Back in the hospital

Anne and Elsa climbed down from the pipe beside the window of the room. They easily went down and ran towards the opposite side of the road for the car.

Anne "Thank god you don't park the car in the parking lot. Let 's go now "

Elsa nodded and both went inside the car and started driving it

Elsa chuckled and said "So where to now? To our old place?"

With a grin on her face, Anne answered "Yeah. I miss that place."

"Okay let's go there then" Elsa answered with a huge smile.

Elsa turned on the music, pulled the windows down. Both started to feel the air brushing through their face. They passed all the car on the roads. After some time they were away with the city's rush.

Quickly Elsa drives on the road which was connected to the countryside.

"Elsa isn't bodyguard follow us. They would probably be following us now. Everybody will be worried about us."

Elsa smiled and patted Anne's head.

' She is truly big now. I remember how Anne and I were so careless in our childhood that we were kidnapped since then everything has changed.'

Elsa answered "No one will get to know that we are escaped from there more over we left a note '

Anne smiled " Yeah you are right. Let's go quickly now."

While in the hospital. It was full of chaos. All the bodyguards started searching for both of them

After 30 minutes ride, Li Qiang reached the hospital. As he entered the hospital first he asked the hospital to show the surveillance camera's footage first.

Quickly Secretary Kim and Li Qiang were watching the CCTV footage which showed how Anne and Elsa escaped from the bodyguard's sight and went away in Elsa's car.

Seeing this Li Qiang sighed and said "Trace their car and follow them from far away. Protect them and make sure their safety. Now let's go"

Li Qiang, Secretary Kim, and his bodyguard went out of the hospital.

Li Qiang was on his way he was hurt inside and worried. He was worried what if something happens when he is not near them. He wanted to protect Elsa but she didn't care about them. Li Qiang sighed and turned his gaze to his window. He wondered what she was doing?, Is she 's safe? Or she is having fun?

Then suddenly Secretary Kim 's phone vibrated seeing he happily said " Master we have traced Miss Elsa's car. They are heading towards the countryside"

Li Qiang face lit up and said"Quickly follow them "

Secretary Kim nodded and said"Right way master"

Secretary Kim instructed the driver and his subordinate to follow her. While Li Qiang felt relieved a bit knowing her location.

'This girl is quite trouble full'

At this time

Elsa and Anne reached their destination. It was a penthouse in front of the endless ocean surrounded by trees and bushes. The sound produced by the waves coming towards the seashore was so calming.

Anne and Elsa quickly stepped out of the car.

Seeing the big ocean in front of them with perfect weather just perfect for playing in the water.

Elsa turned her face towards Anne and both nodded together. They both were smiling and happy. Together they ran towards the water, not caring about anything Elsa and Anne threw water at each other.

Anne laughed and said" Hey don't throw water at me " and threw water at Elsa.

Elsa laughed and quickly replied with waters.

Anne shouted" Hey!!!!!! "

Watching Anne 's angry face Elsa laughed and started running aimlessly at the seashore.Elsa was still running and saw back that Anne was also following her

"Hey don't run away how dare you threw water at me !!! Hey Elsa listen "

Elsa laughed, turned back and said "Catch me if you can"

Anne continued running after Elsa. After a while, Elsa and Anne sat down.

Elsa "I'm tired now," said with a smile on her face.

Anne "Yeah me too. It was a great day. I guess It's our last day together isn't."

Elsa felt bad in her heart she looked and said" Yeah it is. I 'm going to miss you ."

Suddenly tears came down from Elsa 's cheek. She cried loudly and hugged Anne.

Anne hugged Elsa until she calmed down only then Anne released Elsa from the hug. Elsa and Anne didn't say anything for a while. They silently watched the sunset. The birds going their home back after the whole day. The waves were slowly reaching the seashore while creating a beautiful song with song chirping. And with the sunset in the background. All look so magical.

Far away Li Qiang saw everything. He also felt bad for Elsa. He understood that despite being not sisters by blood they live together as sisters. Their heart was together tied with an invisible thread. The bond was so strong.

Li Qiang signaled Secretary Kim to secure this place.

Anne "I'm tired. I will go inside."

Elsa "Okay go on. I will join later "

Anne"Don't be late "

Anne started walking towards the penthouse while Elsa was still enjoying the scenery.

"Enjoyed yourself ?" a sweat warm voice came back from Elsa. For a moment she was scared but soon she realizes she had heard this voice.

'Ahh this voice ..... this voice .... Li Qiang here, no way '

Elsa turned her head and saw Li Qiang standing wearing an office suite.

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