
The boring atmosphere was mobilized under Zhao Dawei’s ridicule.

“I believe many media reporters are complaining why they come to participate in the product conference of Huohuo Technology.”

“Just a small company, what is worth reporting, what is the eye -catching thing is a waste of time.”

Zhao Dawei straightforwardly spoke the voice of many reporters, and attracted a smile on the stage.

The atmosphere of the press conference is getting easier.


“Some media reporters can’t wait, so we will go directly to the topic.”

“You will definitely guess what content and value of today’s product conference will be said.”

“I can tell you responsibly now.”

“You will never regret participating in this press conference. On the contrary, those reporters who have not come to the press conference will definitely regret it.”

“Because they missed a very hot product conference.”

Seeing the atmosphere of the scene, Zhao Dawei was mobilized well. He pressed the remote control switch on his right hand, and the PPT on the screen turned directly to the next page.

“This is our product.”

Two mobile phones are displayed on the screen. These two mobile phones are the latest mobile phones on the market, one of which is Fruit 12 and the other is Mi 10.

Fruit 12 is based on iOS system.

Mi 10 is based on the Android system.

The reporters saw the two mobile phones and froze.Is the new product of Laohuo Technology a mobile phone?

Is it ready to release a mobile phone?

The reporters were a little disappointed.

In this era, the mobile terminal flooded. Except for those famous mobile phone manufacturers released mobile phones, other small companies basically made small troubles.

At most, the design is more beautiful and the appearance is better, but it is completely better than those mobile phone giants.

It seems that this press conference is as expected, and there is no point at all.

In addition to several leaders of Yanda, his reporters have revealed disappointment.

Sure enough ~

Small companies are small companies, and it is impossible to have any excellent products at all.


Chen Dahua’s eyes were still on the screen, and a black and white mobile phone was on the screen.

Fruit 12 is a fruit company product!

Mi 10 is also a product of rice companies!

What about your own products?

Shouldn’t it?

The reporters realized that this problem was a little bit more expected to the product launch of Huohuo Technology, and his eyes gradually moved from your mobile phone to the screen.


Looking at the reporter’s response, Zhao Dawei smiled slightly, letting the reporters whispering for a moment, and after completely aroused their curiosity, they slowly revealed the mystery.

“Our product is …”

“never mind.”

“I’m selling a pass here, don’t tell you first.”

“Below is the chairman of our fire technology. The products of our company are independently designed by the chairman. Let him explain it very clearly.”

“Everyone applauds and welcome.”

Papa …

It was not a warm applause for a while, Lu Xingye stood up, slowly walked to the stage, and then took the microphone.

“Hello everyone.”

“I am Lu Xingye, the chairman of the fire technology.”

“Not much nonsense below, introduce our company’s products directly, please see the screen.”

Lu Xingye gently pressed the PPT’s remote control, and then, the two mobile phones on the screen began to move, and the LOGO was turned on.

What makes everyone strange.

The logo of these two mobile phones is not a common startup logo of the two systems. The boot pattern of Fruit 12 is a mountain charm full of Kyushu wind. The clouds on the mountains are vully spit.

The following is a line of letters: kunlun.

Mi 10 mobile phone boot icon is still consistent with the boot icon of Fruit 12.

Kunlun …

“This is the Kunlun system independently developed by our company.”

“It is also the first product released since our company was founded.”

Lu Xingye’s voice was like a boulder, thrown on the calm lake, and instantly caused stormy waves in the reporter.


Isn’t today’s product press conference released?

Is it released a brand new mobile phone system?

At the press conference, the crow was silent, and the reporters around him seemed to stay away.

I don’t know how long time has passed.

Xu was a few seconds, and maybe a few tens of seconds, and the reporters in the crowd responded.

A commotion caused by the press conference.


The surrounding sensation made Chen Dahua awake a lot.

He wiped his eyes and found that this was a press conference in the smartphone system. The sleepy in his mind disappeared instantly, and it was a moment of excitement.

Heavy news.

This is definitely heavy news.

If the words of Huohuo Technology are true, it means that the first smartphone system in Kyushu appears.

The first domestic smartphone system.

Last year, the domestic Huawei mobile phones were broken by the Android system, and the mobile phone produced did not have a suitable system, and the sales volume was greatly reduced.

Then the chip in the West was disconnected again.

Huawei’s mobile phone is getting more and more difficult.

at the same time.

This also wakes up the Chinese people.

The mobile phone system and mobile phone chip must be owned by themselves, otherwise they will be subject to others.

If the release of Huohuo Technology is really a new system, no matter how the performance of the system is, it is of great significance to Kyushu.

This is our own domestic system and will not be stuck by others.

You must support the Kunlun system.


Chen Dahua was very excited. He opened the camera focusing, took a few photos, and then took out the tablet from the backpack to prepare to write a press release.

Brush …

Listening to the sound of quick writing press release in the ear, Chen Dahua regretted it.

Blame yourself and don’t pay attention.

Actually doze off on such an occasion.

I only write a press release now, I am afraid I can’t keep up with the start.


I missed a chance to start a heavy news.


Lu Xingye watched the changes in the expressions of the reporters, knew that they were eager to know the performance of the Kunlun system, and then went back to write a press release.

He didn’t let the reporters wait too long, and started drying the goods directly.

“Kunlun system is a new system developed independently.”

“The system framework and the driver are developed in unique computer language, which is different from any system on the market. However, it gathers the advantages of all systems on the market.”

“Let’s look at this set of test data first.”

Mi 10.

After installing the Kunlun system, the rice 10 is five times faster than the original Android system, the fluency has three times the fluency, and the battery life has three times.

Fruit 12.

After installing the Kunlun system, the fruits 12 times faster than the original iOS system, the smoothness was doubled, and the battery life was increased by 0.5 times.

“Who is good at a glance at a glance.”

Oh my god!

With Lu Xingye’s voice falling, the reporters at the scene were completely boiling. One by one, he continued to shoot with a long gun and short gun, and the flash kept flashing.

No more disappointment when I first came.

The Kunlun system is better than the Android and iOS systems on the market.

It is a domestic light!

The Android system and iOS system will usher in the biggest opponent ever.


The birth time of the Kunlun system is a bit late. Now the software ecology of the mobile phone is divided by the Android system and the iOS system.If you want to re -establish the software ecology, this is too difficult.

If the Kunlun system was born in the era when the Android system and the iOS system were just born, then there is absolutely nothing.

He didn’t wait for them to return to his shock, and Lu Xingye thrown out a heavy bomb.

“I guess you must be very excited when you see such an excellent system. But when you are excited, there will be a question. If we install the Kunlun system, what should I do if there is no software? After all, the Kunlun system is a brand -new system.There are no supporting software on the market. ”

“Actually, don’t worry about this problem.”

“Because the Kunlun system is a universal system, it gathers the advantages of Android and iOS systems, but has its own characteristics.”

“The Kunlun system can install the software of Android phones, or the software of the iOS system.”

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