Happy Endings Are Lies

37 Chapter 36-The Sword and Magic Academy

"Thank you Young Master for coming to our shop. I promise this will never happen again." Said Josiah while bowing in front of Denear.

Denear just slightly bowed and got in the carriage with Bailey and her family. The guards mounted on their horses and continued their way through town.

"Where are you heading?" Denear asked Bailey.

"Oh, i'm heading to the Sword and Magic Academy." She looked a very proud of her self. "I'm going to be staying there in their dorms."

Denear was very shocked. He hadn't expected her to get admitted to the school. The Sword and Magic Academy is mostly enrolled by nobles but 1 out of 3 of the students are commoners but you've got to either be really talented or extremely lucky.

"What a coincidence. I'm also going to be attending the Sword and Magic Academy."

"Really!?" Bailey's eyes were sparkling with excitement.

"Yes." Denear said while looking out the window.

'How am I supposed to protect my big sister if they'll be going to the same Academy? How should I get them apart?' Marten was very gloomy while his mother was busy thinking of ways to get them closer.

"Since we're both going to the same place, why don't we both go to the academy together and i'll get my guards to accompany your family to where ever you're staying. Is that okay?"

"Of course! It more than okay but we don't deserve it.." Said Mrs. Nemrec.

'I'm going with him to the academy!? With him....with him.....him....' Bailey was on overload. She couldn't think straight and squealed in her head like a normal teenage girl.....Oh wait she! but not a "normal" teenage girl. She is a girl but compared to other girls who like flowers and rainbows, she likes swords and is much, much stronger than some men.

"You sure?" Bailey forced herself to speak.

"We're going to the same place anyways, the quicker we get there the better.."Denear crossed his arms and re-adjusted his sitting position. 'We need to get there sooner or else I might just break! This way, it'll save a lot of time..'

The Academy was a little far from the city on a mountain next to a huge waterfall. When they built it, they choice that location because rookies practicing magic and the city don't go well together. I hear last time there was a mage who accidentally made an explosion near the castle and everyone thought there was an attack and raised a red flag which made the entire city freak.

So they vacated the academy to the mountains which caused no further problems for the city. And that's how they chose the location.

~A few minutes on a dirt road heading towards the academy~

Denear was sweating buckets. He couldn't hold it in anymore. He kept telling himself.

'We're almost there....We're almost there....We're almost there..We're almost there!?...WHY AREN'T WE THERE!?'

He was quiet stubborn and was ashamed to stop the carriage and take a leak which would ruin his cold image.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Bailey.

"No,...i'm fine.." Denear said as if he was holding his breath.

"You sure?"


Denear shouted out the carriage to the driver. "Are we almost there?"

"Yes sir!" He replied.

'Well we better get there soon!' Denear screamed to himself.

In the distance, stood a blacki-ish and grey-ish iron gate. There was a big golden sign that said "Welcome to The Sword and Magic!"

As the carriage approached, it was stopped by some guards.

"Who are you?" The guards kindly asked.

Denear peaked out the window and answered, "My name is Denear Lorenzo Cornelius from the Cornelius family and with me here is Bailey Nemrec. We are both attending this academy. Please let us through."

When they heard he was from the Cornelius Family, they opened the iron gate without any hesitation. The carriage drove into this long beautiful garden which led to this HUGE castle! 'WOOOAHH!' was what anyone could think even Denear. I mean, the Cornelius Family has a lot of Estates and Mansions and they're quite as big as this, but for an academy, this is awesome!

'I'm soooo excited!!!' Denear was jumping up and down inside his head.


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