Zhou Huiyuan pushed open the door.

After Zhou Huiyuan's parents saw Su Mingyu, there was a hint of confusion in their eyes.

The two people looked at each other and couldn't help frowning slightly.

The two men made eye contact with each other.

However, there was no expression on his face.

"Huiyuan, you really are, why did you bring your own students here today!" Wu Minglan (Zhou Huiyuan's mother) was the first to speak.

While speaking, he also made eyes at Zhou Huiyuan.

Zhou Huiyuan rolled her eyes wildly.

"Mom, I just told that guy Mingyu's identity, Mingyu is my boyfriend, what's the problem?"

After Wu Minglan heard Huiyuan say this, after glancing at Zhou Huiyuan viciously, she said with a slight anger:

"Huiyuan, you are getting more and more excessive now, even if your father and I have been urging you before, you can't find your students to lie to us!"

Huiyuan frowned.

Then looked at Wu Minglan.

"Mom, I'll tell you again, this is indeed my boyfriend, I didn't lie to you, he now runs his own company..."

Before Zhou Huiyuan could finish speaking, she heard Sun Yizheng's yin and yang strange opening and said, "I think Mingyu's company must not be doing well!" Otherwise, how could you not even have a decent car, and you have to come with 813. "

When Zhou Huiyuan heard this, a look of annoyance appeared on her face.

He glared at Sun Yizheng viciously.

"Dad, mom, you know the college dance league held in our department before!"

"College Dance League? You dead nizi, where did you tell us this kind of thing before! Wu Minglan said angrily.

Zhou Huiyuan rolled her eyes wildly.

"Even if I haven't told you about it, then dance forward, you should have watched this show."

Wu Minglan nodded.

"That's right, I did watch this show, shouldn't you say that this show is held by you!"

Zhou Huiyuan shook her head.

"We didn't host it..."

Before Zhou Huiyuan finished speaking, she heard Sun Yizheng on the side joking: "I said, this is definitely not organized by you!" You shouldn't want to say that Su Ningyu has cooperation with that organizer, Zero Group! "

Zhou Huiyuan selectively ignored Sun Yizheng.

"That show was held by Mingyu's Zero Group." Zhou Huiyuan said without hesitation.

When Sun Yizheng heard this, a shocked look appeared on his face, but he immediately laughed.

"Hmph! Huiyuan (cccc), I admit that you want to put gold on this guy's face, but don't you think this joke you made is a bit big? "

Looking at Sun Yizheng, who looked proud, Huiyuan became more and more angry the more she looked.

Instead, it was Su Mingyu and Zhou Mingcan (Zhou Huiyuan's father) who silently held the dishes, as if this farce had nothing to do with the two of them.

At this time, Wu Minglan also echoed.

"Yes! Huiyuan, you lie, you must also have a limit, Zero Group is a big company, I'm afraid your boyfriend hasn't graduated yet! How is it possible to be as powerful as you say? Wu Minglan said angrily.

Sun Yizheng also smiled and shook his head.

"Yes! A large company like the Zero Group, which is full of human spirits, this little brother is afraid to go to it as an intern, maybe he will be tricked by those old fritters, how can he control such a large company? "

Listen to the mocking words of his mother and Sun Yizheng.

Zhou Huiyuan had a bit of irritation on her face, and then smacked Su Mingyu.

He lowered his voice and whispered, "You refute!" You can't let them just taunt you like that! "

Su Mingyu wiped the oil stain on the corner of his mouth.

Take out your phone.

Call Shadow.

"Help me check a guy named Sun Yizheng, the license plate number should be xxxxxx!"

"Okay, Zero!"

Hang up.

Su Mingyu took out a cigarette from his pocket.

He glanced at Zhou Mingcan with a smile.

"Uncle, do you want to get one too!"

Zhou Mingcan nodded with a smile.

Wu Minglan just wanted to have a seizure.

I saw Zhou Mingcan's face turned cold.

When Wu Minglan reached his lips, he swallowed them back abruptly.

Through this small move, Su Mingyu was able to determine that Zhou Mingcan's status in the family this week was absolutely indispensable.

The two got up and walked outside the private room.

Tacit understanding began to swallow the clouds.

Sun Yizheng sneered.

"This guy really thinks of himself as a powerful character! He shouldn't be trying to find out my identity before bringing down my company. "

At this time, the door of the private room was pushed open.

Su Mingyu smiled and said, "Your proposal is good." "

He picked up his mobile phone and called Ma Dong.

"No. XX Street, Jiangnan District, Justice Foreign Consulting Office, smashed!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After hanging up, he randomly called the prosecutor general.

"I heard that you guys have recently caught a fraudster who scammed parents and violated girls under the guise of helping to sign up for studying abroad, people are here, come on!"

After speaking, Su Mingyu hung up the phone.

Leave the phone aside.

Turned his head to look at Zhou Mingcan.

"Uncle, would you like to have a drink together?" This is a rare show! "

Zhou Mingcan coughed lightly.

"Mingyu, will it be a little too much."

Su Mingyu waved his hand.

"Nope! This bastard went to a pheasant university abroad, and as a result, because his family had no money, he didn't finish school at all and worked abroad for several years, and after returning to China, he actually dared to pose as a returnee, and the things he did were shot ten times without excess. Su Mingyu said unhurriedly.

Listening to Su Mingyu uncover his old bottom like this.

Sun Yizheng's eyes showed a deep fear.

His face was pale, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

With his appearance, even the most unscheming Wu Minglan could see that there was definitely something wrong with this matter.

Sun Yizheng stood up straight.

Pointing at Su Mingyu, he scolded angrily: "Bastard, I am ready to pour dirty water on me everywhere, right?" It's disgusting to eat with someone like you! "

After that, Sun Yi was about to leave.

Su Mingyu glanced at him coldly.

"If you want to escape, you should run away quickly, but it should be too late."

Sun Yi just opened the door of the private room.

Then he saw several uniformed prosecutors, holding documents in their hands, staring at him with cold faces.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Sun Yizheng's forehead.

Before he could speak, he was directly held back by the prosecutor.

One of the older prosecutors walked up to Su Mingyu and said extremely respectfully, "Mr. Su, the chief prosecutor wants me to say hello to you on his behalf." "

Su Mingyu smiled and nodded.

"For this kind of heinous guy, we must strictly follow the legal procedures."

The prosecutor focused on the head.

"I see."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Wu Minglan's eyes were full of shock.

Zhou Huiyuan also let out a long sigh of relief and looked at Su Mingyu with a smile.

Lowered his voice and whispered, "Little bastard, good job!" Today sister will reward you well! "。

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