Chapter 63 Caiyun’s revenge, Shi Dong’s terrifying anger, shaking people, firefighting!!

Inside the box of KTV,

After listening to Caiyun’s long talk,

Bai Chengze took a deep puff of the cigarette and frowned slightly.

He gently hugged Caiyun in his arms and caressed her hair with one hand.

Before Caiyun’s monologue,

Bai Chengze has always had a prejudice against her,

Because in the original work of “Stepmother”, Caiyun is an actress who went to the sea, but now it seems that it is caused by some minor deviation

A butterfly effect that led to some transformations in her entire life.

Although she is still someone else’s stepmother, she is in two completely different ~ situations

In this life, Caiyun seems to be much more restrained than the original cheerful and outgoing Caiyun.

Even though she is over thirty, she is still a shy bud.

It may also be due to the long-term oppressive environment, where endless resentment is buried in her heart, which takes root and finally blooms a flower called ‘revenge’.

In an extremely cruel way, she took revenge on the object of her hatred, and the stone froze out.

Shi Dongchu ruined her supposed happy youth,

And she also paid some ‘respect’ to Shi Dongcheng, erasing his favorite Shi Ming from this world, thus making him unhappy.

Moreover, she quietly buttoned him with a green hat.

For some reason,

After retaliating against Shi Dongde,

It is like gaining liberation and liberation,

With tears in her eyes, she kissed Bai Chengze and asked him for what she had lost in the past ten years.

And Bai Chengze also gave her some generously.

After some loving irrigation, Caiyun’s whole person became a lot more delicate.

She crouched in the crook of Bai Chengze’s arm and told him about her sad past.

And Bai Chengze just listened silently, feeling unfair for her past.

“I don’t know how to face it…”

Caiyun rolled over and looked at the ceiling

“Will you keep a secret for me?” ”

Bai Chengze ran a finger across her face, “We met so naked, what secrets are there.” ”

“He’s going to go crazy, and my situation will get tougher…”

Cai Yun smiled bitterly, “Without Shi Ming, my existence would not have any need or meaning for Shi Dong to come out. ”

Bai Chengze’s hand caressed Caiyun’s lower abdomen, “So, you still want to look back?” ”

Hearing this, Cai Yun was slightly surprised, “Otherwise? ”

For so many years, Caiyun has never had the freedom she hoped for, and freedom is a very luxurious thing for her.

She has wealth and status, looks noble and incomprehensible, but what she really yearns for in her heart has never been these.

Life is precious, and freedom is more expensive.

It was also at this moment that she suddenly understood this truth.

She even thought that after taking revenge on Shi Dongcheng, she would die openly.

At least, she wasn’t alone in pain, and she completed a revenge.

And Bai Chengze saw through her mind and shook his head regretfully, “There are many possibilities in life, and today is just the beginning, for your life, it has just reached the moment of bloom…”

Mentor Bai is like this,

After he has directed something, he will enlighten her like a sage.

“Pick your buds in time, the old days will never return, the flowers that are smiling today will wither tomorrow in the wind…”

Bai Chengze chanted the verse softly,

Caiyun on the side smiled slightly, “Tennyson.” ”

Bai Chengze glanced at Caiyun beside him in surprise,

“Alfred Tennyson,” Caiyun said, “from ‘Advising Teenagers to Cherish Time,’ am I not mistaken? ”

Caiyun certainly does not remember mistakes,

Many things, she can not remember wrong.

For example, there are a total of 236 tiles in the living room, and there are 1006 eyelets on the shower.

The chandelier overhead consists of seventy-four small lamps,

And the peach tree outside the window, there are seven hundred and sixty-four, seven hundred and sixty-three, seven hundred and sixty-two flowers…

Over the years, she has spent counting her days in such a lonely and boring time.

Reading books is just one of her close pastimes in life, because she has nothing else to do.

She was so lonely.

“I know that death will use you to make his dark beauty…”

Cai Yun whispered Tennyson’s poems, which she had long been familiar with, and this sentence from Tennyson’s “Mourning Collection” was also one of her favorite poetry collections.

Bai Chengze smiled, stroked Caiyun’s face, and hugged her head deeply into his arms, “Death will only take what belongs to him, and you will make him move…”

He gently patted Caiyun’s naked back, as if to comfort a sleeping baby, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll make a move.” ”

Of course, the reason why Bai Chengze made a move was not just to pick up the clouds.

The matter of Caiyun is just a favor that pushes the boat along the water,

And what really touched him was something insincere, such as money, status and power.

When the Golden Gate Group first sent Ding Qing and Li Zicheng to assassinate Bai Chengze,

Since then, the hatred between the Jiaodong Gang and the Golden Gate Group has been foreshadowed, and Bai Chengze has never been a person who directly complains,

He will only return a tooth for a tooth, allowing his opponent to experience unprecedented pain.

The night is peaceful and the moon is getting full.

It’s almost Mid-Autumn Festival.

Mid-Autumn Festival is the second largest festival in South Korea, second only to New Year’s Day.

This also makes the streets of Seoul lively.

The streets are full of pedestrians, talking and laughing, in groups of three or five.

In the endless hustle and bustle, the heavy book of time turned another page.

Shi Ming’s body was returned to Shi Dong’s house the next morning.

The night before, Shi Dong couldn’t sleep all night, and he didn’t close his eyes all night, anxiously and eagerly waiting for news from the other side.

But the results disappointed him.

There was no movement all night, and the son he wanted to see did not return.

Until the next morning,

Li Zhongjiu gently knocked on the door of his study,

Seeing Shi Dongchu’s haggard and lonely appearance, he was slightly distressed, “President…”


Shi Dongcheng was a little stunned, turned his head and glanced at Li Zhongjiu, “How is it?” ”

“Gongzi, he… Came back…”

Li Zhongjiu lowered his head and replied.

Hearing this, Shi Dongcheng suddenly stood up, put on his coat and walked outside, “Where?” ”

The two came to the living room on the first floor,

A stretcher covered with a white cloth lay quietly in the center of the living room.

Shi Dongcheng glanced at Li Zhongjiu hesitantly, and his steps slowly slowed down.

Li Zhongjiu lowered his head deeply and began to sob, “President, Gongzi…”


Shi Dongcheng quickened his footsteps, fluttered to the front of the stretcher, and plopped down on his knees, “No, no, no!” ”

He cried twice on his back,

Then stretched out a trembling big hand and slowly lifted the white cloth,


A familiar and kind pale face appeared in front of Shi Dongchu’s eyes.

Shi Ming’s face was calm, as if he was asleep, and there was a shallow smile at the corner of his mouth.

Shi Dongcheng beat his chest hard, “Ah!! ”

His howl was heartbreaking, moving, like a child whose lollipop had fallen to the ground.

His gaze looked at the corpse of his son Shi Ming little by little, and saw the dense wounds on his body,

Shi Ming’s right hand has lost his fingers, while his left hand is already sound.

His neck was stained with mottled blood, staining the white shirt he was wearing, which was now dry and solidified.

Shi Dongchu carefully stroked the wound on Shi Ming’s neck, his hands trembling.

He thought his son had died from a fatal wound in the neck,

In fact, what Shi Dongchu didn’t know was that Shi Ming died of a heartache,

Compared with the scars on his heart, the pain of his body is so painless.

He first accepted that he had become an unsound waste,

Immediately afterwards, he witnessed the woman he had loved for a long time wagging her tail and begging for mercy on her opponent

Later, his stepmother Caiyun gave him a knife and also gave him a knife in his heart.

This knife directly made him feel that life was hopeless and life was ridiculous.

Mourning is greater than death, and killing is greater than murder.

In the midst of successive pains, Shi Ming chose to end himself and end all pain.

Of course, Shi Dongcheng would not know what Shi Ming had experienced.

He stared at Shi Ming’s corpse with both eyes,

Holding him tightly in his arms, old tears ran rampant, wailing and wailing.

When his subordinates saw his appearance, they couldn’t help but step forward to encourage, “President…”

“All out.”

Shi Dongchu’s tone was calm, but it contained an endless sense of oppression.

Hearing the order, everyone walked out one after another.

Shi Dongchu couldn’t restrain himself anymore, shook Shi Ming’s body, and whined and cried, “Son, my son…”

With a trembling hand, he gently stroked his son’s face, “I must… Will definitely avenge you…”

Shi Dongchu knelt on the ground like this, holding his son’s corpse and crying bitterly.

I don’t know how long I knelt on the ground,

He gently lowered Shi Ming’s upper body,

Standing up, he went to the coffee table and poured himself a glass of martell wine.

A glass of wine grunted down his stomach, and he wiped the corners of his mouth.

Then, with endless anger, he pushed the door out,

Outside the door, dozens of subordinates who had heard the news were already standing, all in the courtyard, anxiously and silently waiting.

Seeing the guild leader, they all perked up, straightened up, and looked at him in unison.

“Gather all hands!”

Shi Dong strode out, without squinting, and ordered to the subordinates on both sides.

“I want to fight with the Jiaodong gang! I’m going to wipe them out completely!” I’m going to make them pay in blood! ”

Shi Dongcheng gritted his teeth, and the whole person seemed to be on fire, which made people can’t help but stay away.

Behind him, a response kept coming, “Yes, Captain.” ”

Li Zhongjiu followed Shi Dongchu with small broken steps, and reminded him beside him: “President, that Bai Chengze is particularly tough, yesterday he went to more than four hundred brothers, but he failed to subdue him, but…”

“I know,” Shi Dongchu froze, snorting heavily,

He turned around and looked at Li Zhongjiu with an extremely coercive look, “Do you think we don’t have any preparations?” ”

Li Zhongjiu pondered for a moment, “We…”

Seeing Li Zhongjiu’s puzzled look,

Shi Dongchu confidently dialed a phone, “Dr. Bai? ”

The other end of the phone didn’t know what to respond to,

Shi Dong went straight to the point and said directly into the microphone: “I want to borrow some manpower with you, no matter what price you need to pay, I can accept it…”

Then, he said a few more words and hung up the phone.

The Dr. Bai he contacted was not someone else,

It is the female scientist in “The Witch”.

And what they study is specialized in the development of the brain.

Since ancient times

People have never stopped studying brain development.

It is said that during World War II, there were many secret organizations that aimed to strengthen the brain and test children on humans.

South Korea, which is not far behind, also has such a research organization,

And it really made up something.

They’re in the long process of research.

It really exploits the use of the human brain to the extreme.

And these children who have been developed and transformed have unparalleled strength and extraordinary abilities,

Their brains are used dozens of times more than ordinary people, which means that they are smarter and more alert.

Moreover, correspondingly, the body has been greatly strengthened.

They can ignore pain and heal quickly,

It can also burst out with great power, and the destructive power is amazing.

There are some gifted people who can even manipulate objects with their minds, directly beyond the scope of human beings.

Because these are studied and developed by children, they are also called ‘devil’s children’.

It is also called ‘witch’, ‘witch’.

They grew up in an extremely distorted environment.

Organizations frequently give them ‘tests’, that is, experiments in survivability.

For example, let them single out several vicious dogs when they are five or six years old, and let them use their abilities to fight each other.

In such a harsh living environment,

In the end, only a small number of witches and witches survived the endless trials.

They were developed to become the government’s secret weapon, and they lived to kill and fight.

After a long baptism and brainwashing, they have forgotten the meaning of their existence, and there is only endless violence in their hearts, violence…

Shi Dongchu as an upper-class chaebol,

For these high-ranking government officials, there are more or less some personal contacts and contacts.

So, he also knew about the existence of these secret studies.

Before that, he had no intention of provoking these existences, because it did not help the community itself much, and it was superfluous.

But now, an extremely powerful and hateful opponent has appeared, and he has to turn to his friend Dr. Bai for help.

Dr. Bai, after some bargaining, agreed to his request, promising to release two ‘children of the devil’ to assist him.

After receiving this commitment,

Shi Dongcheng let out a long breath, and his heart calmed down a lot.

He knows fully what these children are capable of,

I am also convinced of my upcoming victory.

No matter how strong the opponent is, it is just one person,

And what the opponent has to face is a non-human, a devil, a higher existence, a higher dimensional thing.

Shi Dongchu is confident that he will succeed this time and wash away all hatred and humiliation.

He calmly and angrily looked straight ahead, and said to Li Zhongjiu on the side: “Gather all the brothers from other branches here, this time there is no way back, only slaughter, either he dies or I die, there will be no other result!” ”


Li Zhongjiu nodded and said, “What day is the time set?” ”

Shi Dongchu looked at the calendar on the dial, “Just the day after tomorrow, Mid-Autumn Night!” ”


On the other side, Bai Chengze stretched out on the bed and examined his fusion degree,

On the basis of the original 27%,

Another 3% from Fan Chenfei,

As well as 2% from Jiaon, and 3% from Caiyun, which has now reached 35%, the progress is fast.

In one day, two pieces of equipment are unlocked, as well as two gold fingers.

“It’s okay.”

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