Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 1

Happy living author in the night: Jun Ming Si

brief introduction:

An accidental crossing into the world of Jiang Ye, there is no system to help, some are just similar to the previous life of a game called Heavenly Sword in the skill of moving flowers.Since there is no systematic help, the task of saving the world is left to Ning Que, who is also a traverser, as long as I am responsible for eating well, drinking well, living well, and being myself.

001 Xia Yu

Seven Years of Apocalypse of the Tang Empire

Xia Yu sat in the street liquor store and looked at the general mansion not far away.Slowly drank the dirty wine in his hand, listening to the tavern storyteller's last year's war with Yan Kingdom.But his thoughts have flown back to that night seven years ago.

That night, Tang Guo Xuanwei's General Mansion was slaughtered, and the whole mansion was not alive.This incident is taboo even in the city of Chang'an now. Everyone will involuntarily avoid this incident in the streets and alleys.It is said that this incident was done by the current general Xiahou, and I do not know whether it is true or false.

Xia Yu couldn't remember the events of that year clearly, but he remembered deeply that night.

Xia Yu is not a person in this world, yes, he is a traveler, in the words of this world, he is a person born to know.

Xia Yu was born one year before the first year of Tianqi in the mansion of General Secretary Zeng Jing. At that time, Zeng Mansion was still living at the door of General Xuanwei's Mansion. Xia Yu was originally called Zeng Yu and was killed on the night of the massacre in Xuanwei General's Mansion. Stealing out of Zeng's Mansion in the chaos.According to the person who stole him at the time, it was because Zeng Mansion had sold a baby girl and attacked them. This person escaped because he was not there at the time, but his brother died. Today, he took advantage of the chaos. He intends to steal the young master from Zeng Mansion and use it to avenge Mrs. Zeng Mansion. In his opinion, the killer was sent by the old lady who sold the baby girl to kill them.

Fortunately, not long after the traffickers stole Xia Yu, he ran into a poor scholar with a gourd hanging from his waist and an untitled book in his hand.The scholar seemed to know the fact that human traffickers stole infants from the beginning, and rescued Xia Yu.Later, Xia Yu met with an old man.

It was a long time later that Xia Yu knew that this old man was the strongest man at the time, the master of the academy, and the scholar was the master of the academy.

When Mr. Da sent Xia Yu back to Zeng’s mansion, he told Zeng Jing, Xia Yu’s cheap father, that the master gave Xia Yu a name, called Xia Yu, and then changed the original Zeng Yu to today’s Zeng Xiayu, but Xia Yu I seem to prefer the name Xia Yu.

Xia Yu didn't have the golden fingers mentioned in Crossing that he saw in his previous life, there was no system, and no grandfather, but he also brought some things.

Previous life Xia Yu was playing a game called Heavenly Sword before crossing, and Xia Yu's things have something to do with this.In Xia Yu's memory, there is a exercise method named "Ming Yu Jue" with the same name as the exercise method of the Yihua School in the previous game.

Although he had exercises, Xia Yu didn't practice, because he didn't know whether the exercises in this world had a source or not. In case of incompatibility, it would not be good to attract Haotian's attention.

When Xia Yu met the Master and Mr. Da, he knew that he had come to Jiang Ye’s world. To be honest, this world is very dangerous. No matter whether the following story is the same as the original, if Ning Que did not save Sangsang, or did Hou Ning If there is no choice of Sangsang, or the Master does not have self-sacrifice, etc., then eternal night will come and everything will cease to exist.If the story does not change, the follow-up will also be dangerous.If Haotian's attention is drawn at this time, Xia Yu will be even more dangerous. After all, he is also a person who is known to him, and from a certain perspective, he is also the son of Hades.

In the past six years, he has been very casual.Xia Yu's biological mother was the old lady of Zengfu. After her death, the current lady did not blame him because her daughter was sold, but instead spoiled him even more because he was almost stolen back then.

002 Academy

In recent years, Xia Yu has read and written, but he is not outstanding in ritual, shooting, and imperialism. On the contrary, due to some reasons in his previous life, he wrote a good handwriting. A thin gold body is even more praised by the king of Tang He kept talking, even Dahe Guoshusheng came to Chang'an to accept him as a disciple, but because of some unknown reasons, he kept silent about accepting disciples.

In addition to his good handwriting, Xia Yu also likes to make wine. It is said that every year the college master will come to him to ask for his peach blossom wine.He likes to play the flute, even though he is unparalleled in the world, he is extraordinary.

When Xia Yu was five years old, he was tested by Li Qingshan at the south gate of Haotian Road, Tang Dynasty's national teacher, and had excellent cultivation talents.Such talents and the talents of the talisman master represented by that good hand character have no mention of accepting disciples.

Until this day, the academy issued an announcement to inform the world that everyone knew why the scholars changed their minds and did not mention accepting disciples, and many monks did not mention accepting disciples.

On this day, Xia Yu prepared the peach blossom wine made before as usual, and waited for the master of the college to come and take it away.In fact, when Li Qingshan measured Xia Yu's talent a few years ago, Xia Yu himself was surprised. He thought that he would only pass ten orifices like Ning Que, but he did not expect to pass sixteen orifices.

Xia Yu also knows that no one accepts disciples, but he is not worried. He hasn't worried since he saw the Master six years ago. How can the Master not accept people who are born with him, let alone all these years. Every year, Mr. Da came to him to fetch wine. If it is an ordinary person, no matter how good the wine is, the master will not fetch it every year. Only the apprentices scheduled by the master will come in contact with the people on the second floor of the college so frequently.

Sure enough, when Mr. Da came today, he brought the words of the Master: "Your boy has been waiting for so long, and now I have also received the Little Eleven for more than a year. From now on, don’t let Li slowly go back and forth every year to ask you. I'm drunk, come to the college and stay in the mountains"

Mr. Li, who is the elder brother, said slowly, "Little brother, please go home with me if you have time today. Master is waiting for you to see you."

Xia Yu knew that after waiting for so long, he was finally about to step into the place known as the strongest. He nodded and said to Mr. Da, "Mr. Da, I will go get some good wine and send it to the master together, you Wait a moment"

But I don’t know. At this time, the master who heard Xia Yu’s words in the back of the academy laughed and cursed, "This kid, if you don’t accept him, you won’t be able to make good drinks.



There are four unknowable places in this world. In places unknown to the world, they are the second floor of the Academy, Taomen Zhishouguan, Lanke Hanging Temple, and Mozong Mountain Gate. At this time, Xia Yu came to the second floor of the Academy. floor.

Xia Yu followed Mr. Da to the Master. At this time, the Master was fishing by the river. On the table beside him, there were a few plates of snacks and some dried fruits.

"Your kid is here. Before I go to my teacher, I will ask you a question. If I don't accept you, I won't be able to drink your precious wine?" The master looked at Xia Yu

"That's for sure, but I think the master must accept me, otherwise he wouldn't drive the book saint away." Xia Yu laughed

"Who said I drove the book saint away? I told him that I will send you there in a few years." The master said to Xia Yu, "Don't you kneel down? Don't apprentice a teacher?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu knelt to the Master, this is the thickest thigh in the world, not to mention a bunch of thighs attached.

After Xia Yu knelt down, the master threw a sign to him, "Get up, you will be the twelfth master of the college from now on"

003 Academies of Beings (Part 1)

When Xia Yu stood up, he heard the voice of congratulations to the younger brother from all around, thinking that this is the brother and sister of the college.

Mr. Da is wrong, now he is a big brother, and big brother took Xia Yu to visit other people in the academy one by one.

The first to visit was Senior Sister Seven in the pavilion not far away. Senior Sister Seven was wearing a light yellow college spring dress and was chasing butterflies in the pavilion.

When Senior Sister Seven saw the big brother stand up and salute, Xia Yu hurriedly bowed to Senior Sister Seven.

The senior brother on the side asked Senior Sister Seven to get up and said to Xia Yu, "Xiao Qi's surname is Mu, pomelo, and he has carefully studied the formation. The fog that you passed through when you went up the mountain was the formation set by the former sages of the college. Responsible, but she has a temperament. Neither I nor Jun Mo have a good way to control her. In the end, the teacher said not to suppress her nature, that's all."

The big brother took him past the extremely tall old tree, and walked to the dense forest to the west. The melodious sound of the piano came from the forest. "The flute is Beigong Weiyang, the old nine is the one who plays the piano. The old ten is called Simon not confused. The two of them are from the southern islands. They are proficient in rhythm and practice music. They are quite interesting. If you are interested, you can communicate with them." The brother Ninety on the side heard the conversation between the two. When he walked over to meet his senior, Xia Yu also hurriedly saluted.

Having been in a dense forest and walking on a stone path in a mountain, Xia Yu looked at the wild flowers on both sides, and suddenly a person rushed out from the stone path to salute the senior brother. Although Xia Yu didn’t know who it was, he only wanted to come to the back mountain, but only a disciple from the school. I hurried to pay respects to my brother.

The big brother said to Xia Yu, "This is eleventh, called Wang Chi"

He also said to Senior Brother Eleven, "Eleven, Xiao Twelve is here, I will show him to meet other people, and you will come back to him to think about it."

Taking Xia Yu to the houses under the ancient tree, he said to Xia Yu after walking for a while, "Little Junior Brother, in addition to being more time-consuming and speculative, I am also good at medicine and medicine. I usually have a headache and I can come to him."

There is a stove in the house not far away, and there is a waterwheel outside the house, and white steam is permeated inside and outside the house.The water falling red iron made a sizzling sound, and the hammer falling red iron made a popping sound. The big brother and Xia Yu stood outside the threshold, looking at the brawny man, who was as delicate as a lover. Rudely playing with the fire and iron blocks.

After a long time, the noisy noise in the room finally stopped. The brawny man unbuttoned his leather apron, picked up a towel and wiped the sweat off his face at random, walked to the door, smiled honestly and said: "I am your sixth brother. "

The senior brother said to Xia Yu: "The armor and weapons made by the sixth person are unparalleled in the world. The armor currently worn by General Xu Shi is made by him. If you need this in the future, you can directly ask him. He is the most kind and kind. Don’t look at him as not talking very much, but he can do what he promises you.” He pointed to the dark corner of the house and said, “That’s your fourth brother.”

In the dark corner, there is a small sand table, beside the sand table sits a man in a blue college spring coat.The temperature in the house was extremely high, but the man actually didn't have a drop of sweat on his body, and he didn't even feel any heat. He just focused and calmly looked at the small sand table in front of him.His people are like a part of the house, it is very easy to escape the catch of the eyes, if you close your eyes, you can't even feel that he is sitting there.

004 Academy of All Beings (Part 2)

The four seniors sitting in the corner raised their heads and nodded to Xia Yu. He bowed his hands to the senior brother and regarded him as a greeting, and continued to lower his head to study his runes.

Xia Yu suddenly felt a little dull, and the big brother on the side seemed to see something and quickly brought him out, "You haven't started practicing, and you won't be able to stay in the house for long, the house is too hot."

Walking out of the small courtyard, the senior brother continued to introduce Xia Yu to the senior brothers from the academy.

"The fifth and the eighth went to play chess. Before the two of them entered the mountain, one was the national player of the Southern Jin Dynasty and the other was a court chess player of the Moon Kingdom. Brothers, but they have not forgotten the grievances and grievances of the year. As long as there is nothing wrong, they will hold the chessboard and sit on the mountain Matsushita for a few days."

The big brother said with no anger: "If you play chess and you often forget to eat, how can you remember that today is the day you started? If it weren’t for Junmo and I, we’ve been looking for them to eat in the mountains every time. I really doubt that they would vomit blood on the chessboard, then freeze to death from starvation and become two ya ghosts of Panasonic."

"The youngest is not here." The older brother continues to say to Xia Yu. "She should be still copying the lower letters in the old book building at this time. If you want to see her, you can see me. Don't ask me why she copy lower letters by the east window every day. It’s the homework given to her by the teacher."

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