Happy Endings Are Lies

2 Chapter 2-The End Is Only Just The Beginning

As he arrived at the tower, sweating and panting heavily.

He called the caller from before, still trying to catch his breath..

When finally, after a few seconds, someone picked up.

"Good, I take it you are in the building? If so then go to the roof....we will be waiting there."

The call ended

He quickly dashed to the elevator and rapidly pressing the button to make the elevator come quickly.

(NOTE: Even though that doesn't usually work, so don't do that, it might break the elevator.)

As soon as the elevator doors opened, he ran as fast as he could to the door leading to the roof. As he opened the door, the sun was almost setting so the beam of light blinded him for a second, but when his vision became clearer, he saw......

Blood spilled everywhere as the three men shot a girl who was tied up to a chair. She had black hair which was tied into a ponytail on both sides. A cloth covered her mouth as it silenced her screams........however it couldn't hide her painful expression as she was shot. Her dark black eyes looked liked you could see her soul screaming in agony.

One of the men uncovered the cloth from her mouth, but she was no longer screaming in agony...instead, she was smiling with a calm expression as tears slowly rolled down her cheek....... Her final words were.............

"Sorry little brother but....big sis couldn't protect you from this cruel world."

As she said this, wore a big smile on her face as she took her last breath............

Their leader said,"Too bad you were late, but at least you arrived at the finale. I told you didn't I? What would happen if you were late."

The boy who was standing there in place who was in shock of what just happened.

Then something...


In his head many emotions had appeared....However he ignored them all and listened to what his heart was telling him......which was


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