, breaking the defense of Green Bee Taoist is not a problem.

golden haze daoist was overjoyed and agreed.

Chen Yingying's right hand flicked, a golden ball the size of a dove egg flew out, the surface of the bead flickered, and the Spiritual Qi was amazing.

The golden ball came to the Taoist Green Bee in an instant. He inwardly shouted that it was not good, the secret art reminded him, and a dazzling red light flashed on his chest, and a thick red light curtain emerged from his body. , Protect the whole body.

Chen Yingying's secret art reminded her, a light shout "Blast."

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Geng's thunder bead suddenly released the golden light, and countless golden lightning arcs emerged.

With loud rumbling noises, a huge golden sun rose, golden lightning flooded Taoist Green Bee, a powerful air wave set off the stone bricks on the ground, the stone bricks burst instantly and turned into a piece of powder.

The cold glow in golden haze daoist's eyes was full, and a golden light spouted out of her mouth, which was a slender golden flying needle.

The flying needle magic weapon is especially suitable for females. The golden haze daoist is a loose cultivator, and the divine ability attached to the cultivation technique is not strong. He can go to this day by courage and golden haze beasts.

Since he chose Flying Needle as Life-Source Magical Treasure, many high-rank cultivators have died on his Life-Source Magical Treasure dry gold escape light needle.

The Ganjin Dunguang Needle plunged into the golden lightning, and there was a muffled noise, as if blocked by something.

The golden lightning dissipated, and the Taoist Green Bee was covered by a thick red light curtain. The green carp umbrella floated on top of his head. The aura was dim and the damage was not light.

"It's a high grade defense magic weapon again!"

The golden haze daoist's complexion has become ugly, and the opponent has too many high grade defense magic weapons! He is establishing the sect and doing legitimate business is just a high grade defensive weapon.

No wonder the evil cultivator likes murdering to seize the treasures. It really complies with that sentence, killing people and setting fire to gold belts, laying bridges and roads without corpses.

"I really underestimated you, little slut."

The Green Bee Taoist had a hideous look, his eyes fixed on Chen Yingying.

Chen Yingying willow brows wrinkle, feeling bad in her heart.

Dozens of azure lightning fell from the sky and smashed into Chen Yingying's defensive aura. Chen Yingying's defensive aura dimmed instantly, faintly discernible.

As soon as the Green Bee Taoist raised his hand, a dazzling red light flew out and instantly arrived in front of Chen Yingying. Chen Yingying quickly took out a round yellow shield, blocking it in front.

This is a middle grade defensive weapon that should be able to block the opponent's attack.

With a muffled sound of "knock", the red light hit the yellow shield and was blocked by it. The red light was a flying sword with red light glittering, the sword was three feet long and two inches wide. , There is a mini tiger head engraved on the hilt, Spiritual Qi is amazing, it is a Spirit Treasure.

"Spirit Treasure!"

golden haze daoist complexion greatly changed, cry out in surprise.

Spirit Treasure is not staple goods, at least he can’t afford it, and there is no Spirit Treasure for sale in the Green Clam Islands. A high grade magic weapon starts at a million Spirit Stone, and a low grade Spirit Treasure does not have five-six. Hundred million Spirit Stone can't be taken down at all.

How many high-rank cultivators must be killed by the evil cultivator to buy a Spirit Treasure?   golden haze daoist You can clearly see that there are several small cracks on the surface of the yellow shield.

The thunder was loud, and the Green Thunder Bee suddenly appeared on top of Chen Yingying's head.

Chen Yingying was scared to death, before she had time to react, the Green Thunder Bee sprayed out dozens of azure thunderballs, hitting her body guard aura.

Chen Yingying's body was overwhelmed by the loud rumbling noise and the dazzling azure lightning.

"Break for me."

The green bee Taoist secret art urged, a dazzling red light lit up in the azure lightning, and a stern female voice suddenly sounded. The red Flying Sword flew out, circled, and went straight to the golden haze daoist.

golden haze daoist turned pale in fright, quickly took out an egg-sized golden ball and released a golden haze to protect yourself.

With a "knock" sound, the red Flying Sword was blocked by the golden glow. The red Flying Sword kept hacking on the golden glow, and the golden glow was dim.

On the other side, Han Changming is urging a magic weapon to attack the azure robe old man.

A ten zhang or so tall yellow giant stood in front of the azure robe old man, and the giant body's rune flashed, surprisingly made up of countless yellow gravel pieces.

Three azure light shining flags fly around the azure robe old man, a gust of azure mist protects the azure robe old man, the protection is airtight, the yellow giant’s fists hit azure In the strong wind, there was a muffled sound of "ding-ding", sparks flew everywhere.

The azure robe old man felt very exhausted and very excited. Han Changming took out two high grade magic weapons and a Spirit Treasure. He deserves to be the fourth rank Pill Refinement Master. After finishing this ticket, he won the cultivation. The resources are enough for him to cultivation to Nascent Soul Late Stage.

Han Changming's defense is not weak, no matter whether the azure robe old man drives one-time magic weapon or divine ability, it is blocked by Han Changming's dry sun.

The Green Bee Taoist drives the Green Thunder Bee to kill Chen Yingying. Han Changming seized this opportunity and pinched secret art.

A sharp and piercing bird song sounded, the golden eagle Puppet Beast swooped down from a high altitude, its wings flapped constantly, and dense golden wind blades fell from the sky, successively submerged into the azure hurricane, disappeared without a trace.

The golden eagle Puppet Beast appeared on the azure robe old man’s head, the azure robe old man turned pale in fright, quickly took out a palm-sized azure bottle gourd, entered a secret art, and a large azure flame surged. Out and hit the golden eagle Puppet Beast.

The golden eagle Puppet Beast blooms with a dazzling golden light, covering the area around one zhang, and the azure robe old man seems to be anchored, unable to move even a little bit.

Han Changming secret art urged, the blue light of Pinghai Brick suddenly rose sharply, blue broke Xiaguang inch by inch apart, Pinghai Brick got out of trouble and smashed it at the azure robe old man.

With a loud rumbling noise, the azure robe old man was smashed into flesh by a flat sea brick, and even Nascent Soul could not escape.

Green Bee Taoist complexion sank, Han Changming is more difficult than he thought.

With a pinch of his secret art, the red Flying Sword circled around and went straight to Han Changming.

Han Changming hurriedly urged the Xuanyun Shield to protect him, a dazzling yellow light flashed on his body, which was the dry sun forbidden light.

The golden haze daoist is long sighed in relief, and is about to drive the treasure to kill the Green Bee Taoist, the Green Thunder Bee sprays dozens of azure thunderballs and smashes it at the golden haze daoist.

A huge explosion sounded, and the dazzling azure lightning flooded the silhouette of the golden haze daoist.

A dazzling golden light lit up in the azure lightning, and the azure lightning collapsed suddenly.

golden haze daoist covered in dirt, look pale, looks like battered and exhausted.

The silver cage flickered a few times, and suddenly disappeared.

Golden haze daoist saw this scene, hesitated for a moment, put away the magic weapon, turned into a golden escape light and flew out of the Jade Lotus Palace, not even the golden haze beast.

When Han Changming saw this scene, he cursed in his heart, and outsiders were really unreliable.

As soon as the golden haze daoist left the front foot, the silver cage reappeared. Obviously, the evil cultivator didn't want the golden haze daoist to spoil the situation and let him escape. As long as he killed Han Changming, the fat sheep, everything was worth it.

The body of the golden haze beast suddenly swelled up, a loud noise was heard, and a group of golden aura lighted up, flooding the entire great hall.

The golden haze beast took the blood beast pill and was trapped by the dry golden lock spirit pocket. It did not play much role. Anyway, the golden haze beast has been scrapped. The golden haze daoist simply urged the prohibition. golden haze The beast exposed himself, it is the last one to do its best.

As for whether Han Changming can survive, that is not what he cares about.

The golden haze daoist turned into a golden haze and walked away from the sky, disappearing into the sky.

Han Changming's right hand flicked, nine red lights flew out, and there were nine red light glittering talisman, a complete set of talisman nine sun punishable demon charms.

Nine red talisman seals are scattered and turned into nine red light, moved towards Green Bee Taoist all around and fly away.

With a few muffled sounds, nine red talisman seals burst open and turned into a thick red light curtain, covering the Taoist Green Bee.

The Pinghai Brick skyrocketed and hit the red light curtain.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Green Bee was so frightened to soul flew beyond the heaven, where did he dare to be dropped by the Pinghai Brick, and quickly urged Red Flying Sword back to defense.

The red Flying Sword collided with the Pinghai Brick, and there was a muffled noise, sparks splashing everywhere.

With a loud rumbling, the old man Xuan Crow rushed out of the bluestone passage, covered in dirt, with some brown blood stains on his body, looking very embarrassed.


The old man Xuanya saw Chen Yingying who fell on the ground, and was full of grief.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, quickly kill this person’s Spirit Insect with me, and then kill them, otherwise we will all die here."

Han Changming said solemnly, secret art urged, the golden eagle Puppet Beast pounced on the blue thunder bee.

"you lose something rather than I lose everything, Fellow Daoist Yang really want to die with Fellow Daoist Han? Let's leave as soon as possible! We will not embarrass you."

A woman's voice full of temptation suddenly sounded, tone barely fell, the silver cage flashed wildly, and suddenly disappeared.

The old man Xuan Crow's face was gloomy and uncertain. He looked regretful and sighed: "Sorry, Fellow Daoist Han, the old man is a step ahead."

He Turning into a light, moved towards the outside and flew outside. He just flew out of the Jade Lotus Palace, and opened his mouth a small black light gleaming mirror. The aura flickered constantly. It was a high grade magic weapon.

A "gu gu" crow screamed, and the dense and slender black light flew out and went straight to the blue thunder bee.

The Taoist Green Bee quickly drove the Green Thunder Bee to avoid, the golden eagle Puppet Beast bloomed with a dazzling golden light, covering the Green Thunder Bee, the Green Thunder Bee was impossible to move even a little bit.

The slender black light entangled the body of the blue thunder bee, dozens of azure mist's flying knives shot out, cutting it into a piece of flesh and blood.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yang."

Han Changming thanked him, in adversity to see the truth, the old man Xuanya is much better than the golden haze daoist.

The old man Xuan Crow is nodded, to be honest, if Chen Yingying is still alive, he will never stay.

If he leaves Han Changming to escape and waits for the enemy to kill Han Changming, he will soon overtake him.

Han Changming has Spirit Treasure and fourth rank Puppet Beast. The old man Xuan Crow intends to stay to help out and avenge his wife's murder by the way.

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