
Xiao Bai immediately pursed his mouth.

“Haha, let your father take a bite.”

Shenwu stepped forward, and the stubble on his face made Xiaobai resist.

However, how could she resist Shenwu, and she was almost crying.

It wasn’t until Qiao’er’s eyes across him that Shenwu smiled.

“Have a meal.”

Ye Suifeng said.

When he first arrived, Gu Youlan was ready for the chopsticks.

Shenwu ate two, and then said, “Brother, there is an important situation there.”

Ye Suifeng raised his hand.

“Nothing, more important than eating together.”

“Let me talk after eating.”

Chapter 313 The first negotiation

A rich meal, quickly resolved under several people.

Due to the joining of Shenwu, Gu Youlan had to add a few dishes.

After meals, Xiao Hei took Xiao Bai out to play, Qiao’er and Gu Youlan also retreated in time, leaving only Ye Suifeng and Shenwu.

“Say, what’s the matter?”

Ye Suifeng asked.

Shenwu’s face was a little serious, saying: “The war in the center of the Immortal Realm may be about to end.”

“The news came from the Xuanzhu, saying that the adults of both sides are moving, and it is estimated that the final battle will be played.”

The so -called big man is nothing more than a demon ancestor.

And the human side is definitely a superpower of several parties.

They are all emperors, which is the pinnacle of Emperor Xiandi.

“It seems that survival has been cleaned out.”

Ye Suifeng touched his chin.

In this war, if you look down from the highest field of vision, it is still a competition for interests.

Due to the predictions of the Mu fairy god, the demon spirit must enter the center of the immortal world, and no one can forcibly block it.

If you really vowed to fight against it, then the final result is that only one party can completely destroy the family.

This does not meet the overall interests of both sides.

The real purpose that lasted for many years is actually only one.

It is the demon spirit, how much survival can be obtained in the center of the fairy world.

If you are in a big disadvantage in the war, it is likely that there is only the land of a projectile. If the Mu fairy god prediction will come true, the demon spirit family who survives after the robbery can only be reduced to vassal.

But at present, the strength of both sides is not particularly obvious.

The individuals of the human race are more powerful, but the middle level of the demon spirit race is more, and the situation of the war was very stuck.

In this case, it may be able to harvest a very good place to survive.

“Master Xuan said the same.”

Shenwu lamented: “This battle has been beaten for more than 20 years, and it is finally over.”

Ye Suifeng nodded.

Since the year he just entered the Immortal Realm, the Demon Ling family began to invade.

It continues to the present.

“Well, it is the general public who has suffered the unknown truth. It has been tortured by the war and forced to leave the country.”

“But in fact, except for the center of the fairy world, there is no place to be safe, really …”

Shenwu shook his head and didn’t know what to say.

Compared to other fairy houses, Shenwu is definitely a kind immortal emperor.

At least, his attention to ordinary people is very concerned.

Over the years, the place with the most energy and financial resources is actually not the development of the army, but the resettlement of refugees from all parties.

“Those who can introduce Xianfu, try to introduce it.”

“Everyone’s ability is limited, you can’t worry about everyone in the fairy world.”

Ye Suifeng said.

Shenwu nodded and took charge of Xianfu for so many years, he naturally understood this truth.

He is benevolent, but it is not the kind of paranoia.

“Brother, do you want to see this final battle, the demon ancestor and the human race are likely to appear.”

Shenwu asked.

Ye Suifeng shook his head directly.

“No interest.”

“Compared to that, it is better to stay here.

Xiao Hei has been promoted to the Daluo Jinxian realm. Soon after, he will be promoted to the fairy king’s world. At that time, you can use chaotic jade pulp for cultivation.

And Xiaobai, she was five years old, and was about to enter the road of cultivation.

He watched Shenwu and said, “You should take more time to come over. Xiaobai saw that you would recognize it.”

Shenwu shook her head indifferent: “She is still young, and when she grows up, she will naturally understand anything.”

Ye Suifeng didn’t say anything. Everyone has the way to cultivate children by themselves.

“If you don’t go, I will look at the two of the Xuan Lord.”

“This battle that affects the situation in the fairy world is still very necessary to witness, haha.”

Shenwu laughed.

Ye Suifeng nodded.

Later, the two chatted for a while, and Shenwu left Jinghu.

Ye Suifeng thought about it, and found the news of Ye Huang and Ye Long, and let them come back temporarily.

After the dust of the demon spirit settled, it would be too late to go out.


A few days later, a heavy roar came from the direction of the central center.

Ye watched Xiandao with the wind, and saw that every day the rules were trembling, and it seemed to bear huge pressure.

There are even several rules that have begun to be disordered, either severely damaged, or directly pulled away for the height of war.

From this phenomenon, we can see how terrible the fighting of the emperor’s level.

The strong fluctuations lasted for nearly half an hour before they began to silence.

If you want to come, the victory and defeat have been temporarily split over there.

Before Ye Suifeng asked, the news of the news on the waist flashed crazy.

Take it out, it is Shenwu.

“Big Brother!”

He shouted loudly.

At this time, Shenwu looked a little embarrassed, but his face flushed, excited, and could see clearly without speaking.

“It’s too fierce, they are too fierce!”

Shenwu shouted excitedly: “The birth of the demon ancestor was just a roar, hundreds of giant peaks collapsed, dozens of cities were directly destroyed, dozens of fairy emperors shot at the same time, and they were fighting again and again.”

“Fortunately, two emperors took the same shot at the same time, one fingers pressed towards the ancestor, and the other gaze directly evaporated the millions of monsters!”

“Three or twice played, and the avenue collapsed, the heavens and the earth cried, the wind and the wind, the blood and rain fluttered!”

“I have been affected thousands of miles away from the battle zone.”

“If it wasn’t for the sisters of Xuanzhu, it is estimated that he would be seriously injured!”

He was very fast, obviously still immersed in a war just now.

However, Ye Suifeng did not have much interest in that kind of battle.

“what’s the result?”

He asked.

“I don’t know yet, but there must be no victory or defeat!”

Shenwu said: “The two sides stopped temporarily, and they may be negotiating preliminary negotiations.”

“If you can’t talk about it, I think that the big robbery has not arrived, but the fairy world will be taken in advance by them!”

Ye Suifeng skimped his lips.

That situation is absolutely impossible, because the essence of this war is still a dispute over interest.

Since there are benefits, it will not die.

“Continue to find out the news.”

Ye Suifeng said.

In the next few days, it is similar to Ye Suifeng’s expected.

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