The next morning.

Han Suyan woke up slowly.

Look at everything that is empty around you.

Han Suyan just sighed lightly.

She dressed and walked out of the room.

After that, I saw Su Mingyu sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

After seeing Su Mingyu, Han Suyan’s expression was slightly complicated.

Bite lightly on thin lips.

For a while, I didn’t know how to speak.

Su Mingyu raised his head and looked at Han Suyan with a smile.

“You don’t have to be so nervous, although you used me, but I’m not angry.” Su Mingyu said without hurry.

After hearing Su Mingyu say this, Han Suyan’s heart was shocked.

He looked at Su Mingyu with a surprised expression.

“Mr. Su, you… What do you mean by that? How can I not understand! Han Suyan said in a trembling tone.

Su Mingyu glanced back and forth at Han Suyan with a smile, then walked to Han Suyan’s side, and said in a low voice: “Yesterday, it seems that someone followed us all the way to the hotel, but they didn’t make a move, just simply sent away by my people.” ”

Han Suyan’s face was slightly pale.

The corners of his mouth showed an extremely unnatural smile.

“Yes… Is it? I… I don’t know what the hell is going on? Those people should not be Mr. Su’s enemies! ”

Su Mingyu walked in front of Han Suyan with a smile.

His gaze swept back and forth on Han So-yeon’s body.

“Is it? Do you think those people are coming at me? ”

Looking at Su Mingyu’s aggressive gaze.

Han Suyan’s eyes drew a hint of panic.

“When… Of course! Han Suyan said with a slight trembling tone.

Su Mingyu shook his head with a smile.

“You said… Should I call you Miss Han Suyan, or should I call you Mrs. Che…” said Su Mingyu with a smile.

After listening to Su Mingyu say this, Han Suyan’s heart shook violently, and she turned her head, her eyes wandering.

“Sue… Mr. Su, what is this saying? I… How can I not understand! Han Suyan’s voice trembled.

Su Mingyu shook his head slightly.

“There’s no need to pretend in front of me!” Su Mingyu said with a smile.

Han Suyan turned her head and bit her thin lip lightly, her expression complicated.

Then he took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Su Mingyu, with a resolute look in his eyes.

“Yes, what you said is indeed correct, I am Cha Jingshuo’s wife, and my husband is Che Jingshuo, the president of the H Group.”

Speaking of this, Han Suyan looked at Su Mingyu with a complicated expression.

“The reason why you got into this big trouble of H Group is completely to blame for your own lustfulness, and you can’t complain about others.” Han Suyan said extremely angrily.

When Su Mingyu heard this, he just glanced at Han Suyan’s body quite casually.

“I never thought it was a big problem, and if I felt like a problem, I would leave when my men found those who were following you.” Su Mingyu said with a smile.

When Han Suyan heard this, a pair of beautiful eyes stared directly at Su Mingyu, and then spread her hands.

“I understand that the reason why yesterday’s incident happened means that not only are you not afraid of Che Jingshuo, but Che Jingshuo is afraid of you, am I right?”

“Pretty smart.” Su Mingyu said unhurriedly.

Han Suyan’s eyes lit up.

“If that’s the case, can you do me a favor.”

When Su Mingyu heard this, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he turned his head to look at Han Suyan.

“You want me to help you divorce Cha Jingshuo.”

Han Suyan nodded repeatedly.

“That’s right, that’s it, you… Can you please help me. Han Suyan looked at Su Mingyu with a look of pleading in her eyes.

Su Mingyu rubbed his chin.

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Han Suyan’s beautiful eyes flashed a thick trace of loss.

“Why? Why won’t you help me? Han Suyan asked with a slight anger.

Su Mingyu smiled indifferently.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you, if Cha Jingshuo died, you, as the president’s wife, would inherit a large part of the property.” Su Mingyu said faintly.

After listening to Su Mingyu say this, Han Suyan’s eyes showed a thick look of surprise.

“What? You’re going to kill him? He is the president of the H Regiment, can you really kill that devil? Han Suyan’s tone couldn’t help but rise a few degrees.

Han So-yeon didn’t think about the old feelings, but he just felt that Cha Kyung-seok, as the president of the H Group, was definitely not so easy to kill.

Su Mingyu smiled faintly.

“Of course! I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to take out that guy, don’t you forget, he’s suffering from uremia right now, and if he suddenly becomes ill, it’s normal, isn’t it?! ”

After listening to Su Mingyu say this, Han Suyan looked at Su Mingyu blankly as if she suddenly understood something.

“I see, you want to start with his terminal illness, this is a good starting point, I believe that with your ability, it can definitely be done.”

Su Mingyu got up and walked to the window.

A hint of gloom flashed in his eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Cha Jingshuo must die, just with his words, this kind of guy doesn’t deserve to live.”

Han So-yeon nodded.

“That’s right, that guy is an out-and-out scumbag, this scum lives in the world, it’s simply a waste of air.” Han Suyan said angrily.

The two hit it off.

It was near noon at 873 when he walked out of the hotel.

This news was naturally reported to him by Cha Jingshuo’s subordinates.

Che Jingshuo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: “Find me Lawyer Hu, I will make a will.” ”

When the assistant secretary next to him heard this, a hint of surprise could not help but flash in his eyes.

“President, now that you have a matching kidney, there is no need for you to make a will.”

Che Jingshuo shook his head, his face gloomy.

Gritting his teeth, he said: “You don’t understand, that guy Su Mingyu, his brain is very flexible, do you think it is a coincidence that he and that slut came to this step?” ”

A hint of surprise flashed in the assistant secretary’s eyes.

“You mean they’re going to assassinate you?” The assistant secretary was surprised.

“Make a will first, and give all my property to Renhao to inherit, be prepared.”

The assistant secretary nodded.

“I see, I’ll do it.”


Su Mingyu sent Han So-yeon back to school.

Remembering that I hadn’t been to class for so many days, I decided to go to the classroom first to see how things went.

Right at this moment.

Professor Huiyuan was behind Su Mingyu and gently patted his shoulder.

“Classmate Su Mingyu, did you forget what you promised me!”

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