Chapter 69 Chengze Palace, the first female owner!!

Hera Palace, named after a statue of the ‘Goddess Hera’ standing in front of its building.

This ‘rich club’-like dignitary residence was spearheaded by Chairman Zhu Dantae, a wealthy South Korean businessman, who is the actual controller of the building.

Anyone who wants to stay in Hera’s Palace,

They must be invited and signed by him.

Zhu Dantai this person, Bai Chengze is relatively well understood,

He is the male protagonist in “The Penthouse”, a middle-aged greasy man who is very bad.

For people like this, Bai Chengze naturally will not lower his guard,

It’s just that it is clear that it is robbed and robbed as soon as it comes up, and it is inevitable that there is some noisy smell, which will hurt the harmony between you and other neighbors.

Therefore, Bai Chengze decided to salute before soldiers, and negotiate with the other party first,

If Zhu Dantai is a little dishonest, he will directly give him a Shi Ming’s same death method.

After all, for some bad people, dying too quickly is a gift, and they don’t deserve the gift, they only deserve the punishment they deserve.

Bai Chengze is the punisher who advocates violence and lynching.

In his sight, there is no room for injustice, especially injustice directed at himself.

Just do it, and the matter of negotiating with Zhu Dantai soon began, and this matter was handed over to Dahu to handle,

It only took the big tiger a morning to return in triumph.

As for what Dahu talked about with Zhu Dantai, Bai Chengze didn’t ask, anyway, the result was still more satisfactory to him.

Speaking of which, getting the key to Hera’s palace is not as difficult as imagined.

On the contrary, it is much simpler than Bai Chengze thought.

Because Zhu Dantai is a businessman after all, his mind is still relatively clear-headed.

After finding out Bai Chengze’s foundation,

He chose to judge the time and size up the situation, and the person who knows the time is Junjie.

Because he knows that Baek Seung-taek is not a character that can be taken casually, after all, he is a well-known gangster in Seoul,

Its strength can even destroy the entire Golden Gate Group overnight, launching a fierce attack, and even the entire Seoul has to tremble.

Such a ruthless role, Chairman Zhu Dantai is naturally unwilling to provoke.

In addition, Bai Chengze is not rude,

Instead, a relatively fair price was offered.

Chairman Zhu simply made a shunshui favor and signed the word.

So, Bai Chengze easily got the last five sets of room keys in Hera’s palace.

After getting the key, Bai Chengze first returned to the apartment, and he came to Yang Qiaoan’s house next door,

The two had a simple lunch at home,

Joan’s cooking is indeed not very delicious, and the pot of dishes stewed like dark dishes,

Moreover, in order to express herself, she also specially made four dishes and made them into a table.

As a result, Bai Chengze tasted four times the pain.

Bai Chengze felt that for her safety and her own safety, she had to find a maid who could cook.

After eating, Bai Chengze proposed to take her out for a spin, so she led Qiao An downstairs,

Joan looked at the Rolls-Royce in front of her, a little incredulous, “This…”

She didn’t know that Bai Chengze was so developed outside.

Before this, she didn’t ask much, just thought that he was doing some small business, Bai Chengze pulled the car door for her and helped her get into the car.

Subsequently, he mysteriously told Joan,

“This car actually has no special advantages, if you have to find one, it is that its sofa is very soft…”

Yang Qiaoan tried it, it was indeed like Bai Chengze said, very soft and soft like such a high-grade sofa, the protection of the knees is very good.

In the car, Bai Chengze secretly told Yang Qiaoan again, saying that he had prepared a super big surprise for her.

Joan then leaned back on the sofa and closed her eyes, “Hmm…”

“Please sober up,” Bai Chengze frowned, “It’s another surprise.” ”


Joan whispered, “It’s not as surprising as this… Bai Chengze exhaled deeply helplessly,”

Then, he buried his head deeply.


After that, the two came to the sixty-eighth floor of Hera’s palace, after all, it was an extremely luxurious high-end residential building,

Each floor is beautifully decorated according to different styles, and Yang Qiaoan’s floor is a typical medieval court style, the whole room looks golden and splendid, like a court, and the golden vessels everywhere shine like gold.

Brilliant and dazzling, exuding the breath of a heart-wrenching drunken gold fan…

“Master,” Yang Qiaoan happily circled the room, “is this really mine?” ”

“Of course,” Bai Chengze nodded, “Everything in this room belongs to you alone.” ”

“No,” Yang Qiaoan came to Bai Chengze’s side, “it belongs to the master, because Qiao An also belongs to the master…”

Seeing Joan so good at talking,

Bai Chengze decided to let her say more,

So, Yang Qiaoan crouched on the sofa and said loudly.

Yang Qiaoan spoke pleasantly, as long as the singing of a nightingale,

Hearing Bai Chengze applaud again and again, he worked very hard to express his approval and approval.

And then the applause became smaller and smaller.

Joan’s words eventually succeeded in resonating in the bodies of the two.

It is precisely because of Joan’s words,

Let Bai Chengze know what it means to ‘speak better than sing’.

Rested for a while,

Bai Chengze led Yang Qiaoan to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, and took her to watch the cars coming and going downstairs, which was picturesque.

Looking down from the sixty-eighth floor,

The street downstairs is brilliant and beautiful, and most of the city can be seen,

The traffic below is like small black dots, slowly flowing.

The vehicle is like a long dragon, connected end to end, rolling and tumbling.

The opposite building is only thirty or forty stories high, which cannot block the scenery of the sixty-eighth floor.

The clouds in the sky also seem to be not very high, as if you can reach out your hand.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down from such a high place, there is a feeling of walking in the clouds,


Yang Qiaoan slowly turned his head, his voice twisted, “I’m a little… Scared…”

Bai Chengze gently turned her head back, “It’s okay, this is privacy glass.” ”

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