“How many god lists will come out in total?”

Ye Suifeng asked again.

“Nine, representing nine Taoist heads.”

The people of Jiyang Taoist answered.

Ye Suifeng raised his eyebrows slightly, this number made him have a little interest.

Since there are so many god lists, maybe, the group of little guys in the family can fight.

After all, it is the origin of the lives of the height of the heights and earth.

Moreover, the road to the god list must be all the most amazing talents in the fairy world.

Making a game with them is also an extremely rare process.

“Daoyou … what else do you want to ask?”

The people of Jiyang Road looked at Ye Suifeng, and their eyes were slightly complicated.

He really did not expect that this person who was flat with them was the same as Xiaobai who didn’t know anything.

It is a bit unreasonable.

But think about it, this guy comes from the lower realm, it is a very incredible thing in itself.

It seems that you can barely think.

“temporarily unavailable.”

Ye Suifeng said, but suddenly thought about it, saying, “Well, there is still a small problem.”

The people of Jiyang Dao showed such a expression: “Please say.”


Ye Suifeng touched his chin: “All of you are saying that the mirror of destiny is the beginning of the big robbery.”

“But why did the mirror of destiny rupture? What did you detect?”

This problem made the Taoist people in Jiyang think for a while.

“The mirror of destiny is unknown, and no one knows the specific reason.”

“But if the robbery comes from the Chaos Demon God, the mirror of the fate must be foreseeing the return of them.”

“Maybe, you feel their breath.”

Ye Suifeng nodded.

Those like chaos and magic gods must carry some “body odor” different from all the world.

Then the mirror of fate smelled this “body odor” and was directly smoked.

Well, very reasonable.

After getting so many answers, Ye Suifeng basically had a outline for this big robbery.

In fact, in summary, it is nothing more than two groups of fighting, and in the end, no one won.

After one party was resting, the soil came back, and the other party prepared the prophecy and the back hands to continue the battle until the winner was divided.

To be honest, in addition to the nine chaos god lists, Ye Suifeng is still not very interested.

It took so many years to take so much energy to play a shelf.

It’s better to sit and walk a few times of mahjong together and be happy.

Can I also divide the victory or defeat, isn’t it?

However, reality is not what he can change.

Moreover, he didn’t want to change anything.

He generally never pretend, but here, he still wants to say a word.

Whether it is the shepherd god, or what the chaos.

It was not enough for him to fight with one hand.

So, just fight when you love.

“Okay, I have no other questions, thank you for your notification.”

Ye Suifeng said.

Several people were suddenly happy, thinking that you were finished.

“So now, can we become friends?”

The people of Jiyang Tao laughed.

Ye followed the wind gently.

“I usually drink tea together, I’m still very happy.”

This sentence immediately stunned a few people.

“I’ll say it clearly.”

Ye Suifeng continued: “I personally will not participate in your plan.”

“But I will not interfere with your next layout.”

“I only shelter Shenwu Xianfu, so please do not do something wrong with Shenwu Xianfu.”

With these two words, his ears heard cocoon.

Now that he has already understood what it is, next, he just wants to be a quiet beautiful man, training his juniors, and enjoying life.

Several people were silent again.

It seems that after spreading everything to explain, Ye Suifeng is still such a casual attitude.

“Do you want to protect God’s martial arts in the power of the gods, and will not be violated by the chaos?”

“I just want to tell you that this is absolutely impossible!”

Extreme Yin Tianni said with some unhappy.

Ye Suifeng looked at her and shrugged.

“Don’t let us can’t even do tea friends.”


In her opinion, Ye Suifeng’s attitude was too indispensable in her opinion.

Is it invincible in the world?

“Heavenly Girl.”

The people of Jiyang Dao waved their hands.

“Since Ye Daoyou wants to surpass the world, we can’t force it.”

“It is already a great event to be able to deal with a person with a palmist today.”

“Daoyou rest assured. From then on, we will never make any means for Shenwu Xianfu.”

Ye Suifeng smiled.

“I like people who make sense.”

“I also like to do business with people like you.”

The people of Jiyang Taoist stunned again.


Ye Suifeng smiled.

“Friends, is God, do you?”

Chapter 323 Buy and Sell

In chaos.

Ye Suifeng was in the house, and it took a whole day to leave.

When he left, four of the Ruyang Taoist stood up and watched him walk into the chaos.

After a long time, I sat down again.

“Is this … possibly?”

The corners of the eyes of Jiyang Taoist are still twitching.

Wang Lin on the side, rubbing his eyebrows hard.

“It is absolutely impossible to use my experience in business in the heavens!”

Canglong is silent.

“But he just happened.”

Even the extremely indifferent extremely Yin Tianni, at this time, was still uneasy.

“Count it.”

“Should … be sixty?”

Jiyang Taoist nodded: “From me to me, he bought things worth 1.6 billion gods.”

“My side is 2.1 billion.”

Wang Lin said.

“I got more than 1.2 billion.”

Canglong’s voice was thick.

Jiyin Tian daughter pursed his lips: “I am more than 1.4 billion, and add it together …”

“Just now, Ye Suifeng took out more than 6.3 billion Shenshi at one time, this …”


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