Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiang Ye Chapter 19

Chen Jia stopped crying and looked up at Xia Yu

"Even if I die, I will avenge my aunt."

The tone was very firm, but Xia Yu didn't take it to heart. He continued to talk, with an unusually flat tone.

"Don't think that I will think there are too many people, or that I can't do it. Believe me, I will really kill you. There is never a lack of such people in my college."

"Don't even think about using Xiling to press me down. Years ago, there was a young teacher in my college, Ke Haoran, who single-handedly killed countless people in Xiling with a sword, entered the wasteland, and destroyed the Demon Sect. He has never been softened by killing too many people. I can too, just because I think killing people is troublesome, so I don't kill people easily, but remember, don't ignore people like me, or you will really die, just like your hapless old woman."

At this moment, in the Hanging Temple of the Moon Kingdom, a tin rod was flying towards Xia Yu, which almost spanned half a world distance in front of the tin rod in just a few seconds.

Just when the tin stick was about to hit Xia Yu, a small wooden stick appeared in front of Xia Yu and knocked the tin stick back, and everyone in the hall seemed to hear a muffled grunt.

At this time, an old but peaceful voice came from the sky.

"Let the younger generation take care of the younger generation's affairs. Are you old and immortal still wanting to beat my apprentice? Look down on me? Xiao Twelve, if the old lady Qu Ni is killed, kill him, don’t worry, the old immortal in Xuankong Temple You won’t be shot anymore."

"Xia Yu got up and bowed into the air

"I see, thank you teacher"

Among the crowd in the academy not far away, Ning Que said in a low voice when he saw Xia Yu's movements and bowed to the air.

"Ning Que met the teacher"

But no answer

Far away, where the master is

The big brother is processing a piece of mutton on a wooden table. The master is sitting at another table, seeing the big brother's movements, shook his head and said

"When it comes to things like fate and chance, no one knows what they will see or meet. It is obvious that the soup is here, and the mutton is here. It has been half an hour, and I can't eat it yet."

Hearing this, the senior brother stopped his movements and raised his head to look at the master

The master continued

"It doesn't mean that I will always be like this, and I will continue to lose and grieve. Maybe later, my first bite of lamb will be the best food I have ever eaten in my life."

The big brother continued his actions and said to the master

"Master, can't even you see the future?"

The master gave a blank look

"I can't even understand this heaven. Where else can I see the future? If I knew everything, where would I be like a bereaved dog and be in panic all day long."

Big brother smiled

"Master, why are you worried? I am the one who is worried. Besides, when you helped the Twelve Junior Brothers just now, you didn't see you were worried."

"Xiao Twelve has been walking in the world for so many years. He has his own way of doing things. In Chang'an, he is concerned about the face of the academy. He will not be so overbearing. He will be like this when he comes out of Chang'an. It is a great way to give him a face. "

The elder brother finally cut the lamb, walked to the master, and went down to the pot in front of the master.The master picked up a simple shabu and put it into his own mouth. The master looked far away and said to the master

"Master, are those from Xiling?"

The master picked up another piece of meat and said to the big brother

"The matter of dealing with Xiling will be dealt with by your twelfth junior brother and your younger junior brother. You should come to eat meat now.

"But there is still lotus in the Demon Sect Mountain Gate, Junior Brother and the others will be in danger."

"Your Junior Brother may be in danger, but there is still Xiao Twelve. He will not make your Junior Brother embarrassed."

"Maybe the younger brother was very embarrassed before, but now he is my younger brother, I won't let him be embarrassed anymore. Maybe Ayu is very strong, but he is still my younger brother, so I won't let him have an accident.

Wasteland camp a few days later

News from Xiling sent everyone to go to the previous hall again.

When Xia Yu and Shanshan came in, they saw a priest of Xiling standing beside Luo Kedi.Luo Kedi introduced to everyone

"This is the priest Cheng Lixue of Xiling. This time he brought news of Xiling."

Cheng Lixue looked at everyone and spoke slowly

"The deserted people's war has changed, and I came here specially for the commander's command."

General Yan Guo looked at Cheng Lixue and asked

"Could there be a new order?"

Cheng Lixue smiled and said a word to everyone


Then I ignored everyone’s surprised expressions and looked at Xia Yu

"Mr. Twelve, although Qu Ni has some problems with things, it was Xiling who called me to deal with the famine. You killed her now. Shouldn't you give me Xiling an explanation?"

Xia Yu saw this and knew that Xiling wanted to use himself to perform the operation and crush the rest of the people who opposed Xiling.Unfortunately, Xiling still underestimated Xia Yu.

Xia Yu looked at Cheng Lixue and smiled faintly

"Six years ago, when I first came to know my fate, I went to Taoshan and slapped your idiot three slaps, and repaid her debt of bullying my thirteen junior brothers. You Xiling only have a few gods to stop me. Now you Xiling only You sent a priest who knows the fate of you, do you still want to do something against me?"

Speaking of Xia Yu, she stood up and pressed her mind towards Cheng Lixue.The people around also felt a huge power of thought. This was the advantage of the Ming Yu Jue cultivated by Xia Yu, speeding up perception and strengthening the power of thought.It can be said that those who practice Ming Yu Jue, as long as they are not particularly inferior, can reach the point of undefeated in the same realm.

Cheng Lixue actually only felt that Xiling's killing of Qu Ni by Xia Yu didn't give Xiling face, and when he came, the head teacher also hinted that he would teach Xia Yu a lesson. Then he asked Xia Yu, who knew that Xia Yu didn't follow the routine and did it directly?

045 Dream to travel everywhere in the world

Cheng Lixue actually only felt that Xiling's killing of Qu Ni by Xia Yu didn't give Xiling face, and when he came, the head teacher also hinted that he would teach Xia Yu a lesson. Then he asked Xia Yu, who knew that Xia Yu didn't follow the routine and did it directly?

"Since you have made peace with Xiling, then the team from Xiling will go back. Shanshan, you ask the disciples of Mochiyuan to follow my Tang Guo team to visit Chang'an for a few days, so that you don't have to have a long-sighted right. You shoot."

The first sentence was for someone, and the latter sentence was for Shanshan.Xia Yu's tone is still full of indisputable. Since there is no need to fight against the deserter, he naturally has to go back and forth, but this is what Xia Yu said, which is to slap Xiling in the face again, using this to revenge Cheng Lixue's intention to attack him. , Naturally is excellent.

Cheng Lixue became even more angry when she heard Xia Yu's words, and knew that she was not Xia Yu's opponent, so she had to lead Xiling's team to prepare to return.

A few days later, the teams from all countries have already left.Ning Que drove to the depths of the wasteland on horseback alone.Xia Yu sensed Ning Que's departure, and didn't say anything, because he knew that soon, he and Shanshan would also go to the depths of the wasteland.

Shanshan and Xia Yu rode toward the north

"Prince Longqing has not appeared, I think he should already be there."

Shanshan said to Xia Yu right away

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