Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 218

The watcher is really strong. He relied on the unimaginable high way before he shot. The shot itself was so simple and straightforward, so unreasonable, because it was majestic.No reason is needed at all.It is precisely because of this that he is so strong.

The ice on the Atami Sea, the few fruit trees that are sparsely visible in the snow on the shore of Atami Lake, a few snow rabbits jumping on the snow, and the pot Xia Yu uses to stew fish soup, at the moment the mountain fell, It was crushed into silk and turned into uncut pieces.

Xia Yu was also half kneeling on the ground under the pressure of this breath, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Xia Yu, under the pressure of this powerful breath, could not stand up, nor could he raise his head to look at the viewer in front of him.

After smashing the breath of the mountain range in this way, the master watched slowly walked forward, completely ignoring Xia Yu who was kneeling on the ground at this time.

Suddenly, a black lightning flew out of the room and opened above Xia Yu's head. It was an umbrella, an umbrella that had disappeared for a long time.

The big black umbrella was originally Sangsang’s companion artifact, but it has guarded Ning Que’s safety time and time again. It stands to reason that it should be in Ning Que’s hands at this time, but it just appeared so unreasonably. The top of Xia Yu's head protected Xia Yu from bearing the breath of the mountains.

The black umbrella is as old as it was back then, and the surface of the umbrella is dusty and greasy. The surface of the umbrella that was once exposed by the Buddha's light has changed back to its original appearance at some point.The big black umbrella is called the big black umbrella because it is really big. Even if the black umbrella looks extremely small when opened, it is actually big enough to cover the entire sky.

"Since it is agreed to protect me,..., don't fall here."

Sangsang's indifferent voice came out of the room, and Xia Yu could hear that Sangsang was already weak to the extreme at this time, otherwise he wouldn't pant like this.

Xia Yu raised his hand and took the big black umbrella, and looked at the viewer who came to him.

Obviously, the viewer did not expect that such a black umbrella would suddenly appear, saving Xia Yu who was already unable to stop him.

This mountain range is a means of observing the subject. When he came here and saw Xia Yu, he made up his mind to use this mountain range to overwhelm Xia Yu.

Because the subject understands that if you really fight with Xia Yu, you can’t simply finish it in a short time. By that time, Xia Yu will definitely be able to support Li’s arrival slowly. So, it’s better to start slower, delay, and use this. The mountain attacked Xia Yu.

This is the reason why the subject has been dragging time when he comes here.

The watcher raised his hand again and slammed it down.

The whole sky abandoned mountain range, breaking through the blue sky, rolling over the cold lake, under the huge mountain, the big black umbrella looked like an inconspicuous black spot.

Countless smoke and dust sprayed towards the sky and the wasteland of the four wilds, and countless stones, like ten thousand feather arrows, cut countless marks in the sky, and the whole world began to shake.

The green trees in the mountains have been crushed into powder, the ice surface of the Atmosphere has been crushed, and the remaining ice slag and the scaleless fish on the bottom of the lake are all melted with the soil and rock. We can only wait for countless years later. Was discovered.

The Master Viewer stood in front of Xia Yu, his face pale, and his right hand trembling slightly, his Tsing Yi also trembled, rippling ripples, as soft as water.

Carrying the entire Tianqi Mountain, two consecutive such earth-shattering attacks, even him, will have to pay a great price.

The observer was very clear that the attack he had spent a long time planning would have severely injured her, so Xia Yu, who was under the big black umbrella, was naturally unavoidable.Even if the big black umbrella was a piece torn from the dark night before she came to the world, it was used to protect her fragile real body in the world, but it still couldn't block the entire Tiangui Mountain.

The subject was right, Xia Yu was seriously injured at this time, but Sangsang was fine.

The house Sangsang stayed in had been crushed into powder, and Sangsang was carried out by Xia Yu as early as the second time when the master smashed it down Tianqi Mountain.

At this time, the viewer noticed Sangsang's abdomen.

His face looked a little ugly, as if he had been humiliated by some blow.

It is also true that Haotian's incarnation is pregnant in the world, and the child's father is still a disciple of the Dao Sect's rival college, which is unacceptable by the master.

Haotian was chosen by them for the world, as if they were created by them. Even if Haotian has awakened his humanity at this time, the master decided to abolish Haotian, but it does not mean that other people in this world can blaspheme Haotian in this way. day.

Therefore, the observer is very angry, and his angry performance is that the attack is more fierce.

Xia Yu didn't give up resistance under Guanzhu's offensive. Even at this time, he was seriously injured, and he couldn't even drive here without distance.

The watcher looked at him and said

"Do you think you can escape?"

Since he couldn't fight and didn't give up, he wanted to escape, but now Xia Yu can really escape with such a Sangsang.

Xia Yu was waiting and procrastinating. He knew that it was difficult for him to escape from the hands of the Lord at this time, but he believed that someone would definitely help him.

He was originally behind Guanzhu, and now, Guanzhu has issued such a shocking attack, so he will definitely come here.

Xia Yu firmly believed that, just like many years ago, Ning Que firmly believed that he and the big brother would definitely appear.

There was a wind rising from the cliff, the watcher's expression changed slightly, and he fluttered in front of Xia Yu in an instant. He pointed to his chest, and his fingertips were exactly the center of Sangsang's eyebrows.

A wooden stick suddenly appeared in front of his finger.

When Xia Yu saw the stick appear, he let out a long sigh. He knew that the man who could save himself, his big brother was coming.

That stick is very ordinary, not a precious wood, but it is the most precious thing in the academy.Because the original owner of this stick is very important to everyone in the academy, and the current owner takes good care of everyone in the academy.

This wooden stick is very strong, even if the person holding it is not as strong as the original owner, it is still very strong, because it originally appeared for great talents, it is the ring stick of the academy.

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When the watcher waved his hand, there would be mountains and rivers.

But this stick can block his finger well.

A clearly visible ripple of the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth spread to the surroundings. The cliffs that it touched were broken again, and the hard rocks it touched were flying again. In the remaining forest, there was another strong wind.

A scholar wearing a padded jacket appeared at the place where the wooden stick disappeared. The padded jacket on his body was already very worn out because of the journey during this period. At this time, there was a little spark. It can be imagined that he is feeling Xia Yu At the moment of breath, he rushed at full speed, and the speed caused the clothes to be burned by friction.

The Master was not surprised when he saw the arrival of the big brother, because during this time, the big brother was chasing him.Therefore, the appearance of the big brothers here is entirely expected.

The watcher quietly looked at the big brother, raised his foot and took a step forward.

The senior brother raised the wooden stick across his eyebrows, this is the respect of the second senior brother.

The big brother used to be the slowest person in the world. He is a powerful person who can't fight. However, forced by the world to learn to fight and kill, and even after that day, he knows everything. The ability to fight.

With the stick placed in front of the eyebrows, the subject cannot move forward.

The big brother looked at the master and said calmly


This is for Xia Yu. At this time, Xia Yu is already seriously injured. He can't join hands with the master to deal with the Lord. What's more, after the big brother, there is another alcoholic who also followed in the footsteps of the two. .

The drunkard’s hatred of the academy is not light, he is not sure about dealing with the big brother, so he will not shoot, but at this time Xia Yu is completely a soft persimmon, anyone can pinch a hand.

Xia Yu looked at the back of the big brother, naturally knowing that this was the best decision at this time. He took Sangsang to leave as soon as possible. Today, he is seriously injured. Even if he can be far away, he can only reach the nearest Ming. City, and still can't take care of the people around him when he is in the distance, but even if Sangsang is very weak now, he will not be hurt by the turbulent flow of vitality in the door of the distance.

But, yes, the above is indeed the best way, but there is still a but.

Sangsang was already close to giving birth at this time. If an ordinary pregnant woman should have given birth long ago, it would have been difficult for Sangsang to persist with the body of a celestial woman.

Therefore, Xia Yu really can't leave at this time, only looking at the back of the big brother and shouting unwillingly

"Brother, help me hold off for a while, Sangsang is about to give birth and can't leave."

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