Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 242

"I want to leave."

She is the third senior sister with the highest rank and the strongest combat strength in the academy at this time. At this moment when the decisive battle is about to begin, she suddenly said that she is leaving.

What a ridiculous thing this is.But at this time, none of the colleagues expressed dissent, because they all guessed something and their expressions changed.

Brother Si said hesitantly

"Ayu should be near there, right?"

With Xia Yu, you don’t have to worry about Sister Third and let yourself take risks. This is what Senior Brother Si meant. As one of the top people in the academy, Senior Sister Fourth can guess some of the decisions made by Senior Sister Third.

Sister San shook her head

"No, although I don't know what happened before, Ayu may also be injured at this time, or even very serious, otherwise, the brother would not make such a choice."

Then, a fierce look flashed across the tender face of Senior Sister San, and she opened her small mouth and took a deep breath.

There was a strong wind on the cliff.

Senior Sister San's chest bulged, her face turned pale, without a trace of blood, her eyes became brighter, and a trace of blood began to ooze from the corners of her eyes.The whole person became very scary.

It wasn't the wind that had hung up before, but the breath of the whole Taoshan. At this time, the breath that accompanied the third senior sister's breath was poured into his body.

Ye Hongyu turned and looked towards the cliff with a drunk expression, thinking that even if you are a cicada for twenty-three years and your body is as solid as a rock, how can you absorb so much breath of heaven and earth in such a short time?

The vitality of heaven and earth is still entering the body of the third sister, she did not stop, but kept on.

The conflict between the horror and the aura pierced the corner of her eyes, and also shattered her ponytail.The soft black hair kept flying behind the head of the third sister.

The black hair didn't fall until the wind stopped.

It was not until this time that people discovered that the black hair of the third senior sister was constantly growing, but the ends of her hair remained on the back knees of the third senior sister.

It turned out that it wasn't just the hair that grew longer, but Senior Sister San was all growing up.

The childishness gradually receded, but the breath gradually rose.

After just a few breaths, the third elder sister grew from an immature girl to a mature girl.

When Hai saw this scene, his expression became extremely dignified. As a trusted subordinate of the observer, he naturally saw the Tianshusha scroll a long time ago.Now that he has seen this sand scroll that records the world's exercises, he will naturally know that many cultivating schools in the world have secret methods.

Dao Sect actually has a secret method similar to burning life to gain great power, but he never knew what kind of secret method would allow a person to pass through the long years.

If Xia Yu or Ning Que, who had been the master of the Demon Sect, were here at this time, he would know what kind of exercise the third senior sister used.

Xia Yu is the Sect Master of the Demon Sect, so he will naturally know the secrets of this Demon Sect.

And Ning Que, when he was fighting against Xiahou on the bank of Yanming Lake many years ago, witnessed him being several decades old. What's more, there was this lotus consciousness fragment in his mind.

The third elder sister instantly lost ten years, turning those years, or life, into strength.

Fortunately, there is no long white hair in the world.The third elder sister was originally a childish girl. Ten years later, she had only become a woman with a gentle expression and a bitter eyebrow.

Senior Sister San lifted her head into the air.

Xiaotang understood her movement and handed the iron rod in her hand.

This iron rod was not a stick, but a knife. It was the treasure of the Demon Sect. The weapon of the town was the only item of the Demon Sect that the Third Senior Sister did not give to Xia Yu.

She held the two ends of the iron rod with her hands, and slowly passed by, the sharpness slowly reappeared, and the cold light was radiant.

At this time, another north wind blew, and the third sister disappeared when the north wind started.

From the cliff to the temple, there is a road paved with bluestone.Countless cracks appeared on this bluestone trail at this time.

Before the third sister came to the temple, came to the gods.

In front of the gods is the sea, his hands lit the blazing flame, with a solemn expression, he patted her down.

This palm was heavy, but she was not in the eyes of the third sister. At this time, she was in a hurry.

The third elder sister slammed into the sea of ​​flames, her speed was very fast, and she seemed to be about to deform when she reached the space, the burning Haotian Shenhui brought out two flames.It seemed that the wings of a firebird were following the third sister.

This is the wings of the cicada, and the wings of the cicada are the world of the third sister.

There was darkness in front of the temple, and even the brilliance of the palm teaching god could not illuminate it, but it was illuminated by her at this time.

There was a dull sound, huge and heavy.

It's like a huge meteorite falling from the sky, flying for more than a hundred days, passing through the sea of ​​clouds, directly cutting through the earth.

Cracks appeared in the ground.How can people be spared?

The sea shattered directly, shattered into countless flesh and blood, and turned into blue smoke slowly rising in the flames of Haotian's divine glory, perhaps this is also an alternative to Haotian.

Haotian Divine Hui's flame was emitted by the sea, but after he died, it did not disappear, but burned his body completely, which was enough to see how fast Senior Sister San was at this time.

Frightened emotions enveloped the cliff in front of the temple. The priest from the South China Sea wanted to shout. The pale Xiaoyu, with weak legs, was about to sit down, but nothing happened yet.

The third elder sister had already entered the huge god, and the radiant light suddenly shook.

Afterwards, a roar was heard from the gods, the roar of Xiong Chumo, the teacher of Xiling Zhang.This is an angry roar.Xiling Master Xiong Chumo, even if he no longer has the mind to fight, he will remain vigilant when facing the people in the academy, not to mention that there is still his deadly opponent among the people in the academy.

The moment Senior Sister San entered into the gods, he had already begun to communicate the vitality between heaven and earth.

The prevalence of Protestantism has the most direct weakening of Haotian on earth. Although Haotian in the kingdom of God has become much weaker, as a Haotian believer, his perception of the vitality of heaven and earth is still the same, and his aura is still still That majestic.

The gods roared and roared again and again, the battle in it never stopped, and outsiders didn't understand what happened in it.

Until, the gods suddenly became fans, and the dust was also collected, revealing the real scene between appearances.

Senior Sister San stood there with blood on the corner of her mouth, while Xiong Chumo was standing opposite her, but no wounds could be seen on her body.

This is the first time that many priests of the Xiling Temple have seen the true face of the head teacher. The skinny, dwarf clown and humble old Taoist surprised them, but what they want to know now is the outcome of this battle.

The third elder sister turned around, and Xiong Chumo's body began to have sharp edges, first one, then the second, and the third.

The breath of death splattered, his Taoist robe was shattered, and countless cutting edges appeared in depth or shallowness. In the end, it was densely packed, uncountable, and there were many ways.

Even so, Xiong Chumo did not die, he fell to his knees, covered in blood.

Looking at the figure of the woman who was going away, she was holding her chest in pain, feeling that the heart that was cut into petals by the knife was shattering, her eyes were filled with despair and puzzlement.


Yes, why? Not only Xiong Chumo wanted to ask, but many people in Xiling wanted to ask.

What happened before?

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