After a busy day, Zhou Shixiang was about to go to Wan'er's for dinner, but Xiang Rong came to see him.

Because Shi Yuanling's affairs were handled by Xiang Rong quite in line with Zhou Shixiang's wishes, and he also lacked a housekeeper, Zhou Shixiang asked Xiang Rong to be a steward in the military commander's mansion, and he took care of all private affairs inside and out. After all, the military commander's mansion is the former Pingnan palace, and there are many servants in it, and there will be chaos without a steward in charge.

It's not that Zhou Shixiang never thought about letting Shi Yuanling take care of him, but although Shi Yuanling said he was occupied, he is still Geng Jimao's wife in name. Therefore, if Shi Yuanling came forward as his housekeeper, the reputation of Zhou Shixiang would be unpleasant. very. The fact of robbing someone's wife is really indecent, and you will be pointed at everywhere you go and stabbed in the spine in private, so this kind of thing knows that outsiders know it, but it can't be pointed out in person and put on the table. Besides, Shi Yuanling is definitely not willing to come forward as housekeeper for Zhou Shixiang, Zhou Shixiang is shameless, and she is also shameless as a woman?

Since that time, Zhou Shixiang has eaten meat to know the taste, and has gone to Shi Yuanling's small building many times, but he has only succeeded a few times, and the rest have been closed by Shi Yuanling. Zhou Shixiang was embarrassed to ask Blind Li to break the door for him, and he did not want to spread the fragrant story of Xingpingbo using Qiang Jingnan Wang Fujin in the middle of the night to spread among the people, so he could only leave in embarrassment.

After Wan'er came, Zhou Shixiang went to Shi Yuanling less often. Wan'er is also very virtuous, but when Zhou Shixiang asked her if she would like to come forward as a housekeeper, the girl refused. Zhou Shixiang thought that she wanted a name, thinking that this girl has been good to him since Luo Ding, and she was a hard-working woman, so she wanted to take him as his wife.

Zhou Shixiang originally had a wife, so marrying another wife would be a continuation. He didn't care what was wrong with his identity to marry a woman who had lost her chastity, but Wan'er was a little inferior and didn't dare to be Mrs. Xingping. , I just said that I can accompany Zhou Shixiang by his side, and I am content with the status of a concubine.

Zhou Shixiang was greatly moved. He was a human being in two lifetimes, so how could he mind that chastity? As Wan'er lost her chastity, she was forced to marry her. Wan'er refused to agree. Just when Zhou Shixiang was about to persuade him again, Huizhou was in a hurry. In order to prevent Huizhou from losing, Zhou Shixiang had to go east ahead of schedule, but he let it go. After Chao Hui returned to Guangzhou, he was very busy with various affairs, and he had to prepare for the Western Expedition. Naturally, he didn't have the heart to prepare for his continuation and marrying a wife.

However, Wan'er had learned a lot of nursing methods in the medical camp. Seeing that there were too many wounded soldiers sent back, the medical camp was too busy, so she went to the medical camp to help nurse the wounded soldiers. In this way, two The number of people meeting is naturally less. After or before each meeting, Wan'er talked to Zhou Shixiang more about expanding the medical camp, recruiting more staff, training medical staff, and talking about the pain of wounded soldiers.

These are all serious things, and Zhou Shixiang naturally wouldn't blame Wan'er for spoiling him, so he did it when he turned around. He asked Song Xianggong to prepare a hospital in Guangzhou, first for both military and civilian use, and when there were enough medical staff, a field hospital was set up in the army, so as to reduce the casualties of soldiers as much as possible.

The day before yesterday Wan'er heard that Zhou Shixiang promulgated the "Guangdong Colonization Order", and rushed back from the medical camp, telling Zhou Shixiang that it is not easy for a woman to give birth to a child. People pushed to the gate of **** several times.

Zhou Shixiang fell in love, and it is good to encourage more births, but the birth rate is already low these days, and women are completely dependent on their lives to give birth to children. There is no professional means for folk stable mothers. Many poor families have children at home. When cutting the umbilical cord, you don't even need scissors, just cut the umbilical cord with broken ceramic pieces. Even using scissors or the like does not know how to use boiling water to sterilize, so the postpartum infection is very serious. Many pregnant women have passed through the gates of **** when giving birth, but died of postpartum infection, which is really wrong.

Zhou Shilian listed the places that need attention in production one by one, and then asked Song Xianggong to find some stable mothers and Langzhong to find targeted solutions for the problems that women are prone to have children, such as forceps, alcohol disinfection and other means. Afterwards, these methods should be compiled into a booklet, expressed in easy-to-understand vernacular and sent to the folks, or organized for training, and then popularized one by one. I also have the awareness of production safety, and try my best to ensure the health of pregnant women and newborn babies while ensuring the increase of the fertility rate. this

Zhou Shixiang's big man knew about these things, and Wan'er had never given birth, so when Duke Xiang of Song looked at him curiously, he hurriedly pushed Shi Yuanling, a mature woman who had given birth to two sons, out. Said it was her idea. In this way, Song Xianggong released his confusion, otherwise he would really worry about Xiu Cai's evil, and he was interested in women giving birth to children.

Raising the fertility rate and reducing the death of pregnant women and infants is a good thing, and it is a moral policy. Of course, Duke Xiang of Song will not object to this matter and assign it to him. Suddenly, a bad thing came to mind, and the scholar was inexplicably interested in giving birth to a woman. Could it be that Shi Yuanling and Lin Wan'er were happy?

If Miss Wan'er was pregnant with a child, Song Xianggong would be happy, but if Shi Yuanling was pregnant with Zhou Shixiang's child, Song Xianggong would have a big headache.

The impatient Song Xianggong quickly found an excuse to visit Shi Yuanling. He was relieved to find that the other party was not pregnant, and then he was still a little worried that Zhou Shixiang would spread the seeds on Shi Yuanling. This woman is really a big trouble~ I really don't know what is wrong with Zhou Shixiang's brain, but he likes her. If Shi Yuanling really wanted to give birth to Zhou Shixiang's eldest son, there would be a lot of fun after that.


Xiang Rongshen mysteriously handed a calligraphy and painting to Zhou Shixiang and said, "Uncle, look, what is written on it."

Zhou Shixiang thought that Xiang Rong had obtained some original works of famous people to please him, but he took a look, but it was "Puffy Poppy" by the first queen Li.

The word "Yu Meiren" was too famous and too familiar, Zhou Shixiang read the first sentence involuntarily.

"When is the spring flower and autumn moon, and how much do you know about the past? The small building had an east wind last night, and the old country was unbearable to look back at the bright moon. The carved railing and jade should still be there, but the face of the red is changed. How much sorrow can you have? It's like a river of spring water. East flow."

After reading it, Zhou Shixiang was quite emotional, and it is not difficult to see between the lines that Empress Li had a rough fate after the fall of the country. What does it mean that Xiang Rong just got a poppy to show him?

Xiang Rong smiled: "Uncle, this "Puffy Lady" was written by Geng Jimao." (To be continued.)

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