Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 227

That night, Chao Xiaoshu came to the old pen house, and Ning Que followed him to kill with a knife on his back. After the two killed, Sangsang made a bowl of omelette noodles for them all.

It is a pity that at this time, there is no one here anymore, and the person who gave his life to Ning Que back then is also gone.

The second brother Chao of the Chang'an Yulong Gang is no longer there, and no longer will someone whisper the little boss to Ning Que, nor will someone hold a Qinggang sword and resign with King Tang.

The head of the house by the Yanming Lake in Chang'an is still named Chao Xiaoshu, and the help of the Yulong Gang is still Chao Xiaoshu, even though he has already said that he is no longer the leader.

Standing at the door of the calligraphy and painting shop, Ning Que sighed a long sigh. He knew the plan towards Xiaoshu and the Academy. However, when Xiaoshu died, he could not stop him. If it is now, he might still Happy to let Sangsang save him, yes, it's too late.

In fact, the calligraphy and painting shop in this small town is not without people. There are still two people in it. They are the disciples of the second brother. The two youngest disciples in the academy today are Zhang San and Li Si.

They came here with Chao Xiaoshu in order to kill alcoholics or butchers.The butcher died, and Chao Xiaoshu also passed away, but they did not leave. They did not take action in the battle with the butcher.

Today, Chao Xiaoshu is gone, they are still here, because the alcoholic also needs a person to watch.

After the death of the butcher, the alcoholic always wanted to attack the college, but he himself hid and never returned here. However, Zhang San and everyone thought that the alcoholic would return, and by then, he would need to go alone. Tell the college that the alcoholic is here.So two people stayed.

Sangsang led the big black horse to the front of the shop, Zhang San was opening the store door.Zhang San and Li Si saw Ning Que and Sangsang, and naturally they also knew the identity of Sangsang.

As a result, his complexion turned pale instantly, panicked, and uneasy to the extreme. Seeing the two pink and jade-shaped children beside the saddle, he was a little confused.

Sangsang looked at the two people, thought about it, and said

"This is your junior brother and junior sister."

There is a third generation in the back mountain of the academy. The master sister is Situ Yilan, followed by Xiaotang, Lin Wan'er, Xiao Yao, Tang Xiao, Su Ling, and then Zhang San and Li Si, the son and daughter of Ning Que, of course. It is the little brother and the little sister.

189 town (middle)

Since it was the younger brother and younger sister, Sangsang naturally admitted the relationship between himself and Ning Que. In other words, Sangsang was gradually accepting the matter of becoming a human being.

Listening to this title, Zhang San and Li Si finally woke up, and they stepped forward to salute Sangsang and Ning Que.

"I have seen Little Master Uncle and Little Master Aunt."

Ning nodded without saying anything, and walked into the store with Sangsang.

From the capital to the small town, the distance is not far, the green lion and the black horse are as fast as lightning, the twilight has already faded, the night is coming, the town is dead, only the paintings and calligraphy shops are lit.

Although there is only such a shop and there are only so few people, everyone still needs to eat.

Zhang San and Li Si were very courageous. When Ye Qing died, they were the two who went to Taoshan together.

At that time, the two of them dared to chop off the master's head with a kitchen knife.Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to keep shouting the three words "Little Master".

However, when the chef Sangsang himself made a few small dishes and served a few bowls of clear noodle soup, he was still a little uncomfortable and even panicked.

Sangsang is indeed Ning Que's wife, but she is still Haotian.Who dares to eat the food that Haotian cooks, and who is qualified to eat it?

Ning Que saw the panic of the two, smiled, and said

"You master, uncle, and aunt have all eaten, and you have eaten more than one meal."

What Ning Que was telling was the truth. When Ning Que and Sangsang lived in the back mountain, it was Sangsang's chef.But even so, Zhang San and Li Si did not dare to move the food on the table.

In the end, Ning Que couldn't stand it anymore, and asked questions.

"Is she still here?"

Zhang San and Li Si are the people who stayed here with Ji Chao Xiaoshu, and they naturally knew Chao Xiaoshu's purpose here.Then naturally he knew who Ning Que was asking now.

In fact, there are not only books spreading out in the small town, but also a wine shop.

The owner of the wine shop is a young and beautiful widow. She has no relatives and no relatives. At least after she has been humiliated and bullied, she has no caring people.In this world, a woman selling wine on the street has never been a good talk like tofu Xishi.

Moreover, this small town is a place where alcoholics and butchers live in seclusion. Where there are butchers, there is only one butcher shop. Then, where there are alcoholics, how can it be easy to run the only wine shop?

Sangsang and Ning Que came to the door of the wine shop. The children were not left in the calligraphy and painting shop by them. Even if it was always bad to bring the children in the battle, they still took the children by their side.

It's not that I can't believe in Zhang San and Li Si, but I just want to keep them with them.

Maybe there are some worries.After all, once the war really starts, the calligraphy and painting shops are not safe, at least not safe by their own side.

Sangsang looked at the owner of the wine shop, the young widow, and spoke lightly.

"Kill you, he may be very painful, although it is only a temporary emotion, but I still decided to kill you."

Sang Sang Ming knew that the life and death of this woman was not as uncomfortable as the butcher's death for the alcoholic, but she still wanted to do it because she was angry.

She wants revenge, she wants to vent.

Because the alcoholic wanted to kill her before.A humble creature that was indistinguishable from a dog in her eyes wanted to kill her, which made her feel angry and ashamed.Therefore, she became angry.

The beautiful woman was frightened, her face was pale, she didn't know what she was talking about, but for some reason, she vaguely guessed who she was talking about, because she had been with him for many years.

The location of this town was a very dangerous place during the war. The entire town had left, but she did not leave because it was an alcoholic.She believes that the alcoholic will return here and take her away from here.

In fact, Sangsang is still very weak at this time, but to kill an ordinary person, just use a little bit of thought power.Even though Sangsang was weak, he was still Haotian's clone at this time. Haotian's thought power, even when it was thin, could crush an ordinary person in an instant.

At this time, the drinker and Xia Yu were still drinking wine by the Atami River. Both knew that only after Ning Que and Sangsang really returned to Chang'an could they stop drinking.

When Sangsang and Ning Que did not return to Chang'an, Xia Yu would not let the alcoholic leave, and the alcoholic would not help the two as Xia Yu.The silent agreement between the two people, the tacit understanding between them only exists between the two of them, so in fact, what can change this at this time is the battle between the big brother and the master.

However, over there, Guanzhu wanted to leave the side of the master, and the senior brother did not want to leave, and he was still in Jiaozuo.

At this time, the two of them were still sitting by the fire as before, eating roasted snow rabbits or roasted peony fish.Drinking the wine in the jug, sometimes you drink your own, sometimes you switch to each other. After all, if you keep drinking a kind of wine, you will get tired.

They were all waiting. When they were waiting, they did the same thing, but they were all good drinkers, so they drank.

Suddenly, the wine jug placed by the drinker's mouth stood still, he stood up abruptly and looked in the southeast.

There was Song State’s direction. Xia Yu made a simple judgment and knew that the drinker was looking at Song State, but what about Song State?

Xia Yu suddenly remembered that the place where the drunkard and the butcher used to live in seclusion was a small town in the southwest of the Song Dynasty, and now there are still two people in the third generation of the academy guarding them.

So, what is the reason why alcoholics look there at this time?

The butcher is dead, and the alcoholic has left there for many years. There shouldn't be anything to do with the alcoholic.

Xia Yu remembered a piece of news that he had seen in Houshan earlier, that there was one and only one wine shop in that small town.It must be very profitable to open a wine shop in front of alcoholics. After all, alcoholics are not happy without alcohol.However, alcoholic money is not so easy to make, so the wine shop is not easy.

Xia Yu thought of this and stood up and looked there.

Xia Yu and the drunkard are both masters at no distance. It is theoretically possible to look at any one in the world from the shore of Atami Lake, as long as there is no more powerful person to shield their perception.

At this time, Xia Yu saw Sangsang standing outside the wine shop in the small town. It seemed that he wanted to kill the owner of the wine shop?The owner of the wine shop turned out to be a woman. Xia Yu understood what it is like for a woman to show her face in today's society.So, what makes a woman open a wine shop that doesn't make money?And still in a small town where there are alcoholics.

I want to come, only love.So, this love must also be related to alcoholics.

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