

“You really think that you can scare me with death threats?”

In the eyes of prisoner, with crazy fanaticism.

“No one can escape death!”

“Only destruction is the most correct future!”

He yelled, countless tentacles burst out in an instant, and the target pointed at Xiaobai standing on the platform.

“Just take the son of the immortal world as the first sacrifice.”

In a blink of an eye, countless scarlet tentacles came directly to Xiaobai.

The next moment, she will be imprisoned!

However, at this moment, a big hand grasped all the tentacles and stopped in the void.

“No one can hurt Xiaobai in front of me!”

A cold voice came from below.

Subsequently, “Boom!” With a sound, all the tentacles were fascinated.

A boy in black, standing in front of Xiao Bai, has a huge momentum, sweeping the world.

It’s Xiao Hei!

He finally woke up.

Moreover, it is also promoted to the point of the Taoist!

“Very good!”

“Xiao Hei wakes up!”

Shenwu couldn’t help clenched his fist.

Qiao’er on the side had been burst into tears.

The situation just now is too dangerous.

Facing the sudden appearance of Xiao Hei, the prisoner was cold.

“Just by you, do you want to stop me?”

The breath on his body is still high.

However, the sound just fell, and another sound sounded at the top of the head.

“Then plus me?”

The long sword is empty.

The brilliant light, instantly cut off all the tentacles, rescued the four Tianjiao who had seriously injured the dying.

It is Ye Huang.

“And us.”

Ye Long carried a long gun, and the battle was heer.

Yang Shiman stands side by side, and the killing is condensed.

Even the golden carp woke up, and the scales on the whole body were full of golden lights, and the breath was aesthetic.

The four of them had all stepped into the emperor.

“Brother, thank you.”

At this time, Xiaobai finally woke up and walked out from behind Xiao Hei. The breath on the emperor roared the Avenue.


In the outside world, the Taoist people could not help but drink.

At least, there is no worst result.

“Black Emperor, killed the prisoner, he was the clawing of the demon god!”

Wang Lin shouted loudly.

Xiao Hei looked at the prisoner, feeling the weird and evil atmosphere, and smiled coldly.


“No, he is the person of the Creation God Association.”

In the world of golden light, the red -haired big man has told Xiao Hei all the information.

“It should be said that it is the back of the God of Creation in the Immortal Realm.”

Ye Huang added.

“Haha, you really received the information left by the uncle.”

Ye Long laughed.

Six people looked at each other, and they took their hearts.

But their conversation made Jiyang Taoists a little bit.

what is going on?

“We are all deceived.”

Suddenly, a sound came from behind.

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ye Qin rumors came out one after another.

“Creation God will tamper with the prophecy, and wants us to gather all of them in Taiyin and the Sun, and do it!”

Later, Ye Xiaoxiao briefly explained the situation to the people of Jiyang.

The people of Jiyang Taoism are shocked.

Behind the prophecy, is there such a huge conspiracy hidden?

The Creation God Association is the culprit that really wants to destroy the heavens?

This information is too appalling!

He couldn’t believe his ears at all.

“Old ancestor, she is right.”

At this time, Yang Shiman said: “The Taoist heads of the shepherd fairy left the information for everyone.”

“I am worried that the Creation God will be stubborn from it.”

“What we have to do now is to let the immortal beings as soon as possible, and stay away from the center of the immortal world!”

The people of Jiyang Dao were stunned. The news was beyond his cognition.

This has led to him, and there is no way to distinguish the authenticity of things at this time.

The same is true of Wang Lin. This huge reversal takes a long time to accept it.


Seeing this, Ye Huang said to Ye Xiaoxiao directly: “Don’t worry about things here. You and Qin Ballad immediately go out. The fastest speed, withdraw from Taiyin and Sun! ”

Xiaoxiao glanced at the Jiyang Taoist, and then nodded.


After speaking, she and Qin Ballad turned directly and left.

By the way, the Shenwu husband and wife and Yueyue were rolled away together.

Seeing this, Jiyang Taoist finally made up his mind.

“Okay, I believe you once!”

Speaking, he waved his hand from the void.

Since Yunxiao City brought this head, he had no reason to hesitate.

Subsequently, Wang Lin and Jiyin Tian daughter, Canglong also left one after another.

After dealing with the outside world, Ye Huang gathered his eyes again on the prisoner.

One of the palms, five powerful grounds, the prisoner had no chance of winning.

But the prisoner still laughed.

“Do you think you can escape the fate of death?”

Ye Huang’s expression was indifferent.

“Even if we will die, we have done our best to survive.”

“This is the difference between the Muxian God and the God of Creation.”

The first Tao spanted for tens of millions of years.

The same is true of other people.

“Give up, you have no chance of winning.”

Ye Longzhen said.

However, the prisoner even shed tears.

“If you say the most powerful thing, it is the degree of stupidity, there is no limit!”

“I said it a long time ago!”

“Only destruction is the most correct future!”

With his roar, his body’s body suddenly swelled quickly.

The uncomfortable heartbeat has become more and more rapid.

Black atmosphere is like a substance!

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