Jin Meiting glanced at Su Mingyu when she heard this.

"Little bastard, hasn't that woman fed you just now? Now come and play hooligan with me again! Jin Meiting said coquettishly.

Su Mingyu smiled.

"Hey, hey! You tell me? "


Shunyang Group.

Chen Yangzhe turned his head to look at Sun Changwu.

"He must have said yes."

Sun Changwu smiled and nodded.

"There is no room for him not to agree!"

Chen Yangzhe nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, then let's put pressure on the Z government and urge them to solve our problems as soon as possible."

Sun Changwu nodded slightly.

"Okay, I understand."

Chen Yangzhe clenched his fists.

"Su Mingyu, this time you called the group to lose so much, you don't think about it yourself, can you escape?" The corner of Chen Yangzhe's mouth hooked a sneer.


Jin Meiting leaned on the sofa, her delicate body trembling violently.

Su Mingyu leaned back in the chair, enjoying the pleasure brought by nicotine.

A cigarette burns out.

Jin Meiting came back to her senses.

The amorous glance swept Su Mingyu.

"Little bastard, True 22 can't understand where you got such a lot of energy from!"

The corner of Su Mingyu's mouth hooked a meaningful smile, and he said before he could speak: "Of course, it's because of a certain goblin, it's tempting enough!" "

Jin Meiting rolled her eyes at Su Mingyu angrily.

"The villain is also the chairman of the Zero Group, why is he getting less and less positive now?"

Su Mingyu smiled indifferently.

"If I'm not mistaken, this time you also want to ask me how to deal with it, Wall Street pressure!"

Jin Meiting shook her head.

"I know, you little bastard, you have already sent Wu Shixian out, he is your last hole card, I guess it should be right." Jin Meiting said with a smile.

Su Mingyu nodded.

Gently scraped on Jin Meiting's Qiong nose.

"It's really smart."

"But what if those hungry wolves on Wall Street take advantage of the lion's mouth?"

"Then they won't get anything then!" Su Mingyu said before he could speak.

When Jin Meiting heard this, she looked at Su Mingyu with a complicated expression.

"I'm really not understanding you more and more, do you have other plans?"

After listening to Jin Meiting's words, Su Mingyu showed a look of frustration on his face.

"Hey, the two of us are already you know my long duan, I know your shen shallow, but I didn't expect that you still don't understand me, sad!"

Heard Su Mingyu's ridicule.

Jin Meiting gave him a vicious look.

"Little bastard! Do you dare to go rogue a little more? "

Su Mingyu smiled.

"I'm not a rogue! Am I not right? "

Jin Meiting stomped her foot.

"I originally thought that you little bastard had a headache, but now it seems that it should be me who should have a headache, how did I choose such a rogue bastard."

Su Mingyu hugged Jin Meiting from behind, pasted it to her ear, and said with a smile: "It's a pity, it's too late for you to regret it now!" "

"By the way, Shen Youwei proposed to cooperate with us and jointly promote the homestay you proposed earlier, I don't know what you think now?"

"According to the idea I gave you before, there is also a plan, just keep moving forward, this project is not currently within our main profit range, but the future potential is limitless."

Jin Meiting nodded.

"You Wei is coming to the group to talk about cooperation this afternoon, how about you go and talk to her?"

Su Mingyu shook his head.

"I won't come forward, I'm afraid that when I come forward, I'm afraid that I will talk about a big deal of hundreds of millions."

"Several hundred million... USD? Jin Meiting asked with an innocent look.

Su Mingyu shook his head with a smile.

"Several hundred million..." Su Mingyu whispered in Jin Meiting's ear.

Jin Meiting's pretty face flushed with a hint of redness, and she glanced at Su Mingyu without anger.

"You little rascal really lives up to your name! Sure enough, three sentences are inseparable ... Ignore you! "

After speaking, Jin Meiting twisted her waist and left Su Mingyu's office.

After Jin Meiting left, Su Mingyu immediately called 007.

"How? Did you do what you were asked to do? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Heard Su Mingyu's inquiry.

007 reported all the recent events in Heizhou, one fifty-ten, to Su Mingyu.

Especially recently, according to the instructions given to him by Su Mingyu, he took seventy percent of the local alloy tungsten ore from Gangling.

and the creation of an armed force that should not be underestimated.

Hearing 007's report, Su Mingyu showed a satisfied look on his face.

A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Very good, recently go to a few abandoned mines, engage in explosions, and then tighten the export of tungsten alloy, and the output is reduced to one-third of the previous one-third." Su Mingyu said unhurriedly.

"Chairman, if we tighten the export of tungsten alloy, the market will not be grabbed by other local people."

Su Mingyu sneered.

"I'm still afraid that they won't increase shipments, rest assured, the market for alloy tungsten will become larger and larger in the future, and we don't worry about selling the goods on hand."

"Okay, I'll do as you tell me."

"By the way, when you buy tungsten ore, you write your name."

"That's right, it's the name you gave me."

"Well done."

After speaking, Su Mingyu hung up the phone.

Western semiconductors are the rise of 943, and tungsten alloy is an important raw material for chips.

The key is that the global reserves of alloy tungsten are actually not high.

And the United States, there is no such raw material at all in the country.

If Su Mingyu controls shipments, I am afraid that the price of Jinwu will not increase much in the short term, but in less than half a year, the alloy tungsten will definitely rise sharply.

Su Mingyu turned on the computer.

Start browsing futures trading on tungsten alloys.

After that, he called Wu Shixian.

Wu Shixian was asked to buy a large amount of tungsten futures a month later.

After explaining all this.

Su Mingyu hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Get bored.

Ask Ma Dong to drive himself to the school.

Walking alone on campus.

Su Mingyu could feel a relaxation from the inside out.

He had to admit it.

Life at school is the simplest.

I just want to eat, drink and have fun.

In society, there is simply intrigue.

Thinking of this, Su Mingyu sighed.

Right at this moment.

Not far away, a familiar silhouette appeared in front of him.

Lin Leya wore a beige trench coat.

Find a secluded corner and look around.


A familiar figure appeared in her line of sight.

Seeing this, Lin Leya obviously flashed a flustered look in her eyes.

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