Ye Xiaoxiao said.

“Then be scared by you?”

Ye Qin sat down again.

“He has a way to wake up himself, don’t care about it.”

Under this state of fake death, it hides all his own breath. On this wasteland, if you don’t be careful, you may not be able to notice it.

“How can that, this person is still very good. I can’t throw him on the wasteland. What if there are birds and beasts?”

“Still buried.”

Ye Xiaoxiao said.

Several other people shook their heads, no wonder you could scare people to death.

Ye Xiaoxiao said that he did it, dug a shallow pit, put the youth in, and put a bunch of random stones on it.

This is really impossible to be discovered.

“Get it!”

Ye Xiaoxiao patted the dust on his hands.

“Xianzhu, you are called a witch, it makes sense.”

Yu Hong talked ruthlessly.

“That’s another name than me.”

Ye Xiaoxiao’s face didn’t matter, sitting next to the bonfire again.

“It feels more and more boring here.”

Ye Xiaoxiao thought about it, “Otherwise, we went to sneak attack on the old nest of the demon spirit. I have seen a white female bear, and I feel that it is very suitable as the bear.”

The wealth of honey raised his head suddenly, his head questioned.

“Farewell, there are at least twenty demon emperors in the town, and you can find death when you go in.”

Yu Hong decisively rejected the proposal to die.

They are very strong, and they are not even afraid of Xianzun. They can take a few rounds in the hands of Emperor Emperor.

But the emperor level belongs to a different category.

“Otherwise, if you go to Yinxuanyuan Haojie, I have long seen that kid is not pleasing to the eye!”

Ye Xiaoxiao thought of a goal again.

When the Tianxian Club had just entered the Shura training field, he had some friction with the team of Xuanyuan family.

Later, the two sides played several times, each with their own victory.

“This can be considered.”

Yu Hong touched his chin.

Yeqin also said that it was okay.

Later, several people discussed the next plan.

Suddenly, a dull loud noise passed from the distant direction, and instantly swept the entire Shura training ground.

Everyone frowned, immediately stood up, watching the night in the distance.

Yu Hong stretched out his hand and looked at the void.

“It is the fluctuation of the law, and the emperor -level power is dispatched.”

He looked dignified.

Hearing the words, Ye Qin closed his eyes, light red, and flashed around his body.

After a while, she opened her eyes again.

“The general attack of the demon spirit, it started!”

Chapter 309 Dead Silence, Xiangrui

In the vast night.

The thunderous sound rolled back and forth on the wasteland.

The monks who were in the training field of the Shura have guessed the meaning behind this situation, and fled to the ordinary.

Less than half an hour of effort, this is a dead silence.

“Woo ~”

Suddenly, a long sound of horn sounded from a distance.

Immediately after, a huge law fluctuated, sweeping the entire world.

Along with strong fluctuations, dozens of behemoths that are bigger than the sky, all the way to the wind and clouds, go to the center of the fairy world, go strong!

The bloody spirit over the practice of Shura, under their deterrent, instantly disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

Instead, it is endless killing, fighting with Chongxiao!

The behemoth flashed passing by, and behind them was countless powerful monsters, which was dark and covered the whole sky!

The monks who had just escaped from the Shura practicing field, saw this scene, and looked extremely terrifying.

Everyone understands one thing.

The Demon Ling family who had been in the four years launched a total attack to the Immortal Center!

A monstrous war is about to start!

“Hurry up, go back and report to the family!”

Someone shouted, and under fear, it broke the sound.

“The real robbery is coming. Under this war, the sun and the sun may be destroyed!”

Someone sat on the ground, her face was pale.

Everyone in Tianxian also gathered on the edge of the periphery, looking at everything in front of him.

“what should we do?”

Ye Xiaoxiao said: “Xuanyuan Haojie will definitely run away.”

Yu Hong was speechless for an instant. It was all at this time. You even thought about going to Yin Yin, and the brain circuit was really novel.

“He must have returned to the Xuanyuan family, we can’t always follow it!”

He turned his eyes.

Ye Xiaoxiao spread his hand, as if asking, what could not be?

“Let’s go back too.”

Ye Qin ballad said: “Demon spiritual attacks, the family will definitely worry about us.”

“At least go back and report to peace.”

Everyone nodded.

These wars, let alone a few of their fairy kings, and the fall of the emperor, it is also possible to happen.

I don’t know how to die, how to die.

“Okay, then go home!”

Ye Xiaoxiao finally shot.


Yunxiao City, Jinghu Center Island.

“Brother, start!”

Shenwu stood in front of Ye Suifeng, his face was excited.

Ye raised his head with the wind.

“Qiao’er is about to give birth?”

“Then you don’t go to accompany the birth, why do you come here?”

Shen Wu suddenly stunned, and after a few breaths, he returned to God.

“What! Where are I talking about Qiaoer!”

He said big.

Ye Suifeng shook his head silently: “What is that?”

Shenwu sat down and closer Ye Suifeng, “It’s a demon spirit.”

“The Demon Spirit Army of the Taiyin Border and the Sun Border, at the same time launched a general attack, has already entered the border!”

“The strong ones of the two major domains also began to assemble and are ready to play a helling war!”

“This war is likely to determine the ownership of the central center!”

He was emotionally excited, his speech was fast, and his spit star was almost sprayed.

Ye Suifeng glanced at him.


Shenwu stunned.


“Brother, are you not interested in the ultimate battle between the two ethnic groups?”

Ye Sui Feng’s face was expressionless.

“I am still interested in when your child was born.”

“In other words, for more than a year, right?”

Since Shenwu and Qiao’er married, there have been several years.

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