After the light reached the extreme, they started to burn.

After a while, the god list was burned out, leaving only nine golden lights, slowly floating in the void.

Everyone gathered on these nine light balls.

They are ingenious, and see who they are to eventually be selected by the god list.

Is it just one person? Still like the prisoner said, someone may get multiple?

People are waiting anxiously.

Suddenly, a light ball trembled suddenly, released a circle of golden curtains.

In the blink of an eye, the light curtain swept the entire platform.

The other eight light balls followed closely and made the same action.

Just when people were surprised, when it was unknown.

One of the light balls drilled into the top of Ye Huang’s head at the speed of a transient.

There are three other, and Ye Long, Yang Shiman, and Golden Carp are selected, which are directly integrated with them.

This change has surprised everyone’s heart.

Is it really one person?

They couldn’t help looking forward, because the people who finally boarded the Temple of Heaven happened to be nine.

There was only the prisoner on the side.

Xiao Hei below, when he saw this scene, he couldn’t help but shivered.

“Fortunately, I didn’t go up, it looks so terrible.”

Just finished, the remaining five light balls also trembled.

Among the people’s nervous eyes, two of them flew out of the heavenly altar and rushed down.

Target, point directly to Xiaohei and Xiaobai!


Xiao Hei suddenly stunned, watching the light ball flying, it dodged and hid over.

The same is true of Xiaobai next to him, and the same is at a loss.

What is this?

But those two light balls did not give up, and the direction was turned, followed by!

He was shocked, dodge again, leaving a disabled on the ring.

And the light ball is still pursuing!

“Don’t come here!”

Xiao Hei fled quickly, roaring crazy.

At the same time, two of the remaining three light balls flew out of the heavenly altar.

This time, it is even more excessive!

They directly penetrated the trial barrier and flew in the direction of Ye Xiaoxiao and Ye Qin, who were groaning seeds outside!

Looking at this weird scene, everyone.


Chapter 357

The action of the God List exceeded everyone’s expectations.

They took the initiative to choose Ye Huang and Ye Long, and they could understand that they were more suitable for the four of them, so they won the favor of the god list in advance.

What does you mean by flying down the altar?

Is it time for others to spend a lot of hard work?

Okay, even so, it can be forcibly explained.

After all, the Black Emperor and Bai Fairy have already passed all the cards before, and they must have the strength to board the heavenly altar.

It is you who cherish the talents, so make an exception.

But you even flew out of the light curtain and found two people who eat melon!

Why? Intersection

Is it because they look good?

This is simply not understandable!

Looking at the Black Emperor who was still chasing the group on the ring, people could not help but feel ridiculous.

Others have desperately desperately, and do things you want to get all kinds of efforts and thoughts, do you even want it?

It’s just a storm!

However, the small black on the field has different ideas.

He really doesn’t want it, this stuff has little white for him, and it doesn’t have much effect.


As long as he is successfully promoted to the Imperial Emperor’s Realm, he can go into the hand.

And Xiaobai has the asylum of the entire immortal world. Even if it cannot be a palmist, as long as it is within the scope of the immortal world, it is almost invincible.

Therefore, he wants to leave the opportunity to Ye Huang, or others.

After all, each god list may be a force to resist the robbery, and it may be sheltered more immortal souls.

Although he didn’t care much about the immortal creature.

But Xiao Bai cares!

But now, the god list follows closely, how can you avoid it.

In the end, the golden light group seemed to be angry, and a strong golden light broke out.

The light spanned the space and time, and at the same time, it appeared in front of Xiaohei.


Before he said something, the light group did not enter the spirit platform.

Later, he stopped in the air, and his golden light flashed faintly, closing his eyes.

On the other side, Xiaobai is the same.

The outside world’s Xiaoxiao and Qin ballads suddenly came to the light group, and they had no time to make any reactions, and they had already merged together.

After a while, Xiao Hei opened his eyes.

At this time, he came to a golden light void.

In front of him, a red -haired man was angry.

“Stink boy, what are you running!”

He was angry.


Xiao Hei looked at him, his face was surprised: “Live?”

The red -haired big man was flying, and he closed his mouth, and the flames were almost sprayed in his eyes.

“I said, what do you mean by not going to find those above the altar, what does it mean to come down and ruin me?”

Xiao Hei held his arms and asked.

The big man bit the fangs.

“Do you think Lao Tzu thinks!”

“It’s just because of the four on the heavenly altar, just ascended by others!”

Little Hei Shou Shen.

“Four, isn’t it just nine?”

Dahan hummed coldly and relieved his emotions for a while, and then said, “I ask you, but Ye Xiaohei, the city of the city?”

Xiao Hei was shocked instantly.

“you know me?”

“Aren’t you from the era of God?”

“Could it be that the name of the emperor has already span the time and space and affects the past?!”

Dahan’s eyes showed contempt.

“You are really an old lady drilling the quilt and laughed the grandfather.”

“You just want to break through the field of time and affect the past?”

“Hmm … but your life form is indeed a bit interesting.”

“It is actually the descendants of the world tree.”

Dahan examined Xiao Hei, as the extremely Taoist, soon saw through his nature of life.

Xiao Hei narrowed his eyes.

“Then how do you know the name of the emperor?”

“Could it be that you are not the people of the God of God?”

Dahan shook his head and decided not to pull him with him anymore.

Subsequently, he spread out his rough palm, a portrait, and suspended in front of the two.

“This person, can you know?”

Xiao Hei frowned, and instantly shocked.

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