“Shiman, I represent the Ye family, welcome you.”

Yang Shiman nodded.

“I just hope that this will not cause you trouble.”

Ye Suifeng was stunned and didn’t know what this sentence meant.

Ye Long quickly explained: “Shiman is the great son of the generation of the family. We have no greetings and it is together. It is estimated that it will cause some dissatisfaction voices.”

Ye waved his hand with the wind.

“Who dares to be dissatisfied with my nephew?”

“Rest assured, it’s time to eat and drink, I will say a word to Jiyang Lao Dao.”

“Who dares to find you trouble, I will go to him to trouble.”

A simple and unscrupulous speech made Ye Long let go of his heart.

It also surprised Yang Shiman.

“Do you know the ancestor of Jiyang?”

As a big son, she understands what kind of existence of Jiyang’s ancestors.

It is not an exaggeration to call the immortal world.

Ye Suifeng, actually intersect with him?

“Well, I was still drinking tea together a few days ago.”

Ye Suifeng said: “In short, you just care about the next wedding, you don’t need to consider the rest.”

Although the children of the two have been born, the wedding should still have it.

Later, a few people randomly pulled some home, and Xiao Chen was hungry again, and Ye Long left with Yang Shiman.

Ye Suifeng sat under the Enlightenment Tree and thought quietly.

This woman is okay.

Although the personality looks more indifferent, it can be seen that it is true for Ye Long and children.

that’s enough.

And her strength is extremely against the sky.

Almost, the threshold of the emperor has been touched, and one step forward can step into the peak level.

Ye Long is almost the same.

The trials of the secret realm of Jiyang are indeed well -known, and the effect is very obvious.

Thinking of this, Ye Suifeng couldn’t help thinking of Ye Huang.

She and Ye Long have entered the secret realm at the same time, and I don’t know, what’s going on now.

“I won’t bring me a grandson back, right?”

“Well … it shouldn’t, in such a major event, this girl will definitely not hide from me.”

Ye Suifeng thought about thinking, but became more and more unable to sit still.

“Go and see.”

“If it is really the same as Ye Long …”

Ye Suifeng shook his head.

He really didn’t make such a psychological preparation.

Chapter 336

Extreme Yin secret.

On weekdays, the core children of the family were driven away.

After a while, the two figures came out of the void.

“Ye Daoyou, why are you so eager, can we just wait for them to come out in the hall?”

The person coming is the extremely Yin Tian daughter, as well as Ye Suifeng.

When he thought of whether Ye Huang would be the same as Ye Long, Ye Sui Feng couldn’t sit completely, and directly teared to the void to come to the family of Jiyin.

The anxious appearance was startled, and the chaotic devil who thought that there was extremely horrible chaos.

Ye Suifeng proposed that she just wanted her daughter, and wanted to look at Ye Huang.

After exploring, Ye Huang himself was unharmed, but it happened that she and Jiyin Dazi were on the way to the secret.

After listening to Ye Feng, Ye Sui decided to wait at the entrance of the secret situation.

“I look very anxious?”


“I just want to see if she is lazy.”

Ye Suifeng said, looking at the entrance to the secret.

Girls of the extremely Yin Tian shook their heads, unless my eyes were blind, I couldn’t see how you are now anxious.

They waited for a moment, and when Ye Suifeng wanted to go in in person, finally, the two figures came out of the mystery.

It is Ye Huang, as well as the Extraine Son, Yin Triumph.

The two walked out together, and Ye Sui’s eyes condensed with the wind.

Well, fortunately, there is no baby.


“Old ancestor?”

The two who walked out of the secret realm, after seeing Ye Suifeng and Extreme Yin Tiannu standing outside, they both froze.

“How did you come?”

Ye Huang took the lead.

Ye Suifeng whispered, then looked at Yin Kaixuan, and said indifferently: “Yo, this guy looks very energetic.”

“Don’t introduce it?”

Ye Huang suddenly stunned.


She felt a little inexplicable, but she still said, “Oh, he is the master of the family, called …”

“Uh, sorry, Da Shizi, what is your name?”

Yin Triumph was also a little confused, and he arched: “The junior Yin Triumph.”

Ye Suifeng blinked.

I do n’t even know the name, there must be a child, right?

“How did you know each other?”

Ye Suifeng asked.


Ye Huang looked at Yin Triumph.

“Actually, you can’t talk about it.”

“We met on the way back from the eighteenth secret situation, so we went together.”

Speaking, Ye Huang looked at Ye Suifeng puzzled.

“Dad, what’s wrong with you?”

Ye Suifeng quickly hit haha.

“Ahhaha, it’s okay, just come and see you.”

“Oh, Ye Long is about to hold a wedding, let’s go back first.”

Ye Huang’s eyes suddenly brightened.


“He finally opened up. Fortunately, I ended the trial, otherwise I would definitely miss it.”

Ye Suifeng nodded.

“Then let’s go back first.”

Later, Ye Suifeng farewell to the extremely cloudy woman, and walked into the void with Ye Huang.

At the entrance of the secret situation, the female girl gradually converged with a smile.

“What do you think, Ye Huang?”

She suddenly asked.

Yin Kaixuan froze slightly, and then scratched his head: “It’s okay, it’s beautiful, but the personality is a bit indifferent.”

The female face is expressionless.

“I asked her strength.”

“If no accident, she will definitely compete for the god list.”

Seeing that he would be wrong, Yin Kaixuan said quickly, “I have been in contact with her too short to judge accurately.”

“But when she was walking with her, I really felt some pressure.”

“It should be an opponent.”

Jiyin Tianni nodded.

“Yang Shiman has also been closed, Hongmeng Dao Mansion, Xuanyuan Family, the World Chamber of Commerce, and the North and South Demon Mansion. Its core disciples have also begun to make the head.”

“When the god list comes, it must be a dragon fighting tiger. You must make enough preparation.”

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